Another baby killing operation exposed in Texas

I strongly suspect that they are very understaffed and underfunded. Texas does not have a good system in terms of health care and oversight. I don't know about PA though.

True, last I looked Texas was listed as having the worst healthcare in the nation.
Apparently, you were not aware the finest cancer center in the United States is located in the M.D. Anderson complex in Houston, Texas:

MD Anderson: Quick look

Created: 1941
First patient: 1944 (about 900,000 patients treated overall)
Ranking: No. 1 in cancer care, America’s Best Hospitals, U.S. News and World Report (top-ranked nine of past 11 years)
Employees: 19,290
Faculty: 1,644
Volunteers: 1,248
Trainees: 7,496
Average number of operating beds: 616
Research grants: No. 1 in grants awarded and total grant dollars, National Cancer Institute
Active clinical research protocols: 1,078 (about 8,500 patient registrants)
*Data based on fiscal year 2012
There's a word for most people who go there (from all over the world) for care, and that word is "cured."


There's a difference between having flagship excellent centers offering specialized care and the general state of health care for most Texans. For example there is no doubt that MdAnderson is a top notch facility but how good is that if the average Texan has no insurance to cover it for examples or access to basic health care such as prenatal care or family planning or preventative healthcare?

Texas ranks worst the highest number of unisured and it's growing: Texas Widens Gap Over Other States in Percentage Uninsured

Texas has slashed funding Planned Parenthood forcing the closure of a number of clinics that service poorer women for things from cervical/breast cancer screening, std prevention, contraception and abortion - in legal early stages. Texas ranks badly in the area of women's healthcare.

In terms of rankings concerning women's healthcare, Texas:

gets a grade of "F" for number of women without health insurance
"U" for number of women in a county without an abortion provider

Those are just in women's issues, but frankly without health insurance it does not matter how good MDAnderson is does it?
They lie about fetal age on their records (the fake ones they keep, if they keep them at all) and in the clinics.


All this has been discussed at length over the years here, and has been proven over and over again, with each disgusting hell hole that is uncovered.

I have yet to see it proven so .... prove it.

It is why they object so strenuously to being required to run ultrasounds. Because then they will have to have actual professionals in the clinics, and they will be forced to share with the women they violate and abuse the truth about what it is they are doing.

Clinics already have professionals.
Would all you pro-lifers just quit with the lying? None of you thinks early term abortion is murder. Yes, your big lie really is that obvious.

No one thinks specks are people. That's a kook claim. My cat knows that specks aren't people, and she has a brain the size of a walnut. Pro-lifers presumably have larger brains, meaning that they're just lying. Why? Because they want an excuse to hate, and to implement their sick pervo control freak agenda.

You talk to your cat? That explains your stupidity!

Beats the heck out of mumbling to yourself ;)
They lie about fetal age on their records (the fake ones they keep, if they keep them at all) and in the clinics.


All this has been discussed at length over the years here, and has been proven over and over again, with each disgusting hell hole that is uncovered.

I have yet to see it proven so .... prove it.

It is why they object so strenuously to being required to run ultrasounds. Because then they will have to have actual professionals in the clinics, and they will be forced to share with the women they violate and abuse the truth about what it is they are doing.

Clinics already have professionals.

No, they really don't. They have un-licensed and suspended "doctors" or people who aren't doctors at all and who don't have admitting rights at hospitals. They have uneducated "technicians" who don't know how to read the tests they run, or interpret the sonograms they see. And that's in the good clinics.

In the bad clinics, they have outright drug addicts, drop outs, and butchers running things.
They lie about fetal age on their records (the fake ones they keep, if they keep them at all) and in the clinics.


I have yet to see it proven so .... prove it.

It is why they object so strenuously to being required to run ultrasounds. Because then they will have to have actual professionals in the clinics, and they will be forced to share with the women they violate and abuse the truth about what it is they are doing.

Clinics already have professionals.

