Andrew McCabe seeks immunity

Why all the back pedaling by the media lately...............and why are some key figures sooooo quite.........

Poor things.............the veil being lifted................tsk ..........tsk..........
We all know what happened to pole rider. Vince Foster was a suicide as all level headed Americans well know and laugh at the conspiracy nuts who think it was murder.

Yep, Obama was repairing an economy at this time in his Presidency, but your guy Trump has a roaring Obama economy and cannot get any traction popularity wise.

Tough, I know, but there it is for the alt right.
Poor little homo boi Jakey... your butt buddy not spit on your little peanut lately?

You're trying to lie again, because we all remember too vividly the "new norm" under the magic negro muslim kenyan dog turd... "THOSE JOBS AREN'T COMING BACK"... funny... now they ARE, because of president Trump, and the economy is ROARING, regardless of your BS lying.

Try again little greasy Jake, you haven't released your full alt left homo yet... :lol:
Trump only pardons those he needs and I'm sure the black lady today will be pro trump.

If I were McCabe I'd plead the 5th, as those GOP are ruthless, over Clintons emails, man move on why don't they, how much time is this costing. The GOP fought long and hard to get at Clintons and they ended up with nothing but a lie from Bill.
Trump only pardons those he needs and I'm sure the black lady today will be pro trump.

If I were McCabe I'd plead the 5th, as those GOP are ruthless, over Clintons emails, man move on why don't they, how much time is this costing. The GOP fought long and hard to get at Clintons and they ended up with nothing but a lie from Bill.
You're saying Trump should pardon people he doesn't need?

Ignorance and intent are no excuse for violating the law Mr. Comey..............

As he cites charges she can be tried for..........but doesn't.............

Your turn Comey.
Trump only pardons those he needs and I'm sure the black lady today will be pro trump.

If I were McCabe I'd plead the 5th, as those GOP are ruthless, over Clintons emails, man move on why don't they, how much time is this costing. The GOP fought long and hard to get at Clintons and they ended up with nothing but a lie from Bill.
You're saying Trump should pardon people he doesn't need?
He won't pardon a Democrat, maybe Kushners Daddy though.

Ignorance and intent are no excuse for violating the law Mr. Comey..............

As he cites charges she can be tried for..........but doesn't.............

Your turn Comey.

Not even interested.

Of course not...............because even though watered down...........he stated the crimes she could be charged with...........Lesser people would have been put in prison.......

But with Clinton..............No intent .............LOL............she freaking destroyed court ordered evidence.........

Let's see how it goes when they don't own the DOJ anymore........

The Insurance Policy.........oops.
McCabe either gets immunity to end this and tells his boring, completely legal story, or pleads the 5th and lives out the rest of his life.

Why would anyone ask for immunity to tell a boring "legal" story. If everything he did was completely legal, he would not need any immunity whatsoever.
He doesn’t need immunity. He would, however, like to clear his good name. But he knows he’d be walking into a den of vipers writhing in desperation to destroy him as a political stunt.

Now that is pretty funny!
The GOP abusing its majority status to destroy a person in a political stunt? I guess if I were a Trump sheep, I’d think that was funny too.

So the Obama administration holding up non profits that were applying for exemption status offended you?

To me this is no political stunt this is a man who needs immunity and has info that could open a whole new can of worms. No one take immunity to clear their name.
From the OP: "This conspiracy theory continued to resurrect itself during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 and 2016 presidential bids." Yup, all 51 of them. This is Alex Jones stuff, the stuff of conspiracy weirdos. Let's see what weirdo here replies. :)

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