Another active shooter

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only morons figure guns to be dangerous, not the shooter...thats whats messed up w/you

Like drugs, guns in the wrong hands are dangerous.
Liberal policies are inconsistent by legalizing drugs while banning guns.

If you are going to trust people with drugs, then we need to go after the addictions and abuse; and this approach of identifying mental and criminal disorders would solve BOTH problems with abuse of either drugs or guns falling into criminal hands.

The reason Liberal policy is inconsistent is trying to substitute external govt for the internal process of resolving the ROOT causes of mental, criminal and social ills that belong to the PEOPLE on local levels outside govt jurisdiction.

You cannot substitute for parenting and personal changes in attitude, relations or behavior by legislating mandates through govt.

But since the Liberal "secular" approach is to substitute Govt in place of spiritual or church authority, this approach seeks to compete politically AGAINST the effective practices of screening out and correcting abuses DIRECTLY by actually ENFORCING and applying existing laws and practices used effecticely by Christians and Constitutionalists. Instead of uniting on these solutions, the Liberal political bias is to oppose this way of invoking authority by trying to undercut this, and replace it with dependence on Partisan control of Govt, moving the source of authority away from people empowering themselves directly and instead shifting that power to centralized authority in Federal Govt where only the Corporate elite can access representation in decisions.

Again, the real solutions are accessible to all people DIRECTLY by exercising Christian and Constitutional practices and policies on a LOCAL level. That doesn't require going through govt, much less depend on federal govt. People have this power directly, but Liberals without this faith keep teaching the people are helpless and need to donate to Parties to get help through Govt.

* Christian spiritual healing is used to break the cycle of drug abuse, addiction and even criminal mental disorders and free people's minds to be able to comply with authorities and return to normal relations in society.
But Liberals want to demonize and censor Christians, then rely on govt programs when social problems escalate because of the lack of people getting help to solve their own problems with poverty and mental illness.

* Constitutional law enforcement and teaching all citizens to live by the laws, the way police and military veterans do by taking oaths to defend the laws and public as sacred duty, would screen out those who seek to violate laws or have criminal disabilities. But again, Liberals want to blame all police, defund them, and shift control to Federal Govt instead of shifting that power back to people to police our own communities by enforcing the same Constitutional standards directly ourselves. Which empowers us equally as govt, as military and police invoke authority of law by adopting and committing to uphold and defend these laws.

I wish we could discuss and resolve all policy issues over guns and drugs, abortion and mask mandates, in an environment where EVERYONE feels equally empowered to represent themselves in govt, either directly or through their party or media of choice.

If we come at each other as unequal, where some people depend on one party being in govt or others depend on another group to defend and represent their interests, we will only fight over which group will dominate.

We can never freely discuss the problems or solutions, out of fear that more power or influence will go to a competing group.

If we can agree to recognize each party or group as having sovereign jurisdiction over their members obky

Hmmm, I wonder if the legalizing of drugs is for the reason (that if a conservative is killed by a criminal leftist if this is the case), then the offender can claim drugs made him do it, and thus the offender will be able to rejoin the fight when the liberal judge releases the offender based upon the drugs in his system that of course made him do it ?????

Ya see ol beag, that's the sort of spamming and trolling that would motivate me to just resign myself to needing to reply with a suggestion of lowering the age for gun ownership to even younger children.

I knew all along that you didn't want to stop trolling, you just wanted to be able to accuse others of trolling.

So why is that when stopping the trolling and spamming could lead to a rational discussion which could then lead to hearing some good ideas.

Why beag, one would suspect that hardly any Americans want to hear any of that stuff!!
The democrat party has been the party of racism since it was founded by slave owners........they fought every single time to spread and keep racism alive, and now use racism to keep us separated so they can exploit that separation for their own power......

Not being an American with a dog in your political fight, your party distinctions and/or blaming one party and not the other, is of little importance to me.

But between us my impartiality can be a positive in continuing with the conversation in which we have found some agreement. Can we then say that one political party (the D's) have created the race/racism problem which has resulted in "stoking hate between racial groups"?
And can it then be said that hate between racial groups can here forth be known as racism?

