Another American Murdered By An Illegal

Another good reason to boot all illegals out of our country.

Build the damned wall so they can't get in. Once its up we can boot those that are here out.
Well, now. It appears that I have gotten to the bottom line with you. If I have a Latino name, I am supposed to be insulted by your post. It does't make any difference whether or not I am an American citizen. Guess what, Sparky! That makes you a racist!

Notice he can't deny it.
So did this guy move close to the border so he could what, facilitate human smuggling?
Maybe run a support station for incoming illegals?

Guess what "Sparky"?
It means I CARE about my country being invaded. I don't care WHAT "color" they are.

So you admit you are NOT an American citizen.

Aren't we all surprised? :rolleyes:

PS....You can call me racist or whatever (typical Leftist tactic, nothing new) but that doesn't make it so.
Your kind call ANYONE who defends the nation a bigot and racist. So worn out. Yawn.

I can EASILY prove beyond a shadow of a doubt I'm not the racist you wish I was.....
But can you prove you're not the Anti_American traitor we all suspect you are?
Sanctuary cities, open borders, hindering immigration enforcement....
Someone needs to start taking the illegal facilitators to court.
People are dying because of their actions.
Police hunting gunman who shot dead a California officer find a truck | Daily Mail Online

Police are hunting a man who is in the US illegally and is accused of killing a California police officer on Wednesday.

Newman Police Department Corporal Ronil Singh, 33, was making a traffic stop early in the morning when he called 'shots fired' over his radio, according to the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department.

Singh had pulled over a gray pickup truck in Newman, a small town 100 miles south of San Francisco, after noticing it had no license plate as part of a DUI investigation, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said on Thursday.

Signh fired back to defend himself, Christianson said.

This is okay with dumbass Pelosi and Schumer! They refuse to fund the fucking wall!
There are 10 to 20 million illegals here. Its bound to happen. Do we really need another post everytime it does?
There are 10 to 20 million illegals here. Its bound to happen. Do we really need another post everytime it does?

And you don't see THAT as a problem? Jack ass moron.

Hopefully when an illegal kills someone you love or cripples you for life, you'll see the point.

YES it needs to be pointed out.

Police hunting gunman who shot dead a California officer find a truck | Daily Mail Online

Police are hunting a man who is in the US illegally and is accused of killing a California police officer on Wednesday.

Newman Police Department Corporal Ronil Singh, 33, was making a traffic stop early in the morning when he called 'shots fired' over his radio, according to the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department.

Singh had pulled over a gray pickup truck in Newman, a small town 100 miles south of San Francisco, after noticing it had no license plate as part of a DUI investigation, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said on Thursday.

Signh fired back to defend himself, Christianson said.

This is okay with dumbass Pelosi and Schumer! They refuse to fund the fucking wall!
There are 10 to 20 million illegals here. Its bound to happen. Do we really need another post everytime it does?
Why not? You assholes cry every time an illegal dies of a disease and blames your own country! Why don’t ewe put that where the fucking moon don’t shine?
Police hunting gunman who shot dead a California officer find a truck | Daily Mail Online

Police are hunting a man who is in the US illegally and is accused of killing a California police officer on Wednesday.

Newman Police Department Corporal Ronil Singh, 33, was making a traffic stop early in the morning when he called 'shots fired' over his radio, according to the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department.

Singh had pulled over a gray pickup truck in Newman, a small town 100 miles south of San Francisco, after noticing it had no license plate as part of a DUI investigation, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said on Thursday.

Signh fired back to defend himself, Christianson said.

This is okay with dumbass Pelosi and Schumer! They refuse to fund the fucking wall!
There are 10 to 20 million illegals here. Its bound to happen. Do we really need another post everytime it does?
Why are there 10 to 20 million illegals here? Build the damn wall.
Another good reason to boot all illegals out of our country.

Build the damned wall so they can't get in. Once its up we can boot those that are here out.
Absolutely. Once that wall is up start deporting each and every one of them. Start with those who have crimes on the books!
Why can't our dysfunctional, anti-American Democrat infested government do that?

Isn't that it's JOB ?

Why the fuck are we PAYING CONGRESS? Shouldn't We The People be BILLING them for the cost to our lives and way of life?

Hint: Because to those Elites, We The People are "They The Minion Morons"
It is virtually impossible to obtain a gun in Mexico unless you are involved in the drug trade. Epic fail on your part.

You sure know a lot about Mexico there, Juan....or should I say...."Pablo"?

Well, now. It appears that I have gotten to the bottom line with you. If I have a Latino name, I am supposed to be insulted by your post. It does't make any difference whether or not I am an American citizen. Guess what, Sparky! That makes you a racist!
It does't make any difference whether or not I am an American citizen.
And there you have the Traitorous rantings of how liberals feel about this country and its citizens, and why we so hate these assholes who have no respect for the United States of America..
Pelosi and Schumer have shut down the entire country because they do not want to fund our security! Think about that.
Bullshit argument because the nation is 97% US citizens! Of course we commit most of the murders! Official US statistics recognize that right now, there are about 12 million illegals in this country, or about 3% of the population.

