Andrew McCabe seeks immunity

I think most people would agree with you on that. Can't take away somebody's 5th amendment rights though.
Don't need to take away McCabe's 5th Rights away - he is already going to jail from Indictment recommendations by the IG who found enough evidence to recommend the indictment.

It seems obvious McCabe does NOT want to plead the 5th, that he wants to testify in exchange for his lily white ass not going to jail and becoming someone's bit@h.

He better make quick deal or start talking fast before all those other 28 FBI Agents With Clinton Server Knowledge Testify Before Congress and spoil his chances to walk away.

We didn't even get to Page and Strzok who will rat on McCabe who will rat on Comey who will rat on Lynch and Holder, and maybe get all the way to Clinton and Obama.

Let the finger pointing and throwing each other under the bus begin.

What I do not understand is why Strzok still has a job at the FBI. My understanding is he did a lateral move to another job and mighta got demoted, don't know for sure. Shoulda got canned IMHO. Page is already gone, no?
Every American citizens' rights are SUPPOSED to be protected. Of course tell that... the American citizens whose rights to due process were ignored right before Barry ordered their deaths due to drone strike...

.. to the American citizens Barry illegally spied on... the reporters and media Barry illegally spied on... the US Senators and USSC Justices Barry illegally spied on... Candidate Trump and his team Obama and the FBI illegally spied on... President Trump, who Obama and the FBI spied on in order to be able to remove him from office in their political coup after he won....that as blown up in their faces...
Like I said, if everyone pleads the fifth, it doesn't do any good.

I say, absolutely no immunity or 5th amendment protection for government workers involved in government cases.

Plea deal only.
the congress can't do that. they have no authority.

I am not talking about Congress, he seeks immunity because he broke the law.

All I am saying there shouldn't be immunity for any FBI official who broke the law.

I think most people would agree with you on that. Can't take away somebody's 5th amendment rights though.

I agree. Every citizen have constitutional rights, even criminals don't lose most. What I am saying is, if you are federal government worker sworn in to uphold and protect the Constitution, and than you break that, should you still have those protections?

He can plea fifth, and that's fine, since his crimes were already proven. It won't help him if he doesn't talk.

His crimes have not been proven in a court of law, and in this country we do not take away any rights before you get convicted. I understand the sentiment, but that's not who we are. Not being a lawyer, I can't speak to plea deals and immunity, but if McCabe has enough to fry some bigger fish on more serious charges then maybe it's worth it to let him walk.
What I do not understand is why Strzok still has a job at the FBI. My understanding is he did a lateral move to another job and mighta got demoted, don't know for sure. Shoulda got canned IMHO. Page is already gone, no?
It's the Liberal 'Where's Waldo Shuffle'. You take liberals govt employees / officials who broke laws, hide them in obscure corners of their agencies that don't get sunlight, then announce they have been 'dealt with'. You have to have 1 scapegoat who publicly gets fired to appease the peasants - McCabe was that sacrifice in the FBI - so you can hide the rest without firing them.

The Obama administration did the same thing with all those involved with Fast and Furious. No one really got fired - they were all reassigned and moved around quietly. Those directing the scandal protect the ones running the scandal on the ground.
Haven’t we been told if you have done nothing wrong you don’t need immunity?
Corrupt prosecutors like Rosenstein and Mueller changed all of that with their 'Gottcha' questions, hiding evidence, and throwing innocent people in jail...
His crimes have not been proven in a court of law, and in this country we do not take away any rights before you get convicted.
It was reported that the IG recommended McCabe for indictment, the evidence the IG found was presented to a grand jury, and based on that evidence the Grand Jury said it merited a trial. Just based on the evidence WE know about there is enough to send McCabe to prison, and that isn't counting what we don't know yet.....which explains why McCabe's lawyer said McCabe is 'EAGER to testify' and 'LEGIIMATELY FEARS Prosecution'.
The Obama administration did the same thing with all those involved with Fast and Furious. No one really got fired - they were all reassigned and moved around quietly. Those directing the scandal protect the ones running the scandal on the ground.

Along with Lois Lerner at the IRS...

CIA running guns from the Port of Benghazi to jihadists in Syria...

Veterans Administration health care facilities came under fire for possibly covering up certain records that may have ended up costing lives...
Yup, nothing odd going on here. Who's next to ask for immunity, Comey, Hillary, Obama?

McCabe is a pretty big fish- he should be ready to drop a dime on a whale in order to get immunity.

If the deal includes turning on both the Obama and Clinton Crime Families, I could see a deal
I’m not a Democrat. Retard

Sure... Your kind can't take the heat when the shtf… :21::21::21:
What heat and what shit?

Sorry, but I’m not a party sheep like you. I know it’s hard for you to understand with your tongue up Donald’s asshole no matter what he does; but, I vote on issues, not party affiliation.
I think most people would agree with you on that. Can't take away somebody's 5th amendment rights though.
Don't need to take away McCabe's 5th Rights away - he is already going to jail from Indictment recommendations by the IG who found enough evidence to recommend the indictment.

It seems obvious McCabe does NOT want to plead the 5th, that he wants to testify in exchange for his lily white ass not going to jail and becoming someone's bit@h.

He better make quick deal or start talking fast before all those other 28 FBI Agents With Clinton Server Knowledge Testify Before Congress and spoil his chances to walk away.

We didn't even get to Page and Strzok who will rat on McCabe who will rat on Comey who will rat on Lynch and Holder, and maybe get all the way to Clinton and Obama.

Let the finger pointing and throwing each other under the bus begin.

What I do not understand is why Strzok still has a job at the FBI. My understanding is he did a lateral move to another job and mighta got demoted, don't know for sure. Shoulda got canned IMHO. Page is already gone, no?

The way I see it, when Hillary lost it finally hit them that it may be discovered all the shit they did to prevent Trump from winning, they got Mueller fake investigation in order to buy time to clean up all their tracks. I guess Strzok is there just watching for clues.
McCabe either gets immunity to end this and tells his boring, completely legal story, or pleads the 5th and lives out the rest of his life.

Why would anyone ask for immunity to tell a boring "legal" story. If everything he did was completely legal, he would not need any immunity whatsoever.
Why would anyone ask for immunity to tell a boring "legal" story.
...if you call testifying against and fully blowing up Obama's administration - Cabinet and Agency Directors - conspiring to illegally prevent the GOP candidate from winning and then attempting to commit treason through a coup designed to remove tat candidate from office if won a 'boring legal story'.... :p
McCabe either gets immunity to end this and tells his boring, completely legal story, or pleads the 5th and lives out the rest of his life.

Why would anyone ask for immunity to tell a boring "legal" story. If everything he did was completely legal, he would not need any immunity whatsoever.
He doesn’t need immunity. He would, however, like to clear his good name. But he knows he’d be walking into a den of vipers writhing in desperation to destroy him as a political stunt.

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