We don't have a racism problem in this country, we have a political party that lives off of stoking hate between racial groups.

Keeping in mind that you may have a legitimate reason for withdrawing your suggestion that there has been hate stoked between racial groups?

And so my friend, we have reached some concensus that can at least facilitate a discussion. I suggest we should try to run with that and you don't try to dig your hole any deeper for now.
Other modern democracies allowed 12 million of their citizens to be murdered by the German socialists....and fought two World Wars.........which we had to go in....with stop.

Allowed is incorrect.
Socialist Germans is incorrect.
America stopping WW2 is incorrect.
More correctly i was the Soviet Union that stopped WW2.
And they happened to be leftist leaning socialists.

None of which is related to America's mass slaughter by gun, and which will not be discussed here on this thread.

A full and honest discussion on WW2 could be entertained on a new thread for that purpose.
Suffice to say here on this thread that America has started 40 wars of aggression since WW2 and that can be linked to this thread in that the killing abroad can be said to have definite links to murder by gun on the domestic scene.

If you must lead threads off topic then you could at least attempt to show some reason why there's some connection to your off-topic spamming.
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Yea because I don’t live in a crime ridden Democrat sewer like Chicago

Are you suggesting that 'some' or 'most' of America's big cities are sewers?

I would suggest that most of America is something resembling a sewer rhetorically speaking in that it's become an example to the rest of the world as evil, gun murders, Inadequate and unaffordable health care, racism to the extreme, and social depravity over all.

And not to forget that what little remains of it's democracy could fall victim to another government coup against a sitting president.
(now that we know conclusively that the Kennedy assassination was a successful government coup.)
Colorado has all the measures that
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

if the assault rifle ban was still in effect, fewer would have died.

if better screening was in place, the mentally unstable shooter would not have been able to buy the gun.

if the magazine size was limited, fewer would have died.

I don't think so in this case. The features of the AR were never really realized. He was a crappy, inexperienced shooter. He was stopped before the speed and reloading factor of the AR became a factor. He could have done the same job with a 40 SW Semi Auto Handgun loaded with 15 rounds. He only had 15 556 rounds to work with so even a handgun with good killing power could have done the same job. And both weapons would have been legal.

In Colorado, the mag size IS limited to 15 and that is probably what save a lot of lives. He killed 11, wounded X number and ran out of ammo. And before he could swap out to another 15 round mag, got stopped cold. The Cops did their jobs fantastic. No good guy with a gun would have changed anything. Regardless of anything, those 11 would still be dead, those X number would still be wounded and he would still be under arrest. All of this went down in a matter of seconds.
NO ONE is claiming to taking away all the guns, except RW's
Does it require a signed confession of intent from the left?

You people are blindly stumbling toward mass confiscation even if many libs like you dont realize it yet
RWNJ conspiracy theories thanks to the NRA, every time a democrat is in office, so the gullible will buy more guns, been happening for decades.
Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds

gun grabbers praise any country that has totally banned firearms and its the obvious goal of the left in America

Yep, for decades that's what the NRA and RWNJ's claim every time a democrat is in office "total confiscation" of guns.

"Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds"?

That gets the morons to buy more weapons, they are convinced will be banned.

If they get banned why are RWNJ's buying more of them?

'Stable geniuses", like their dear leader?

I don't want to do anything to destroy your illusion, but you should ask the former SKS owners in California who had their weapons confiscated if they gave them up willingly.

Not my illusion, RW'S are buying more of them.
As far as the SKS, is an old weapon, not used by any military in the world anymore and has a fixed magazine that only holds 10 rounds.
From what I read they were given $230, IF you refused to register it and complied with a background check.
So, they weren't confiscated, unless the person, let them be.

So, they took a perfectly legal firearm and declared them to be illegal if you didn't ask for their permission to keep it and you don't see that as a problem? Good grief, you're an idiot.

Nothing like the RW morons that buy something convinced it will be banned.
No one is more brain dead than that.
"They gonna ban AR's, I'm a gonna git two".
It's none of your business what anyone buys, commie.

