Another big win for Trump on the national debt

Trump is mortgaging the future in a desperate attempt to get reelected.
Trump knows if he’s not reelected he has a very high probability of going to prison probably for the rest of his life. With the number of Felonies he’s committed. It even says in the Mueller report that once he leaves office he can be charged for all his crimes he committed while he’s been in office.
Another big win for Trump on the national debt. Trump promised to substantially decrease the national debt and balance the budget.
Donald Trump: As projected in Table S-10 in the FY 2020 budget, Trump plans to add $5.088 trillion to the debt in his first term. That's a 30% increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. If he remains in office for a second term, he plans to add $9.1 trillion. Trump had promised to eliminate the debt during his campaign.

Another blatant lie from Trump that his minions will excuse away. He mortgaging the future for benefit today. He is doing this more than any previous President.

Golly .. lets go with that green new deal, open borders, free college, free health care, free food, high unemployment, lawlessness, ghetto expansion, free abortion etc.etc spending spending more taxes, more taxes Democrats are promoting,.. things should work out just Great then...:lol:
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And now he is talking cutting capital gains taxes which only tend to apply to millionaires, and balloon the deficit even further.

Why would a cut in capital gains only effect millionaires? What about homeowners who sell their homes? They were subject to Draconian capital gains in the past. This could boost the Real Estate market in a good way.
Trump is mortgaging the future in a desperate attempt to get reelected.
Trump knows if he’s not reelected he has a very high probability of going to prison probably for the rest of his life. With the number of Felonies he’s committed. It even says in the Mueller report that once he leaves office he can be charged for all his crimes he committed while he’s been in office.

Trump has not been convicted of any felonies, dufus.
Six figure incomes are not that rare. Based on your posts and the volume of posts in a short time, I doubt you have a high level job. Also typically people who bring up their alleged income, usually are exaggerating reality, in hopes of becoming more relevant, especially on social media with anonymous participation settings.

Your wealth envy is noted. :itsok:
And now he is talking cutting capital gains taxes which only tend to apply to millionaires, and balloon the deficit even further.

Why would a cut in capital gains only effect millionaires? What about homeowners who sell their homes? They were subject to Draconian capital gains in the past. This could boost the Real Estate market in a good way.

Trump's $100 billion tax cut idea would mostly benefit wealthier Americans because of the way rich people make their money
Trump is mortgaging the future in a desperate attempt to get reelected.
Trump knows if he’s not reelected he has a very high probability of going to prison probably for the rest of his life. With the number of Felonies he’s committed. It even says in the Mueller report that once he leaves office he can be charged for all his crimes he committed while he’s been in office.
There's no fool like a libtard.

You didn't even answer, you posted a fucking link, and, your link is a screed from a leftist rag that has references to other leftist screed 'sources.' As far as I'm concerned capital gains taxes are an illegal taking of income that has already been taxed to the hilt.

In 1997 the legislature recognized this and gave a partial tax break to those who sell their homes but, if your home sells for over $250K, you still have to pay the overage. Frankly, I'd rather keep my own money than have the government give it to illegal aliens like every damn one of the Democrat candidates pledged to do. But then, I'm not an anti-American Neo-Marxist like a lot of Democrats.

Oh look, 'funny boy Franco' gave me a smiley face!! I win again....:113:
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You didn't even answer, you posted a fucking link, and, your link is a screed from a leftist rag that has references to other leftist screed 'sources.' As far as I'm concerned capital gains taxes are an illegal taking of income that has already been taxed to the hilt.

In 1997 the legislature recognized this and gave a partial tax break to those who sell their homes but, if your home sells for over $250K, you still have to pay the overage. Frankly, I'd rather keep my own money than have the government give it to illegal aliens like every damn one of the Democrat candidates pledged to do. But then, I'm not an anti-American Neo-Marxist like a lot of Democrats.
Everything is a leftist rag or communist except for your bought off High School grad propaganda pundits slash demagogues. LOL. Pass the goddamn 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card to end this GOP scam...