No, they really don't. They have un-licensed and suspended "doctors" or people who aren't doctors at all and who don't have admitting rights at hospitals. They have uneducated "technicians" who don't know how to read the tests they run, or interpret the sonograms they see. And that's in the good clinics.

In the bad clinics, they have outright drug addicts, drop outs, and butchers running things.

Like any other health care clinic - there's good and bad.

However they do not, in general, have unlicensed or suspended doctors uneducated "technicians" who don't know how to read the tests they run, or interpret the sonograms they see. That's the bad clinics.

As far as those who have "admitting rights" that's a bit tricky. It isn't and should not be required and a few states are trying to make it so in order to put them out of business. Does your local dermatologist clinic have admitting rights in the hospital? In states like MS, which requires that now by law (or is trying to) - hospitals refuse to grant abortion clinic doctors admitting rights due to fear of political or social consequences if they do.
Like Jill Stanek? The woman who held a dying baby in her arms and did fuck all to save it, then had the gall to turn around and blame someone else, when SHE could have rushed the child to a medical centre?

Yeah. I don't put much faith in these people who 'change their minds'.

I'm not buying into your fake outrage here. You would have no problem with her actions if she had remained quiet. I believe what you are really mad at is the fact that she spoke out.... Period.

Especially considering her actions forced at least one hospital... Advocate Health Care ( probably more) to change it's policy regarding babies that were born alive. And led to the BAIPA.

You keep saying you don't like crimes against newborns...then spout this other shit toward the only people who raise their voices to bring awareness. are quite funny ( and not in a good way) :cuckoo:

I have never heard joe object to crimes against newborns. His attitude is that if they are born in an abortion clinic, they are medical waste, and the woman is *owed* a dead baby.

again- number of prosecutions under BAIFA?


Either it doesn't happen or most people don't object.

This is a blog, with a definate bias. It seems to be taking cherry-picked quotes and no context.

The link to their "detailed report" is dead.

A better article is here: Md. medical examiner cites rare complication in death of woman after abortion - Washington Post

You claim he's "one of the best in the business" - based on what? He's one of the few doctors who perform late term abortions - already very restricted and typically done when the mother's life is in danger. So what is your point in using that as an example abortion overall? Are you trying to claim this is typical of abortion?
He was one of the most respected abortionists in the industry.

Do you contest the validity of the vid? Because I love to watch baby killers defend monsters.

Though it has since been confirmed that a patient of Carhart, Jennifer Morbelli, died due to complications from the abortion Carhart performed on her, Carhart lies to the undercover investigator and claims that Morbelli died of complications from her pregnancy rather than from the abortion.
Carhart also claims that the late-term abortions he performed in Germantown involved fetuses with “anomalies.” Yet, he was willing to schedule a late-term abortion for a healthy pregnant investigator and her healthy baby."
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He was one of the most respected abortionists in the industry.

According to what or who? And, again - are you using this example as representative of abortion as a whole?

Hot air isn't a blog.

Apologies, it's a conservative opinion site that also carries posts from a conservative and libertarian bloggers.

Do you contest the validity of the vid?

I usually don't bother with videos - I have no way of verifying their validity in terms of whether they are being presented in entirety, or chopped up - when they took place, what the audience was or anything. Unlike written material - they are very hard to verify for accuracy.
joeb, your comrade in arms.

He calls the babies he killed "medical waste" and said the only crime was doping the woman to death...and he maintains that she is to blame for that, as well.

Can't you go a whole sentence without lying.

Never did I say that Mrs. Mognar was to blame...

What I blame is a system that blocked her access to a safe abortion.
Ah, so you accept only CNN news.

Sadly, they refuse to report on the horrors of the abortion industry...much in the same way they refuse to report on a lot of things.

