Andrew McCabe seeks immunity

McCabe either gets immunity to end this and tells his boring, completely legal story, or pleads the 5th and lives out the rest of his life.

Why would anyone ask for immunity to tell a boring "legal" story. If everything he did was completely legal, he would not need any immunity whatsoever.
He doesn’t need immunity. He would, however, like to clear his good name. But he knows he’d be walking into a den of vipers writhing in desperation to destroy him as a political stunt.

Now that is pretty funny!
McCabe either gets immunity to end this and tells his boring, completely legal story, or pleads the 5th and lives out the rest of his life.

Why would anyone ask for immunity to tell a boring "legal" story. If everything he did was completely legal, he would not need any immunity whatsoever.
He doesn’t need immunity. He would, however, like to clear his good name. But he knows he’d be walking into a den of vipers writhing in desperation to destroy him as a political stunt.

Now that is pretty funny!
The GOP abusing its majority status to destroy a person in a political stunt? I guess if I were a Trump sheep, I’d think that was funny too.
I think most people would agree with you on that. Can't take away somebody's 5th amendment rights though.
Don't need to take away McCabe's 5th Rights away - he is already going to jail from Indictment recommendations by the IG who found enough evidence to recommend the indictment.

It seems obvious McCabe does NOT want to plead the 5th, that he wants to testify in exchange for his lily white ass not going to jail and becoming someone's bit@h.

He better make quick deal or start talking fast before all those other 28 FBI Agents With Clinton Server Knowledge Testify Before Congress and spoil his chances to walk away.

We didn't even get to Page and Strzok who will rat on McCabe who will rat on Comey who will rat on Lynch and Holder, and maybe get all the way to Clinton and Obama.

Let the finger pointing and throwing each other under the bus begin.

What I do not understand is why Strzok still has a job at the FBI. My understanding is he did a lateral move to another job and mighta got demoted, don't know for sure. Shoulda got canned IMHO. Page is already gone, no?

Every American citizens' rights are SUPPOSED to be protected. Of course tell that... the American citizens whose rights to due process were ignored right before Barry ordered their deaths due to drone strike...

.. to the American citizens Barry illegally spied on... the reporters and media Barry illegally spied on... the US Senators and USSC Justices Barry illegally spied on... Candidate Trump and his team Obama and the FBI illegally spied on... President Trump, who Obama and the FBI spied on in order to be able to remove him from office in their political coup after he won....that as blown up in their faces...

Will McCabe give up Soros and Obama?

Let me help a little---------->

1. Strzok still has a job, because he, Paige, and Priestep sang like birds.

2. Why should we give Mcabe immunity? ANSWER: Because he has the keys to the kingdom, that is why! Strzok and Paige will testify, Strzok for sure. Paige sang, then got the hell out of there. But it would be THEIR word against Brennan, Comey, and Mcabe. We all know how the Washington establishment spins things. We will be hearing things like, "the elicit lovers were trying to screw Trump, and now they want to blame it on...……(insert names here)

3. Andrew Mcabe can single handedly, destroy the legacy of the most CORRUPT administration in US history, and that administration is not called Trump, it is called OBAMA! He knows what went on in those meetings, and WHO was there. He also knows how a CIA operative (spy) ends up giving information to the FBI. He also will be forced to testify what was asked of him, for his wife to get all that cash from Hilly for her run, and what other DNC officials were involved.

And much, much, more.

But I have a question for you thinking people. Did you look at MSN today, or other news outlets? Did you notice all of the sudden they are talking about what Obama did, along with reporting how Mcabe wants immunity?

Have you ever seen such a thing from these news outlets, while not trying to defend them much at all?

Why is that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Want me to tell you-)

Because just like everything Leftist in Washington, leaks have been told to the press on the IG report, even as our good ole DOJ try as hard as they can to redact whatever they can.

So what does that have to do with the price of beans you say? Leftist always leak, and why would they leak something to the press that doesn't put them in a good light?

