Another baby killing operation exposed in Texas

Once again Kosher Hurl uses abuse and insults instead of studies and facts to support her lies and distortions. Studies have shown that 6% of women were having abortions at the behest of others. Not the vast majority as she thinks.

Where abortion is legal, state funded, and readily abailable, not subject to the whims of state restrictions, the abortion rates are lower.

KG talks about women having abortions as doing drugs and having sex with multiple partners but that picture doesn't square with facts. More than half the women who have abortions are married or in a committed relationship. More than half the women have one or more children. Over 70% cite financial reasons for obtaining an abortion.

It is unrealistic to think that married women should be denying sex to their husbands but many of you here seem to think that's a solution. Every form of birth control fails sometime.

KG wants to punish women for having sex.
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I have never in my entire life known a pro-abortionist to tell the truth about anything.

That has to be a statistical anomaly, and it certainly says something about the babykillers. Not only are they brutal, disgusting, misogynistic pieces of shit...

But they're incapable of honesty.

Which sort of goes hand in hand with the rest.
So the evidence was presented, and you cut and ran, because it revealed you were spouting crap.

Are there any pro-lifers who aren't shameless liars? Only a few. Most of them will willingly tell any lie for the cause, since it's for the BabyJesus and all that, which makes all the lies justifiable The ends always justify the means for that crowd. Raging moral relativists, the whole bunch. If their cause was so just, you'd think they wouldn't have to lie all the time.

That's also why they hate the side of liberty so much. Our moral absolutism makes them look bad, and they know it. Truth burns a pro-lifer like sunlight burns a vampire, so they reflexively lash out at the source of their pain.

Joe's histerical rants are not "evidence"...just so you know...

Evidence is the stuff that convicted Kermitt Gosnell and 13 others of atrocities against babies and women.

I know you are easily confused by facts and stuff...hope your brain doesn't hurt.

If "evidence" was so convincing, why did they cut a deal with him to avoid the death penalty AFTER winning a conviction?

Do you think if he broke into a maternity ward and strangled three newborns, anyone would be for giving this guy a deal to avoid death row?

Yep, I do think it was convincing. 14 people were convicted.
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And a ringing indictment of the medical and abortion "professionals" who stood by for years and protected him, and provided him with victims.
The truth is, we don't know. I think many are forced to get them. The literature I've read is mostly young girls, who hid pregnancies and then were forced to abort. But I think they are also forced by abusive partners as well.

And the legit industry facilitates, by keeping quiet about it and by referring people to them, and by refusing to keep stats that reflect the realities of the abortion industry...and REFUSING TO REPORT abuses when they're under obligation to do so.

It's rather fascinating that the same people who said we could make abortion more safe by making it legal and monitoring now claim that monitoring the abortion industry makes it less safe.


fact is, most abortions are voluntary and the women want them. You can go on with your fantasies all day, but you have yet to prove a fact otherwise, claiming "Well, they don't keep records".
Joe's histerical rants are not "evidence"...just so you know...

Evidence is the stuff that convicted Kermitt Gosnell and 13 others of atrocities against babies and women.

I know you are easily confused by facts and stuff...hope your brain doesn't hurt.

If "evidence" was so convincing, why did they cut a deal with him to avoid the death penalty AFTER winning a conviction?

Do you think if he broke into a maternity ward and strangled three newborns, anyone would be for giving this guy a deal to avoid death row?

Yep, I do think it was convincing. 14 people were convicted.

No, 12 people copped please, 2 people were convicted... not the same thing, really.

And most of those charges had nothing to do with abortion.
Once again Kosher Hurl uses abuse and insults instead of studies and facts to support her lies and distortions. Studies have shown that 6% of women were having abortions at the behest of others. Not the vast majority as she thinks.

Where abortion is legal, state funded, and readily abailable, not subject to the whims of state restrictions, the abortion rates are lower.

KG talks about women having abortions as doing drugs and having sex with multiple partners but that picture doesn't square with facts. More than half the women who have abortions are married or in a committed relationship. More than half the women have one or more children. Over 70% cite financial reasons for obtaining an abortion.

It is unrealistic to think that married women should be denying sex to their husbands but many of you here seem to think that's a solution. Every form of birth control fails sometime.

KG wants to punish women for having sex.

KG wants to punish women for ENJOYING sex.
If "evidence" was so convincing, why did they cut a deal with him to avoid the death penalty AFTER winning a conviction?

Do you think if he broke into a maternity ward and strangled three newborns, anyone would be for giving this guy a deal to avoid death row?

Yep, I do think it was convincing. 14 people were convicted.

No, 12 people copped please, 2 people were convicted... not the same thing, really.

And most of those charges had nothing to do with abortion.

Incorrect as usual...

From a trial article...