Wish you were in charge.
Then you would mind me buying a 1000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate, for no particular reason, moron.
Buy it yourself commie.

How the little shithead commie blows himself up with it.
Other modern democracies allowed 12 million of their citizens to be murdered by the German socialists....and fought two World Wars.........which we had to go in....with stop.

Allowed is incorrect.
Socialist Germans is incorrect.
America stopping WW2 is incorrect.
More correctly i was the Soviet Union that stopped WW2.
And they happened to be leftist leaning socialists.

None of which is related to America's mass slaughter by gun, and which will not be discussed here on this thread.

A full and honest discussion on WW2 could be entertained on a new thread for that purpose.
Suffice to say here on this thread that America has started 40 wars of aggression since WW2 and that can be linked to this thread in that the killing abroad can be said to have definite links to murder by gun on the domestic scene.

If you must lead threads off topic then you could at least attempt to show some reason why there's some connection to your off-topic spamming.
People will murder. For instance, in Europe where guns are not as prevalent, the mass slaughter is by knife. Here is some info:

"The countries with common knife attacks or higher rates of homicide by knife or sharp object have tight gun control laws. Rates of violent crimes involving knives in these countries reflect their restrictions on guns."

So, blaming the weapon is futile at best. I think we can agree that no knife or gun has ever, by itself, harmed anyone. Humans are capable of great good and great evil. Until we come to grips with that, and stop projecting that humans innately sing Kumbaya together, the violence will escalate. No knife ban or gun ban will change a thing.
Other modern democracies allowed 12 million of their citizens to be murdered by the German socialists....and fought two World Wars.........which we had to go in....with stop.

Allowed is incorrect.
Socialist Germans is incorrect.
America stopping WW2 is incorrect.
More correctly i was the Soviet Union that stopped WW2.
And they happened to be leftist leaning socialists.

None of which is related to America's mass slaughter by gun, and which will not be discussed here on this thread.

A full and honest discussion on WW2 could be entertained on a new thread for that purpose.
Suffice to say here on this thread that America has started 40 wars of aggression since WW2 and that can be linked to this thread in that the killing abroad can be said to have definite links to murder by gun on the domestic scene.

If you must lead threads off topic then you could at least attempt to show some reason why there's some connection to your off-topic spamming.
People will murder. For instance, in Europe where guns are not as prevalent, the mass slaughter is by knife. Here is some info:

"The countries with common knife attacks or higher rates of homicide by knife or sharp object have tight gun control laws. Rates of violent crimes involving knives in these countries reflect their restrictions on guns."

So, blaming the weapon is futile at best. I think we can agree that no knife or gun has ever, by itself, harmed anyone. Humans are capable of great good and great evil. Until we come to grips with that, and stop projecting that humans innately sing Kumbaya together, the violence will escalate. No knife ban or gun ban will change a thing.

I tend to agree with you that nothing can be changed in America with regard to the guns, be they a problem or an imagined problem. I think that Biden's efforts will be seen by most Americans as a quick gift of a big screen t.v. by their political enemy.

It's a lot bigger issue than just guns and the slaughter of the American people by their own people's guns.

Of the parameters considered in putting the US down at 15th., the one that applies to this discussion is 'safety'.
But I don't think it's the issue that should first be concentrated upon if looking to fix America.

I see America as a fascist regime in the making, even though there are great roadblocks standing in the way of America starting WW3. Neither the hawks in America or the doves are willing to entertain the possibility of M.A.D.

When, or if, Trump comes back and succeeds in destroying democracy in America, what will he be able to do with his power? Give all Americans another bigger screen t.v?

I think that Americans of both political stripes are beginning to come together as simply 'the people', in the same way Hitler brought the German people together. Enough of the divisive left/right political bullsh-t!
I tend to agree with you that nothing can be changed in America with regard to the guns, be they a problem or an imagined problem. I think that Biden's efforts will be seen by most Americans as a quick gift of a big screen t.v. by their political enemy.

It's a lot bigger issue than just guns and the slaughter of the American people by their own people's guns.

Of the parameters considered in putting the US down at 15th., the one that applies to this discussion is 'safety'.
But I don't think it's the issue that should first be concentrated upon if looking to fix America.

