Another big win for Trump on the national debt

Here's the difference between Trump's deficits and Obama's. Obama pissed the money away never to be seen again. Trump's strategy will temporarily increase deficits but with the promise of fixing the problem long term.

You bunch of dumb asses on the left don't have the brains to comprehend the strategy so I won't waste time trying to explain it to you.

Wow! Will somebody cut off the Kool-aid to this guy, he has clearly done an overdose.

Trump has already added more to the National Debt than Kennedy, Johnson and Clinton in three years compared what they added to the National Debt in sixteen years. Kennedy, Johnson and Clinton had better economies.
deby growth by president.png
Another big win for Trump on the national debt. Trump promised to substantially decrease the national debt and balance the budget.
Donald Trump: As projected in Table S-10 in the FY 2020 budget, Trump plans to add $5.088 trillion to the debt in his first term. That's a 30% increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. If he remains in office for a second term, he plans to add $9.1 trillion. Trump had promised to eliminate the debt during his campaign.

Another blatant lie from Trump that his minions will excuse away. He mortgaging the future for benefit today. He is doing this more than any previous President.

Ok, so I'm to take it that you don't like Trump. That's fine.

So all the way back in 5th grade, I learned how the government has a separation of powers, one of them being the ability to spend money, which is left to the House to originate spending bills.

Who have you elected in the House, that is controlling the spending in government? And why have they done a bad job?

The whole point of the separation of powers, is specifically so that a crazy person can't become president and blow the country apart. If Trump is to blame for over spending, wouldn't that be an indictment of the House and Senate? And who is in charge of Congress?

Or did you not go to 5th grade, and were never taught how government works?
Here's the difference between Trump's deficits and Obama's. Obama pissed the money away never to be seen again. Trump's strategy will temporarily increase deficits but with the promise of fixing the problem long term.

You bunch of dumb asses on the left don't have the brains to comprehend the strategy so I won't waste time trying to explain it to you.
Explain that please. Which spending of Obamas sent money away and which spending of Trumps is fixing problems?

Start with the billions of stimulus money that was pissed away on state and local government payroll instead of being used for shovel ready jobs. State and local government refused to down size when the economy tanked. Instead they spent the stimulus money on themselves. When unemployment in the private sector topped 10% unemployment in state and local government was unchanged at 3.8%. So the money was pissed away.
And what has Trump spent on that is fixing things?
Another big win for Trump on the national debt. Trump promised to substantially decrease the national debt and balance the budget.
Donald Trump: As projected in Table S-10 in the FY 2020 budget, Trump plans to add $5.088 trillion to the debt in his first term. That's a 30% increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. If he remains in office for a second term, he plans to add $9.1 trillion. Trump had promised to eliminate the debt during his campaign.

Another blatant lie from Trump that his minions will excuse away. He mortgaging the future for benefit today. He is doing this more than any previous President.

I mean, racking up huge debts he has no intention of ever paying is one of the main things that he is known for.
My superior intellect is a towering pillar of liberal destruction.
To you, you are an intellect; to the vast majority of the world population you are an immoral, stupid ass. You will never get it.
The metrics that unite all Trump supporters are lack of adequate education, lack of skills for 21st century jobs and lack of morals. A fine group, they are.

My left pinky is smarter than you lib, just the left one I don't need both.
Nobody would guess that from your posts...

You mad bro?
Not at all, I laugh at your stupidity. You are like the village idiot.

My genius intimidates you lib, its okay we'll do your thinking for you while we MAGA!
Lie, lie, lie, crazy, and nonsense. I scored your post.
Only in GOP dupe World, GOP dupe.

My posts intimidate you franco.
They are pretty scary like most dupe posts, but only because they show an incredible disconnect with reality.

We are in charge of the country just relax while we clean up Obama's mess.
Obama averted a full-blown depression and had seven and a half months of growth that is hard to tell the difference from Trump's. No matter how much fox and Rush etc etc fill your tiny brain with garbage propaganda.

LMAO okay fine name Obama's policies that averted nothing? Thought so :auiqs.jpg:
To you, you are an intellect; to the vast majority of the world population you are an immoral, stupid ass. You will never get it.
The metrics that unite all Trump supporters are lack of adequate education, lack of skills for 21st century jobs and lack of morals. A fine group, they are.

My left pinky is smarter than you lib, just the left one I don't need both.
Nobody would guess that from your posts...

You mad bro?
Not at all, I laugh at your stupidity. You are like the village idiot.
the problem is that 30% of the country is totally whacked on garbage propaganda. This is a disgrace and very scary.

You keep saying this but you never specify. Why, because you don't want people calling BS on your broad brush?
Here's the difference between Trump's deficits and Obama's. Obama pissed the money away never to be seen again. Trump's strategy will temporarily increase deficits but with the promise of fixing the problem long term.

