Another baby killing operation exposed in Texas

Carhart also reveals that he is willing to break the law and seems to be saying that he does it all the time. When the woman reveals that she is from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, which bans elective abortions after 24 weeks, Carhart says, nevertheless, that he will come to her home to get the abortion started. From the transcript:
Dr. Carhart: That’s fine, um, we start on Sundays in Sioux Falls. Up, you’re in Sioux Falls.
Woman: You’ll come and home visit?
Dr. Carhart: (Inaudible) I will come to your house and do this, in Sioux Falls. That would be really good, I can’t go over 14 or 16 there. Um, but we um, need to have you start, at 26 weeks, or actually no, we could do Monday morning, if you want to.
Woman: OK. "

?Inhuman?: Abortionist Leroy Carhart ? Yet Another Gosnell Exposed

How do you know this is true? It is based on a so-called investigator's claim without any sort of independent verificaiton. maintain that Carhart is lying about himself, specifically, to make himself look bad?

Ok. You're dismissed.

No. Read what I wrote not what you think.

Videos can be taken out of context or cherry picked - no way to know what and where things were said and so-called citizen journalists/investigators (like O'Keefe for example) have been outed for dishonest tactics.
So you are advocating late term abortions, just before birth, this seems to be what they specialized in.

No. I am not. That might be your spin but not my words.

Late term abortions are largely illegal and tightly regulated. What this particular clinic was doing was illegal. I believe we are all in agreement there.

There is a world of difference between "advocating for late term abortions" (your words) and keeping "legal, regulated and easily available" (my words).

Late term abortion is usually only done when the mother's life or health is in danger - depending on state laws. I'm fine with keeping it that way.

Then how would having more clinics make a difference in a clinic that does late term abortions.

Perhaps in that those women might not have needed an illegal late term abortion.
So you are advocating late term abortions, just before birth, this seems to be what they specialized in.

No. I am not. That might be your spin but not my words.

Late term abortions are largely illegal and tightly regulated. What this particular clinic was doing was illegal. I believe we are all in agreement there.

There is a world of difference between "advocating for late term abortions" (your words) and keeping "legal, regulated and easily available" (my words).

Late term abortion is usually only done when the mother's life or health is in danger - depending on state laws. I'm fine with keeping it that way.

No, they aren't tightly regulated. They aren't regulated at all. They aren't inspected, and complaints aren't investigated.

That's the point.

How do you know they aren't inspected or regulated "at all"? I think that depends on the state and state resources and can vary widely. I suspect most if not all states have laws regulating them like any other medical clinics but whether they are inspected or investigated depends on funding and the lack of inspections isn't just with abortion clinics.
No. I am not. That might be your spin but not my words.

Late term abortions are largely illegal and tightly regulated. What this particular clinic was doing was illegal. I believe we are all in agreement there.

There is a world of difference between "advocating for late term abortions" (your words) and keeping "legal, regulated and easily available" (my words).

Late term abortion is usually only done when the mother's life or health is in danger - depending on state laws. I'm fine with keeping it that way.

Then how would having more clinics make a difference in a clinic that does late term abortions.

It wouldn't. Late term abortions are illegal. Point. Blank. Period.

No they aren't - they are very restricted and usually only when the mother's life or health is in danger.
So you are advocating late term abortions, just before birth, this seems to be what they specialized in.

No. I am not. That might be your spin but not my words.

Late term abortions are largely illegal and tightly regulated. What this particular clinic was doing was illegal. I believe we are all in agreement there.

There is a world of difference between "advocating for late term abortions" (your words) and keeping "legal, regulated and easily available" (my words).

Late term abortion is usually only done when the mother's life or health is in danger - depending on state laws. I'm fine with keeping it that way.

No, they aren't tightly regulated. They aren't regulated at all. They aren't inspected, and complaints aren't investigated.

That's the point.

To be precise, there are a number of regulations on the books, they just aren't enforced. There are no inspections because if there were inspections someone might have to do something when they find a violation. And whatever that something is, would interfere with the right to abortion. That's how Gosnell got away with his murders for 30 years.
Nope, not as long as the states refuse to provide any oversight, to inspect, or to act on complaints. As they currently do. And not as long as hospitals and clinicians refuse to report the injuries, deaths, and abuses they see regularly.