I see America as a fascist regime in the making, even though there are great roadblocks standing in the way of America starting WW3. Neither the hawks in America or the doves are willing to entertain the possibility of M.A.D.

When, or if, Trump comes back and succeeds in destroying democracy in America, what will he be able to do with his power? Give all Americans another bigger screen t.v?

I think that Americans of both political stripes are beginning to come together as simply 'the people', in the same way Hitler brought the German people together. Enough of the divisive left/right political bullsh-t!
Canada itself has a domestic violence epidemic. Here:

We are the dead

A months’-long Maclean’s investigation into intimate-partner violence reveals how systems, politicians and people have failed women and girls

By Anne Kingston September 17, 2019


The women and girls pictured represent a tiny sample of those killed recently in Canada in confirmed or suspected incidents of domestic violence by men. Some of these cases are still before the courts. Their names are included at the end of this article.

Gun violence is surging in Toronto. I think I posted this in the past here.

"Gun violence is a growing problem in Canada's biggest city — and last year was Toronto's worst, with more shootings than any year to date, according to Toronto police statistics."

Colorado has all the measures that
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

if the assault rifle ban was still in effect, fewer would have died.

if better screening was in place, the mentally unstable shooter would not have been able to buy the gun.

if the magazine size was limited, fewer would have died.

I don't think so in this case. The features of the AR were never really realized. He was a crappy, inexperienced shooter. He was stopped before the speed and reloading factor of the AR became a factor. He could have done the same job with a 40 SW Semi Auto Handgun loaded with 15 rounds. He only had 15 556 rounds to work with so even a handgun with good killing power could have done the same job. And both weapons would have been legal.

In Colorado, the mag size IS limited to 15 and that is probably what save a lot of lives. He killed 11, wounded X number and ran out of ammo. And before he could swap out to another 15 round mag, got stopped cold. The Cops did their jobs fantastic. No good guy with a gun would have changed anything. Regardless of anything, those 11 would still be dead, those X number would still be wounded and he would still be under arrest. All of this went down in a matter of seconds.
NO ONE is claiming to taking away all the guns, except RW's
Does it require a signed confession of intent from the left?

You people are blindly stumbling toward mass confiscation even if many libs like you dont realize it yet
RWNJ conspiracy theories thanks to the NRA, every time a democrat is in office, so the gullible will buy more guns, been happening for decades.
Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds

gun grabbers praise any country that has totally banned firearms and its the obvious goal of the left in America

Yep, for decades that's what the NRA and RWNJ's claim every time a democrat is in office "total confiscation" of guns.

"Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds"?

That gets the morons to buy more weapons, they are convinced will be banned.

If they get banned why are RWNJ's buying more of them?

'Stable geniuses", like their dear leader?

I don't want to do anything to destroy your illusion, but you should ask the former SKS owners in California who had their weapons confiscated if they gave them up willingly.

Not my illusion, RW'S are buying more of them.
As far as the SKS, is an old weapon, not used by any military in the world anymore and has a fixed magazine that only holds 10 rounds.
From what I read they were given $230, IF you refused to register it and complied with a background check.
So, they weren't confiscated, unless the person, let them be.

So, they took a perfectly legal firearm and declared them to be illegal if you didn't ask for their permission to keep it and you don't see that as a problem? Good grief, you're an idiot.

Nothing like the RW morons that buy something convinced it will be banned.
No one is more brain dead than that.
"They gonna ban AR's, I'm a gonna git two".
It's none of your business what anyone buys, commie.

Wish you were in charge.
Then you would mind me buying a 1000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate, for no particular reason, moron.
Buy it yourself commie.

How the little shithead commie blows himself up with it.

So you are calling some else a commie. That usually means you support Domestic Terrorism and Traitors.
Colorado has all the measures that
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

if the assault rifle ban was still in effect, fewer would have died.

if better screening was in place, the mentally unstable shooter would not have been able to buy the gun.

if the magazine size was limited, fewer would have died.

