Anger at star-studded benefit to raise $150M for WHO

Good to know we can always count on Hollywood to do the work of the Chinese Communist Party for them and save them $150 million in the process
That is merely Hollywood's effort to try to help cut down on China's losses due to Trump WHO budget cuts.
Democrats: We have a friend in China. :smoke:
Hollywood caters to China. Has for years. And now that Americans don’t go to their crappy movies they need them even more.
Corporate America caters to China.

Hollywood caters to and relies on China for box office and has for years. Exactly why everything they produce is China friendly...or altered if not approved by the Chinese government.

That would be Corporate America.
Hollywood has shown they have more than enough to privately donate to the WHO on their own. So they can now leave tax payer dollars to Americans.
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

Do you pay people to lie to you?

Are you the type who gets the hooker to say "I love you" and tell you that she has "never met anyone like you before"?

That is the kind of lies we get from the WHO.

Directly out of your playbook? You forgot, "oh, it's the biggest I've every seen!"

No. No one would believe a lie like that, right Mr. Vienna Sausage.
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

The "health care information" they provided was faulty to the tune of 39000 dead Americans. It took 48 days for the WHO to go from "Coronavirus has no human to human transmission" to calling it a pandemic. Fuck the WHO.

We knew on January 10th that was false. It took the asswipePINO 20 more days to act.

He wasn't hysterically xenophobic enough?

He didn't do what was necessary to protect American people.

According to your stupid heroes he shouldn't have stopped travel from China, and in fact everyone should go to Chinatown and hug a Chinese person.


That was stated by whom?
Pelousi, for one. But the entire MSM went batshit crazy when he imposed the ban.

Now you asshats are trying rewriting history because you were so catastrophically WRONG!

Nobody went batshit because of the partial ban. The problem was his big fucking mouth signaling to his moron herd that the Chinese were open game for harassment.

By the time he partially banned travel from China, he knew that the shit had spread to many other nations. He didn’t ban travel from those nations.

He’s an incompetent ass.
That is all hearsay. The way you talk about suspending the Bill of Rights and setting more precedence over it, the next time Antifa and BLM riot we should drop napalm on them. Correct!
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

The "health care information" they provided was faulty to the tune of 39000 dead Americans. It took 48 days for the WHO to go from "Coronavirus has no human to human transmission" to calling it a pandemic. Fuck the WHO.

We knew on January 10th that was false. It took the asswipePINO 20 more days to act.

He wasn't hysterically xenophobic enough?

He didn't do what was necessary to protect American people.

According to your stupid heroes he shouldn't have stopped travel from China, and in fact everyone should go to Chinatown and hug a Chinese person.


That was stated by whom?
Pelousi, for one. But the entire MSM went batshit crazy when he imposed the ban.

Now you asshats are trying rewriting history because you were so catastrophically WRONG!

Nobody went batshit because of the partial ban. The problem was his big fucking mouth signaling to his moron herd that the Chinese were open game for harassment.

By the time he partially banned travel from China, he knew that the shit had spread to many other nations. He didn’t ban travel from those nations.

He’s an incompetent ass.
That is all hearsay. The way you talk about suspending the Bill of Rights and setting more precedence over it, the next time Antifa and BLM riot we should drop napalm on them. Correct!
These like Obama.......going around the world bowing to everyone and kissing their asses...........handing off money to our enemies..............and praising hardened enemies for a COWARD............

And now their NEW HERO IS WHO...........THE WHO...........who's leadership was basically hand picked by China.......and openly DENIED THE EXISTENCE of TAIWAN..........So BIASED that they called it Taiwan, China and put coronavirus stats from there with China.

Taiwan warned Who early........and they didn't listen..........didn't pass it on......

The WHO was WRONG on travel bans...........

The WHO'S rates have been inflated.......

China can fund them..........or these morons who think they are important because THEY ARE ACTORS can hand them their money.........
It's amazing how progressives would rather die, or pay incompetence, rather than admit Trump was right.

