Another active shooter

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again?
You couldn’t be more wrong if you were Trump himself.

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4 worst in body count in US history also happened under Trumps watch.
He tried to tell you stop advertising gun free zones and to put guards at schools.
In my view it was the influence of violent video games that caused this event.

Oh, hang on, we have those over here. What could it be ?

We have 320 million people.....and you better wait, the guy has a muslim you might want to reserve your smugness.......the survivors of the Paris muslim attack where 137 were murdered with fully automatic miltiary rifles and grenades might have something to say to you...
Yeah,it was a christian last week. We got plenty of them as well. What have you got that we havent ? Hmmm, let me get back to you Cletus.

We have 320 million people...... you have a tiny island.
In my view it was the influence of violent video games that caused this event.

Oh, hang on, we have those over here. What could it be ?

Do you understand that your criminals have guns? That they are using them more and more in crime? And since you have guns, the only thing stopping mass public shootings in Britain, is your nuts just don't decide to do them.....
This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again?
You couldn’t be more wrong if you were Trump himself.

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4 worst in body count in US history also happened under Trumps watch.

Trump is a mass shooter. You are correct.

How many brown people did Obama kill? Did he Drone strike weddings?

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again?
You couldn’t be more wrong if you were Trump himself.

View attachment 471072
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4 worst in body count in US history also happened under Trumps watch.
He tried to tell you stop advertising gun free zones and to put guards at schools.
I own guns. I carry in high risk areas. I just have spent next to no time in high risk areas since I stopped being an appraiser. Even then I would schedule my appointments before 10 in the morning. Crack heads ain't out of bed by then. We are seeing a new trend for crime in my area. Criminals are targeting wealthy areas where seniors live. Kinda sucks that's where my parents live. They gunna have a surprise dealing with my mom and dad. Lol they are both packing.
What have you got that we havent ?

Hmmm, let me get back to you Cletus.
This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again?
You couldn’t be more wrong if you were Trump himself.

View attachment 471072
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4 worst in body count in US history also happened under Trumps watch.

Trump is a mass shooter. You are correct.

How many brown people did Obama kill? Did he Drone strike weddings?

Trumps a coward that spreads hate and fear. Sends people like the kraken at ya with lies spreading hate and fear and then calls you a moron for believing her. So keep wearing those shoes since they fit so well.
This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again?
You couldn’t be more wrong if you were Trump himself.

View attachment 471072
View attachment 471075
4 worst in body count in US history also happened under Trumps watch.
He tried to tell you stop advertising gun free zones and to put guards at schools.
I own guns. I carry in high risk areas. I just have spent next to no time in high risk areas since I stopped being an appraiser. Even then I would schedule my appointments before 10 in the morning. Crack heads ain't out of bed by then. We are seeing a new trend for crime in my area. Criminals are targeting wealthy areas where seniors live. Kinda sucks that's where my parents live. They gunna have a surprise dealing with my mom and dad. Lol they are both packing.
Lots of people pack here too in SC.
This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again?
You couldn’t be more wrong if you were Trump himself.

View attachment 471072
View attachment 471075
4 worst in body count in US history also happened under Trumps watch.
He tried to tell you stop advertising gun free zones and to put guards at schools.
I own guns. I carry in high risk areas. I just have spent next to no time in high risk areas since I stopped being an appraiser. Even then I would schedule my appointments before 10 in the morning. Crack heads ain't out of bed by then. We are seeing a new trend for crime in my area. Criminals are targeting wealthy areas where seniors live. Kinda sucks that's where my parents live. They gunna have a surprise dealing with my mom and dad. Lol they are both packing.

A muslim committed a mass shooting while Biden is President.

These are facts.

Trump is no longer in public service, you fucking obsessed psycho. Please do not become the next mass shooter.
This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again?
You couldn’t be more wrong if you were Trump himself.

View attachment 471072
View attachment 471075
4 worst in body count in US history also happened under Trumps watch.
He tried to tell you stop advertising gun free zones and to put guards at schools.
I own guns. I carry in high risk areas. I just have spent next to no time in high risk areas since I stopped being an appraiser. Even then I would schedule my appointments before 10 in the morning. Crack heads ain't out of bed by then. We are seeing a new trend for crime in my area. Criminals are targeting wealthy areas where seniors live. Kinda sucks that's where my parents live. They gunna have a surprise dealing with my mom and dad. Lol they are both packing.
Lots of people pack here too in SC.
I spent my youth living in the middle of know where. My fire arms were about my only form of entertainment. Got pretty use to having one on me.
This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again?
You couldn’t be more wrong if you were Trump himself.

View attachment 471072
View attachment 471075
4 worst in body count in US history also happened under Trumps watch.
He tried to tell you stop advertising gun free zones and to put guards at schools.
I own guns. I carry in high risk areas. I just have spent next to no time in high risk areas since I stopped being an appraiser. Even then I would schedule my appointments before 10 in the morning. Crack heads ain't out of bed by then. We are seeing a new trend for crime in my area. Criminals are targeting wealthy areas where seniors live. Kinda sucks that's where my parents live. They gunna have a surprise dealing with my mom and dad. Lol they are both packing.