"Carhart is supposed to be the “responsible” face of abortion, as opposed to the horrific image recently revealed in the trial of Dr. Kermit “House of Horrors” Gosnell.
A few months ago Carhart was a celebrity at Robert Redford’s 2013 Sundance Film Festival, receiving standing ovations from audiences for his star appearance (as himself) in After Tiller, a documentary that canonizes Carhart and three other abortionists noted for performing late-term, partial-birth abortions. The film has been enthusiastically received at a string of film festivals since its premier in January at Sundance, most recently being showcased at the Maryland Film Festival on May 12.
However, the same Big Media reviewers who lavished acclaim on Carhart and After Tiller are ignoring — so far — a new undercover video that shows the abortionist “hero” making shocking comments to a young woman in her third trimester of pregnancy. "

?Inhuman?: Abortionist Leroy Carhart ? Yet Another Gosnell Exposed
Carhart also reveals that he is willing to break the law and seems to be saying that he does it all the time. When the woman reveals that she is from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, which bans elective abortions after 24 weeks, Carhart says, nevertheless, that he will come to her home to get the abortion started. From the transcript:
Dr. Carhart: That’s fine, um, we start on Sundays in Sioux Falls. Up, you’re in Sioux Falls.
Woman: You’ll come and home visit?
Dr. Carhart: (Inaudible) I will come to your house and do this, in Sioux Falls. That would be really good, I can’t go over 14 or 16 there. Um, but we um, need to have you start, at 26 weeks, or actually no, we could do Monday morning, if you want to.
Woman: OK. "

?Inhuman?: Abortionist Leroy Carhart ? Yet Another Gosnell Exposed
" An admiring 2009 Newsweek/Daily Beast piece entitled, “The Abortion Evangelist,” for instance, says Carhart won’t “do elective abortions past 24 weeks.” Here’s the excerpt:
Carhart has a few firm lines; he won't, for example, do elective abortions past 24 weeks, because the fetus is likely viable. "It just makes sense to me," says Carhart. "After a certain point in time, the fetus is viable and we have to look at it differently than if it were not viable." And at 24 weeks, many studies show a fetus's chance of survival to be above 50 percent. Any earlier and the survival rate is lower; at 22 weeks it's less than 10 percent. But Carhart admits that such clear guidelines rarely present themselves. "There are times when abortion is the right answer," he says. "There are times when abortion is not the right answer. I hope I get it right."
Firm lines? Won't do elective abortions after 24 weeks? Watch the video or read the transcript for the truth.
Woman: so, a baby at this age, what am I, 26 weeks?
Dr. Carhart: 26.
Woman: Could not survive? If it was delivered?
Dr. Carhart: If it came out, oh yeah, it probably — probably could, probably. It would be a 50/50 thing, probably.
Woman: Oh, oh, OK."

?Inhuman?: Abortionist Leroy Carhart ? Yet Another Gosnell Exposed
Abortion is legal no matter how many abortionists say it isn't. Abortion is largely unregulated because any regulation is claimed by abortionists to be an undue burden on abortion. There was a proposed regulation that abortions could only be performed by a licensed doctor with admitting privileges at the local hospital. Abortion advocates crawled out of the charnal pit to oppose this limitation and burden on poor women.
I'm not buying into your fake outrage here. You would have no problem with her actions if she had remained quiet. I believe what you are really mad at is the fact that she spoke out.... Period.

Especially considering her actions forced at least one hospital... Advocate Health Care ( probably more) to change it's policy regarding babies that were born alive. And led to the BAIPA.

You keep saying you don't like crimes against newborns...then spout this other shit toward the only people who raise their voices to bring awareness. are quite funny ( and not in a good way) :cuckoo:

I have never heard joe object to crimes against newborns. His attitude is that if they are born in an abortion clinic, they are medical waste, and the woman is *owed* a dead baby.

again- number of prosecutions under BAIFA?


Either it doesn't happen or most people don't object.

Kermit Gosnell was just prosecuted and convicted for murdering babies that are born alive. Obviously people do object. Nitwit.

With enforcement of the BAIFA they would mostly just lose their federal funding if reported. Quit with the strawmen already.