I don't think so in this case. The features of the AR were never really realized. He was a crappy, inexperienced shooter. He was stopped before the speed and reloading factor of the AR became a factor. He could have done the same job with a 40 SW Semi Auto Handgun loaded with 15 rounds. He only had 15 556 rounds to work with so even a handgun with good killing power could have done the same job. And both weapons would have been legal.

In Colorado, the mag size IS limited to 15 and that is probably what save a lot of lives. He killed 11, wounded X number and ran out of ammo. And before he could swap out to another 15 round mag, got stopped cold. The Cops did their jobs fantastic. No good guy with a gun would have changed anything. Regardless of anything, those 11 would still be dead, those X number would still be wounded and he would still be under arrest. All of this went down in a matter of seconds.
NO ONE is claiming to taking away all the guns, except RW's
Does it require a signed confession of intent from the left?

You people are blindly stumbling toward mass confiscation even if many libs like you dont realize it yet
RWNJ conspiracy theories thanks to the NRA, every time a democrat is in office, so the gullible will buy more guns, been happening for decades.
Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds

gun grabbers praise any country that has totally banned firearms and its the obvious goal of the left in America

Yep, for decades that's what the NRA and RWNJ's claim every time a democrat is in office "total confiscation" of guns.

"Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds"?

That gets the morons to buy more weapons, they are convinced will be banned.

If they get banned why are RWNJ's buying more of them?

'Stable geniuses", like their dear leader?

I don't want to do anything to destroy your illusion, but you should ask the former SKS owners in California who had their weapons confiscated if they gave them up willingly.

Not my illusion, RW'S are buying more of them.
As far as the SKS, is an old weapon, not used by any military in the world anymore and has a fixed magazine that only holds 10 rounds.
From what I read they were given $230, IF you refused to register it and complied with a background check.
So, they weren't confiscated, unless the person, let them be.

So, they took a perfectly legal firearm and declared them to be illegal if you didn't ask for their permission to keep it and you don't see that as a problem? Good grief, you're an idiot.

Nothing like the RW morons that buy something convinced it will be banned.
No one is more brain dead than that.
"They gonna ban AR's, I'm a gonna git two".
It's none of your business what anyone buys, commie.

Wish you were in charge.
Then you would mind me buying a 1000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate, for no particular reason, moron.
Buy it yourself commie.

How the little shithead commie blows himself up with it.

So you are calling some else a commie. That usually means you support Domestic Terrorism and Traitors.

Oh. Is that what it means, my little commie Bolshevik wannbe?

When did throwing commies out of helicopters become "domestic terrorism"? I always thought it was the patriotic thing to do.
Like drugs, guns in the wrong hands are dangerous.
Liberal policies are inconsistent by legalizing drugs while banning guns.

If you are going to trust people with drugs, then we need to go after the addictions and abuse; and this approach of identifying mental and criminal disorders would solve BOTH problems with abuse of either drugs or guns falling into criminal hands.

The reason Liberal policy is inconsistent is trying to substitute external govt for the internal process of resolving the ROOT causes of mental, criminal and social ills that belong to the PEOPLE on local levels outside govt jurisdiction.

You cannot substitute for parenting and personal changes in attitude, relations or behavior by legislating mandates through govt.

But since the Liberal "secular" approach is to substitute Govt in place of spiritual or church authority, this approach seeks to compete politically AGAINST the effective practices of screening out and correcting abuses DIRECTLY by actually ENFORCING and applying existing laws and practices used effecticely by Christians and Constitutionalists. Instead of uniting on these solutions, the Liberal political bias is to oppose this way of invoking authority by trying to undercut this, and replace it with dependence on Partisan control of Govt, moving the source of authority away from people empowering themselves directly and instead shifting that power to centralized authority in Federal Govt where only the Corporate elite can access representation in decisions.

Again, the real solutions are accessible to all people DIRECTLY by exercising Christian and Constitutional practices and policies on a LOCAL level. That doesn't require going through govt, much less depend on federal govt. People have this power directly, but Liberals without this faith keep teaching the people are helpless and need to donate to Parties to get help through Govt.

