Another baby killing operation exposed in Texas

Edge said she regularly got upset during her work and couldn't watch when Karpen allegedly killed the newborns. But she said she didn't know that what he was doing was illegal.

Oh bullshit! This fat slag is trying to cover her own ass! She helped perform those abortions, now she is coming forward to place the blame on him? Hello??? She had years to come forward, and she chooses now?

I am not buying it.

Well thats what happens when we make murder legal. When we say its OK to destroy human life by violent means, then where is the fine line that it becomes illegal?

Murder is not legal! The silly woman should have known that if a fetus is born alive, you cannot kill it. To do so is illegal, and considered murder. Did she not go to school? How did she even get a job when she is ignorant of so much?
Oh bullshit! This fat slag is trying to cover her own ass! She helped perform those abortions, now she is coming forward to place the blame on him? Hello??? She had years to come forward, and she chooses now?

I am not buying it.

Well thats what happens when we make murder legal. When we say its OK to destroy human life by violent means, then where is the fine line that it becomes illegal?

Murder is not legal! The silly woman should have known that if a fetus is born alive, you cannot kill it. To do so is illegal, and considered murder. Did she not go to school? How did she even get a job when she is ignorant of so much?

Then do you care to explain why Obama fought so hard against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act? A law that stated if a fetus is born alive, you cannot kill it? As you say, its just common sense that if the baby is out of the womb and alive, killing it would be murder. But not to some people, like Obama.

"That if that fetus, or child, however you want to describe it, is now outside of the mother's womb and the doctor continues to think that it's non viable but there's lets say movement or some indidcation that they're not just coming out limp and dead that in fact they would then have to call in a second physician to monitor and check off and make sure that this is not a live child that could be saved?"--Barack Obama

Listen: Barack Obama Calls Newborn Baby a "Fetus Outside of the Womb" - Katie Pavlich

Listen to Barack as he says he has "confidence" that an abortion doctor would do the right thing when they botch up an abortion and have a "live birth". In his mind, a doctor performing the abortion would always "do the right thing" and try to save the life of a baby that moments before he was just trying to kill through violent means.

This is how absurd pro-abortionists are. Infanticide and abortion are the same thing, so much so that die hard liberals like Obama refuse to pass legislation against infanticide (killing the "fetus outside the womb)" in order to protect abortion (killing the fetus inside the womb).
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^Obama mentions the baby being non viable. Sometimes if it is born, it is still so early there is no chance of it surviving. What he means is letting the doctor allow the baby to die a natural death, because medicine cannot save that child.
A woman cannot be so stupid as to not know how far along their pregnancy is and they should be held responsible for the murder of their child if is was late term.
They aren't the ones doing it.

And what about the medical community who send them to the butchers, and hide the injuries caused by them, and the deaths? Those people should be culpable, too.
And keep in mind that we have film of abortionists and other clinicians lying to these women...telling them that it isn't a baby, that it won't feel a thing, that it's legal. The women are desperate...and everybody they go to for help lies to them.
Edge said she regularly got upset during her work and couldn't watch when Karpen allegedly killed the newborns. But she said she didn't know that what he was doing was illegal.

Oh bullshit! This fat slag is trying to cover her own ass! She helped perform those abortions, now she is coming forward to place the blame on him? Hello??? She had years to come forward, and she chooses now?

I am not buying it.

Right. How dare someone have a change of heart after witnessing atrocity after atrocity and finally come forward. :cuckoo:

Cuz know this NEVER happens in other aspects of every day life and all. :eusa_shhh:
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Oh bullshit! This fat slag is trying to cover her own ass! She helped perform those abortions, now she is coming forward to place the blame on him? Hello??? She had years to come forward, and she chooses now?

I am not buying it.

Well thats what happens when we make murder legal. When we say its OK to destroy human life by violent means, then where is the fine line that it becomes illegal?

Murder is not legal! The silly woman should have known that if a fetus is born alive, you cannot kill it. To do so is illegal, and considered murder. Did she not go to school? How did she even get a job when she is ignorant of so much?

If obama could think that killing a newborn is legal, then it's not surprising that this silly woman did so too. IF, in fact, killing a newborn is illegal, there would be no need for such a thing as the Infant Born Alive Protection Act and of course no abortionist would oppose it when it was presented.
Well thats what happens when we make murder legal. When we say its OK to destroy human life by violent means, then where is the fine line that it becomes illegal?

Murder is not legal! The silly woman should have known that if a fetus is born alive, you cannot kill it. To do so is illegal, and considered murder. Did she not go to school? How did she even get a job when she is ignorant of so much?

