Another baby killing operation exposed in Texas

Dayle Steinberg and Eric Ferrero of Planned Parenthood.

Dayle Steinberg and Eric Ferrero of Planned Parenthood.

"Ultimately, the lesson of the Gosnell case is that we must have and enforce laws that protect access to safe and legal abortion, and we must reject misguided laws that would limit women’s options and force them to seek treatment from criminals like Kermit Gosnell."

Pro-lifers rejoice again! They created another bad doctor! Their plan is succeeding! That's why they're dancing with glee now, and looking horrifically ghoulish in the process. They do stop short of openly claiming credit, but you know they feel the pride inside.

"The pro-life mission is to make sure every good clinic is made illegal, so that only hack shops remain. They won't rest until they've accomplished that goal. And the media will cover for them, as the media always does."

Its the same with JoeB131, and Noomi. They know that is a closer look is taken at abortion, and that the women (normally poor minority's) are educated to the process that it will start to not be seen as a form of birth control like the pill is. Just go's to show how racist and sexist the left side of politics can be.
Pro-lifers rejoice again! They created another bad doctor! Their plan is succeeding! That's why they're dancing with glee now, and looking horrifically ghoulish in the process. They do stop short of openly claiming credit, but you know they feel the pride inside.

The pro-life mission is to make sure every good clinic is made illegal, so that only hack shops remain. They won't rest until they've accomplished that goal. And the media will cover for them, as the media always does.

You are one sick Redneck Liberal.

Pro-lifers have nothing to do with your all-out attacks on family values, morality, and caring for human life. You claim compassion for mothers but care nothing for the consequences they face when they realize what has happened to the living creatures they once carried in their wombs.

Most abortion clinics are nothing more than mechanisms for reducing the birth rate of the poor and minorities.

Libs don't really care about the health and well being of the poor. They are a means to and end to them...and good props to focus their talking points on.

When push comes to shove...minority mothers speaking up about abortion abuses go under the bus with the rest of the people libs have no use for.
Edge said she regularly got upset during her work and couldn't watch when Karpen allegedly killed the newborns. But she said she didn't know that what he was doing was illegal.

Oh bullshit! This fat slag is trying to cover her own ass! She helped perform those abortions, now she is coming forward to place the blame on him? Hello??? She had years to come forward, and she chooses now?

I am not buying it.

Right. How dare someone have a change of heart after witnessing atrocity after atrocity and finally come forward. :cuckoo:

Cuz know this NEVER happens in other aspects of every day life and all. :eusa_shhh:

Like Jill Stanek? The woman who held a dying baby in her arms and did fuck all to save it, then had the gall to turn around and blame someone else, when SHE could have rushed the child to a medical centre?

Yeah. I don't put much faith in these people who 'change their minds'.
Oh bullshit! This fat slag is trying to cover her own ass! She helped perform those abortions, now she is coming forward to place the blame on him? Hello??? She had years to come forward, and she chooses now?

I am not buying it.

Right. How dare someone have a change of heart after witnessing atrocity after atrocity and finally come forward. :cuckoo:

Cuz know this NEVER happens in other aspects of every day life and all. :eusa_shhh:

Like Jill Stanek? The woman who held a dying baby in her arms and did fuck all to save it, then had the gall to turn around and blame someone else, when SHE could have rushed the child to a medical centre?

Yeah. I don't put much faith in these people who 'change their minds'.

I'm not buying into your fake outrage here. You would have no problem with her actions if she had remained quiet. I believe what you are really mad at is the fact that she spoke out.... Period.

Especially considering her actions forced at least one hospital... Advocate Health Care ( probably more) to change it's policy regarding babies that were born alive. And led to the BAIPA.

You keep saying you don't like crimes against newborns...then spout this other shit toward the only people who raise their voices to bring awareness. are quite funny ( and not in a good way) :cuckoo:

I'm not buying into your fake outrage here. You would have no problem with her actions if she had remained quiet. I believe what you are really mad at is the fact that she spoke out.... Period.