A muslim committed a mass shooting while Biden is President.

These are facts.

Trump is no longer in public service, you fucking obsessed psycho. Please do not become the next mass shooter.
Lol, Moron. When you spread hate and fear makes people go crazy. It's that simple. Jealousy is the other thing. The sooner you come to this realization the better off you will be. Don't matter what religion you are hate,fear, and Jealousy is what causes this shit. Everything else is irrelevant. So just keep spreading the above like your fat orange god and the kraken and shit will just get worse.

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

If the 2nd amendment was a wonderful thing other countries would want one. They don`t. If "guy shooting" didn`t have a gun how many would have been killed while grocery shopping?
Take your time with this.

After World War 1 the countries of Europe took guns away from their 1939 the socialists went on to murder 12 million innocent men, women and children.....more people murdered than murdered by American criminals using illegal guns...........

Russia, 25 million murdered
China 70 million murdered.....

They didn't have a 2nd AMendment either.........

Nobody gave away more guns than Adolph Hitler. He gave them snappy looking uniforms too. Sell your BS history someplace else.

Yeah, he gave them to fascist Party members. Less than 10 percent of the population. He took them away from everyone else.
For real...this is awful and it is kinda pussy to immediately go political from either side.

No doubt Dims will use this to push more erosion of 2A rights.

Once they knew it was a white guy.....they got a massive gun control hard on.

It will all blow over.

The reports I heard on the radio a few minutes ago is that the guy is a Anti Trump Muslim so the news media will sweep it under the rug,
As long as this stuff keeps happening, the gun control people are eventually gonna get their way. But when "common sense" gun control fails to eliminate the problem, the next solution will be even more radical than the last. And so on and so on until all of us are living under a boot. For the greater good, of course.

If more were to pass the common sense gun laws, it would happen a lot less. In this case, the gun laws in place would not have stopped this murderer. Until he pulled the trigger, he complied with the State Laws.
Progs and their agendas played a major role in this. For years we have seen this in greater numbers. We are increasingly feminized as a nation and more people are broken or damaged by upside down policy enforcements. Many males are now eunuchs and the worst thing is many are involved in the feminization of our nation. And it can cross political lines to an extent. The last shooting in Atlanta had the feminized Progs attacking a Sheriff instead of the addressing the problem as usual. And the only answer is gun control for the problems they have created or made worse.

The problem is the "Good Guy with a Gun" mode. In a civil situation, a Good Guy with a Gun is about as dangerous as a Bad Guy with a Gun. Just require your "Good Guy with a Gun" to get the training and have them hide their weapons on their person. CCW Licensed Gun Owners are NOT part of the Problem. They are part of the solution. But your "Good Guy with a Gun" is part of the problem. And the general public doesn't feel safe with you prancing around with your gun hanging out.
I think open carry, in most situations, only alerts the bad guys..and put a weapon potentially up for grabs.
Idaho is permit-less CCW--for $50 you can get the permit if you need the reciprocity while traveling--just take a class.
Part of the responsibility of gun ownership is educating yourself.
It is still our responsibility to keep guns away from Crazies, Criminals and kids.

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

Liberals should never be allowed to own a gun. 80% solved.

So you're against the 2nd amendment..I thought so....hypocrite

What????.....Most libs do not have the maturity to handle something like a gun

They have no maturity for raising kids, money, giving advice. Liberals are just miserable people.

You see, that's a stupid set a political bar to gun ownership makes you into what you claim to despise.
But whatever..troll on...
White male, born on May 5, 1983; He is 5'7" tall and 200 pounds. His criminal history includes drug paraphernalia and possession. He is also known to be violent towards police.

Party Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Registered to Vote In: Boulder County, Colorado
Registration Date: 05/23/2019
Voter Status: Inactive
Status Reason: Undeliverable Ballot

Also threatened to kill a Denver DA in 2015...

Man accused of threatening to kill Denver DA
Short fat ugly and never got laid .Libturd for sure.
When this country starts roasting these anti government, Trump loving, NRA white motherfuckers after all the fucked up shit they do, like they did McVeigh back in the day, these white pussy's would stop this mass shooting shit. Barbeque a few of these cowardly bastards and this shit would stop.
No, just lock up all the negroes, problem solved.
Red-flag bitches like you..problem solved.

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....
8 mass hootings under Trump. You people are dumber than shit.
Oh noes! Not the mass hooting...owl control to the rescue!
White male, born on May 5, 1983; He is 5'7" tall and 200 pounds. His criminal history includes drug paraphernalia and possession. He is also known to be violent towards police.

Party Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Registered to Vote In: Boulder County, Colorado
Registration Date: 05/23/2019
Voter Status: Inactive
Status Reason: Undeliverable Ballot

Also threatened to kill a Denver DA in 2015...

Man accused of threatening to kill Denver DA
Short fat ugly and never got laid .Libturd for sure.
When this country starts roasting these anti government, Trump loving, NRA white motherfuckers after all the fucked up shit they do, like they did McVeigh back in the day, these white pussy's would stop this mass shooting shit. Barbeque a few of these cowardly bastards and this shit would stop.
No, just lock up all the negroes, problem solved.
Red-flag bitches like you..problem solved.
Come do it.

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