And now, the TRUTH: Archer's actual testimony--Hunter may have sold sizzle, but no steak.

When was that picture taken?


On his visit to Saudi Arabia last year, President Biden succeeded in convincing it to open its airspace to Israeli civilian overflights, drastically shortening flight time for Israelis traveling to East Asia. He can now lay the groundwork for an eventual normalization deal by securing the lifting of restrictions on commerce, trade, and travel between the two countries.

When was that picture taken?


On his visit to Saudi Arabia last year, President Biden succeeded in convincing it to open its airspace to Israeli civilian overflights, drastically shortening flight time for Israelis traveling to East Asia. He can now lay the groundwork for an eventual normalization deal by securing the lifting of restrictions on commerce, trade, and travel between the two countries.

Um, no. He went there to beg for oil and they spit in his corrupt face. Did you forget so soon? Your memory is terrible.
every potus in recent history has loved saudis including biden,,

so jarred doing a 2 billion dollar deal with the saudis after leaving the whitehouse is bad,, but hunter doing a 2 billion dollar deal with china while joe was still in the whitehouse is good??

See how easily you lie? Hunter had no 2 billion dollar deal.

Do you know how much 2 billion dollars is? 2000 million dollars. The Saudi's gave Jared, and Trump, 2000 million dollars.

Meanwhile you're crying because Hunter had a $1 million dollar a year salary.

You're fishing to catch Hunter doing ANYTHING wrong and Trump did it right in your face, and you don't care. So fucking obvious.
Keep spewing your talking points little propagandist. If there was one one thousandth the shit coming out that was involving Trump or his kids you brainless toads would be calling for a noose.

So go fuck yourself bootlicker.

You talk shit, but you don't prove shit.

I got bad news for you.

I regret to inform you that Trump is a thrice indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

I know it must suck to know your guy is a crook, but you really should think about voting for a decent human being, and a decent human being, Trump ain't --- something about fornicating with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth tells us who he really is.
jarred doing business bad,, hunter doing business good,,

Don't speculate that Jared's deal is shady but speculate about Hunter. Dig for dirt on Hunter and ignore Jared when it's right in your face obvious.

You are looking to find out that China gave Hunter money. Well, the Saudi's ave Jared money. So what if China gave money to Hunter? Wouldn't that concern also apply to the Saudi's?
Of course the Chinese are so stupid they can’t figure out that giving Hunter millions of dollars will not buy Joe’s influence. Plus they keep doing just that over and over again hoping it will finally pay off.

The Chinese are a lot smarter than that.

The salient fact is there is no evidence Joe received any money.

The salient fact is as follows:

I regret to inform you that Trump is a thrice indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.
See how easily you lie? Hunter had no 2 billion dollar deal.

Do you know how much 2 billion dollars is? 2000 million dollars. The Saudi's gave Jared, and Trump, 2000 million dollars.

Meanwhile you're crying because Hunter had a $1 million dollar a year salary.

You're fishing to catch Hunter doing ANYTHING wrong and Trump did it right in your face, and you don't care. So fucking obvious.
in honesty I watched a big thing on jarreds business way back when obama first got into office that tallked about his company and what they did,, from that point on I didnt like the guy,, now due to your meltdown issue I cant find a thing,,
fact remains he was an investment guy for yrs before the whitehouse so it makes sense he went back to doing what he did before,,

but hunter had zero experience when joe flew him on airforce two while he was still in office to sign the exact same kind of deal jarred signed with one exception,, hunter was to buy american tech firms that specialized in military tech,,

so guess which one I have a problem with??
Don't speculate that Jared's deal is shady but speculate about Hunter. Dig for dirt on Hunter and ignore Jared when it's right in your face obvious.

You are looking to find out that China gave Hunter money. Well, the Saudi's ave Jared money. So what if China gave money to Hunter? Wouldn't that concern also apply to the Saudi's?
we know china gave hunter money,,

You talk shit, but you don't prove shit.

I got bad news for you.

I regret to inform you that Trump is a thrice indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

I know it must suck to know your guy is a crook, but you really should think about voting for a decent human being, and a decent human being, Trump ain't --- something about fornicating with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth tells us who he really is.

Big whoop. Corrupt lawyers, doing corrupt things.

They will lose.
We now have the transcripts of Archer's testimony, here.

Starting on page 102 of the Hearing involving Devon Archer's testimony: Lines staring
with the letter A, (for Answer) are Archer's testimony/answers to questions which are the heart of what this hearing is all about, whether or not any real access was 'sold', or whether or not foreign policy was affected by Hunter's presence on the board of Burisma, or whether or not Joe Biden benefited, financially, from Hunter Biden's presence on the Board, or whether or not Archer was aware of any wrongdoing by Joe Biden, etc.

On the issue of the 'Joe calling in on speakerphone" on page 41, Archer states:

I think you have to understand that there was no business conversation about a cap table or a fee or anything like that. It was, you know, just general niceties and, you know, conversation in general, you know, about the geography, about the weather, whatever it may be.

