Another baby killing operation exposed in Texas

I don't people regularly die from fertility treatment complications?

Lots of hemmorhages and infections happen as a result?


Thank you, you are exposed as a lying, baby killing acolyte. Carry on.
Carhart also reveals that he is willing to break the law and seems to be saying that he does it all the time. When the woman reveals that she is from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, which bans elective abortions after 24 weeks, Carhart says, nevertheless, that he will come to her home to get the abortion started. From the transcript:
Dr. Carhart: That’s fine, um, we start on Sundays in Sioux Falls. Up, you’re in Sioux Falls.
Woman: You’ll come and home visit?
Dr. Carhart: (Inaudible) I will come to your house and do this, in Sioux Falls. That would be really good, I can’t go over 14 or 16 there. Um, but we um, need to have you start, at 26 weeks, or actually no, we could do Monday morning, if you want to.
Woman: OK. "

?Inhuman?: Abortionist Leroy Carhart ? Yet Another Gosnell Exposed

How do you know this is true? It is based on a so-called investigator's claim without any sort of independent verificaiton.
Abortion is legal no matter how many abortionists say it isn't. Abortion is largely unregulated because any regulation is claimed by abortionists to be an undue burden on abortion.

That's actually not true. It's quite regulated. It's more regulated than fertility clinics, vasectemies and dermatology.

There was a proposed regulation that abortions could only be performed by a licensed doctor with admitting privileges at the local hospital. Abortion advocates crawled out of the charnal pit to oppose this limitation and burden on poor women.

Do fertility clinics require that?
Do dermotology clinics require that?
Do podietrists require that?

Ask yourself if fertility clinics, dermatology clinics or podiatrists shove sharp instruments into bodies and pull out bloody hunks of meat. You didn't think it through.

Here is a better question. Are plastic surgeons who operate on patients in their offices required to have that? Yes. Actually fertility specialists, dermatologists and podiatrists all have to be licensed and board certified. Why is it ONLY abortionists that can be hired off the street to conduct invasive procedures? The state of legal abortion today is that women would be safer in the hands of an experienced back alley practioner using a rusty coat hangar than a legal clinic.
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Abortion is legal no matter how many abortionists say it isn't. Abortion is largely unregulated because any regulation is claimed by abortionists to be an undue burden on abortion.

That's actually not true. It's quite regulated. It's more regulated than fertility clinics, vasectemies and dermatology.

There was a proposed regulation that abortions could only be performed by a licensed doctor with admitting privileges at the local hospital. Abortion advocates crawled out of the charnal pit to oppose this limitation and burden on poor women.

Do fertility clinics require that?
Do dermotology clinics require that?
Do podietrists require that?

Ask yourself if fertility clinics, dermatology clinics or podiatrists shove sharp instruments into bodies and pull out bloody hunks of meat. You didn't think it through.

Yes. I did think it through. All perform out patient surgery. As do dentists and plastic surgeons and other medical specialties that are not required to have hospital admitting priveleges.

Here is a better question. Are plastic surgeons who operate on patients in their offices required to have that? Yes.

No. It depends on the state.

Actually fertility specialists, dermatologists and podiatrists all have to be licensed and board certified. Why is it ONLY abortionists that can be hired off the street to conduct invasive procedures?

Not true. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 39 states require abortions to be performed by a licensed physician. The others allow it to be done by nurse practitioners, midwives and physician assistants - all of which must be licensed.

The state of legal abortion today is that women would be safer in the hands of an experienced back alley practioner using a rusty coat hangar than a legal clinic.

Total bullshit.
I have never heard joe object to crimes against newborns. His attitude is that if they are born in an abortion clinic, they are medical waste, and the woman is *owed* a dead baby.

again- number of prosecutions under BAIFA?


Either it doesn't happen or most people don't object.

Kermit Gosnell was just prosecuted and convicted for murdering babies that are born alive. Obviously people do object. Nitwit.

With enforcement of the BAIFA they would mostly just lose their federal funding if reported. Quit with the strawmen already.

We don't really expect the one democrat who fought against it, to now enforce it anyway. He has been too busy abusing his power with/ through the IRS. :eusa_shhh:

Gosnell was not prosecuted under BAIFA, and the people in his clinic didn't report him. Neither did his patients.

BAIFA isn't enforced because in the few rare cases where the medical waste is flopping around, they aren't making efforts to save it. They quietly finish the job, and no one says anything.