Except Trump wasn't "right". He ignored the problem for three months. He's still fighting against the governors who are trying to control this thing because he's more worried about his re-election that won't happen than the welfare of the country.

Bullshit. He was ahead of all of your pelousi's, and Schumer's, and every other one of your progressive heroes who called him a racist for shutting down travel from China.

The facts prove you are full of poo

He didn’t shut down travel from China. And we already had cases here when he partially shut down travel from China. It was already too late.

Then, for well over a month, he told us that we’d have zero cases, Xi was doing a great job and that everything was under control.


What was that little hater dupe? He allowed 40,000 AMERICANS to come home.

Lol, no. 40,000 people, some of whom were Americans, some of whom were realted to Americans, and some of whom had "important business" in the United States.

Please, stop covering for this imbecile.

Why? You cover for your imbeciles all of the time. You idiots hurled the racist epithet at him for closing it down, and now that he is proven correct you are desperately trying to cover your asses.

And failing epically.
That's a lie. Stop repeating it.

Stop covering for the moron.

Stop being part of the problem.
the irony
You're a tRumpling. You wouldn't know irony if it was made out of actual iron and dropped on your toe.
I guess the only people the Trumpsters are allowed to trust during this terribly complicated and dangerous time is their hero and role model.

A guy who acts and communicates like a twelve year old.

There are no suitable adjectives for this period in our history.

Is Covid transmissible from human to human?
Make a point.

The WHO gave us the worst information possible. If they weren't they outright lying and carrying water for the CCP, then they're just fucking stupid. If they were an airline would you fucking fly them?
Yes, I know the talk radio line.

That's so adorable! We can't even see your handlers lips move when you say "talk radio line"

Did your ChiCom handler tell you to mock people pointing out how the CCP's WHO lied about Wuhan Flu transmission?
It's amazing how progressives would rather die, or pay incompetence, rather than admit Trump was right.

Except Trump wasn't "right". He ignored the problem for three months. He's still fighting against the governors who are trying to control this thing because he's more worried about his re-election that won't happen than the welfare of the country.

Bullshit. He was ahead of all of your pelousi's, and Schumer's, and every other one of your progressive heroes who called him a racist for shutting down travel from China.

The facts prove you are full of poo

He didn’t shut down travel from China. And we already had cases here when he partially shut down travel from China. It was already too late.

Then, for well over a month, he told us that we’d have zero cases, Xi was doing a great job and that everything was under control.


What was that little hater dupe? He allowed 40,000 AMERICANS to come home.

Lol, no. 40,000 people, some of whom were Americans, some of whom were realted to Americans, and some of whom had "important business" in the United States.

Please, stop covering for this imbecile.

Why? You cover for your imbeciles all of the time. You idiots hurled the racist epithet at him for closing it down, and now that he is proven correct you are desperately trying to cover your asses.

And failing epically.
That's a lie. Stop repeating it.

Stop covering for the moron.

Stop being part of the problem.
the irony
You're a tRumpling. You wouldn't know irony if it was made out of actual iron and dropped on your toe.
and yet there you are.
I guess the only people the Trumpsters are allowed to trust during this terribly complicated and dangerous time is their hero and role model.

A guy who acts and communicates like a twelve year old.

There are no suitable adjectives for this period in our history.

Is Covid transmissible from human to human?
Make a point.

The WHO gave us the worst information possible. If they weren't they outright lying and carrying water for the CCP, then they're just fucking stupid. If they were an airline would you fucking fly them?
Yes, I know the talk radio line.

That's so adorable! We can't even see your handlers lips move when you say "talk radio line"

Did your ChiCom handler tell you to mock people pointing out how the CCP's WHO lied about Wuhan Flu transmission?
Dittos Rush.
I guess the only people the Trumpsters are allowed to trust during this terribly complicated and dangerous time is their hero and role model.

A guy who acts and communicates like a twelve year old.

