And so it continues, unabated, by the self proclaimed Emperor!

You asshats are the ones calling him a dictator and have been shown you are morons whenever you say that.......

I don't think he's either, so far our Constitution protects us from his authoritarian leanings. He thinks the AG is his personal attorney, has no problems withholding congressional approved funds to extort a foreign country to help him out in his reelection, appears to like strongmen (daddy issues?) and is documented as telling more lies than any other previous president.

He is the only one following the Constitution as left wing judges over step their role by ruling against his direct powers as President, and as congress uses its powers to impeach the President without crimes or misdemeanors......

No he's not. He's the only one you could make a strong argument that he is breaking the emoluments clause, the only president ever to do so.

Moron.......AG eric holder stated, in public, that he was obama's wingman.........that he wouldn't prosecute black offenders......obama spied on reporters, he spied on Trump.....he gave 150 billion dollars in cash to the biggest sponsor of terror and murder around the world....

You have the wrong guy........

obama fined businesses and then directed that money to his dope...

He didn't spy on Trump and being Obama's 'wingman' or partner is in of itself not a crime. There are many priorities that will align the AG and president. Overturning proprietorial sentencing guidelines to protect the presidents own ass and that of his buddies is not one of those priorities.

I appreciate you not able to reply to any other part of my post. I guess you really do need to copy/paste from dubious sources like you do in gun debates to make a case.

Yes.....eric holder states he is obama's ignore it as being just words.....

You are an idiot.....obama spied on Trump, and on the journalists who wrote bad stories about him.......

I understand the context.of Holder's comment and it didn't include putting your own people in position to defend crooks like Stone, Flynn and others.
Just crooks like Obama. You're an idiot.
For those who doubt DJT is not a megalomaniac, and the GOP which has allowed him to become a self proclaimed emperor, please wake up, open you eyes, and read this:

"President Donald Trump lashed out at two liberal Supreme Court justices Tuesday, escalating his battle with the judicial system to new heights despite entreaties by his attorney general to refrain from Twitter blasts that complicate the administration’s legal fights.

"Weighing in on a domestic matter before embarking on a day of ceremony and meetings in India, Trump seized on an opinion by Justice Sonia Sotomayor and a years-old comment by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to demand that the two Democratic-appointed jurists recuse themselves from any cases involving him."

Trump Demands Two Liberal Justices Recuse Themselves From His Cases

You are a moron....

They are not above criticism...

When he....

Arrests the judges.

Executes the judges.

Arrests journalists.

Executes journalists.

Confiscates homes and property of private citizens and sends them to bernie sanders gulags....

Then get back to us...till then, you should really grow up...

The president has no authority to tell judges what to do. It's an authoritarian fantasy Trump has, or he literally doesn't understand how our Constitution works. He needs to back off.

It's a BIG LIE, one which the Chief Justice responded to when Trump called out "Obama Judges". Now we have seen more intrusion into the Judiciary:

Trump Demands Two Liberal Justices Recuse Themselves From His Cases

Is there any doubt trump is a person who is obsessed with their own power?

I miss the good old days when Presidents didn't criticize the Supreme Court, don't you?

I have no problem with Obama or Trump criticizing decisions made by the Supreme Court, nobody has said otherwise. To demand they recuse themselves for not drinking the kool aid is another matter.
I don't think he's either, so far our Constitution protects us from his authoritarian leanings. He thinks the AG is his personal attorney, has no problems withholding congressional approved funds to extort a foreign country to help him out in his reelection, appears to like strongmen (daddy issues?) and is documented as telling more lies than any other previous president.

No he's not. He's the only one you could make a strong argument that he is breaking the emoluments clause, the only president ever to do so.

Moron.......AG eric holder stated, in public, that he was obama's wingman.........that he wouldn't prosecute black offenders......obama spied on reporters, he spied on Trump.....he gave 150 billion dollars in cash to the biggest sponsor of terror and murder around the world....

You have the wrong guy........

obama fined businesses and then directed that money to his dope...

He didn't spy on Trump and being Obama's 'wingman' or partner is in of itself not a crime. There are many priorities that will align the AG and president. Overturning proprietorial sentencing guidelines to protect the presidents own ass and that of his buddies is not one of those priorities.

I appreciate you not able to reply to any other part of my post. I guess you really do need to copy/paste from dubious sources like you do in gun debates to make a case.

Yes.....eric holder states he is obama's ignore it as being just words.....

You are an idiot.....obama spied on Trump, and on the journalists who wrote bad stories about him.......