ANSWER---------->Because some of the PRESS IS INVOLVED! It was not a leak to for spin, it was to warn them-)

Let me tell you something conservative Republicans----------> unless you think we are going to war, the economy is going to collapse, or Vlade is going to come here and kiss Trump, take the best odds you can on the Repubs holding the House easily, and gaining seats in the senate, and bet the farm-) For most of the American public besides far Leftists, Trump and the Republicans are going to go from possible villains, to absolute victims, and nobody is going to be able to say a thing on the left, because NOBODY but their shrinking base, will believe anything they say, or the people who report it-)

I WILL tell you that the last FAR LEFTIST gasp, was this past week. They HAD to have the jungle primaries go their way in California, and FAILED! They already knew, IG report and upcoming indictments, including some immunity, will sink 2018 for them, UNLESS they could have 2 LEFTISTS on the ballot to choose from. They are SCREWED! Take it to the bank, and cash the check-)
McCabe either gets immunity to end this and tells his boring, completely legal story, or pleads the 5th and lives out the rest of his life.

If McCabe has been a strictly legal by the book guy, he wouldn't be asking for immunity.

That would be pointless.
I warned the dems not to fuck with Trump in the first place. But they thought they were tough because they had control of DOJ and the FBI

I told them Trump had to stand up to genuine real Italian mafia back before Rudy went after them, that Trump was not a normal politician like the Samantha Bee that he replaced. But they thought they got go after him and get Hillary into office. I finally warned you not to go after his family -- and you still wouldn't listen.

I've been telling you that Trump was planning a Corleone Baptism Event.

You'll learn, the hard way of course, but you'll learn.
As the IG report nears release.........some are getting nervous and looking for a way out.

And here is McCabe...........testimony for immunity................tick tock tick tock.

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe seeking immunity in exchange for testimony

Well, well, well. Isn’t this interesting? Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe – who, you may recall, has some ‘difficulty’ telling the truth – is requesting immunity in exchange for testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. McCabe was referred to the DOJ for criminal charges a couple of months ago and is now offering to discuss the forthcoming IG Report …if he’s given an assurance that his own words will not be used against him in a future prosecution.

As CNN (which was forced to convey some actual news for once) reports:

according to a letter obtained by CNN.

“Under the terms of such a grant of use immunity, no testimony or other information provided by Mr. McCabe could be used against him in a criminal case,” wrote Michael Bromwich, a lawyer for McCabe, to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, who has requested McCabe testify next week.
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Reactions: 007
This guy will wind up like Vince Foster... a casualty of a questionable suicide.

The Clintons have bumped off more people that testify against them than the Mafia.
He's a dead man walking.

But if he gets immunity and he talks, then expect the flood gates to open, they'll ALL want immunity and the whole freakin' corrupt democrat deep state is coming down.
The OP miscasts the CNN report and somebody throws up a Vince Foster conspiracy suggestion.

And the alt right wonders why Trump and his alt right deeps state just have so much trouble getting above 42% popularity.
The OP miscasts the CNN report and somebody throws up a Vince Foster conspiracy suggestion.

And the alt right wonders why Trump and his alt right deeps state just have so much trouble getting above 42% popularity.

That's ok Jakey, you can call me 007, and we all know what happened to ole Vince.

But do tell, what is the "alt right?" Is that like, something you dreamed up?

And oh, such a shame, but president Trumps approval is higher than your little kenyan messiah's ever was at this time.

Such a shame you're having such a hard time dealing with the facts.
This guy will wind up like Vince Foster... a casualty of a questionable suicide.

The Clintons have bumped off more people that testify against them than the Mafia.

Man you believe so many conspiracy theories , like Alex Jones do ya.
We all know what happened to pole rider. Vince Foster was a suicide as all level headed Americans well know and laugh at the conspiracy nuts who think it was murder.

Yep, Obama was repairing an economy at this time in his Presidency, but your guy Trump has a roaring Obama economy and cannot get any traction popularity wise.

Tough, I know, but there it is for the alt right.
We all know what to 007. Vince Foster was a suicide as all level headed Americans well know and laugh at the conspiracy nuts who think it was murder.

Yep, Obama was repairing an economy, but your guy Trump has roaring Obama economy and cannot get any traction popularity wise.

Tough, I know, but there it is for you.
Yeah..........shot himself in the head and hardly any blood...........but that's another subject...........

McCabe asking for immunity or he's gonna plead the 5th is the issue..........

He's already being prosecuted.............He's looking for a way out.............and the report hasn't even come out yet......
Show us the prosecution, and if the Senate was looking at me the way it is looking at Trump's people, I would ask for the 5th as well.

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