There are no suitable adjectives for this period in our history.

Is Covid transmissible from human to human?
Make a point.

The WHO gave us the worst information possible. If they weren't they outright lying and carrying water for the CCP, then they're just fucking stupid. If they were an airline would you fucking fly them?
Yes, I know the talk radio line.

That's so adorable! We can't even see your handlers lips move when you say "talk radio line"

Did your ChiCom handler tell you to mock people pointing out how the CCP's WHO lied about Wuhan Flu transmission?
Dittos Rush.
ta da!!!!!
Good to know we can always count on Hollywood to do the work of the Chinese Communist Party for them and save them $150 million in the process
That is merely Hollywood's effort to try to help cut down on China's losses due to Trump WHO budget cuts.
Democrats: We have a friend in China. :smoke:
Hollywood caters to China. Has for years. And now that Americans don’t go to their crappy movies they need them even more.
Good point. I honestly can't tell you how many years it's been since I went to see a movie in the theater much less what that movie was? Was it the last Batman movie with Christian Bale? Or was it the last Star Trek movie that I made the horrible mistake of going to see in 3-D?

I can't even remember the last time I saw a preview on TV that I thought to myself: Gee, that looks good, I might have to see that! There aren't even hardly any good actors left in Hollywood still alive. They've run out of original ideas, good writing, and now, too many of them either promote the farcical bubble world of living in California as a norm, or are flat stories with 2-D writing and stories buoyed up by an over-abundance of garish CG special effects. They even managed to run Star Wars into the ground.

I figure there is still a lifetime's worth of good movies from the past I still haven't seen.

Hollywood has been dying for years, TV is already nearly dead and I look forward to a lot of really big mansions in Bel Air owned by the bank up for sale at huge losses.
Last movie I saw in theatres was Endgame. Parts of it were good the rest was cringy .
I collect DVD’ I have a full library if I ever get bored.
Nothing that comes out of Hollywood is worth watching the majority of the time.
I used to take my family regularly and went every week with another friend of mine. No one has been interested for quite awhile. It’s all trash.
I used to design electronics, I saw the inevitability of movies and TV years ago and created my own movie storage system and collected about 1500 of the best most select favorite movies, specials, documentaries, and TV shows of every kind in software with a book directory I can look up whatever I want to watch by category and bring it up at the press of a few buttons from my TV chair. That plus DVDs, Blu-rays, LDs, and some pretty good TV off the air for free (better than cable!).

I figure that if I sat down and watched TV 8 hours a day, it would take me 7+ years just to see everything once.

Too bad I can't market and sell the thing, but I'd have to charge $10,000 for the device. Actually cheaper than what people spend on cable TV packages, but the consumer is too dim to fork out such a price up front.
and all of you cannot provide one piece of evidence for your position other than repeating what others have said.
No one can convince someone who doesn't want to know or be informed.

I've posted over and over evidence that Taiwan's warnings about China and the corona virus were

You make accusation but provide no proof. Half you all probably never heard of WHO before the pandemic thinking that must be the rock group from England way way back
Well that's "clever" but self serving coming from someone who obviously has no intention of learning the
truth of this matter.
There is lots of information showing how the WHO has been shielding China from blame for the world wide pandemic we are in. But you chose to pretend it doesn't exist and that's disgraceful.
Good to know we can always count on Hollywood to do the work of the Chinese Communist Party for them and save them $150 million in the process
That is merely Hollywood's effort to try to help cut down on China's losses due to Trump WHO budget cuts.
Democrats: We have a friend in China. :smoke:
Hollywood caters to China. Has for years. And now that Americans don’t go to their crappy movies they need them even more.
Good point. I honestly can't tell you how many years it's been since I went to see a movie in the theater much less what that movie was? Was it the last Batman movie with Christian Bale? Or was it the last Star Trek movie that I made the horrible mistake of going to see in 3-D?

