Another Alt Right Hero Goes Full Putin Troll

We have an administration that seems paralyzed and a president who seems incapable of making a decision one way or the other and meanwhile lefties pick on a pretty Black woman for merely voicing an opinion. What's wrong with this picture?
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Would be nice if she cared about the women and children being slaughtered by her buddies
So you’re okay with things like this...

Your approval shows what kind of moron you are. Owens has it right. You, as usual, are totally wrong.
While your fascist authoritarian-lackey credentials are solid, all positions in my pout-stalker brigade are currently filled.

I'll let you know when something opens up. Stay positive. With COVID, the odds of that happening soon are good.
You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.

LOL! Just kidding. They'll put you in the dirt as soon as your idiocy as a Useful Idiot outweighs your utility.
This Russian talking point about the poor oppressed Russians has faded fast. It seems everyone who used it got justifiably humiliated for being a such an open Putin shill.

Let's get some new Russian talking points in. Frank, you're up. What propaganda did Moscow issue you today?
This Russian talking point about the poor oppressed Russians has faded fast. It seems everyone who used it got justifiably humiliated for being a such an open Putin shill.

Let's get some new Russian talking points in. Frank, you're up. What propaganda did Moscow issue you today?
Still more projection. You just can't help it, can you?
I''m not the one who just tried to equate the Russian massacres with a case of grafitti.

That's your hero. And you're all here proudly announcing how much you agree.

So, the usual is happening.

You're acting in a morally reprehensible fashion.

When called on it, you you fling insults to deflect.

Please, continue. After all, it's not like you've ever been able to honestly debate any liberal on any topic, so don't start now.
No, you’re a retard who is denying what’s happening because.... cult. Then you predictably go to insulting people like a good little racist. You’re the one with no facts and no honesty. No surprise there. Your approval of these actions against innocent Russian people just trying to run a business marks you as a bigot.
Still more projection. You just can't help it, can you?
So Moscow ordered you to whimper about projection?

I don't think they did. I think that, being cutoff from your usual Moscow propaganda dumps, you're now trying to freelance. That's why you're faceplanting so badly.
So Moscow ordered you to whimper about projection?

I don't think they did. I think that, being cutoff from your usual Moscow propaganda dumps, you're now trying to freelance. That's why you're faceplanting so badly.
Goodness, you get angry when what you're so clearly doing is pointed out.

Do you think anyone believes you? Does it matter? Are you getting paid?
No, you’re a retard who is denying what’s happening because.... cult. Then you predictably go to insulting people like a good little racist. You’re the one with no facts and no honesty. No surprise there. Your approval of these actions against innocent Russian people just trying to run a business marks you as a bigot.
I know the majority of Republicans aren't backing the Russian fascists like you are, willingly spreading their fascist propaganda. It's generally only Q-filth and other antisemites and white supremacists doing that.

And no wonder. Russia is everything they love. The government there hates the same people they hate. The Russian government is white supremacist, christofascist and "antiwoke". That's the wishlist of what the alt-right and the Q-filth want for the USA.
I know the majority of Republicans aren't backing the Russian fascists like you are, willingly spreading their fascist propaganda. It's generally only Q-filth and other antisemites and white supremacists doing that.

And no wonder. Russia is everything they love. The government there hates the same people they hate. Russia is white suprmacist, christofascist and "antiwoke". That's the wishlist of what the alt-right and the Q-filth want for the USA.
You stupid fuck. Defending innocent people trying to make a living from assholes like you who want to beat them and destroy their businesses just because they’re Russian does not equal support for your beloved Putin. You’re just staying on full stupid because you’ve been shown to be a bigot, racist, and extremely uninformed. Take your bullshit, hit the bricks, and stay under your rock.
Some Putin shills just don't know when to quit.

Keep on sucking it hard, just like the Russian army.
Now projecting your homosexual tendencies. Seems to be a common theme with you lefturds. Approving of violence against innocent people trying to earn a living. You are a shill who doesn’t know when to just STFU because you’re embarrassing yourself with your ignorance.
What have you done? Why aren’t you in Ukraine fighting those evil Russians?
Back atcha. Why aren't you out fighting for your Russian masters? Do you really think spreading their propaganda is enough?

Ukraine isn't taking just any warm body. They want healthy young people with applicable combat experience. They also want the right mindset, that of freedom-fighters instead of psychos who just want to kill. The psychos can get hired by the Russians.

Being that I am not young and I lack any infantry experience, I would not be accepted. I would be a liability.

Therefore, I will just give money to those individuals who can serve the cause of freedom.
Back atcha. Why aren't you out fighting for your Russian masters? Do you really think spreading their propaganda is enough?

Ukraine isn't taking just any warm body. They want healthy young people with applicable combat experience. They also want the right mindset, that of freedom-fighters instead of psychos who just want to kill. The psychos can get hired by the Russians.

Being that I am not young and I lack any infantry experience, I would not be accepted. I would be a liability.

Therefore, I will just give money to those individuals who can serve the cause of freedom.
Hey dumbfuck, quote exactly where I supported the Russian invasions. You can’t asshole. By the way idiot, I am not Russian. Unlike you, I don’t support terrorizing people in this country because of their ancestry. Typical coward, spout off then go hide under your bed because you’re a pussy.
So you’re okay with things like this...

Your approval shows what kind of moron you are. Owens has it right. You, as usual, are totally wrong.

dems always look for “others” to push their bigotry on

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