* Christian spiritual healing is used to break the cycle of drug abuse, addiction and even criminal mental disorders and free people's minds to be able to comply with authorities and return to normal relations in society.
But Liberals want to demonize and censor Christians, then rely on govt programs when social problems escalate because of the lack of people getting help to solve their own problems with poverty and mental illness.

* Constitutional law enforcement and teaching all citizens to live by the laws, the way police and military veterans do by taking oaths to defend the laws and public as sacred duty, would screen out those who seek to violate laws or have criminal disabilities. But again, Liberals want to blame all police, defund them, and shift control to Federal Govt instead of shifting that power back to people to police our own communities by enforcing the same Constitutional standards directly ourselves. Which empowers us equally as govt, as military and police invoke authority of law by adopting and committing to uphold and defend these laws.

I wish we could discuss and resolve all policy issues over guns and drugs, abortion and mask mandates, in an environment where EVERYONE feels equally empowered to represent themselves in govt, either directly or through their party or media of choice.

If we come at each other as unequal, where some people depend on one party being in govt or others depend on another group to defend and represent their interests, we will only fight over which group will dominate.

We can never freely discuss the problems or solutions, out of fear that more power or influence will go to a competing group.

If we can agree to recognize each party or group as having sovereign jurisdiction over their members obky

This is no place to start with the relitgious superstitious bullshit Emily. Baby jesus isn't going to intervene and take American gun nuts under control.
That is NOT what I said or meant at all
Donald H and so I agree with you:
1. It is NOT about stopping the guns
2. It is NOT about religious superstition and anything you see on the surface like external ritual

My point in my post is about addressing
3. Criminal illness which is internal
4. Using medically proven methods of
Diagnosis and treatment
NOT superstition but proveable cures
NOT on guns but on the actual sickness
Ok Em, but what if the insanity or destabilizing is caused by one's recent experiences in life, and then it is being compounded by politic's, pride, independence, stability, and self reliance in which is all being severely threatened by current events or the unethical political chaos going on ???

This is exactly why that it is highly imperative that our government be an "honest broker" in the game of leadership in this country.

When we get dishonesty, deception, scheming, divisiveness, and hate ooozing out of our government in which begins to upset the healthy balance in our society, then that's when a large part of the nation slowly begins to become unstable. We are witnessing this very thing in different situations, but the dishonest political class is trying to deflect the issue's off of itself, and place them all onto the poor uneducated citizen's who then believe anything and everything these wicked deceptive politicians are telling them.

Listen to MalcolmX tell about the game that the liberal plays, and how he detest the liberal specifically in that speak.

Knowing exactly what is going on is important for the electorate, and it is highly important for the electorate to not allow for wicked, scheming leaders to get into our government, and not to allow our vote to be discarded by fraudulent elections if that is what has taken place.

Not dealing with criminals properly is a slap in the face of Justice, and it leads to many bad thing's over time.

Targeting the good citizen's in hopes to use them as some kind of example against the criminal's, is a wrong headed way of thinking, but I think that it's all the Democrat's know how to do in order to not offend their potential sea of voters regardless of who those voters might be.

Why wouldn't a drug dealer or criminal go down to vote for a party that champion's the poor, and knows that it blames one group of citizen's for the reason that the other group of citizen's are in the way that they are ???? So yeah, the drug dealer or criminal is happy to see the Democrat's doing what they do (blaming), otherwise when they don't have a clue as to why they are blaming, other than creating division, and destroying law and order in the process of gaining power In which gives the drug dealer and criminal the platform's in which to operate from.
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Colorado has all the measures that
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

if the assault rifle ban was still in effect, fewer would have died.

if better screening was in place, the mentally unstable shooter would not have been able to buy the gun.

if the magazine size was limited, fewer would have died.

I don't think so in this case. The features of the AR were never really realized. He was a crappy, inexperienced shooter. He was stopped before the speed and reloading factor of the AR became a factor. He could have done the same job with a 40 SW Semi Auto Handgun loaded with 15 rounds. He only had 15 556 rounds to work with so even a handgun with good killing power could have done the same job. And both weapons would have been legal.