And shit, looking at the handstands they had to do in order to get Gosnell, you can see why.

First, they had to refuse to prosecute ANY woman who had an abortion, because they'd have riots in the street.

Then they had to give everyone who worked for him a sweetheart deal to get their testimony.

Then after judges and juries threw out all but three cases, they had to quickly cut a deal to with the guy not to appeal.

You can see why a Federal Prosecutor would think he had better things to do.
again- number of prosecutions under BAIFA?


Either it doesn't happen or most people don't object.

Kermit Gosnell was just prosecuted and convicted for murdering babies that are born alive. Obviously people do object. Nitwit.

With enforcement of the BAIFA they would mostly just lose their federal funding if reported. Quit with the strawmen already.

We don't really expect the one democrat who fought against it, to now enforce it anyway. He has been too busy abusing his power with/ through the IRS. :eusa_shhh:

Gosnell was not prosecuted under BAIFA, and the people in his clinic didn't report him. Neither did his patients.

BAIFA isn't enforced because in the few rare cases where the medical waste is flopping around, they aren't making efforts to save it. They quietly finish the job, and no one says anything.

And shit, looking at the handstands they had to do in order to get Gosnell, you can see why.

First, they had to refuse to prosecute ANY woman who had an abortion, because they'd have riots in the street.

Then they had to give everyone who worked for him a sweetheart deal to get their testimony.

Then after judges and juries threw out all but three cases, they had to quickly cut a deal to with the guy not to appeal.

You can see why a Federal Prosecutor would think he had better things to do.

Sure. Sure. Keep spinning. We will all just ignore the fact that 9 other clinic workers were convicted for their part in Gosnell's house of horrors and 4 others pleaded guilty. And that Gosnell's clinic was reported countless times over a several year period as reported the grand jury. You must hate it that some people actully read the news articles in print...huh? :eusa_liar:


And this will make your hair stand on end I'm sure. According to witnesses of the trial (reported on

The mutants...I mean Jurors ( you like to reference) were literally "weeping" while being read testimony after testimony that Gosnell severed the spines of countless babies that were born alive.

Oh...and later after being questioned about why BAIPA has not been enforced under the current administration...Eric Holder (Whose wife is an OBGYN)...stated he was not even familiar with the BAIPA ( he of course is never familiar with anything...most stupid man ever to hold a public office apparently). BUT Now that he is "aware" maybe we will see some action. :eusa_whistle:
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Lol...yes, the pro-abortion crowd maintains every time an illegal abortion clinic is operating in plain site that it's because there's TOO MUCH oversight of abortion that it's happening, and it's the fault of the right to lifers, of course.

I just wrote a long post about that in the other abortion thread. You're right on cue, baby killer.

If abortion is legal, regulated and easily available to women in need, then people like this can't stay in business as easily. The fill in where they see a need - desperate women, few alternatives, many barriers. They also try to circumvent neccessary laws restricting late term abortions. They need to be shut down and prosecuted and at the same time abortion needs to continue to be safe and legal or we'll just see more of these operations.

So you are advocating late term abortions, just before birth, this seems to be what they specialized in.
That's actually not true. It's quite regulated. It's more regulated than fertility clinics, vasectemies and dermatology.

Do fertility clinics require that?
Do dermotology clinics require that?
Do podietrists require that?

Ask yourself if fertility clinics, dermatology clinics or podiatrists shove sharp instruments into bodies and pull out bloody hunks of meat. You didn't think it through.

Yes. I did think it through. All perform out patient surgery. As do dentists and plastic surgeons and other medical specialties that are not required to have hospital admitting priveleges.

No. It depends on the state.

Actually fertility specialists, dermatologists and podiatrists all have to be licensed and board certified. Why is it ONLY abortionists that can be hired off the street to conduct invasive procedures?

Not true. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 39 states require abortions to be performed by a licensed physician. The others allow it to be done by nurse practitioners, midwives and physician assistants - all of which must be licensed.

The state of legal abortion today is that women would be safer in the hands of an experienced back alley practioner using a rusty coat hangar than a legal clinic.

Total bullshit.

Nope, not as long as the states refuse to provide any oversight, to inspect, or to act on complaints. As they currently do. And not as long as hospitals and clinicians refuse to report the injuries, deaths, and abuses they see regularly.

All RvW did was make back alley abortions legal. Monsters now act with impunity, in the open, endorsed by and with a clientele referred by PP...and they make MILLIONS.
Most people, including genetecists, biologists, and scientists, believe a human is a human from conception.