View attachment 237136

Yet, for only 3% of the population, according to the last study done in Texas, these same minority accounted for nearly 75% of the murders. By that then it follows that by merely eliminating the illegal element in states like Texas, we could cut the murder rate about in HALF. And that does not even take into account larceny and other crimes or secondary expenses related to criminal activity and the high cost of illegals.

Excellent job!
Damn I love it when someone slams the door shut on the Bullshitters with raw, undeniable FACT !!!!


Taking from only this one source and accepting as fact,

Immigrants in Texas

we had 17% of Texas in 2015 as immigrants. I assume immigrants of all kinds. That is less than 1 in 5.

Going back to my original chart of the same period, if you take the blue and yellow columns, legal and illegal immigrants (of which the illegals greatly outnumber) and add them up, they equal just about the same amount of homicides in Texas as the other 83% Texas U.S. citizens! So, taken from that, we might assume that just eliminating southern and central american immigration of ALL kinds, we could cut the murder rate roughly in HALF.

Put another way, a southern/Mexican immigrant is about 5X as likely to kill someone as a US citizen! Some years ago, Harry Reid reported that 26% of the inmates in our prisons were illegals (yet are only 3% of the population). Hmm.

Help me out here folks, have I missed something? Where have I gone wrong? Remind me again why we need these people in this country? Please clear me up on why so many assholes here are arguing fervently AGAINST a border wall saying it won't work. The very fact that they'd still keep trying to get in despite a high security wall and guard patrols, doesn't that kinda suggest WHY we need MORE security, not less?

I mean, if you leave your car or house unlocked (or even locked), HONEST, GOOD folks will leave both alone, only BAD PEOPLE still break in despite the trouble, difficulty and risk.

Taking from only this one source and accepting as fact,

Immigrants in Texas

we had 17% of Texas in 2015 as immigrants. I assume immigrants of all kinds. That is less than 1 in 5.

Going back to my original chart of the same period, if you take the blue and yellow columns, legal and illegal immigrants (of which the illegals greatly outnumber) and add them up, they equal just about the same amount of homicides in Texas as the other 83% Texas U.S. citizens! So, taken from that, we might assume that just eliminating southern and central american immigration of ALL kinds, we could cut the murder rate roughly in HALF.

Put another way, a southern/Mexican immigrant is about 5X as likely to kill someone as a US citizen! Some years ago, Harry Reid reported that 26% of the inmates in our prisons were illegals (yet are only 3% of the population). Hmm.

Help me out here folks, have I missed something? Where have I gone wrong? Remind me again why we need these people in this country? Please clear me up on why so many assholes here are arguing fervently AGAINST a border wall saying it won't work. The very fact that they'd still keep trying to get in despite a high security wall and guard patrols, doesn't that kinda suggest WHY we need MORE security, not less?

I mean, if you leave your car or house unlocked (or even locked), HONEST, GOOD folks will leave both alone, only BAD PEOPLE still break in despite the trouble, difficulty and risk.


Thank you for this excellent clarity.
So obvious a blind man could see it.
  • We have so many in the nation who are desperate to destroy it completely. Those imbeciles can't see they're destroying themselves in the process or don't care or they're foreign agents
  • We have a Congress and a government that is complicit.
  • We have a media who encourages the destruction of America.

The odds are stacked against America.
The nail in the coffin is that Americans show no interest in defending their own nation or freedom. WTF ?????
False. State police are forbidden to detain suspected illegals because that is not in their jurisdiction.

Do some research.
It's illegal for the San Francisco sheriff's department, let's say, to alert ICE they are going to release an illegal they've been holding when asked?

Originally you asked why ICE couldn't call a country courthouse to see who they are releasing.
Post #55.
Now you are changing the subject. Keep your stories straight.
It is virtually impossible to obtain a gun in Mexico unless you are involved in the drug trade. Epic fail on your part.

You sure know a lot about Mexico there, Juan....or should I say...."Pablo"?

Well, now. It appears that I have gotten to the bottom line with you. If I have a Latino name, I am supposed to be insulted by your post. It does't make any difference whether or not I am an American citizen. Guess what, Sparky! That makes you a racist!
Guess what numbnutz! No one care about your stupid race baiting, bean counting, identity, diversity, bullshit rhetoric!

Apparently you do....
CA Sheriff Blames Sanctuary Law for Illegal Immigrant's 'Reign of Terror'

Twice-deported criminal goes on violence spree.

A California sheriff blasted the Golden State's new sanctuary law, blaming a lack of cooperation with ICE for an illegal immigrant's "reign of terror" earlier this week.

Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux spoke to Laura Ingraham Thursday night after Gustavo Garcia-Ruiz shot a person and exchanged fire with police officers following a wild chase.

Garcia-Ruiz had been released from jail after serving time on controlled substance possession charges, despite an ICE detainer on him. Boudreaux said the state sanctuary law bans law enforcement from contacting ICE or honoring detainers against illegal immigrants.

"We are no longer able to recognize ICE detainers," he said. "We're not allowed to talk to our counterparts."

...and, if ICE had been doing their job, and were at the courthouse to take him into custody, this would not have happened. And ICE is a federal agency. And who is responsible for federal agencies? Why, that would be Trump!

And if cock-sucking Dimocrats didn't work so hard to give sanctuary to illegals:
"We are no longer able to recognize ICE detainers," he said. "We're not allowed to talk to our counterparts."

If you guys didn't place one stumbling block after another in the way, ICE might be able to do their fucking job !

It never occurred to ICE to call the county courthouses every day to determine if they should be there for someone on their wanted list? I think that I am figuring out why ICE is letting illegals go free. shame on Trump!

What nerve you have to try and blame Trump or ICE, when it's your fucking side of the aisle that constantly puts up roadblocks to make the job more difficult.
It's your side that enact laws and policies that prevent local law enforcement from cooperating with ICE.
It's people on your side that are calling for ICE to be disbanded. It's people on your side that create sanctuary cities. God what fucking nerve you have !

Wrong again. A sanctuary city means only that local law enforcement does not do ICE;s job for them. They do NOT prevent ICE from doing theirs. Turn off your AM radio.
A wall would have stopped an illegal who had no problem obtaining a firearm illegally in California, and then shoot a policeman in cold blood. You betcha!

Always some jackass who can't grasp the concept of making it more difficult to get here saves lives, and stops crime.

Libtardos don't want a wall because they won't change immigration laws and they have to catch and release. More border patrol and "drones" won't stop them. Bunch of jackasses hiding behind their lies of "border security".
So make it more difficult for them to get there but do not make it more difficult to get guns ?
Mate, you are a fucking cretin.
Dumbass Brit, where do you think illegals get their guns? Bass Pro Shops? god you are one stupid, jealous mother fucker. The illegals bring their guns into this country right along with their drugs. Man you have an IQ of a rock. Go keep your liberal idiocy and bow to your queen, you peon you. We beat your ass 3 times, then saved it twice and you dare talk to US that way. You petulant spoiled brat.. run away little girl.

It is virtually impossible to obtain a gun in Mexico unless you are involved in the drug trade. Epic fail on your part.
Fuck you asshole. I just said that guns and drugs come across the border regularly, but typical of an asshole liberal, you ignored that part in my statement. Dumbass.

Now, you aren't being polite, Andar.
Well, now. It appears that I have gotten to the bottom line with you. If I have a Latino name, I am supposed to be insulted by your post. It does't make any difference whether or not I am an American citizen. Guess what, Sparky! That makes you a racist!

Notice he can't deny it.
So did this guy move close to the border so he could what, facilitate human smuggling?
Maybe run a support station for incoming illegals?

Guess what "Sparky"?
It means I CARE about my country being invaded. I don't care WHAT "color" they are.

So you admit you are NOT an American citizen.

Aren't we all surprised? :rolleyes:

PS....You can call me racist or whatever (typical Leftist tactic, nothing new) but that doesn't make it so.
Your kind call ANYONE who defends the nation a bigot and racist. So worn out. Yawn.

I can EASILY prove beyond a shadow of a doubt I'm not the racist you wish I was.....
But can you prove you're not the Anti_American traitor we all suspect you are?

Thank you, but I don't need your permission to call you a racist. Your post confirms it.
Police hunting gunman who shot dead a California officer find a truck | Daily Mail Online

Police are hunting a man who is in the US illegally and is accused of killing a California police officer on Wednesday.

Newman Police Department Corporal Ronil Singh, 33, was making a traffic stop early in the morning when he called 'shots fired' over his radio, according to the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department.

Singh had pulled over a gray pickup truck in Newman, a small town 100 miles south of San Francisco, after noticing it had no license plate as part of a DUI investigation, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said on Thursday.

Signh fired back to defend himself, Christianson said.

This is okay with dumbass Pelosi and Schumer! They refuse to fund the fucking wall!
But, but more US citizens murder more US citizens than illegals do...That is the marginalization of a liberal when it comes to allowing illegals to kill. Instead of saying, "lets close the border and handle our own problems first", the dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement) brings out the talking points and denies, denies, denies, that illegals shouldn't be here. And yes, there is our own murder problem, but seems that it is in the liberal cities of black neighborhoods like St. Louis, Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore. I wish every day, that the illegals would get one of the liberals who posts on this site, would serve his/her/its ass right when Karma comes to town.

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Okay. I guess it is okay then.

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