I understand the context.of Holder's comment and it didn't include putting your own people in position to defend crooks like Stone, Flynn and others.
Just crooks like Obama. You're an idiot.

Your post doesn't even make sense.
I agree with Trump. Justices need to remain unbiased. Trump haters need to recuse.

So no judge who has ever disagreed with Trump can hear his cases? Do you think judges are incapable of rendering an impartial decision, or do you believe that no one in government has the right to disagree with the Emperor?
"Weighing in on a domestic matter before embarking on a day of ceremony and meetings in India, Trump seized on an opinion by Justice Sonia Sotomayor and a years-old comment by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to demand that the two Democratic-appointed jurists recuse themselves from any cases involving him."
Trump Demands Two Liberal Justices Recuse Themselves From His Cases
Why do you believe it is OK for judges with an obvious and admitted bias to hear cases relevant to same?
You mean like gorsuch and o'kavenaugh?
SC Justices have the same free speech rights as Trumpybear and his Banana Republicans. Why do they oppose Free Speech?

What is he doing to suppress their free speech?

He has no mechanism to make them recuse.

By demanded they recuse. Had they lavished praise on the Trumpybear, I don't think he would have made any such demand.

You're right. He has no authority over the Court. He can announce what he thinks of them, and they can announce what they think of him.
he just wants them to do their job with blindfolds on like lady justice says. they don't. too bad.
You tRumplings have caused a national blindfold shortage.

For those who doubt DJT is not a megalomaniac, and the GOP which has allowed him to become a self proclaimed emperor, please wake up, open you eyes, and read this:

"President Donald Trump lashed out at two liberal Supreme Court justices Tuesday, escalating his battle with the judicial system to new heights despite entreaties by his attorney general to refrain from Twitter blasts that complicate the administration’s legal fights.

"Weighing in on a domestic matter before embarking on a day of ceremony and meetings in India, Trump seized on an opinion by Justice Sonia Sotomayor and a years-old comment by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to demand that the two Democratic-appointed jurists recuse themselves from any cases involving him."

Trump Demands Two Liberal Justices Recuse Themselves From His Cases

You are a moron....

They are not above criticism...

When he....

Arrests the judges.

Executes the judges.

Arrests journalists.

Executes journalists.

Confiscates homes and property of private citizens and sends them to bernie sanders gulags....

Then get back to us...till then, you should really grow up...
Do you really wanna let him get that far?
SC Justices have the same free speech rights as Trumpybear and his Banana Republicans. Why do they oppose Free Speech?

Right, you stupid shit. Like you'd want to go into a hearing with a judge whom a few hours before publicly spoke out on your case saying you were a jackoff who should be locked away! And you wouldn't complain!

This aside from the fact that you ARE a jackoff who should be locked away.

Having their own opinions is ONE THING.

Letting them influence their judgement is WHOLLY ANOTHER.

Publicly speaking out with them unsolicited commenting of the efficacy of Trump's presidency for a SCOTUS, is beyond the pale. These two bitches need impeached from the high court.
" Deflection "

* Blaming Candidates *
You tRumplings have caused a national blindfold shortage.
View attachment 308851
How does criticism of trump supporters express anything redeeming about the pathetic policies promoted by the democrat candidates ?

The religious reich does not speak for the pro-choice republicans .

I agree with Trump. Justices need to remain unbiased. Trump haters need to recuse.

Then any justice appointed by Trump should recuse themselves. And any justice who has ever agreed or disagreed with Trump should also recuse themselves. This is not how the justice system works.

How so? The pinnacle of professionalism in any judge much less the SCOTUS is that they be UNPREJUDICED in any case they preside over. You may have your personal beliefs but come time to go to work, you put that aside and rule based on the facts and the law.

Name me one other Justice who has EVER spoken out against a president defaming them while also serving in the Supreme Court! There ARE mechanisms for removing any judge who exhibits a gross inability to perform their job.
I agree with Trump. Justices need to remain unbiased. Trump haters need to recuse.

Then any justice appointed by Trump should recuse themselves. And any justice who has ever agreed or disagreed with Trump should also recuse themselves. This is not how the justice system works.

How so? The pinnacle of professionalism in any judge much less the SCOTUS is that they be UNPREJUDICED in any case they preside over. You may have your personal beliefs but come time to go to work, you put that aside and rule based on the facts and the law.

Really? So any liberal cause brought before the supreme court the conservative justices should recuse themselves? I'm sorry, buddy that's just not how it works. Judges can, do and the expectation is set that they put aside their personal feelings when presiding over a case.