Especially considering her actions forced at least one hospital... Advocate Health Care ( probably more) to change it's policy regarding babies that were born alive. And led to the BAIPA.

You keep saying you don't like crimes against newborns...then spout this other shit toward the only people who raise their voices to bring awareness. are quite funny ( and not in a good way) :cuckoo:

Hey, speaking of BAIPA, you know, the stupidity where politicians think they are doctors, how many prosecutions have happened under that law since it was passed.

Oh, that's right.


I'm not buying into your fake outrage here. You would have no problem with her actions if she had remained quiet. I believe what you are really mad at is the fact that she spoke out.... Period.

Especially considering her actions forced at least one hospital... Advocate Health Care ( probably more) to change it's policy regarding babies that were born alive. And led to the BAIPA.

You keep saying you don't like crimes against newborns...then spout this other shit toward the only people who raise their voices to bring awareness. are quite funny ( and not in a good way) :cuckoo:

Hey, speaking of BAIPA, you know, the stupidity where politicians think they are doctors, how many prosecutions have happened under that law since it was passed.

Oh, that's right.


I find it quite telling that you are even more of a left wing looney toon then the majority of your party. Very few democrats opposed it. Well except for Obama of course...but then that speaks for itself...
Right. How dare someone have a change of heart after witnessing atrocity after atrocity and finally come forward. :cuckoo:

Cuz know this NEVER happens in other aspects of every day life and all. :eusa_shhh:

Like Jill Stanek? The woman who held a dying baby in her arms and did fuck all to save it, then had the gall to turn around and blame someone else, when SHE could have rushed the child to a medical centre?

Yeah. I don't put much faith in these people who 'change their minds'.

I'm not buying into your fake outrage here. You would have no problem with her actions if she had remained quiet. I believe what you are really mad at is the fact that she spoke out.... Period.

Especially considering her actions forced at least one hospital... Advocate Health Care ( probably more) to change it's policy regarding babies that were born alive. And led to the BAIPA.

You keep saying you don't like crimes against newborns...then spout this other shit toward the only people who raise their voices to bring awareness. are quite funny ( and not in a good way) :cuckoo:

I have never heard joe object to crimes against newborns. His attitude is that if they are born in an abortion clinic, they are medical waste, and the woman is *owed* a dead baby.

I'm not buying into your fake outrage here. You would have no problem with her actions if she had remained quiet. I believe what you are really mad at is the fact that she spoke out.... Period.

Especially considering her actions forced at least one hospital... Advocate Health Care ( probably more) to change it's policy regarding babies that were born alive. And led to the BAIPA.

You keep saying you don't like crimes against newborns...then spout this other shit toward the only people who raise their voices to bring awareness. are quite funny ( and not in a good way) :cuckoo:

Hey, speaking of BAIPA, you know, the stupidity where politicians think they are doctors, how many prosecutions have happened under that law since it was passed.

Oh, that's right.


It's possible that's it's a highly effective deterrent which is what laws are intended to do.
I imagine the Texas dhs will see some heads roll, just like the PA dhs did, as it becomes obvious that there were complaints that were never investigated, or were investigated, and shelved.

I strongly suspect that they are very understaffed and underfunded. Texas does not have a good system in terms of health care and oversight. I don't know about PA though.

True, last I looked Texas was listed as having the worst healthcare in the nation.
I imagine the Texas dhs will see some heads roll, just like the PA dhs did, as it becomes obvious that there were complaints that were never investigated, or were investigated, and shelved.

I strongly suspect that they are very understaffed and underfunded. Texas does not have a good system in terms of health care and oversight. I don't know about PA though.

True, last I looked Texas was listed as having the worst healthcare in the nation.