There again you get into state issues and funding cut backs - if they severely cut funding to health related programs and associated oversight - then we can expect to see more of this. We don't know for a fact that hospitals and clinicians "refuse to report injuries, deaths, and abuses" nor do we know, for a fact, that these occur "regularly".

All RvW did was make back alley abortions legal. Monsters now act with impunity, in the open, endorsed by and with a clientele referred by PP...and they make MILLIONS.

You might need a reality check here and do some research on abortion related fatalities and complications prior to and since RvW: Lessons from Before Roe: Will Past be Prologue?

You know how you don't accept information from blogs, from biased sites, and don't have cable?

I don't accept the stats provided by the CDC, Guttmacher, or PP. Try, try again.

CDC and Guttmacher are well respected sources - and you don't seem able to refute them with actual data - only emotive sources. :dunno:

Your choice not accept facts or you can pretend opinion is fact.
There again you get into state issues and funding cut backs - if they severely cut funding to health related programs and associated oversight - then we can expect to see more of this. We don't know for a fact that hospitals and clinicians "refuse to report injuries, deaths, and abuses" nor do we know, for a fact, that these occur "regularly".

You might need a reality check here and do some research on abortion related fatalities and complications prior to and since RvW: Lessons from Before Roe: Will Past be Prologue?

You know how you don't accept information from blogs, from biased sites, and don't have cable?

I don't accept the stats provided by the CDC, Guttmacher, or PP. Try, try again.

CDC and Guttmacher are well respected sources - and you don't seem able to refute them with actual data - only emotive sources. :dunno:

Your choice not accept facts or you can pretend opinion is fact.

I'm going to have to side w/ Coyote here allie. Stop being such a emo- ninnyhammerer :nono:
Would all you pro-lifers just quit with the lying? None of you thinks early term abortion is murder. Yes, your big lie really is that obvious.

No one thinks specks are people. That's a kook claim. My cat knows that specks aren't people, and she has a brain the size of a walnut. Pro-lifers presumably have larger brains, meaning that they're just lying. Why? Because they want an excuse to hate, and to implement their sick pervo control freak agenda.

You loons are the ones who determined a "person" is different from a "human"...and that "personhood" magically takes place some time after a person decides they don't want to abort.

The sick pervo freak agenda is the agenda of the baby killers who defend killers like gosnell and all other abortionists, who abuse and kill women and children. You're so afraid that some day you might be responsible for a child that you are willing to sacrifice kids and women in order to make sure you have access to infanticide.

The sick pervs have always been the progressive kinsites...

"Most people, including genetecists, biologists, and scientists, believe a human is a human from conception. "

You must have went to the jethro bodine christian "skool " of "creation science' as your statement is laughable with no basis in fact. Now back to your trailer house and watch the dog open jars of peanut butter!!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Would all you pro-lifers just quit with the lying? None of you thinks early term abortion is murder. Yes, your big lie really is that obvious.

No one thinks specks are people. That's a kook claim. My cat knows that specks aren't people, and she has a brain the size of a walnut. Pro-lifers presumably have larger brains, meaning that they're just lying. Why? Because they want an excuse to hate, and to implement their sick pervo control freak agenda.

You loons are the ones who determined a "person" is different from a "human"...and that "personhood" magically takes place some time after a person decides they don't want to abort.

The sick pervo freak agenda is the agenda of the baby killers who defend killers like gosnell and all other abortionists, who abuse and kill women and children. You're so afraid that some day you might be responsible for a child that you are willing to sacrifice kids and women in order to make sure you have access to infanticide.

The sick pervs have always been the progressive kinsites...

"Most people, including genetecists, biologists, and scientists, believe a human is a human from conception. "

You must have went to the jethro bodine christian "skool " of "creation science' as your statement is laughable with no basis in fact. Now back to your trailer house and watch the dog open jars of peanut butter!!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

^ that!!! pos-repped & friend's request sent :cool:
Oh look, the retarded extremist loons are buddying up.

No. I am not. That might be your spin but not my words.

Late term abortions are largely illegal and tightly regulated. What this particular clinic was doing was illegal. I believe we are all in agreement there.