That's an absurd lie, but you still try to tell it with a straight face. You've gotten so used to lying for your cult, you're no longer capable of telling the truth.

You loons are the ones who determined a "person" is different from a "human"...and that "personhood" magically takes place some time after a person decides they don't want to abort.

All of the human race over all of human history determined that personhood is assigned at birth. Yet you claim to know better. Your justification? The same as your justification for everything ... "BECAUSE I SAY SO!".

Those of us on the side of liberty will be keeping an eye on you, pointing out when you lie. If you're going to force your sicko control freak agenda on to everyone, you better come up with something better than "BECAUSE I SAY SO!".
Sure. Sure. Keep spinning.

So the evidence was presented, and you cut and ran, because it revealed you were spouting crap.

Are there any pro-lifers who aren't shameless liars? Only a few. Most of them will willingly tell any lie for the cause, since it's for the BabyJesus and all that, which makes all the lies justifiable The ends always justify the means for that crowd. Raging moral relativists, the whole bunch. If their cause was so just, you'd think they wouldn't have to lie all the time.

That's also why they hate the side of liberty so much. Our moral absolutism makes them look bad, and they know it. Truth burns a pro-lifer like sunlight burns a vampire, so they reflexively lash out at the source of their pain.
Lol...yes, the pro-abortion crowd maintains every time an illegal abortion clinic is operating in plain site that it's because there's TOO MUCH oversight of abortion that it's happening, and it's the fault of the right to lifers, of course.

I just wrote a long post about that in the other abortion thread. You're right on cue, baby killer.

If abortion is legal, regulated and easily available to women in need, then people like this can't stay in business as easily. The fill in where they see a need - desperate women, few alternatives, many barriers. They also try to circumvent neccessary laws restricting late term abortions. They need to be shut down and prosecuted and at the same time abortion needs to continue to be safe and legal or we'll just see more of these operations.

So you are advocating late term abortions, just before birth, this seems to be what they specialized in.

No. I am not. That might be your spin but not my words.

Late term abortions are largely illegal and tightly regulated. What this particular clinic was doing was illegal. I believe we are all in agreement there.

There is a world of difference between "advocating for late term abortions" (your words) and keeping "legal, regulated and easily available" (my words).

Late term abortion is usually only done when the mother's life or health is in danger - depending on state laws. I'm fine with keeping it that way.
Ask yourself if fertility clinics, dermatology clinics or podiatrists shove sharp instruments into bodies and pull out bloody hunks of meat. You didn't think it through.

Yes. I did think it through. All perform out patient surgery. As do dentists and plastic surgeons and other medical specialties that are not required to have hospital admitting priveleges.

No. It depends on the state.

Not true. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 39 states require abortions to be performed by a licensed physician. The others allow it to be done by nurse practitioners, midwives and physician assistants - all of which must be licensed.

The state of legal abortion today is that women would be safer in the hands of an experienced back alley practioner using a rusty coat hangar than a legal clinic.

Total bullshit.

Nope, not as long as the states refuse to provide any oversight, to inspect, or to act on complaints. As they currently do. And not as long as hospitals and clinicians refuse to report the injuries, deaths, and abuses they see regularly.

There again you get into state issues and funding cut backs - if they severely cut funding to health related programs and associated oversight - then we can expect to see more of this. We don't know for a fact that hospitals and clinicians "refuse to report injuries, deaths, and abuses" nor do we know, for a fact, that these occur "regularly".

All RvW did was make back alley abortions legal. Monsters now act with impunity, in the open, endorsed by and with a clientele referred by PP...and they make MILLIONS.

You might need a reality check here and do some research on abortion related fatalities and complications prior to and since RvW: Lessons from Before Roe: Will Past be Prologue?
If abortion is legal, regulated and easily available to women in need, then people like this can't stay in business as easily. The fill in where they see a need - desperate women, few alternatives, many barriers. They also try to circumvent neccessary laws restricting late term abortions. They need to be shut down and prosecuted and at the same time abortion needs to continue to be safe and legal or we'll just see more of these operations.

So you are advocating late term abortions, just before birth, this seems to be what they specialized in.

No. I am not. That might be your spin but not my words.

Late term abortions are largely illegal and tightly regulated. What this particular clinic was doing was illegal. I believe we are all in agreement there.