In Colorado, the mag size IS limited to 15 and that is probably what save a lot of lives. He killed 11, wounded X number and ran out of ammo. And before he could swap out to another 15 round mag, got stopped cold. The Cops did their jobs fantastic. No good guy with a gun would have changed anything. Regardless of anything, those 11 would still be dead, those X number would still be wounded and he would still be under arrest. All of this went down in a matter of seconds.
NO ONE is claiming to taking away all the guns, except RW's
Does it require a signed confession of intent from the left?

You people are blindly stumbling toward mass confiscation even if many libs like you dont realize it yet
RWNJ conspiracy theories thanks to the NRA, every time a democrat is in office, so the gullible will buy more guns, been happening for decades.
Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds

gun grabbers praise any country that has totally banned firearms and its the obvious goal of the left in America

Yep, for decades that's what the NRA and RWNJ's claim every time a democrat is in office "total confiscation" of guns.

"Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds"?

That gets the morons to buy more weapons, they are convinced will be banned.

If they get banned why are RWNJ's buying more of them?

'Stable geniuses", like their dear leader?

I don't want to do anything to destroy your illusion, but you should ask the former SKS owners in California who had their weapons confiscated if they gave them up willingly.

Not my illusion, RW'S are buying more of them.
As far as the SKS, is an old weapon, not used by any military in the world anymore and has a fixed magazine that only holds 10 rounds.
From what I read they were given $230, IF you refused to register it and complied with a background check.
So, they weren't confiscated, unless the person, let them be.

So, they took a perfectly legal firearm and declared them to be illegal if you didn't ask for their permission to keep it and you don't see that as a problem? Good grief, you're an idiot.

Nothing like the RW morons that buy something convinced it will be banned.
No one is more brain dead than that.
"They gonna ban AR's, I'm a gonna git two".
It's none of your business what anyone buys, commie.

Wish you were in charge.
Then you would mind me buying a 1000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate, for no particular reason, moron.
Buy it yourself commie.

How the little shithead commie blows himself up with it.

So you are calling some else a commie. That usually means you support Domestic Terrorism and Traitors.

Oh. Is that what it means, my little commie Bolshevik wannbe?

When did throwing commies out of helicopters become "domestic terrorism"? I always thought it was the patriotic thing to do.
trump helicopter.jpg
Yea because I don’t live in a crime ridden Democrat sewer like Chicago

Are you suggesting that 'some' or 'most' of America's big cities are sewers?

I would suggest that most of America is something resembling a sewer rhetorically speaking in that it's become an example to the rest of the world as evil, gun murders, Inadequate and unaffordable health care, racism to the extreme, and social depravity over all.

And not to forget that what little remains of it's democracy could fall victim to another government coup against a sitting president.
(now that we know conclusively that the Kennedy assassination was a successful government coup.)
Honestly, I thought that an American characterizing a big city as being a sewer was a little over the top too.

But maybe it's that bad now?

The strongest manifestation of hate I've observed coming out of the mouths of Americans, is hate for their fellow Americans.

Times ten if hate for different skin colour is the topic of conversation.
As another American has recently admitted here on this forum, it's a failed union of racist states, due to differing intensities of the admitted racism.

This isn't me, a Canadian outsider making these claims!
Honestly, I thought that an American characterizing a big city as being a sewer was a little over the top too.
If you were aware of the crime and homeless drug addiction problem in liberal democrat you might use the word « sewer » too
Honestly, I thought that an American characterizing a big city as being a sewer was a little over the top too.

But maybe it's that bad now?

The strongest manifestation of hate I've observed coming out of the mouths of Americans, is hate for their fellow Americans.

Times ten if hate for different skin colour is the topic of conversation.
As another American has recently admitted here on this forum, it's a failed union of racist states, due to differing intensities of the admitted racism.

This isn't me, a Canadian outsider making these claims!
You said that all of America is a sewer and is evil. Snobbery and arrogance seem to be Canadian 'virtues.'
So you are calling some else a commie. That usually means you support Domestic Terrorism and Traitors.
No as a dumb Canadian you got it 'bassackwards.' The Marxist commies in America are the terrorists. Your Canada, BTW is a sewer. I posted articles to prove it to which you shrank away under your Canadian rock.