You bunch of dumb asses on the left don't have the brains to comprehend the strategy so I won't waste time trying to explain it to you.

Wow! Will somebody cut off the Kool-aid to this guy, he has clearly done an overdose.
View attachment 275419
Trump has already added more to the National Debt than Kennedy, Johnson and Clinton in three years compared what they added to the National Debt in sixteen years. Kennedy, Johnson and Clinton had better economies.
View attachment 275419 View attachment 275420

I see you conveniently left out Obama's debt I think we all know why. :itsok:
And what has Trump spent on that is fixing things?

Slade because I respect your intelligence and ability to carry on a serious discussion here's the way I see increases, spending cuts, that's like shooting spit wads at the problem. These clowns in Washington have dug a hole so deep our only hope of digging out is growth, mad aggressive growth. That's the only thing capable of generating enough revenue to dig out. Hence Trump's tax and regulatory cuts, fighting off cheaters like China and other countries ripping us off.

Trump is not able to articulate this strategy well, but I understand it. Tax increases and spending cuts, even if I believe those morons in Washington wouldn't just spend every last dime plus borrow more that approach is at best just a slower death spiral.
Here's the difference between Trump's deficits and Obama's. Obama pissed the money away never to be seen again. Trump's strategy will temporarily increase deficits but with the promise of fixing the problem long term.

You bunch of dumb asses on the left don't have the brains to comprehend the strategy so I won't waste time trying to explain it to you.

Wow! Will somebody cut off the Kool-aid to this guy, he has clearly done an overdose.
View attachment 275419
Trump has already added more to the National Debt than Kennedy, Johnson and Clinton in three years compared what they added to the National Debt in sixteen years. Kennedy, Johnson and Clinton had better economies.
View attachment 275419 View attachment 275420

I see you conveniently left out Obama's debt I think we all know why. :itsok:

Obama’s totals are on the chart. Trump will end up spending more than Obama did in his first term during Trump’s first term according to his own advisors.
My left pinky is smarter than you lib, just the left one I don't need both.
Nobody would guess that from your posts...

You mad bro?
Not at all, I laugh at your stupidity. You are like the village idiot.
the problem is that 30% of the country is totally whacked on garbage propaganda. This is a disgrace and very scary.

You keep saying this but you never specify. Why, because you don't want people calling BS on your broad brush?
Your propaganda machine and you dupes are a disgrace. So is the giveaway to the rich GOP bow now run by Rupert Murdoch and of course Big oil big Health big Pharma the NRA etc....
Obammy's massive "stimulus" just lined the pockets of Dem donors
Well it couldn’t have been that bad if we went from the worst recession since the depression and are now at the greatest economy in history. That shit doesn’t happen overnight
My left pinky is smarter than you lib, just the left one I don't need both.
Nobody would guess that from your posts...

You mad bro?
Not at all, I laugh at your stupidity. You are like the village idiot.
the problem is that 30% of the country is totally whacked on garbage propaganda. This is a disgrace and very scary.

You keep saying this but you never specify. Why, because you don't want people calling BS on your broad brush?
It’s nonsense he knows it. Like I said earlier, not an honest cell in their body
Obammy's massive "stimulus" just lined the pockets of Dem donors

When the sun rose on June 1st 2011 the left credited Obama with this astronomical event. That same day when the tide went back out, also all Obama. The guy has an incredible track record of success. /sarcasm
Averted another corrupt GOP depression and gave us seven and a half years straight of growth, you brainwashed functional morons.
Nobody would guess that from your posts...

You mad bro?
Not at all, I laugh at your stupidity. You are like the village idiot.
the problem is that 30% of the country is totally whacked on garbage propaganda. This is a disgrace and very scary.

You keep saying this but you never specify. Why, because you don't want people calling BS on your broad brush?
Your propaganda machine and you dupes are a disgrace. So is the giveaway to the rich GOP bow now run by Rupert Murdoch and of course Big oil big Health big Pharma the NRA etc....

LMAO what "giveaway to the rich GOP"? Big oil, health, and pharma you say...wait for it...:21::21::21::21::21::21:
Obammy's massive "stimulus" just lined the pockets of Dem donors

When the sun rose on June 1st 2011 the left credited Obama with this astronomical event. That same day when the tide went back out, also all Obama. The guy has an incredible track record of success. /sarcasm
Averted another corrupt GOP depression and gave us seven and a half years straight of growth, you brainwashed functional morons.

You are losing it franco, switch to decaf. :cuckoo:
Obammy's massive "stimulus" just lined the pockets of Dem donors

When the sun rose on June 1st 2011 the left credited Obama with this astronomical event. That same day when the tide went back out, also all Obama. The guy has an incredible track record of success. /sarcasm
Averted another corrupt GOP depression and gave us seven and a half years straight of growth, you brainwashed functional morons.

Did you find that BS while you were in line to swallow for Joe Biden?

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