There is a world of difference between "advocating for late term abortions" (your words) and keeping "legal, regulated and easily available" (my words).

Late term abortion is usually only done when the mother's life or health is in danger - depending on state laws. I'm fine with keeping it that way.

Then how would having more clinics make a difference in a clinic that does late term abortions.
So you are advocating late term abortions, just before birth, this seems to be what they specialized in.

No. I am not. That might be your spin but not my words.

Late term abortions are largely illegal and tightly regulated. What this particular clinic was doing was illegal. I believe we are all in agreement there.

There is a world of difference between "advocating for late term abortions" (your words) and keeping "legal, regulated and easily available" (my words).

Late term abortion is usually only done when the mother's life or health is in danger - depending on state laws. I'm fine with keeping it that way.

Then how would having more clinics make a difference in a clinic that does late term abortions.

It wouldn't. Late term abortions are illegal. Point. Blank. Period.
Yes. I did think it through. All perform out patient surgery. As do dentists and plastic surgeons and other medical specialties that are not required to have hospital admitting priveleges.

No. It depends on the state.

Not true. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 39 states require abortions to be performed by a licensed physician. The others allow it to be done by nurse practitioners, midwives and physician assistants - all of which must be licensed.

Total bullshit.

Nope, not as long as the states refuse to provide any oversight, to inspect, or to act on complaints. As they currently do. And not as long as hospitals and clinicians refuse to report the injuries, deaths, and abuses they see regularly.

There again you get into state issues and funding cut backs - if they severely cut funding to health related programs and associated oversight - then we can expect to see more of this. We don't know for a fact that hospitals and clinicians "refuse to report injuries, deaths, and abuses" nor do we know, for a fact, that these occur "regularly".

All RvW did was make back alley abortions legal. Monsters now act with impunity, in the open, endorsed by and with a clientele referred by PP...and they make MILLIONS.

You might need a reality check here and do some research on abortion related fatalities and complications prior to and since RvW: Lessons from Before Roe: Will Past be Prologue?

You know how you don't accept information from blogs, from biased sites, and don't have cable?

I don't accept the stats provided by the CDC, Guttmacher, or PP. Try, try again.
Only stupd women can't find someone to do an abortion. Mainstream doctors were doing them even when I was in high school. They just didn't call it that. It was a D & C - dilation and curettage - scraping the uterus. Any time a girl had a D & C, we knew she was getting an abortion.
It's not necessarily that they're stupid, it's that they're vulnerable, desperate, and they're lied to an manipulated by people who are SUPPOSED to be looking out for their best interests.
If abortion is legal, regulated and easily available to women in need, then people like this can't stay in business as easily. The fill in where they see a need - desperate women, few alternatives, many barriers. They also try to circumvent neccessary laws restricting late term abortions. They need to be shut down and prosecuted and at the same time abortion needs to continue to be safe and legal or we'll just see more of these operations.

So you are advocating late term abortions, just before birth, this seems to be what they specialized in.

No. I am not. That might be your spin but not my words.

Late term abortions are largely illegal and tightly regulated. What this particular clinic was doing was illegal. I believe we are all in agreement there.

There is a world of difference between "advocating for late term abortions" (your words) and keeping "legal, regulated and easily available" (my words).

Late term abortion is usually only done when the mother's life or health is in danger - depending on state laws. I'm fine with keeping it that way.

No, they aren't tightly regulated. They aren't regulated at all. They aren't inspected, and complaints aren't investigated.

That's the point.
Carhart also reveals that he is willing to break the law and seems to be saying that he does it all the time. When the woman reveals that she is from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, which bans elective abortions after 24 weeks, Carhart says, nevertheless, that he will come to her home to get the abortion started. From the transcript:
Dr. Carhart: That’s fine, um, we start on Sundays in Sioux Falls. Up, you’re in Sioux Falls.
Woman: You’ll come and home visit?
Dr. Carhart: (Inaudible) I will come to your house and do this, in Sioux Falls. That would be really good, I can’t go over 14 or 16 there. Um, but we um, need to have you start, at 26 weeks, or actually no, we could do Monday morning, if you want to.
Woman: OK. "

?Inhuman?: Abortionist Leroy Carhart ? Yet Another Gosnell Exposed

How do you know this is true? It is based on a so-called investigator's claim without any sort of independent verificaiton. maintain that Carhart is lying about himself, specifically, to make himself look bad?

Ok. You're dismissed.

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