Zone1 Annihilating the Church of J.C. of LDS

Why is that so difficult to believe? All mankind came through Adam and Eve. We are all the children of God. All the people of the earth came from a single location.

The dark skin was given so that the Nephites would not interbreed with the Lamanites because of the disbelief and wickedness of the Lamanites. The dark skin would allow them to recognize the Lamanites without trouble. However, there was a time in the Book of Mormon where the Nephites became wicked and some of the Lamanites became very righteous. So God did not discriminate against the Lamanites because of their dark skin but only because of their wickedness.

When the Garden of Eden was upon the earth, the earth was one land mass. Why would it be so hard to believe that it could have been where America is now if it was all one land mass?

Genesis 10:25
25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan.

Do you mean Joseph Smith? If God wanted, He could have had anyone translate the plates. Joseph Smith was chosen by God to do the work of translation. After Martin and Lucy lost the 116 pages, the Lord would not have them retranslated since what was on the lost pages was reiterated by subsequent prophets. It didn't need to be reproduced since God foresaw the loss of the pages and made up for it before it ever took place.

Pangea? 300 million years ago?

The flood story comes from the Euphrates River Basin circa 2900 BC.

Humans did not exist during the time of the super-continent of Pangea. Pangea formed between 300 million and 335 million years ago and began to break apart about 200 million years ago. So, Pangea broke up about 194 million years before the first ancestors of humans were on Earth.
No, I agree he changed a great many things.

I have no issues with that.
Joseph Smith did not change the Bible. I was told when I joined the Best Bible was the King James Version. So how did Joseph Smith change that? He added the Book of Mormon and other things, but he made no change to the bible.
Joseph Smith did not change the Bible. I was told when I joined the Best Bible was the King James Version. So how did Joseph Smith change that? He added the Book of Mormon and other things, but he made no change to the bible.

We do use the King James. However, you will notice footnotes that include Joseph Smith's translation of the bible. It adds clarity an consistency to the bible relative to the doctrine we teach. Matthew 25:12 is a great example. In the KJV he says "I never knew you". In the JS translation it says "ye never knew me" which is much more consistent with what we teach about coming unto Christ.

It still reads as "I never knew you" in the KJV, but you will find the JST in the footnotes.

The Mountain Meadows Massacre makes for interesting reading.....US Senator Lee is a direct descendant of John D. Lee.

The livestock and personal property of the Baker–Fancher party, including women's jewelry, clothing and bedstuffs were distributed or auctioned off to Mormons.

Some of the surviving children saw clothing and jewelry that had belonged to their dead mothers and sisters subsequently being worn by Mormon women and the journalist J.H. Beadle said that jewelry taken from Mountain Meadows was seen in Salt Lake City.


J. D. Lee is seen sitting next to his coffin before being executed by firing squad in 1877.
Government, yes the government you believe in, put him to death in cold blood. 20 years past the event.
Joseph Smith did not change the Bible. I was told when I joined the Best Bible was the King James Version. So how did Joseph Smith change that? He added the Book of Mormon and other things, but he made no change to the bible.
Joseph was but 14 I believe when angels came to him. Joseph did nothing to the Bible. We believe it is correct so much that is accurately translated. Seems reasonable to me.
Joseph Smith did not change the Bible. I was told when I joined the Best Bible was the King James Version. So how did Joseph Smith change that? He added the Book of Mormon and other things, but he made no change to the bible.
He not only added verses, he also changed verses. Over 2400 added/changed
He not only added verses, he also changed verses. Over 2400 added/changed
It has been changed zillions of times since the first event. But not in ways to damage the meaning.

Sorry to burst your bubble, Sarge.
that is a lie I am a member of the Church and we use the King James Version not the Joseph Smith Version. Again, name this new bible and link to where I can get one since you claim my church has it,

Sorry to burst your bubble, Sarge.
Clearly you have never been in Church services of the LDS church for had you been there, you would see the Bible being used and it is the run of the mill King James version. So if you think we changed it, so did every other church using the Bible.
that is a lie I am a member of the Church and we use the King James Version not the Joseph Smith Version. Again, name this new bible and link to where I can get one since you claim my church has it,
I could care less which Church you're a member of. You asked and I provided, I'm not here to
change your mind, or argue about it. I just presented the actual facts, take them or leave them, Sarge.

By the way, thank you for your service.
I could care less which Church you're a member of. You asked and I provided, I'm not here to
change your mind, or argue about it. I just presented the actual facts, take them or leave them, Sarge.

By the way, thank you for your service.
But it isn't a fact the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints use the standard King James Bible.
Pangea? 300 million years ago?

The flood story comes from the Euphrates River Basin circa 2900 BC.

Humans did not exist during the time of the super-continent of Pangea. Pangea formed between 300 million and 335 million years ago and began to break apart about 200 million years ago. So, Pangea broke up about 194 million years before the first ancestors of humans were on Earth.
You can believe that if you want. I don't! The dating techniques of science are flawed! In other words faulty science.

He not only added verses, he also changed verses. Over 2400 added/changed
We believe Joseph Smith was a prophet who received revelation from God as to issues of omissions and mistranslations made over thousands of years of Biblical writings. We still use the basic King James translation and show it in our bible but also show the Joseph Smith translations in the footnotes and post sections of the King James version. As HikerGuy83 mentioned, they add clarity to our Bible study.
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