There is a world of difference between "advocating for late term abortions" (your words) and keeping "legal, regulated and easily available" (my words).

Late term abortion is usually only done when the mother's life or health is in danger - depending on state laws. I'm fine with keeping it that way.

Then how would having more clinics make a difference in a clinic that does late term abortions.

Perhaps in that those women might not have needed an illegal late term abortion.

So in Texas you can't get an appointment for an abortion for nine months and it forces the killing of babies in the ninth month, are you really trying to claim that?
"Proponents of the first school of thought define an embryo simply as follows:
• ‘The developing human during its early stages of development. The embryonic period extends to the end of the eighth week (56 days), by which time the beginnings of all major structures are present.’ (Moore and Persaud, 2003);

Fucking idiots.

" This broad definition of human embryo (ie the human entity developing from fertilisation until the fetal stage).."

"The overall objective of this paper is to describe a human embryo from a biological standpoint..."

Please, morons...find a scientific paper that tells us that embryos aren't HUMAN.

So I'm sure you can provide a research paper that states that human embryos aren't...mmm...human.

Lol..good luck. I'm going to lunch, dolt.
Then how would having more clinics make a difference in a clinic that does late term abortions.

Perhaps in that those women might not have needed an illegal late term abortion.

So in Texas you can't get an appointment for an abortion for nine months and it forces the killing of babies in the ninth month, are you really trying to claim that?

Are you really so obtuse or are you trying to deliberately misrepresent things?

The article in the OP stated:
According to Rodriguez, as long as patients had the cash, Karpen would perform an abortion well past 24 weeks. A late-term procedure cost between $4,000 and $5,000 at the clinic, they said in the video which was filmed as the clinic was still operating and released on Wednesday.​

That sounds like an illegal late term abortion doesn't it? We're not talking about legal late term abortions done when the mother's life or health are at risk - we're talking about abortions where for some reason or another the pregnancy was too far along for it to be done legally.
They're illegal...but NOBODY will step in to do anything about it. The LEGAL abortionists refer people there...the hospitals treat their victims, and do nothing. What is reported isn't acted upon. The abortionists lie about the reasons for the abortions so they can skate...
"Proponents of the first school of thought define an embryo simply as follows:
• ‘The developing human during its early stages of development. The embryonic period extends to the end of the eighth week (56 days), by which time the beginnings of all major structures are present.’ (Moore and Persaud, 2003);

Fucking idiots.

" This broad definition of human embryo (ie the human entity developing from fertilisation until the fetal stage).."

"The overall objective of this paper is to describe a human embryo from a biological standpoint..."

Please, morons...find a scientific paper that tells us that embryos aren't HUMAN.

There is no doubt it's a human species. However, until it's born it's only a potential.
Uh, where did you see the term "potential human" in that study? Please cite it. Throughout this paper that deals with the definition of the term "embryo" the "embryo" is referenced as a HUMAN embryo. There is no time it's not human. Except in the case of other species...or possibly embryos that come from MICE, which are also addressed.

HUMAN embryos. Get it through your thick stupid skulls, or please just admit you are going to fly in the face of the science you claim to be so fond of.
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Uh, where did you see the term "potential human" in that study? Please cite it. Throughout this paper that deals with the definition of the term "embryo" the "embryo" is referenced as a HUMAN embryo. There is no time it's not human.

I said "a potential".

There is nothing special about it beyond it's potential until it's viable outside the womb. Most fertilized eggs never implant yet we don't morn them nor accuse the women of negligent homicide.
So are you saying that embryos are not human, or not? Your anti-Christian, baby killing compatriots Dot and ... that other loon troll, tpoker, stupidly and incorrectly maintain that the *science* proves that the unborn aren't human. Obviously, they're idiots, and the science most certainly doesn't prove that, as I showed.

Now you maintain that embryos are human...but they are at the same time "A potential"...WHAT? upon birth... That doesnt' make any sense.

It seems to me like you're having difficulty with this concept. Let me know when you actually have something to say. Because what you're blathering now doesn't make one iota of sense. Either they're human or they aren't. They aren't human AND "A potential"...something.

Cripes. I seriously believe the majority of the death cultists dropped out sometime before 8th grade science class.

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