You didn't even answer, you posted a fucking link, and, your link is a screed from a leftist rag that has references to other leftist screed 'sources.' As far as I'm concerned capital gains taxes are an illegal taking of income that has already been taxed to the hilt.

In 1997 the legislature recognized this and gave a partial tax break to those who sell their homes but, if your home sells for over $250K, you still have to pay the overage. Frankly, I'd rather keep my own money than have the government give it to illegal aliens like every damn one of the Democrat candidates pledged to do. But then, I'm not an anti-American Neo-Marxist like a lot of Democrats.

Everything is a leftist rag or communist except for your bought off High School grad propaganda pundits slash demagogues. LOL. Pass the goddamn 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card to end this GOP scam...

You mean you can actually do more than post funny faces? LOL Most of the MSM IS leftist or have you been living under a rock? Who 'bought off' 'High School grad propaganda and just what the fuck are you even talking about?

Illegal alien criminals don't give a shit about cards you dufus. The vaunted 'green card' is/was counterfeited for decades. Besides what good is a card when you have no way to stop illegal invaders? You guys are so brain dead it's depressing to even talk to you.

You didn't even answer, you posted a fucking link, and, your link is a screed from a leftist rag that has references to other leftist screed 'sources.' As far as I'm concerned capital gains taxes are an illegal taking of income that has already been taxed to the hilt.

In 1997 the legislature recognized this and gave a partial tax break to those who sell their homes but, if your home sells for over $250K, you still have to pay the overage. Frankly, I'd rather keep my own money than have the government give it to illegal aliens like every damn one of the Democrat candidates pledged to do. But then, I'm not an anti-American Neo-Marxist like a lot of Democrats.

Everything is a leftist rag or communist except for your bought off High School grad propaganda pundits slash demagogues. LOL. Pass the goddamn 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card to end this GOP scam...

You mean you can actually do more than post funny faces? LOL Most of the MSM IS leftist or have you been living under a rock? Who 'bought off' 'High School grad propaganda and just what the fuck are you even talking about?

Illegal alien criminals don't give a shit about cards you dufus. The vaunted 'green card' is/was counterfeited for decades. Besides what good is a card when you have no way to stop illegal invaders? You guys are so brain dead it's depressing to even talk to you.
I am talking about Fox primetime and Rush Limbaugh etc etc radio demagogues oh, nonstop Liars all. So many phony scandals so much misinformation.

If you have enforcement and an ID card they can't get jobs here if they're illegal -end of problem- just like all the other modern countries who have this problem. The wall is stupid and just continues the GOP scam. They love the cheap easily bullied labor and the wedge issue with you often racist GOP dupes...

You didn't even answer, you posted a fucking link, and, your link is a screed from a leftist rag that has references to other leftist screed 'sources.' As far as I'm concerned capital gains taxes are an illegal taking of income that has already been taxed to the hilt.

In 1997 the legislature recognized this and gave a partial tax break to those who sell their homes but, if your home sells for over $250K, you still have to pay the overage. Frankly, I'd rather keep my own money than have the government give it to illegal aliens like every damn one of the Democrat candidates pledged to do. But then, I'm not an anti-American Neo-Marxist like a lot of Democrats.

Everything is a leftist rag or communist except for your bought off High School grad propaganda pundits slash demagogues. LOL. Pass the goddamn 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card to end this GOP scam...

You mean you can actually do more than post funny faces? LOL Most of the MSM IS leftist or have you been living under a rock? Who 'bought off' 'High School grad propaganda and just what the fuck are you even talking about?

Illegal alien criminals don't give a shit about cards you dufus. The vaunted 'green card' is/was counterfeited for decades. Besides what good is a card when you have no way to stop illegal invaders? You guys are so brain dead it's depressing to even talk to you.
I am talking about Fox primetime and Rush Limbaugh etc etc radio demagogues oh, nonstop Liars all. So many phony scandals so much misinformation.