We don't really expect the one democrat who fought against it, to now enforce it anyway. He has been too busy abusing his power with/ through the IRS. :eusa_shhh:
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Will Newsweek/Daily Beast take another, more honest look at Carhart now? What about the other Big Media organs that glowingly profiled Carhart and the movie After Tiller, such as ABC News, the Associated Press, the Los Angeles Times, the Huffington Post, and the Hollywood Reporter now give equal coverage to the unrehearsed, unscripted, undercover truth revealed in Inhuman — Carhart?
Will the media accomplices of Dr. Carhart now look into the tragic death of 29-year-old Jennifer Morbelli, who died on February 7, 2013, after an abortion by Dr. LeRoy Carhart at his clinic, Germantown Reproductive Health Services, in Germantown, Maryland? Her baby was at the 33-week gestation point when Carhart butchered both mother and child."

?Inhuman?: Abortionist Leroy Carhart ? Yet Another Gosnell Exposed
Ah, so you accept only CNN news.

Nope. I don't have cable. I rarely watch television.

Sadly, they refuse to report on the horrors of the abortion industry...much in the same way they refuse to report on a lot of things.

I suspect most of the horrors of abortion are kind of like the horrors PETA reports on - a mixture of fact and fiction and cherry picked moments.

"Carhart is supposed to be the “responsible” face of abortion, as opposed to the horrific image recently revealed in the trial of Dr. Kermit “House of Horrors” Gosnell.

Clearly Carhart is nothing like Gosnell. He performs abortion within legal guidelines and the fact that the woman died from complications doesn't seem abnormal (mortality from actual childbirth is higher).

A few months ago Carhart was a celebrity at Robert Redford’s 2013 Sundance Film Festival, receiving standing ovations from audiences for his star appearance (as himself) in After Tiller, a documentary that canonizes Carhart and three other abortionists noted for performing late-term, partial-birth abortions. The film has been enthusiastically received at a string of film festivals since its premier in January at Sundance, most recently being showcased at the Maryland Film Festival on May 12.
However, the same Big Media reviewers who lavished acclaim on Carhart and After Tiller are ignoring — so far — a new undercover video that shows the abortionist “hero” making shocking comments to a young woman in her third trimester of pregnancy. "

?Inhuman?: Abortionist Leroy Carhart ? Yet Another Gosnell Exposed

So what has he done that is illegal? In the article, it stated there were fetal abnormalities were the reason for the abortion. So what if he made "shocking" remarks (was she upset? what was the entire conversation and context?)

Aside from that, how is he a "hero" or representative of abortion as a whole?
Abortion is legal no matter how many abortionists say it isn't. Abortion is largely unregulated because any regulation is claimed by abortionists to be an undue burden on abortion.

That's actually not true. It's quite regulated. It's more regulated than fertility clinics, vasectemies and dermatology.

There was a proposed regulation that abortions could only be performed by a licensed doctor with admitting privileges at the local hospital. Abortion advocates crawled out of the charnal pit to oppose this limitation and burden on poor women.

Do fertility clinics require that?
Do dermotology clinics require that?
Do podietrists require that?
Actually, we were discussing whether or not the abortion establishment lies to their victims, and lie about their victims.
Yes, and yes. They lie to their victims, and yes, they fudge the numbers in their records, as I have shown.

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, N.Y. -- A coroner has confirmed that a woman who underwent a late-term abortion at a Maryland clinic died of complications from the procedure.
Jennifer Morbelli, 29, a schoolteacher in White Plains, N.Y., bled to death Feb. 7 after amniotic fluid in her womb spilled into her bloodstream, said Bruce Goldfarb, a spokesman for the Montgomery County (Md.) Medical Examiner's Office.
She was "left with the inability to clot blood to stop bleeding," Goldfarb said."

Coroner: Woman bled to death after late-term abortion

The good doctor started her abortion, then skipped out before it was finished. She died some days later; nobody was able to get ahold of him.

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