Anonymous plans to reveal names of about 1,000 Ku Klux Klan members

Anonymous plans to reveal names of about 1,000 Ku Klux Klan members
Finally those Ku Klux Klan retards will get what they deserve. I wish Anonymous luck to jail all those f*ckers. I can't get it how such organization can exist in the 21th century. It must have been outlawed many decades ago. Such organizations as KKK should not have a right to exist. We need to do everything possible to make racism a thing of the past. People of all races should understand how to live in peace.
NAACP is another racist organization we need to rid ourselves of.
LOL. I think that publishing the names of all the members of the KKK would be a public service. Then we can all laugh at the silly bigoted asses at work and leisure. Ask them if they piss in their sheets every time they see a black man bigger than they are.
Anonymous plans to reveal names of about 1,000 Ku Klux Klan members
Finally those Ku Klux Klan retards will get what they deserve. I wish Anonymous luck to jail all those f*ckers. I can't get it how such organization can exist in the 21th century. It must have been outlawed many decades ago. Such organizations as KKK should not have a right to exist. We need to do everything possible to make racism a thing of the past. People of all races should understand how to live in peace.

You know Anonymous is just ask likely to release 1000 random names and call them KKK'ers than to release the names of actual KKK'ers?

They may even mix it up, add a few black people in there are watch the lulz ensue.
You think they'll all be registered Democrats? How can we forget the Grand Wizard of the KKK that they put in our Government, who was a DEMOCRAT. Robert Byrd.
Freedom of association and speech. Take it from them and Big Brother comes for you next.
Anonymous plans to reveal names of about 1,000 Ku Klux Klan members
Finally those Ku Klux Klan retards will get what they deserve. I wish Anonymous luck to jail all those f*ckers. I can't get it how such organization can exist in the 21th century. It must have been outlawed many decades ago. Such organizations as KKK should not have a right to exist. We need to do everything possible to make racism a thing of the past. People of all races should understand how to live in peace.
First you have to have people that are willing to accept the fact that people have differing points of view and should be free to speak them. Which you clearly are not. Fortunately our founders made sure government could not restrict the right.

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