If you have enforcement and an ID card they can't get jobs here if they're illegal -end of problem- just like all the other modern countries who have this problem. The wall is stupid and just continues the GOP scam. They love the cheap easily bullied labor and the wedge issue with you often racist GOP dupes...
They have ID cards with computer chips now that cannot be faked, unlike our ridiculous Social Security card etc. The GOP has blocked an ID card forever because it's a Communist plot or some such idiocy that You dupes fall for every time.
I am talking about Fox primetime and Rush Limbaugh etc etc radio demagogues oh, nonstop Liars all. So many phony scandals so much misinformation.

Your summary dismissal of alternate sources of information exposes your wish to stay ignorant. I'll bet you don't listen or watch them on a regular basis. Yet here you are blathering about things you know nothing about.

If you have enforcement and an ID card they can't get jobs here if they're illegal -end of problem- just like all the other modern countries who have this problem. The wall is stupid and just continues the GOP scam. They love the cheap easily bullied labor and the wedge issue with you often racist GOP dupes...

Democrats would lobby to give anyone a card. They WANT illegals and the proof is that every damn one of the Democrat candidates raised their hand when asked if they would give free health care to illegal aliens.

If the 'wall is stupid' why don't you tear down the walls that surround YOUR domicile? While you are at it, remove your front door and let anyone or anything come into your home. Better yet, remove all the walls inside your dwelling let everyone see you take a shit in your bathroom. LOL

Yeah that's it, when you are logically put down, just call US 'racist.' :icon_rolleyes:
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I am talking about Fox primetime and Rush Limbaugh etc etc radio demagogues oh, nonstop Liars all. So many phony scandals so much misinformation.

Your summary dismissal of alternate sources of information exposes your wish to stay ignorant. I'll bet you don't listen or watch them on a regular basis. Yet here you are blathering about things you know nothing about.

If you have enforcement and an ID card they can't get jobs here if they're illegal -end of problem- just like all the other modern countries who have this problem. The wall is stupid and just continues the GOP scam. They love the cheap easily bullied labor and the wedge issue with you often racist GOP dupes...

Democrats would lobby to give anyone a card. They WANT illegals and the proof is that every damn one of the Democrat candidates raised their hand when asked if they would give free health care to illegal aliens.

If the 'wall is stupid' why don't you tear down the walls that surround YOUR domicile? While you are at it, remove your front door and let anyone or anything come into your home. Better yet, remove all the walls inside your dwelling let everyone see you take a shit in your bathroom. LOL

Yeah that's it, when you are logically put down, just call US 'racist.' :icon_rolleyes:
The entire world of Journalism and law enforcement thinks you are nuts. And you're a non-racist GOP voter congratulations.... Our southern border is gigantic and there are so many ways around it, right now 58% of illegals just overstay their visas. More than that, it is o totally un American and against our traditions, unless you are a racist. Walls around houses are nothing like it just more ignorance. We have to get this organized with a good ID card or it's just the same old crap forever oh, super dupe. We can also use the ID card to stop your phony Scandal about illegals voting.
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The entire world of Journalism and law enforcement thinks you are nuts. And you're a non-racist GOP voter congratulations.... Our southern border is gigantic and there are so many ways around it, right now 58% of illegals just overstay their visas. More than that, it is on American and against our traditions, unless you are a racist. Walls around houses are nothing like it just more ignorance. We have to get this organized with a good ID card or it's just the same old crap forever oh, super dupe. We can also use the ID card to stop your phony Scandal about illegals voting.

The MSM is not Journalism it is biased opinion cloaked in fake objectivity. BTW you don't speak for the entire world...So much for your delusional thoughts of megalomania.

Yeah, just because our border is 'gigantic' you are willing to throw up your hands and declare defeat. Since when is it 'racist' to want to protect one's own country? Oh yeah, since Anti-Americanism became popular with the Democrat, Neo-Marxist set in this country.

