Another big win for Trump on the national debt

Obammy's massive "stimulus" just lined the pockets of Dem donors

When the sun rose on June 1st 2011 the left credited Obama with this astronomical event. That same day when the tide went back out, also all Obama. The guy has an incredible track record of success. /sarcasm
Averted another corrupt GOP depression and gave us seven and a half years straight of growth, you brainwashed functional morons.
Pure nonsense
And what has Trump spent on that is fixing things?

Slade because I respect your intelligence and ability to carry on a serious discussion here's the way I see increases, spending cuts, that's like shooting spit wads at the problem. These clowns in Washington have dug a hole so deep our only hope of digging out is growth, mad aggressive growth. That's the only thing capable of generating enough revenue to dig out. Hence Trump's tax and regulatory cuts, fighting off cheaters like China and other countries ripping us off.

Trump is not able to articulate this strategy well, but I understand it. Tax increases and spending cuts, even if I believe those morons in Washington wouldn't just spend every last dime plus borrow more that approach is at best just a slower death spiral.
Deficits were smaller when trump took office...
Obammy's massive "stimulus" just lined the pockets of Dem donors

When the sun rose on June 1st 2011 the left credited Obama with this astronomical event. That same day when the tide went back out, also all Obama. The guy has an incredible track record of success. /sarcasm
Averted another corrupt GOP depression and gave us seven and a half years straight of growth, you brainwashed functional morons.

You are losing it franco, switch to decaf. :cuckoo:
you have no clue as to what goes on, brainwashed functional moron. Read something for God's sake....
Obammy's massive "stimulus" just lined the pockets of Dem donors

When the sun rose on June 1st 2011 the left credited Obama with this astronomical event. That same day when the tide went back out, also all Obama. The guy has an incredible track record of success. /sarcasm
Averted another corrupt GOP depression and gave us seven and a half years straight of growth, you brainwashed functional morons.
Pure nonsense
Both fact. Which one do you have a problem with or both? 7 1/2 years. there was growth since October 2009 idiot. You know nothing factual oh, super duper. The rest of the world and law enforcement think you are an idiot.
Obammy's massive "stimulus" just lined the pockets of Dem donors

When the sun rose on June 1st 2011 the left credited Obama with this astronomical event. That same day when the tide went back out, also all Obama. The guy has an incredible track record of success. /sarcasm
Averted another corrupt GOP depression and gave us seven and a half years straight of growth, you brainwashed functional morons.
Pure nonsense
Sure super duper. everyone in the world knows that except you incredibly ignorant dupes.
upload_2019-8-21_20-59-53.pngThe New Yorker
Web results
Obama's Economic Record: An Assessment

Jan 9, 2017 · At seven and a half years long, the Obama recovery now is one of the longest on record. In terms of annual G.D.P. growth, the rate of expansion has been ...

upload_2019-8-21_20-59-53.pngAP News
AP FACT CHECK: Trump swipes progress from Obama era

Feb 9, 2019 · So he doesn't hesitate to swipe job growth from the twilight of ... straight years and he wants to eliminate diversity visas.
Obammy's massive "stimulus" just lined the pockets of Dem donors

When the sun rose on June 1st 2011 the left credited Obama with this astronomical event. That same day when the tide went back out, also all Obama. The guy has an incredible track record of success. /sarcasm
Averted another corrupt GOP depression and gave us seven and a half years straight of growth, you brainwashed functional morons.
Pure nonsense
Both fact. Which one do you have a problem with or both? 7 1/2 years. there was growth since October 2009 idiot. You know nothing factual oh, super duper. The rest of the world and law enforcement think you are an idiot.
And so you are totally wrong as always. Read that link the second one. Says our media especially of course your propaganda machine ruined the reputation of the stimulus with total b*******. Every respected journalist agrees.
How Barack Obama rescued the US economy
Jan 10, 2017 · But the story of Mr Obama's presidency is a little different from the usual, ... how close the US economy came to an outright depression during the crisis.

Foreign Policy
Think Again: Obama's New Deal

Aug 13, 2012 · U.S. President Barack Obama's $787 billion stimulus bill was ... avert a second Depression, and end a brutal recession.

Common Dreams
It Looks Like We're Heading For a Recession: Which Would Make ...

