Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

"An effort to give millions of veterans easier access to health and disability benefits suffered another surprising setback Wednesday on the Senate floor when supporters couldn’t muster the 60 votes needed to limit debate. The 55-42 procedural vote on cloture derailed, at least temporarily, a sweeping expansion of veterans benefits that appeared to be heading to President Joe Biden’s desk this week. A nearly identical bill, without the tax tweak, passed the Senate on a lopsided 84-14 vote last month with strong bipartisan support. But Republicans mounted an 11th-hour challenge to the legislation and decided not to let the revised bill advance Wednesday."

First of all, who is to say that veterans even need this bill? We don't have proof that these so-called burn pits are hurting vets.....what is hurting vets is being forced to serve along side trannies and fags....Dems must be crazy if they thought brave Conservative patriots who love America and our troops were going to let sleepy Joe sign 2 major pieces of legislation in one week....of course it had to be blocked....And yea, Republicans can pretend it's some obscure mandatory spending provision -- problem is -- they voted for basically the same bill a couple of weeks ago...and the bill that came back from the House had 90 more Republicans voting for it....but since none of the Republican base will even know or care about all of that -- it will play well and the GOP can claim they were just standing against the radical leftist Dems.....hell, they can even claim the bill had trannys and CRT stuff in it....who cares, just make it up......anything to distract from the fact that you blocked a bipartisan bill you just voted for -- just because you were butthurt over the CHIPS bill passing...and the best part of it all is, Libs like communist Jon Stewart and the moms of dead veterans are

"Stewart, who vigorously advocated for 9/11 first responders, had particular disdain for Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Penn., who claimed the bill would create $400 billion in discretionary spending, going so far as to call him an "f--king coward." On the Senate floor, Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., hit back at Toomey, saying: "If you have the guts to send somebody to war, then you better have the guts to take care of them when they get home." We’re gonna get it done. … You don’t tell their cancer to take a recess, tell their cancer to stay home and go visit their families," he said. "This disgrace, if this is America first, America is f---ed."

Apparently this bill is named after this lady's is so triggered that the GOP blocked her bill....doesn't she know that the Dems are trying to turn her grandchildren gay and forcing them into child sex trafficking? Why is she directing her anger at the party who consistently stands up for the veterans?? They wear flag lapel pins for God's sake..what more do you want lady?

"They’re manufacturing reasons to vote against legislation that they literally voted for just last month," Butler added. "And so it’s really a new level of low."

Veterans who were exposed to toxins during deployments said the lives of sick and dying people who served the nation are on the line.

"It’s angering. It’s frustrating," said Tom Porter, 54, who developed asthma after spending a year in Afghanistan with the U.S. Navy Reserve from 2010 to 2011.

In the first week of his deployment, Porter said he suffered a serious reaction with his lungs and could not breathe.

Le Roy Torres, 49, who was diagnosed with a lung disease and a toxic brain injury after he was deployed to Iraq with the U.S. Army, said he was devastated about the failure of the bill and urged lawmakers to reconvene immediately.

Is that anyway to treat the veterans, they are spiteful at Joe Manchins agreeing to the package.

Its not a good look is it?
I'm discussing the back story of the bill. But.......if we are going to harm our soldiers needlessly, we need not be complaining about the costs associated with that.
I'm asking you why you support the bill and what's in it. If you don't know and you just support it because of partisanship say so.

Look at all of this and try not get angry...

I know you probably don't probably don't agree with Stewart on many thinks but he has been fighting for Veterans and First Responders for decades..

The real issue is he is supposed to be a comedian. What he something else. Something from something insidious. A department within a department within a department of agendas designed to get us to where we are headed. A man who believes he is superior to others as so many others do of his ilk. Yet he is supposed to be a comedian.

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