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....
I was thinking that as those poor forced sex slave workers in Atlanta were murdered. Now this.

Anyone know the Chinese or Venezuelan anthem so I could start practicing? Then I'll know both when we chose.
Yeah..cause everything is political, right?

F'kin idiot ghouls.
Incredible. But not surprising.
So glad I watch shit holes from way way way afar. Elections have consequences especially in shit holes

Jezus what kind of life could you live in a shit hole or its burbs??? Colorado is a pot infested shit hole now.
Boulder, Colorado is a “shithole?” Are you really that stupid? Where do you live? Bumfuck, Alabama?
I'm betting South Carolina...or Athol Id.

He does not seem to know that Boulder is a wealthy liberal enclave...although when he finds will just give him a bit more joy, I bet.

Most of Colorado is cowboy country....
Most people in north ID are conservative as well--Athol is in north ID.

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth. that's not true. We're not going to throw out the baby with the bathwater here. Good people need guns..partly to protect us from bad people..some of whom post here.

Listen, I know many good and responsible gun owners. I am not opposed to gun ownership, but damn, with all these killings, you have to think about making some of these weapons anyway, a little harder to obtain.

All they have to do is enforce the laws that are currently on the books. They never suggest that--just ban guns or more gun control laws that they won't enforce.
Colorado has all the measures that
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

if the assault rifle ban was still in effect, fewer would have died.

if better screening was in place, the mentally unstable shooter would not have been able to buy the gun.

if the magazine size was limited, fewer would have died.

I don't think so in this case. The features of the AR were never really realized. He was a crappy, inexperienced shooter. He was stopped before the speed and reloading factor of the AR became a factor. He could have done the same job with a 40 SW Semi Auto Handgun loaded with 15 rounds. He only had 15 556 rounds to work with so even a handgun with good killing power could have done the same job. And both weapons would have been legal.

In Colorado, the mag size IS limited to 15 and that is probably what save a lot of lives. He killed 11, wounded X number and ran out of ammo. And before he could swap out to another 15 round mag, got stopped cold. The Cops did their jobs fantastic. No good guy with a gun would have changed anything. Regardless of anything, those 11 would still be dead, those X number would still be wounded and he would still be under arrest. All of this went down in a matter of seconds.
NO ONE is claiming to taking away all the guns, except RW's
Does it require a signed confession of intent from the left?

You people are blindly stumbling toward mass confiscation even if many libs like you dont realize it yet
RWNJ conspiracy theories thanks to the NRA, every time a democrat is in office, so the gullible will buy more guns, been happening for decades.
Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds

gun grabbers praise any country that has totally banned firearms and its the obvious goal of the left in America

Yep, for decades that's what the NRA and RWNJ's claim every time a democrat is in office "total confiscation" of guns.

"Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds"?

That gets the morons to buy more weapons, they are convinced will be banned.

If they get banned why are RWNJ's buying more of them?

'Stable geniuses", like their dear leader?

I don't want to do anything to destroy your illusion, but you should ask the former SKS owners in California who had their weapons confiscated if they gave them up willingly.

Not my illusion, RW'S are buying more of them.
As far as the SKS, is an old weapon, not used by any military in the world anymore and has a fixed magazine that only holds 10 rounds.
From what I read they were given $230, IF you refused to register it and complied with a background check.
So, they weren't confiscated, unless the person, let them be.

So, they took a perfectly legal firearm and declared them to be illegal if you didn't ask for their permission to keep it and you don't see that as a problem? Good grief, you're an idiot.

Nothing like the RW morons that buy something convinced it will be banned.
No one is more brain dead than that.
"They gonna ban AR's, I'm a gonna git two".

Oh, excuse me. I didn't know there was a limit on how many firearms a person is allowed to own. Or how they're allowed to spend their own money.

I'm glad you straightened me out, would you like to be my personal financial advisor? You might as well be, since you've appointed yourself as such.

By all means, get as many as you like.
Spend all the $$$ as you like.
They're worth more than the dollar is.
Not a bad thing to invest in actually.

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