Walls around houses keep unwanted interlopers off your fucking property, libtard. What about that is different than wanting to keep interlopers our of your country?

Are you going to go down to the border, stand in unprotected areas of our border and hand out 'cards' to illegals? :abgg2q.jpg: God, the ignorance of these 'no-wallers' and TDSers is astounding.
The entire world of Journalism and law enforcement thinks you are nuts. And you're a non-racist GOP voter congratulations.... Our southern border is gigantic and there are so many ways around it, right now 58% of illegals just overstay their visas. More than that, it is on American and against our traditions, unless you are a racist. Walls around houses are nothing like it just more ignorance. We have to get this organized with a good ID card or it's just the same old crap forever oh, super dupe. We can also use the ID card to stop your phony Scandal about illegals voting.

The MSM is not Journalism it is biased opinion cloaked in fake objectivity. BTW you don't speak for the entire world...So much for your delusional thoughts of megalomania.

Yeah, just because our border is 'gigantic' you are willing to throw up your hands and declare defeat. Since when is it 'racist' to want to protect one's own country? Oh yeah, since Anti-Americanism became popular with the Democrat, Neo-Marxist set in this country.

Walls around houses keep unwanted interlopers off your fucking property, libtard. What about that is different than wanting to keep interlopers our of your country?

Are you going to go down to the border, stand in unprotected areas of our border and hand out 'cards' to illegals? :abgg2q.jpg: God, the ignorance of these 'no-wallers' and TDSers is astounding.
So why can't Republicans look at other media around the world. Try the BBC any newspaper or media around the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and they all agree, the GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace and so are you. Hillary is no criminal, we have a flat tax system that is a giveaway to the rich. You are a brainwashed functional moron. If they don't have an ID card they can't work end of problem. Like other modern countries, super duper. Idiot
The entire world of Journalism and law enforcement thinks you are nuts. And you're a non-racist GOP voter congratulations.... Our southern border is gigantic and there are so many ways around it, right now 58% of illegals just overstay their visas. More than that, it is on American and against our traditions, unless you are a racist. Walls around houses are nothing like it just more ignorance. We have to get this organized with a good ID card or it's just the same old crap forever oh, super dupe. We can also use the ID card to stop your phony Scandal about illegals voting.

The MSM is not Journalism it is biased opinion cloaked in fake objectivity. BTW you don't speak for the entire world...So much for your delusional thoughts of megalomania.

Yeah, just because our border is 'gigantic' you are willing to throw up your hands and declare defeat. Since when is it 'racist' to want to protect one's own country? Oh yeah, since Anti-Americanism became popular with the Democrat, Neo-Marxist set in this country.

Walls around houses keep unwanted interlopers off your fucking property, libtard. What about that is different than wanting to keep interlopers our of your country?

Are you going to go down to the border, stand in unprotected areas of our border and hand out 'cards' to illegals? :abgg2q.jpg: God, the ignorance of these 'no-wallers' and TDSers is astounding.
So why can't Republicans look at other media around the world. Try the BBC any newspaper or media around the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and they all agree, the GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace and so are you. Hillary is no criminal, we have a flat tax system that is a giveaway to the rich. You are a brainwashed functional moron. If they don't have an ID card they can't work end of problem. Like other modern countries, super duper. Idiot

I do, and most follow just a few biased sources. You can see the same damn political stories in most every MSM outlet. Hillary destroyed evidence but was illegally let off by Comey who is now a disgraced former FBI official. You didn't even address the issue of illegal aliens because you yourself are a brainwashed functional leftard moron. Let me know when you are volunteering to go to the border and hand out your 'get out of jail free' cards to illegals.
The entire world of Journalism and law enforcement thinks you are nuts. And you're a non-racist GOP voter congratulations.... Our southern border is gigantic and there are so many ways around it, right now 58% of illegals just overstay their visas. More than that, it is on American and against our traditions, unless you are a racist. Walls around houses are nothing like it just more ignorance. We have to get this organized with a good ID card or it's just the same old crap forever oh, super dupe. We can also use the ID card to stop your phony Scandal about illegals voting.