I'm sorry to report to you Republicans, but, although it is clear that Hunter leveraged his dad's 'Brand', he did it entirely independently of his father, and the calls from Joe did not prove Joe involved himself in his son's deals, it seems clear to me that this is Hunter just showing off to his associates who is father is, and the spectacle of having the Vice President of the United States 'call in'.

In short, Hunter sold sizzle, but no steak.

Is that illegal? he can allude to steak, i.e.,, the 'illusion of access' as it was referred to in another thread, but I don't think that is illegal. And if it is, I don't care because there is NOTHING on Joe here that proves any wrongdoing.

Hunter is a private citizen, and that's the end of it..

The worst you got on Hunter is a FARA violation. But FARA violations are not proof of corruption, it's a process crime.

Transcript, starting on page 102, noting that Biden's getting Ukraine to fire Shokin, that issue was dealt with, towards the end of this OP,

Q At the conclusion of that investigation, Senate minority staff issued a report summarizing the findings. And I'd like to read those for you.

"Every witness interviewed for this investigation testified that Vice President Biden did not alter United States foreign policy to benefit his son Hunter Biden, and that Hunter Biden's presence on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma had no effect on U.S. foreign policy. Every witness stated that Hunter Biden and his associates had no role in the formulation of U.S. policy, that Hunter Biden's role did not influence U.S. foreign policy decisions, and that Vice President Biden carried out U.S. foreign policy in the interest of the United States. The investigation's evidence, set forth in this Minority report, confirms there was no corruption, wrongdoing, or impropriety on the part of" the Vice President."

Having read that for you, I have a few questions for you based on your own knowledge and experience. So based on your own knowledge and experience -- your relationship with Hunter Biden, your time on Burisma's board, and the entirety of your knowledge and experience -- do you have any basis to disagree with the conclusion that, quote, "Vice President Biden did not alter U.S. foreign policy to benefit his son Hunter Biden"?

A I have no basis to know if he altered. I have no basis to know if he altered policy to benefit his son.

Q So you have no knowledge --

A I have no knowledge. Sorry.

Q -- of him --

A Yes, I have no knowledge.

Q -- altering U.S. policy to benefit his son.

A I have no knowledge.

Q You -- do you have any basis to disagree with the conclusion that "Hunter Biden's presence on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma had no effect on U.S. foreign policy"?

A Not directly. You mean like making laws? I don't -- I don't think so.

Mr. Goldman. Foreign policy.

Mr. Archer. No -- no -- no on foreign policy.

Q No basis to disagree with that conclusion.

A No.

Q Do you have any basis to disagree with the conclusion that "Hunter Biden's role did not influence U.S. foreign policy decisions"?

A I have -- yeah, I have no basis.

Q Do you have any basis to disagree with the conclusion that "Vice President Biden carried out U.S. foreign policy in the interest of the United States"?

A I have no basis to judge.

Q Or to disagree with that.

A Or disagree.

Q You have no knowledge -- nothing based on your knowledge or experience contradicts this conclusion.

A No.

Q Does anything in your knowledge or experience contradict the conclusion that "there was no corruption, wrongdoing, or impropriety on the part of Vice President Biden"?

A I have no basis to know.

Q The report also found, quote, "No --"

Mr. Goldman. I'm sorry. You have no basis to know or is that a no?

Mr. Archer. I have -- I have -- I would have no idea.

Mr. Goldman. No basis --

Mr. Schwartz. Are you aware of any wrongdoing by Vice President Biden?

Mr. Archer. No, I'm not aware of any.

Q So based on your knowledge and experience, you have no evidence that would contradict any of these conclusions I just read.

A No.

Q The report also found, quote, "No evidence that any action of the U.S. Government or any U.S. official was taken to benefit Burisma or Hunter Biden." Do you have any evidence or knowledge that contradicts this conclusion?

A No.

Q So based on everything you saw, heard, and observed, did you have any knowledge of Joe Biden having any involvement with Burisma?

A No -- not direct, no.

Q No involvement of Joe --

A No.

And on the issue of Biden getting Ukraine to fire Shokin:

Q And so this goes to this idea that Shokin, who was prosecutor general in 24 2015, was good for Burisma.

A Uh-huh.

Q Is that fair? Now, Vice President Biden was vocal about his concerns about corruption in the prosecutor general's office in Ukraine during this time period.

A Correct.

Q And called for the removal of Shokin from office. Is that correct?

A Yes. That was very well publicized.

Q Okay. And the Senate minority report, which I referenced earlier, described how Vice President's public calls for the Ukrainian Government to remove Shokin as prosecutor general was part of an anticorruption policy of the U.S. Government with broad bipartisan support, as well as support from allies and international institutions like the EU and the International Monetary Fund. Do you agree with that conclusion?

A Sorry. Can you repeat that?

Q Yeah. The Vice President's public calls for the removal of Shokin was part of this broad bipartisan, international anticorruption effort in Ukraine.

A Yes, I believe that was -- that was part of the conversation.

Q so do you have any basis to believe that Vice President Biden's call for
Shokin's removal was driven by anything other than the U.S. Government's anticorruption
policy in Ukraine?