Weird. Considering that when many Dr.'s in other states have questions about certain cancers or diseases they will consult with doctors at UTMB. As a matter of fact, many patients get send to Texas, for complex operations of all sorts, not to mention that a great deal of medical innovations are created and developed not only in Texas, but at the Baylor school of medicine in Houston. As for WOMANS health, specifically, reproductive health I can only speak for Houston, but smack in the middle of the poorest part of town, just on the left of I-45 (if your are going North) is one of the biggest planned parenthood facility's in the country, and that doesn't include the many, many clinics they refer patients to from the woodlands on down to Galveston, and out to lake Jackson. As for poor families, there is the straw berry clinic operated out of LBJ medical center, and while its not advertised, many Dr.'s treat peoples illness's for free Don't know how Texas got the "worst healthcare" rap, but its largely bull shit.
I strongly suspect that they are very understaffed and underfunded. Texas does not have a good system in terms of health care and oversight. I don't know about PA though.

True, last I looked Texas was listed as having the worst healthcare in the nation.

Weird. Considering that when many Dr.'s in other states have questions about certain cancers or diseases they will consult with doctors at UTMB. As a matter of fact, many patients get send to Texas, for complex operations of all sorts, not to mention that a great deal of medical innovations are created and developed not only in Texas, but at the Baylor school of medicine in Houston. As for WOMANS health, specifically, reproductive health I can only speak for Houston, but smack in the middle of the poorest part of town, just on the left of I-45 (if your are going North) is one of the biggest planned parenthood facility's in the country, and that doesn't include the many, many clinics they refer patients to from the woodlands on down to Galveston, and out to lake Jackson. As for poor families, there is the straw berry clinic operated out of LBJ medical center, and while its not advertised, many Dr.'s treat peoples illness's for free Don't know how Texas got the "worst healthcare" rap, but its largely bull shit.

Yes, I hear that a lot. This doctor or that hospital is amazing, therefore the whole state can't possibly have the worst overall healthcare in the nation.
Like Jill Stanek? The woman who held a dying baby in her arms and did fuck all to save it, then had the gall to turn around and blame someone else, when SHE could have rushed the child to a medical centre?

Yeah. I don't put much faith in these people who 'change their minds'.

I'm not buying into your fake outrage here. You would have no problem with her actions if she had remained quiet. I believe what you are really mad at is the fact that she spoke out.... Period.

Especially considering her actions forced at least one hospital... Advocate Health Care ( probably more) to change it's policy regarding babies that were born alive. And led to the BAIPA.

You keep saying you don't like crimes against newborns...then spout this other shit toward the only people who raise their voices to bring awareness. are quite funny ( and not in a good way) :cuckoo:

I have never heard joe object to crimes against newborns. His attitude is that if they are born in an abortion clinic, they are medical waste, and the woman is *owed* a dead baby.

Yep. Obama's thoughts on the subject too.
And, as usual, the medical/abortion community knew it was happening, and didn't care:

"Newman said Operation Rescue has been "hounding" Karpen for three years, including filing complaints with the Texas Medical Board that, he said, were ignored."

Houston doctor accused of illegal abortions - Houston Chronicle

Doctors are never going to rat one another out. It is part of their Code of Silence. They could be doing Nazi experiments and they wouldn't utte a peep.
I'm not surprised this is happening in Texas - Texas has greatly reduced the number of clinics and increased barriers for women needing a safe legal abortion. I think we'll see more of this in states like Texas and MS and others. On the other hand, it's hard to know how accurate Operation Rescue is - they are kind of like PETA.

No one said this was legal. It isn't.
Lol...yes, the pro-abortion crowd maintains every time an illegal abortion clinic is operating in plain site that it's because there's TOO MUCH oversight of abortion that it's happening, and it's the fault of the right to lifers, of course.

I just wrote a long post about that in the other abortion thread. You're right on cue, baby killer.

If abortion is legal, regulated and easily available to women in need, then people like this can't stay in business as easily. The fill in where they see a need - desperate women, few alternatives, many barriers. They also try to circumvent neccessary laws restricting late term abortions. They need to be shut down and prosecuted and at the same time abortion needs to continue to be safe and legal or we'll just see more of these operations.