If obama could think that killing a newborn is legal, then it's not surprising that this silly woman did so too. IF, in fact, killing a newborn is illegal, there would be no need for such a thing as the Infant Born Alive Protection Act and of course no abortionist would oppose it when it was presented.

They feed these women lies to get them in there, and then they dope them so they can't do anything or even really comprehend what is happening.

By the time they fully comprehend what is going on, it's too late.
the business of being humans is rather nasty indeed.

It is, but its also amazing. Two days ago my niece gave birth to a child who was six months premature. L left work to go see what she had done. Being filthy and covered in dirt and pipe cement I had to keep the glass betwixt us (the kid and I). I saw a girl that looked much like the "medical waste" some go on about from this Gosnell business. If I put my hands together palms up side by side I could hold this kid comfortable. She weighs two pounds and change. Its laying there and fighting to live. She has a will to live just like all living things do. It stuns me, that to this day, people will lament Michael Vicks cruelty to dogs, yet would see very little wrong with cutting the spine of my nieces kid, or injecting it with poison.
Pro-lifers rejoice again! They created another bad doctor! Their plan is succeeding! That's why they're dancing with glee now, and looking horrifically ghoulish in the process. They do stop short of openly claiming credit, but you know they feel the pride inside.

The pro-life mission is to make sure every good clinic is made illegal, so that only hack shops remain. They won't rest until they've accomplished that goal. And the media will cover for them, as the media always does.
Pro-lifers rejoice again! They created another bad doctor! Their plan is succeeding! That's why they're dancing with glee now, and looking horrifically ghoulish in the process. They do stop short of openly claiming credit, but you know they feel the pride inside.

The pro-life mission is to make sure every good clinic is made illegal, so that only hack shops remain. They won't rest until they've accomplished that goal. And the media will cover for them, as the media always does.

Remember when bush the lesser was pres and he had a republican congress and republican senate and after all the whining and crying about abortion to get elected, they did nothing. They use that to sucker their ignorant base. Every 4 years they trot that stuff out as it is red meat for the religion fruitcakes.


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Pro-lifers rejoice again! They created another bad doctor! Their plan is succeeding! That's why they're dancing with glee now, and looking horrifically ghoulish in the process. They do stop short of openly claiming credit, but you know they feel the pride inside.

The pro-life mission is to make sure every good clinic is made illegal, so that only hack shops remain. They won't rest until they've accomplished that goal. And the media will cover for them, as the media always does.

Remember when bush the lesser was pres and he had a republican congress and republican senate and after all the whining and crying about abortion to get elected, they did nothing. They use that to sucker their ignorant base. Every 4 years they trot that stuff out as it is red meat for the religion fruitcakes.

They passed BAIPA.

So kiss my ass lying piece of cheese :lol:
Pro-lifers rejoice again! They created another bad doctor! Their plan is succeeding! That's why they're dancing with glee now, and looking horrifically ghoulish in the process. They do stop short of openly claiming credit, but you know they feel the pride inside.

The pro-life mission is to make sure every good clinic is made illegal, so that only hack shops remain. They won't rest until they've accomplished that goal. And the media will cover for them, as the media always does.

You are one sick Redneck Liberal.

Pro-lifers have nothing to do with your all-out attacks on family values, morality, and caring for human life. You claim compassion for mothers but care nothing for the consequences they face when they realize what has happened to the living creatures they once carried in their wombs.

Most abortion clinics are nothing more than mechanisms for reducing the birth rate of the poor and minorities.
I'm not surprised this is happening in Texas - Texas has greatly reduced the number of clinics and increased barriers for women needing a safe legal abortion. I think we'll see more of this in states like Texas and MS and others. On the other hand, it's hard to know how accurate Operation Rescue is - they are kind of like PETA.

Pro-lifers rejoice again! They created another bad doctor! Their plan is succeeding! That's why they're dancing with glee now, and looking horrifically ghoulish in the process. They do stop short of openly claiming credit, but you know they feel the pride inside.

The pro-life mission is to make sure every good clinic is made illegal, so that only hack shops remain. They won't rest until they've accomplished that goal. And the media will cover for them, as the media always does.

especially our kg who is a self-desribed thumper. :eusa_pray: she will stop at nothing to flood the board w/ her sky pixie-based screed :deal:
Pro-lifers rejoice again! They created another bad doctor! Their plan is succeeding! That's why they're dancing with glee now, and looking horrifically ghoulish in the process. They do stop short of openly claiming credit, but you know they feel the pride inside.

The pro-life mission is to make sure every good clinic is made illegal, so that only hack shops remain. They won't rest until they've accomplished that goal. And the media will cover for them, as the media always does.

^ this was pulled right out of the planned parenthood talking points almost word for word. So much for original thinking.

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