A Yeah, I have no -- I have no other -- I have no proof or thought that he fired him for that reason.

Q You have no reason to believe otherwise?

A I have no reason to believe.

Sorry, there simply is no wrongdoing evidenced in this testimony regarding our president, Joe Biden. I look forward to Hunter's testimony. I'm confident it will be similar, and all you Republicans, for all the accusations, 'Biden Crime Family" Bribed Joe this, Bribed Joe that, all of you will have a tank load of EGG on your faces.

In truth, what is really going on here is a massive witch hunt in order to thwart attention away from Trump's indictments, and he will have a total of 4, no doubt, very soon. I can't help that your guy is a real criminal and ours is not, perhaps you should vote for a decent human being instead of a crook.

That's on you.

Right! Ukraine is corruption free since Shokin was fired!
See how easily you lie? Hunter had no 2 billion dollar deal.

Do you know how much 2 billion dollars is? 2000 million dollars. The Saudi's gave Jared, and Trump, 2000 million dollars.

Meanwhile you're crying because Hunter had a $1 million dollar a year salary.

You're fishing to catch Hunter doing ANYTHING wrong and Trump did it right in your face, and you don't care. So fucking obvious.

Jared only got 1% for a lot of work on very big and legal deals.
In comparison, Hunter did absolutely nothing legal, and was the bagman for billions of dollars illegally transferred between Kyiv and DC.
The military who took over in the Ukraine were entirely illegal.
The whole Maidan insurgency was illegal.
It was Hunter Biden who made all those illegal deals.
What Hunter did resulted in the murder of over 30,000 ethnic Russian native Ukrainians then, and many more later.
The Ukraine would never have forced the war on Russia unless people like Hunter had illegally bribed them and make assurances of illegal US weapons.
You talk shit, but you don't prove shit.

I got bad news for you.

I regret to inform you that Trump is a thrice indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

I know it must suck to know your guy is a crook, but you really should think about voting for a decent human being, and a decent human being, Trump ain't --- something about fornicating with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth tells us who he really is.

Trump is sleazy and may well be a crook, but these indictments, as well as the impeachments, are totally bogus and vastly more criminal than anything Trump ever considered doing.
While Trump never actually considered "insurrection", clearly that is exactly what these bogus charges against Trump are. They are attempts to first nullify the 2016 election, and then to prevent the 2024 election.
I have never seen anything as criminal as these bogus indictments.
They could easily cause, and deserve, and armed response.
Don't speculate that Jared's deal is shady but speculate about Hunter. Dig for dirt on Hunter and ignore Jared when it's right in your face obvious.

You are looking to find out that China gave Hunter money. Well, the Saudi's gave Jared money. So what if China gave money to Hunter? Wouldn't that concern also apply to the Saudi's?

The Saudi's legally gave Jared money in return for him working out deals with Israel, the US, and other countries for them.
There are lots of signed treaties and contracts proving his work.
In contrast, Hunter did nothing but transfer illegal bribes back and forth between the DC and the Kyiv.
There is not a single trace of what Hunter did because it was all illegal.
The salient fact is there is no evidence Joe received any money.

The salient fact is as follows:

I regret to inform you that Trump is a thrice indicted, sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America, and by these facts, is the worst president in history.

If Joe received no money, then why did he illegally violate our promises to Gorbachev, and get the Ukraine to illegally violate their treaties with Russia?
Joe deliberately violated dozens of laws in order to risk WWIII and nuclear annihilation of the US.
If that was not due to payoffs, then why did he do it?
It not only was criminal, but the stupidest thing I have ever seen.
The US gained absolutely nothing by paying off the Ukraine with cash and weapons.

And since Hunter has absolutely nothing at all to show for all the millions he was paid, then obviously those payments were illegal kickbacks.

As for Trump, he may well be a conman, but he clearly never did anything illegal, and all the impeachments and indictments show that those who created them are criminals, not Trump.
And in fact, Trump was one of the better presidents, since he started no illegal wars that murdered innocents.
He also wasted less money on the military than most US presidents.
we know china gave hunter money,,

Well we know the Saudi's gave Jared money. We just don't know why. If Trump wasn't president no way the prince would have invested with Jared

The only history I know about the Kushner's is the father went to jail. Like Trump he's a criminal.
Well we know the Saudi's gave Jared money. We just don't know why. If Trump wasn't president no way the prince would have invested with Jared

The only history I know about the Kushner's is the father went to jail. Like Trump he's a criminal.
we also know jared was in the investment business before going to the whitehouse so it only makes sense he went back to what he did before,,,

hunter on the otherhand had no history in investments and we also know for a fact joe flew him on airforce two to china to get the 2 billion dollar deal to buy american tech firms that specialized in military tech,, while joe was still in office,, not after,,

of course everyone that leaves the whitehouse always gets the best deals and some of them like joes at the university of penn were a no show gig that got him tens of thousand s of dollars a yr,,

so in jerads case youre going to have to come up with something to back up wrong doing other than your feelings

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