Learn to read. The abortions done in this clinic are L A T E T E R M abortions, which are illegal in all 57 of your messiah's states and always have been.
And they're working with the full knowledge and protection of the legit clinics and professionals.

Which makes them culpable.


"Leigh Hopper, speaking for the Texas Medical Board, said the report by Operation Rescue on Karpen and his clinic "raises concerns, for certain." But she said the doctor's license is "free and clear currently."
His licensing page on the board's website shows no disciplinary action.
Hopper declined to say whether there have been complaints lodged against Karpen; such information is not available to the public. But in its online post, Operation Rescue links to a February letter that appears to show the medical board dismissing an investigation into Karpen.
Hopper wouldn't confirm the letter, but said it "doesn't look fake to me, and it reads like the sort of letter TMB sends out routinely."

Houston doctor accused of illegal abortions - Houston Chronicle

Any time there's one of these clinics operating, there are other clinics referring women to them, and the nearby hospitals see their victims on a regular basis.

We're going to be seeing more and more people reporting LIKE THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALL ALONG, as they realize that when they fail to report, they can be subject to criminal charges as well....

As long as MDs are allowed to be the prima donnas of health care and are held to no standards of accountability, this type of thing will continue unabated.
Edge said she regularly got upset during her work and couldn't watch when Karpen allegedly killed the newborns. But she said she didn't know that what he was doing was illegal.

Oh bullshit! This fat slag is trying to cover her own ass! She helped perform those abortions, now she is coming forward to place the blame on him? Hello??? She had years to come forward, and she chooses now?

I am not buying it.

Well thats what happens when we make murder legal. When we say its OK to destroy human life by violent means, then where is the fine line that it becomes illegal?

The current standard is the viability standard. It replaced the trimester standard in Roe v. Wade. If the fetus is viable outside the womb the abortion is illegal.
Lol...yes, the pro-abortion crowd maintains every time an illegal abortion clinic is operating in plain site that it's because there's TOO MUCH oversight of abortion that it's happening, and it's the fault of the right to lifers, of course.

I just wrote a long post about that in the other abortion thread. You're right on cue, baby killer.

If abortion is legal, regulated and easily available to women in need, then people like this can't stay in business as easily. The fill in where they see a need - desperate women, few alternatives, many barriers. They also try to circumvent neccessary laws restricting late term abortions. They need to be shut down and prosecuted and at the same time abortion needs to continue to be safe and legal or we'll just see more of these operations.

Learn to read. The abortions done in this clinic are L A T E T E R M abortions, which are illegal in all 57 of your messiah's states and always have been.

His point, and the point of every yahoo who claims this, is that it happens because we don't have enough LEGAL clinics performing infanticide. If we'd just make it legal to kill babies, then there wouldn't be all this unpleasantness, they maintain.
Lol...yes, the pro-abortion crowd maintains every time an illegal abortion clinic is operating in plain site that it's because there's TOO MUCH oversight of abortion that it's happening, and it's the fault of the right to lifers, of course.

I just wrote a long post about that in the other abortion thread. You're right on cue, baby killer.

If abortion is legal, regulated and easily available to women in need, then people like this can't stay in business as easily. The fill in where they see a need - desperate women, few alternatives, many barriers. They also try to circumvent neccessary laws restricting late term abortions. They need to be shut down and prosecuted and at the same time abortion needs to continue to be safe and legal or we'll just see more of these operations.

Learn to read. The abortions done in this clinic are L A T E T E R M abortions, which are illegal in all 57 of your messiah's states and always have been.

Calm down and quit focusing how to be the most obnoxious poster possible (ok, that might be asking for a lot but maybe you can tone down your zealotry a bit).

You are stating things I already stated.

However, if there are substantial barriers to getting a safe legal abortion - for example, lack of funding for low cost clinics, laws requiring women to jump through numerious hoops to get an abortion or states laws that make it so prohibitive to operate a clinic that there may be only one in the entire state - then many women may not be able to get an abortion early enough and end up resorting to these illegal clinics.

(can you read that or shall I type in all caps for you)?

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