Name me one other Justice who has EVER spoken out against a president defaming them while also serving in the Supreme Court! There ARE mechanisms for removing any judge who exhibits a gross inability to perform their job.

When Alito mouthed the words 'not true' during Obama's state of the union. Do you remember when Obama demanded Alito recuse himself of any business involving Obama?
For those who doubt DJT is not a megalomaniac, and the GOP which has allowed him to become a self proclaimed emperor, please wake up, open you eyes, and read this:

"President Donald Trump lashed out at two liberal Supreme Court justices Tuesday, escalating his battle with the judicial system to new heights despite entreaties by his attorney general to refrain from Twitter blasts that complicate the administration’s legal fights.

"Weighing in on a domestic matter before embarking on a day of ceremony and meetings in India, Trump seized on an opinion by Justice Sonia Sotomayor and a years-old comment by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to demand that the two Democratic-appointed jurists recuse themselves from any cases involving him."

Trump Demands Two Liberal Justices Recuse Themselves From His Cases

Link to Trump proclaiming he is Emperor?

Self proclaimed, he is a megalomaniac. He rejects the Separation of Powers and actually believes he is above the law. It is people like you who feed his ego, and those Senators who have given him a pass, making trump and infusing future presidents with the belief that they too can do what they please without interference from the Courts and the Congress.

It is up to us to reign in the presidency, notwithstanding anything trump has done which some of you believe is in our countries best interests, his behavior and divisive rhetoric is both sufficient and necessary for him to be a one term president; he is beyond a doubt unfit to remain in office, having abused the power of the office & violated the trust which he seems to believe is his divine right.
Gosh. You probably shouldn't vote for him, then.
For those who doubt DJT is not a megalomaniac, and the GOP which has allowed him to become a self proclaimed emperor, please wake up, open you eyes, and read this:

"President Donald Trump lashed out at two liberal Supreme Court justices Tuesday, escalating his battle with the judicial system to new heights despite entreaties by his attorney general to refrain from Twitter blasts that complicate the administration’s legal fights.

"Weighing in on a domestic matter before embarking on a day of ceremony and meetings in India, Trump seized on an opinion by Justice Sonia Sotomayor and a years-old comment by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to demand that the two Democratic-appointed jurists recuse themselves from any cases involving him."

Trump Demands Two Liberal Justices Recuse Themselves From His Cases
Thanks again for a REALLY dumb thread starter. You're quite good at this!
For those who doubt DJT is not a megalomaniac, and the GOP which has allowed him to become a self proclaimed emperor, please wake up, open you eyes, and read this:

"President Donald Trump lashed out at two liberal Supreme Court justices Tuesday, escalating his battle with the judicial system to new heights despite entreaties by his attorney general to refrain from Twitter blasts that complicate the administration’s legal fights.

"Weighing in on a domestic matter before embarking on a day of ceremony and meetings in India, Trump seized on an opinion by Justice Sonia Sotomayor and a years-old comment by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to demand that the two Democratic-appointed jurists recuse themselves from any cases involving him."

Trump Demands Two Liberal Justices Recuse Themselves From His Cases

Link to Trump proclaiming he is Emperor?

Self proclaimed, he is a megalomaniac. He rejects the Separation of Powers and actually believes he is above the law. It is people like you who feed his ego, and those Senators who have given him a pass, making trump and infusing future presidents with the belief that they too can do what they please without interference from the Courts and the Congress.

It is up to us to reign in the presidency, notwithstanding anything trump has done which some of you believe is in our countries best interests, his behavior and divisive rhetoric is both sufficient and necessary for him to be a one term president; he is beyond a doubt unfit to remain in office, having abused the power of the office & violated the trust which he seems to believe is his divine right.
Gosh. You probably shouldn't vote for him, then.

Gosh, by that logic this board shouldn't exist.
No, he doesn't. They can say anything they want, and he says that based on the things they have said about him they can't be impartial and should recuse themselves.

No actions, just words. Words can only suppress other speech on thier own when spoken louder at the same time.

He sends a clear message. No dissent against his administrations actions or you will be publicly attacked and denigrated by the strongest bully pulpit in the world.

"attacked". My what a vapor-laded soy boy you are.

They were called out. They can tell him to piss off and he can't do anything about it.

Attacked....what a wuss you are.

That's funny. Words.

You know you don't have a real point, now go back in your hole.

You're the one whining about a word.
No, that would be the entire left. You pansies are so afraid of words.