Gosnell was convicted of a host of other charges, including infanticide, conspiracy and running a corrupt organization

Many of the 250-plus counts were tied to violations of state abortion law, which prohibits terminating pregnancies after 24 weeks.

The most serious charges stemmed from allegations that Gosnell delivered babies alive during late-term abortions and then snipped their spinal cords or directed underlings to do it.

9 clinic workers convicted ( 10 if you count Gosnell)...+ 4 others that plead guilty.

Gosnell copped a deal for life in prison before the jury could deliberate to decide his fate. Apparently he was afraid they were going to give him the death penalty.

Unfortunately for you...I actually DID read the statement of the juror's. :eusa_whistle:

Jury that convicted Gosnell bonded over the experience

Jury that convicted Gosnell bonded over the experience -

Abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell convicted of first-degree murder

Abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell convicted of first-degree murder - U.S. News

9 clinic workers convicted ( 10 if you count Gosnell)...+ 4 others that plead guilty.

Gosnell copped a deal for life in prison before the jury could deliberate to decide his fate. Apparently he was afraid they were going to give him the death penalty.



The prosecutors copped a deal before someone who could read a law book figured out he got convicted of murdering people who never legally existed.

Fetuses aren't people. No birth certificate- ergo- no murder.
joe doesn't issue a post that does'nt have at least one lie in it, ever. For example, his posts about gosnell...he said that "most of the charges had nothing to do with abortion". Lie. All of the charges were connected to abortion.
News flash..I don't decide what is true and what isn't. When someone is lying, they are lying, and in the cases I'm talking about, it's prove-able.

Yes you do. You've decided that a fetus is a person with more rights that it's host and you want to inflict that decision on others.

The lies you have posted in this forum go on for days. You lie about other posters, about the number of late term abortions, the number of women coerced into abortions. You lie and say that women are having abortions because they're sluts and lack morality, lies, lies and more lies.

Because you lie endlessly, you think others do too. You wouldn't know the truth even if it jumped up and slapped you in the face. The anti-choice people have nothing but lies to sell, because the truth is in the pro-choice camp.

You don't believe in abortion, don't have one.
joe doesn't issue a post that does'nt have at least one lie in it, ever. For example, his posts about gosnell...he said that "most of the charges had nothing to do with abortion". Lie. All of the charges were connected to abortion.

Yup...they were.
News flash..I don't decide what is true and what isn't. When someone is lying, they are lying, and in the cases I'm talking about, it's prove-able.

Yes you do. You've decided that a fetus is a person with more rights that it's host and you want to inflict that decision on others.

The lies you have posted in this forum go on for days. You lie about other posters, about the number of late term abortions, the number of women coerced into abortions. You lie and say that women are having abortions because they're sluts and lack morality, lies, lies and more lies.

Because you lie endlessly, you think others do too. You wouldn't know the truth even if it jumped up and slapped you in the face. The anti-choice people have nothing but lies to sell, because the truth is in the pro-choice camp.

You don't believe in abortion, don't have one.

As I said, baby killers lie. And the post above is proof of it.
joe doesn't issue a post that does'nt have at least one lie in it, ever. For example, his posts about gosnell...he said that "most of the charges had nothing to do with abortion". Lie. All of the charges were connected to abortion.

No, they weren't....

Mrs. Mognar, the only victim in this case, was not a fetus.
joe doesn't issue a post that does'nt have at least one lie in it, ever. For example, his posts about gosnell...he said that "most of the charges had nothing to do with abortion". Lie. All of the charges were connected to abortion.

No, they weren't....

Mrs. Mognar, the only victim in this case, was not a fetus.

They were all connected with abortion though.
News flash..I don't decide what is true and what isn't. When someone is lying, they are lying, and in the cases I'm talking about, it's prove-able.

Yes you do. You've decided that a fetus is a person with more rights that it's host and you want to inflict that decision on others.

The lies you have posted in this forum go on for days. You lie about other posters, about the number of late term abortions, the number of women coerced into abortions. You lie and say that women are having abortions because they're sluts and lack morality, lies, lies and more lies.

Because you lie endlessly, you think others do too. You wouldn't know the truth even if it jumped up and slapped you in the face. The anti-choice people have nothing but lies to sell, because the truth is in the pro-choice camp.

You don't believe in abortion, don't have one.

As I said, baby killers lie. And the post above is proof of it.

I notice a lot of lying from the pro-some-lifers as well.
joe doesn't issue a post that does'nt have at least one lie in it, ever. For example, his posts about gosnell...he said that "most of the charges had nothing to do with abortion". Lie. All of the charges were connected to abortion.

No, they weren't....

Mrs. Mognar, the only victim in this case, was not a fetus.

They were all connected with abortion though.

Only because Gosnell was an 'abortion' doctor. In reality, none of the babies he killed were aborted, meaning the case has nothing to do with abortion, and everything to do with murder.

You are both right, in short.

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