Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

You're talking about a party that blocked a bill to give pay for the healthcare of 9/11 first responders for illness they got from their work at ground zero, because they didn't want Obama to get credit for being the President to sign it into law. They made up a bunch of BS about how it was too much money and other shit, but it was really to avoid making Obama look good. Politics is more important to these scumbags then actually helping anyone. They literally passed the exact same bill, with no changes pretty much the moment Obama left office. They had no issues with it if Trump was the one to sign it. They just didn't want Obama signing it.

This is another example of petty partisan politics from the Republicans. They support troops, police, firefighters and other heroes until it becomes inconvenient. Passing this bill would make Biden look good by being the President to sign it into law, and so the Republicans will block it for a couple years, hoping that Trump, DeSantis, or another Republican wins in 2024. They will pass it then, with no changes at all, despite any changes they are claiming that the bill needs now and if people have to suffer in the meantime, that's fine with them, as long as they don't make Biden look good.
Our veterans get the care they were promised and treatment for any issues directly related to their service.

If someone was hurt on a job the workman's comp would pay for it.
It could all be pause for with private money.. pay up punk.
You're talking about a party that blocked a bill to give pay for the healthcare of 9/11 first responders for illness they got from their work at ground zero, because they didn't want Obama to get credit for being the President to sign it into law. They made up a bunch of BS about how it was too much money and other shit, but it was really to avoid making Obama look good. Politics is more important to these scumbags then actually helping anyone. They literally passed the exact same bill, with no changes pretty much the moment Obama left office. They had no issues with it if Trump was the one to sign it. They just didn't want Obama signing it.

This is another example of petty partisan politics from the Republicans. They support troops, police, firefighters and other heroes until it becomes inconvenient. Passing this bill would make Biden look good by being the President to sign it into law, and so the Republicans will block it for a couple years, hoping that Trump, DeSantis, or another Republican wins in 2024. They will pass it then, with no changes at all, despite any changes they are claiming that the bill needs now and if people have to suffer in the meantime, that's fine with them, as long as they don't make Biden look good.
Private sector can do better
Well let the private sector implement it, get democrats out of the way.

These veterans are in desperate need of care for the injuries they received serving.

Why doesn't the private sector step up and do it. No need to wait for someone to get out of the way.
Trump didn't write the bill. They share the blame.
The US obsession with Debt is a bit laughable...

Reality there is nothing wrong with Debt if you are spending it wisely... Are we spending it on something that gives a benefit and how does it manifest itself...

It is very import to learn from other countries, something US is quite poor at... Believe me other countries look at US if they see a good idea..

So lets just break down spending simply first:
  • Capital Expenditure (CapEx)
  • Operation Expenditure (OpEx)
Borrowing money for CapEx like improvements infrastructure and systems can be easily explainable... If you borrow to buy a house is your net wealth higher or lower afterwards. If you are paying high rent before it could be higher, if pay too much for the house lower... Your debt is higher but your net worth could be higher too (this effectively how Trump actually made money and what he meant when he said he was the king of debt).

For OpEx there is less room as we generally want to lower this cost without effecting the services given. Example, Education is one of the best expenditures a country can make, highly educated countries are usually wealthy, it is judged that for every dollar invested in education it yields 9 dollars back in direct taxation. This is an incredible investment, some people try and focus on the failures in education but as a whole a highly educated society makes very productive workers. This extra productivity is used by companies and is exploited better than any tax break Corporations don't like paying for it but they love using it...
Need Health for the workforce to be healthy, Childcare to keep them working...

So Debt is not just a simple number but has to be balance by what Assets both tangible and non tangible on the other side...

By the way Tax Cuts have never been considered a great investment.. It puts money into the hands of the people least likely to change there spending habits with that extra money. They are meant to be a tool to generate faster GDP growth, giving money to lower and middle class people generates growth faster.

Pentagon budget is $800 BILLION!! Caring for soldiers should BE IN THERE!

Look at all of this and try not get angry...

I know you probably don't probably don't agree with Stewart on many thinks but he has been fighting for Veterans and First Responders for decades..

Look at all of this and try not get angry...

I know you probably don't probably don't agree with Stewart on many thinks but he has been fighting for Veterans and First Responders for decades..

He fighting for socialism it doesn’t work
You're talking about a party that blocked a bill to give pay for the healthcare of 9/11 first responders for illness they got from their work at ground zero, because they didn't want Obama to get credit for being the President to sign it into law. They made up a bunch of BS about how it was too much money and other shit, but it was really to avoid making Obama look good. Politics is more important to these scumbags then actually helping anyone. They literally passed the exact same bill, with no changes pretty much the moment Obama left office. They had no issues with it if Trump was the one to sign it. They just didn't want Obama signing it.

This is another example of petty partisan politics from the Republicans. They support troops, police, firefighters and other heroes until it becomes inconvenient. Passing this bill would make Biden look good by being the President to sign it into law, and so the Republicans will block it for a couple years, hoping that Trump, DeSantis, or another Republican wins in 2024. They will pass it then, with no changes at all, despite any changes they are claiming that the bill needs now and if people have to suffer in the meantime, that's fine with them, as long as they don't make Biden look good.
Seriously there should be a bill that offers free healthcare to any federal employee who 'probably' hurt or injured in the line of duty.
One bill to cover that...

Another Bill that would do the same for State employees, the Federal Government will pay out and sue the State to be recompensed... (This might be challenged constitutionally but I want to see the states that want to screw over there employees)
He fighting for socialism it doesn’t work
Paying for employees that got injured at work is not socialism...

But thanks for admitting that the Military is a socialist program... Trying to get Righties to agree that for years..

This is a simple worker compensation if it makes you feel any better...
Paying for employees that got injured at work is not socialism...

But thanks for admitting that the Military is a socialist program... Trying to get Righties to agree that for years..

This is a simple worker compensation if it makes you feel any better...
Pay for it big mouth. Leave my money alone

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