The left's collective victimhood fetish is utterly pathetic.
For those who doubt DJT is not a megalomaniac, and the GOP which has allowed him to become a self proclaimed emperor, please wake up, open you eyes, and read this:

"President Donald Trump lashed out at two liberal Supreme Court justices Tuesday, escalating his battle with the judicial system to new heights despite entreaties by his attorney general to refrain from Twitter blasts that complicate the administration’s legal fights.

"Weighing in on a domestic matter before embarking on a day of ceremony and meetings in India, Trump seized on an opinion by Justice Sonia Sotomayor and a years-old comment by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to demand that the two Democratic-appointed jurists recuse themselves from any cases involving him."

Trump Demands Two Liberal Justices Recuse Themselves From His Cases

You are a moron....

They are not above criticism...

When he....

Arrests the judges.

Executes the judges.

Arrests journalists.

Executes journalists.

Confiscates homes and property of private citizens and sends them to bernie sanders gulags....

Then get back to us...till then, you should really grow up...

The president has no authority to tell judges what to do. It's an authoritarian fantasy Trump has, or he literally doesn't understand how our Constitution works. He needs to back off.

It's a BIG LIE, one which the Chief Justice responded to when Trump called out "Obama Judges". Now we have seen more intrusion into the Judiciary:

Trump Demands Two Liberal Justices Recuse Themselves From His Cases

Is there any doubt trump is a person who is obsessed with their own power?
Trump didn't demand anything, you sissy bedwetter.
For those who doubt DJT is not a megalomaniac, and the GOP which has allowed him to become a self proclaimed emperor, please wake up, open you eyes, and read this:

"President Donald Trump lashed out at two liberal Supreme Court justices Tuesday, escalating his battle with the judicial system to new heights despite entreaties by his attorney general to refrain from Twitter blasts that complicate the administration’s legal fights.

"Weighing in on a domestic matter before embarking on a day of ceremony and meetings in India, Trump seized on an opinion by Justice Sonia Sotomayor and a years-old comment by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to demand that the two Democratic-appointed jurists recuse themselves from any cases involving him."

Trump Demands Two Liberal Justices Recuse Themselves From His Cases

You are a moron....

They are not above criticism...

When he....

Arrests the judges.

Executes the judges.

Arrests journalists.

Executes journalists.

Confiscates homes and property of private citizens and sends them to bernie sanders gulags....

Then get back to us...till then, you should really grow up...

The president has no authority to tell judges what to do. It's an authoritarian fantasy Trump has, or he literally doesn't understand how our Constitution works. He needs to back off.

It's a BIG LIE, one which the Chief Justice responded to when Trump called out "Obama Judges". Now we have seen more intrusion into the Judiciary:

Trump Demands Two Liberal Justices Recuse Themselves From His Cases

Is there any doubt trump is a person who is obsessed with their own power?

I miss the good old days when Presidents didn't criticize the Supreme Court, don't you?

I have no problem with Obama or Trump criticizing decisions made by the Supreme Court, nobody has said otherwise. To demand they recuse themselves for not drinking the kool aid is another matter.

He didn't demand anything.

Words have meanings. You don't get to create new ones.
For those who doubt DJT is not a megalomaniac, and the GOP which has allowed him to become a self proclaimed emperor, please wake up, open you eyes, and read this:

"President Donald Trump lashed out at two liberal Supreme Court justices Tuesday, escalating his battle with the judicial system to new heights despite entreaties by his attorney general to refrain from Twitter blasts that complicate the administration’s legal fights.

"Weighing in on a domestic matter before embarking on a day of ceremony and meetings in India, Trump seized on an opinion by Justice Sonia Sotomayor and a years-old comment by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to demand that the two Democratic-appointed jurists recuse themselves from any cases involving him."

Trump Demands Two Liberal Justices Recuse Themselves From His Cases

You are a moron....

They are not above criticism...

When he....

Arrests the judges.

Executes the judges.

Arrests journalists.

Executes journalists.

Confiscates homes and property of private citizens and sends them to bernie sanders gulags....

Then get back to us...till then, you should really grow up...

The president has no authority to tell judges what to do. It's an authoritarian fantasy Trump has, or he literally doesn't understand how our Constitution works. He needs to back off.

It's a BIG LIE, one which the Chief Justice responded to when Trump called out "Obama Judges". Now we have seen more intrusion into the Judiciary:

Trump Demands Two Liberal Justices Recuse Themselves From His Cases

Is there any doubt trump is a person who is obsessed with their own power?
Trump didn't demand anything, you sissy bedwetter.

It's the title of an article, the very conservative moony times also used the same language.

President demands that two liberal Supreme Court justices recuse themselves from 'Trump related' matters

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