I can't even remember the last time I saw a preview on TV that I thought to myself: Gee, that looks good, I might have to see that! There aren't even hardly any good actors left in Hollywood still alive. They've run out of original ideas, good writing, and now, too many of them either promote the farcical bubble world of living in California as a norm, or are flat stories with 2-D writing and stories buoyed up by an over-abundance of garish CG special effects. They even managed to run Star Wars into the ground.

I figure there is still a lifetime's worth of good movies from the past I still haven't seen.

Hollywood has been dying for years, TV is already nearly dead and I look forward to a lot of really big mansions in Bel Air owned by the bank up for sale at huge losses.
Last movie I saw in theatres was Endgame. Parts of it were good the rest was cringy .
I collect DVD’ I have a full library if I ever get bored.
Nothing that comes out of Hollywood is worth watching the majority of the time.
I used to take my family regularly and went every week with another friend of mine. No one has been interested for quite awhile. It’s all trash.
I used to design electronics, I saw the inevitability of movies and TV years ago and created my own movie storage system and collected about 1500 of the best most select favorite movies, specials, documentaries, and TV shows of every kind in software with a book directory I can look up whatever I want to watch by category and bring it up at the press of a few buttons from my TV chair. That plus DVDs, Blu-rays, LDs, and some pretty good TV off the air for free (better than cable!).

I figure that if I sat down and watched TV 8 hours a day, it would take me 7+ years just to see everything once.

Too bad I can't market and sell the thing, but I'd have to charge $10,000 for the device. Actually cheaper than what people spend on cable TV packages, but the consumer is too dim to fork out such a price up front.
Sounds awesome. It would probably take me awhile to go through my collection also. Not 7 years...but a long time for sure. lol

I still want more. Especially some more old TV series. And now that I have paid off my car...I want a huge TV to play them on. Next large purchase in a few months. After I knock out my property tax.that my asshole democratic governor is not giving extensions on.
rational people the left aren't. they're liars, cheats, shamers, evil fks that are out to burn down the US. Ask Soros.
rational people the left aren't. they're liars, cheats, shamers, evil fks that are out to burn down the US. Ask Soros.
And studies have shown that the SJW warriors and PC police that make up the entertainment industry( that democrats cater to) only represent about 8% of Americans. The rest of the country is sick of the bs.
I still want more. Especially some more old TV series.
Then you ought to look into OTA TV, get an OTA DVR and check out TV channels like Cozi, MeTV, Antenna, Comet, H&I, Quest, Movies, Buzzr, Decades, This and Get TV.

After I knock out my property tax.that my asshole democratic governor is not giving extensions on.
Really? I'm actually looking into not only getting an extension on all taxes due, but I think we should get a reduction, since both local, city and schools have been partly or completely shut down for over a month!
I still want more. Especially some more old TV series.
Then you ought to look into OTA TV, get an OTA DVR and check out TV channels like Cozi, MeTV, Antenna, Comet, H&I, Quest, Movies, Buzzr, Decades, This and Get TV.

After I knock out my property tax.that my asshole democratic governor is not giving extensions on.
Really? I'm actually looking into not only getting an extension on all taxes due, but I think we should get a reduction, since both local, city and schools have been partly or completely shut down for over a month!
I enjoy MeTv.
I still want more. Especially some more old TV series.
Then you ought to look into OTA TV, get an OTA DVR and check out TV channels like Cozi, MeTV, Antenna, Comet, H&I, Quest, Movies, Buzzr, Decades, This and Get TV.

After I knock out my property tax.that my asshole democratic governor is not giving extensions on.
Really? I'm actually looking into not only getting an extension on all taxes due, but I think we should get a reduction, since both local, city and schools have been partly or completely shut down for over a month!
I recently bought an antenna. I just need to hook it up. I’m in the process of dumping Xfinity and Netflix since I rarely watch them. Once they open back up I’m dumping all of my cable crap back to them.

our governor made sure everyone knew property taxes were still due and on time. Cuz you know.... they care...not.

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