Another baby killing operation exposed in Texas

The exact same garbage that all infanticiders spew. It's garbage, and lies, no matter who regurgitates it.
Would all you pro-lifers just quit with the lying? None of you thinks early term abortion is murder. Yes, your big lie really is that obvious.

No one thinks specks are people. That's a kook claim. My cat knows that specks aren't people, and she has a brain the size of a walnut. Pro-lifers presumably have larger brains, meaning that they're just lying. Why? Because they want an excuse to hate, and to implement their sick pervo control freak agenda.
I imagine the Texas dhs will see some heads roll, just like the PA dhs did, as it becomes obvious that there were complaints that were never investigated, or were investigated, and shelved.

I strongly suspect that they are very understaffed and underfunded. Texas does not have a good system in terms of health care and oversight. I don't know about PA though.

True, last I looked Texas was listed as having the worst healthcare in the nation.

That would not surprise me if true.
Would all you pro-lifers just quit with the lying? None of you thinks early term abortion is murder. Yes, your big lie really is that obvious.

No one thinks specks are people. That's a kook claim. My cat knows that specks aren't people, and she has a brain the size of a walnut. Pro-lifers presumably have larger brains, meaning that they're just lying. Why? Because they want an excuse to hate, and to implement their sick pervo control freak agenda.

Most people, including genetecists, biologists, and scientists, believe a human is a human from conception.

You loons are the ones who determined a "person" is different from a "human"...and that "personhood" magically takes place some time after a person decides they don't want to abort.

The sick pervo freak agenda is the agenda of the baby killers who defend killers like gosnell and all other abortionists, who abuse and kill women and children. You're so afraid that some day you might be responsible for a child that you are willing to sacrifice kids and women in order to make sure you have access to infanticide.

The sick pervs have always been the progressive kinsites...
I strongly suspect that they are very understaffed and underfunded. Texas does not have a good system in terms of health care and oversight. I don't know about PA though.

True, last I looked Texas was listed as having the worst healthcare in the nation.

That would not surprise me if true.

I believe they have the lowest or amongst the lowest per capita spending on healthcare, and they've created legislation designed to shut down Planned Parenthood as much as possible.
Would all you pro-lifers just quit with the lying? None of you thinks early term abortion is murder. Yes, your big lie really is that obvious.

No one thinks specks are people. That's a kook claim. My cat knows that specks aren't people, and she has a brain the size of a walnut. Pro-lifers presumably have larger brains, meaning that they're just lying. Why? Because they want an excuse to hate, and to implement their sick pervo control freak agenda.

Most people, including genetecists, biologists, and scientists, believe a human is a human from conception.

You loons are the ones who determined a "person" is different from a "human"...and that "personhood" magically takes place some time after a person decides they don't want to abort.

The sick pervo freak agenda is the agenda of the baby killers who defend killers like gosnell and all other abortionists, who abuse and kill women and children. You're so afraid that some day you might be responsible for a child that you are willing to sacrifice kids and women in order to make sure you have access to infanticide.

The sick pervs have always been the progressive kinsites...

Who defended Gosnell?
joeb, your comrade in arms.

He calls the babies he killed "medical waste" and said the only crime was doping the woman to death...and he maintains that she is to blame for that, as well.
He also maintains that there is no such thing as coerced abortion, though he has admitted that he would coerce a woman into it if he knocked up someone he didn't want to have a child with.

Go figure.
He also maintains that there is no such thing as coerced abortion, though he has admitted that he would coerce a woman into it if he knocked up someone he didn't want to have a child with.

Go figure.

I've never and would never defend Gosnell.

Go figure :)
The abortion industry calls infanticide abortion. They lie about fetal age, the lie about circumstances that bring women in for abortions, they fail to protect them in even the most basic way, and they kill babies and think they should get a pass because THEY call it "abortion".
The abortion industry calls infanticide abortion.

What's the "abortion industry"?

They lie about fetal age, the lie about circumstances that bring women in for abortions, they fail to protect them in even the most basic way, and they kill babies and think they should get a pass because THEY call it "abortion".

Who exactly is "they"?
^Obama mentions the baby being non viable. Sometimes if it is born, it is still so early there is no chance of it surviving. What he means is letting the doctor allow the baby to die a natural death, because medicine cannot save that child.

Your definition says it all, how do you sleep with that belief???

So the NICU baby's should be left to die a natural death, you understand this is what you're saying...
The abortion industry calls infanticide abortion.

What's the "abortion industry"?

They lie about fetal age, the lie about circumstances that bring women in for abortions, they fail to protect them in even the most basic way, and they kill babies and think they should get a pass because THEY call it "abortion".

Who exactly is "they"?

The abortion industry, as indicated. Planned parenthood, individual abortionists, clinicians, progressive wackadoodles.
I imagine the Texas dhs will see some heads roll, just like the PA dhs did, as it becomes obvious that there were complaints that were never investigated, or were investigated, and shelved.

I strongly suspect that they are very understaffed and underfunded. Texas does not have a good system in terms of health care and oversight. I don't know about PA though.

True, last I looked Texas was listed as having the worst healthcare in the nation.
Apparently, you were not aware the finest cancer center in the United States is located in the M.D. Anderson complex in Houston, Texas:

MD Anderson: Quick look

Created: 1941
First patient: 1944 (about 900,000 patients treated overall)
Ranking: No. 1 in cancer care, America’s Best Hospitals, U.S. News and World Report (top-ranked nine of past 11 years)
Employees: 19,290
Faculty: 1,644
Volunteers: 1,248
Trainees: 7,496
Average number of operating beds: 616
Research grants: No. 1 in grants awarded and total grant dollars, National Cancer Institute
Active clinical research protocols: 1,078 (about 8,500 patient registrants)
*Data based on fiscal year 2012
There's a word for most people who go there (from all over the world) for care, and that word is "cured."

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The abortion industry calls infanticide abortion.

What's the "abortion industry"?

They lie about fetal age, the lie about circumstances that bring women in for abortions, they fail to protect them in even the most basic way, and they kill babies and think they should get a pass because THEY call it "abortion".

Who exactly is "they"?

The abortion industry, as indicated. Planned parenthood, individual abortionists, clinicians, progressive wackadoodles.

Ah. So you lump them all into one group practicing what you personally define as "infanticide".

Where has Planned Parenthood lied about fetal age, the circumstances that bring women in for abortions, or failed to protect them in even the most basic way?
They lie about fetal age on their records (the fake ones they keep, if they keep them at all) and in the clinics.

All this has been discussed at length over the years here, and has been proven over and over again, with each disgusting hell hole that is uncovered. It is why they object so strenuously to being required to run ultrasounds. Because then they will have to have actual professionals in the clinics, and they will be forced to share with the women they violate and abuse the truth about what it is they are doing.
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Would all you pro-lifers just quit with the lying? None of you thinks early term abortion is murder. Yes, your big lie really is that obvious.

No one thinks specks are people. That's a kook claim. My cat knows that specks aren't people, and she has a brain the size of a walnut. Pro-lifers presumably have larger brains, meaning that they're just lying. Why? Because they want an excuse to hate, and to implement their sick pervo control freak agenda.

You talk to your cat? That explains your stupidity!

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