Anoter liberal retard

Anoter retard? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Seriously? A simple typo sends you into uncontrolled laughter?

Whatever. I take it you have no comment on the topic and just dropped by to point out mistakes, then laugh at them. To show appreciation for your diligence when it comes to pointing out minor mistakes of others, I promise to point it out should you make even the slightest mistake. And I will laugh.

Back to the topic. There are more mixed race families on the right than on the left. The stupid comment was out of line and totally false. I am glad people on the right stand up for themselves when idiots lie about them. Any comment?

They're easily entertained. Kinda like a chimp with poo.

And of those con families, very few are at the far right, TeaP or libertarian wing nut brigades.

it said conservatives, not according to you, everyone not a commie is far right. You think McCain and Romney are far right, that's all I need to know

can't spell and doesn't admit TeaPs and reactionaries and libertarians are not conservatives: tis what tis
Wait, what?

His grandfather fought the Nazis in WWII.
Commie fought nazis too, most people know that. Hitler vs stalin, both left wingers and murderers.....

So now? Obama's grandfather, An American Hero, is a Murder?

Are you daft?

No, fuckstain, the sentence clearly said, "Hiter vs Stalin, both left wingers and murderers". People who understand English can see that "both" would refer strictly to Hitler and Stalin. You leftists have GOT to get over this narcissism that makes you deal yourselves into everything on the assumption that the whole world revolves around you.

Speaking of daft . . .
That Democrap must be admitting that black men will only leave the woman, leave the child or stick around to beat them both...

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