And Ann Coulter perfectly explains what is happening....

Now why don't you boys get together and sew Donald Trump's mouth shut. Then he might have a faint chance. A few more comments, and even Texas will go blue.
Hillary has no chance whatsoever. She has Parkinson's disease.

Isn't that what Martin Shkreli claims? :laugh:
"Shkreli, the poster boy for outrageous drug price hikes, has been hit with an additional criminal charge of conspiracy to commit securities fraud, stemming from Shkreli's tenure as CEO of the biopharma company Retrophin (RTRX) from 2012 to 2014. He and his alleged accomplice, lawyer Evan Greebel, are accused of deceiving investors about the buying and selling of Retrophin securities.
They each face a total of eight counts of fraud, and conspiracy to commit fraud charges."
Martin Shkreli is hit with a new charge, pleads not guilty
Ahhh, Bripat, the gift that keeps on giving,,,,,laughts! :2up:

Insults - the only defense libs have. Did you forget to mention that he is racist?

Hey Norm, your post makes zero sense. :disbelief: And who's a racist? :dunno:

Of course, it wasn't an insult so you wouldn't even understand it.

What I was getting is that, just pointing out that this man is a scam artist does not mean he is wrong or right for that matter.
You ever hear the term "If it bleeds it leads"? The only agenda the media has is to make money so they are going to lead with whatever people are talking about most. Your Mr. Trump has deliberately made himself a lurid public spectacle. You like when he says things that get the liberals mad but don't like the media attention it naturally receives? He picks fights with babies for Christ's sake. He could stop saying stupid inflammatory'm afraid you are stuck with the greatest, most amusing gaffe machine any of us have ever seen.

Wrong....leftism is the only thing that comes before making money...because they could make even more money covering the clinton foundation and all of hilary's scandals.....but they don't....
Is that old tranny complaining that people are being mean to Donald? S/he cashed in on the genre, kind of hypocritical to be reversing hirmself now!

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