The MSM is not Journalism it is biased opinion cloaked in fake objectivity. BTW you don't speak for the entire world...So much for your delusional thoughts of megalomania.

Yeah, just because our border is 'gigantic' you are willing to throw up your hands and declare defeat. Since when is it 'racist' to want to protect one's own country? Oh yeah, since Anti-Americanism became popular with the Democrat, Neo-Marxist set in this country.

Walls around houses keep unwanted interlopers off your fucking property, libtard. What about that is different than wanting to keep interlopers our of your country?

Are you going to go down to the border, stand in unprotected areas of our border and hand out 'cards' to illegals? :abgg2q.jpg: God, the ignorance of these 'no-wallers' and TDSers is astounding.
So why can't Republicans look at other media around the world. Try the BBC any newspaper or media around the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and they all agree, the GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace and so are you. Hillary is no criminal, we have a flat tax system that is a giveaway to the rich. You are a brainwashed functional moron. If they don't have an ID card they can't work end of problem. Like other modern countries, super duper. Idiot

I do, and most follow just a few biased sources. You can see the same damn political stories in most every MSM outlet. Hillary destroyed evidence but was illegally let off by Comey who is now a disgraced former FBI official. You didn't even address the issue of illegal aliens because you yourself are a brainwashed functional leftard moron. Let me know when you are volunteering to go to the border and hand out your 'get out of jail free' cards to illegals.
Pass a work ID card and end this mess, super dupe.
The entire world of Journalism and law enforcement thinks you are nuts. And you're a non-racist GOP voter congratulations.... Our southern border is gigantic and there are so many ways around it, right now 58% of illegals just overstay their visas. More than that, it is on American and against our traditions, unless you are a racist. Walls around houses are nothing like it just more ignorance. We have to get this organized with a good ID card or it's just the same old crap forever oh, super dupe. We can also use the ID card to stop your phony Scandal about illegals voting.

The MSM is not Journalism it is biased opinion cloaked in fake objectivity. BTW you don't speak for the entire world...So much for your delusional thoughts of megalomania.

Yeah, just because our border is 'gigantic' you are willing to throw up your hands and declare defeat. Since when is it 'racist' to want to protect one's own country? Oh yeah, since Anti-Americanism became popular with the Democrat, Neo-Marxist set in this country.

Walls around houses keep unwanted interlopers off your fucking property, libtard. What about that is different than wanting to keep interlopers our of your country?

Are you going to go down to the border, stand in unprotected areas of our border and hand out 'cards' to illegals? :abgg2q.jpg: God, the ignorance of these 'no-wallers' and TDSers is astounding.
So why can't Republicans look at other media around the world. Try the BBC any newspaper or media around the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and they all agree, the GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace and so are you. Hillary is no criminal, we have a flat tax system that is a giveaway to the rich. You are a brainwashed functional moron. If they don't have an ID card they can't work end of problem. Like other modern countries, super duper. Idiot

I do, and most follow just a few biased sources. You can see the same damn political stories in most every MSM outlet. Hillary destroyed evidence but was illegally let off by Comey who is now a disgraced former FBI official. You didn't even address the issue of illegal aliens because you yourself are a brainwashed functional leftard moron. Let me know when you are volunteering to go to the border and hand out your 'get out of jail free' cards to illegals.
Her security guy deleted her personal emails just like any Secretary of State can do. You start off with a ridiculous conspiracy, conspiracy Nut Job. Now you believe the FBI and deep state are in a conspiracy against you. Absolute idiocy. You do not have journalists, you have propagandists. Wake up and smell the coffee.

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