Ann Romney is right

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
This dunderhead should just shut up and let her do the talking. Just think what will happen if Mittens is elected - he'd have us at war with every other country on the planet. But, on the plus side, the late night comics would have more material than they could ever use.

Mitt Romney Asks If Pennsylvania Bakery's Cookies Were Made At 7-Eleven

How Mitt Romney Sees The United States (INTERACTIVE)

Those who wanna whine about the source of these two articles can feel free to post proof that these incidents didn't happen. Otherwise, you just look stupid.
This dunderhead should just shut up and let her do the talking. Just think what will happen if Mittens is elected - he'd have us at war with every other country on the planet. But, on the plus side, the late night comics would have more material than they could ever use.

Mitt Romney Asks If Pennsylvania Bakery's Cookies Were Made At 7-Eleven

How Mitt Romney Sees The United States (INTERACTIVE)

Those who wanna whine about the source of these two articles can feel free to post proof that these incidents didn't happen. Otherwise, you just look stupid.

And to think we just had one of you blowhards state democrats have distanced themselves from Ann.

It just isnt possible to take the low life out of a democrat.
But its really easy for you rabid rw's to distance yourselves from the facts about your candidate.

That's okay though. You go right back to stuffing your head into the sand.
But its really easy for you rabid rw's to distance yourselves from the facts about your candidate.

That's okay though. You go right back to stuffing your head into the sand.

It is painfully obvious you pay little attention to peoples remarks.

I am not a repub, but I am anti democrat.

Democrats are Americas domestic enemy.
What comes through every fumble, gaffe and lie Mittne utters is disdain and contempt for us peons. To be fair to him, he doesn't have to deal with the real world or the people who do. I have no doubt that he has the intelligence to handle a hostile takeover on paper but, in spite of him saying likes to fire people, if he were faced with actually having to do it,he just sorest have the balls.

Just watched him giving a speech in front of a sign that read "Obama isn't working". Only problem is, the sign was hanging on a gypsum plant that was closed under Bush. And, as we already know, Mittens himself failed miserably to create jobs.

Anyone see the hysterical footage of him with voters at a picnic tables? He looked like a robot needing a battery charge. The people looked like they were trying find his pulse.

He is a flat-footed idiot and just can't help himself.

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