5 days ago · Obama's bailout and stimulus budgets, for example, probably averted a full-on depression, but that could ...
And what has Trump spent on that is fixing things?

Slade because I respect your intelligence and ability to carry on a serious discussion here's the way I see increases, spending cuts, that's like shooting spit wads at the problem. These clowns in Washington have dug a hole so deep our only hope of digging out is growth, mad aggressive growth. That's the only thing capable of generating enough revenue to dig out. Hence Trump's tax and regulatory cuts, fighting off cheaters like China and other countries ripping us off.

Trump is not able to articulate this strategy well, but I understand it. Tax increases and spending cuts, even if I believe those morons in Washington wouldn't just spend every last dime plus borrow more that approach is at best just a slower death spiral.
Deficits were smaller when trump took office...

Fewer welfare recipients since Trump took over
And what has Trump spent on that is fixing things?

Slade because I respect your intelligence and ability to carry on a serious discussion here's the way I see increases, spending cuts, that's like shooting spit wads at the problem. These clowns in Washington have dug a hole so deep our only hope of digging out is growth, mad aggressive growth. That's the only thing capable of generating enough revenue to dig out. Hence Trump's tax and regulatory cuts, fighting off cheaters like China and other countries ripping us off.

Trump is not able to articulate this strategy well, but I understand it. Tax increases and spending cuts, even if I believe those morons in Washington wouldn't just spend every last dime plus borrow more that approach is at best just a slower death spiral.
Deficits were smaller when trump took office...

Fewer welfare recipients since Trump took over
Then that makes increasing deficits quite the impressive feat.
And what has Trump spent on that is fixing things?

Slade because I respect your intelligence and ability to carry on a serious discussion here's the way I see increases, spending cuts, that's like shooting spit wads at the problem. These clowns in Washington have dug a hole so deep our only hope of digging out is growth, mad aggressive growth. That's the only thing capable of generating enough revenue to dig out. Hence Trump's tax and regulatory cuts, fighting off cheaters like China and other countries ripping us off.

Trump is not able to articulate this strategy well, but I understand it. Tax increases and spending cuts, even if I believe those morons in Washington wouldn't just spend every last dime plus borrow more that approach is at best just a slower death spiral.
Deficits were smaller when trump took office...

Fewer welfare recipients since Trump took over
Then that makes increasing deficits quite the impressive feat.

Spending like a drunken sailor will do that. I agree it’s not good.
Obama’s totals are on the chart. Trump will end up spending more than Obama did in his first term during Trump’s first term according to his own advisors.
Certain things have to get done. Increasing defense and military spending as well as building the border wall. Those things aren't cheap.
What needs to happen is
Taxes need to be raised,
Spending needs to be cut drastically
Our debt paid down to under $10 trillion,
And a balanced budget amendment added to the Constitution.

When I say taxes need to be raised I'm talking everyone needs to help pay this debt down, not just the 1%, 10% or 20% but everyone.

When I say spending needs to be cut, I'm not talking about 50% of what the new budget is going to be, I'm talking 25% of all spending.

The United States needs debt, it actually helps the rest of the world and us. $10 trillion or even as low as $7 trillion will keep everyone happy. To much debt, like now, it makes the world nervous. To low debt sees investment in the United States troublesome.
And what has Trump spent on that is fixing things?

Slade because I respect your intelligence and ability to carry on a serious discussion here's the way I see increases, spending cuts, that's like shooting spit wads at the problem. These clowns in Washington have dug a hole so deep our only hope of digging out is growth, mad aggressive growth. That's the only thing capable of generating enough revenue to dig out. Hence Trump's tax and regulatory cuts, fighting off cheaters like China and other countries ripping us off.

Trump is not able to articulate this strategy well, but I understand it. Tax increases and spending cuts, even if I believe those morons in Washington wouldn't just spend every last dime plus borrow more that approach is at best just a slower death spiral.
Deficits were smaller when trump took office...

Fewer welfare recipients since Trump took over
. Slightly. The Obama recovery continues
And what has Trump spent on that is fixing things?

Slade because I respect your intelligence and ability to carry on a serious discussion here's the way I see increases, spending cuts, that's like shooting spit wads at the problem. These clowns in Washington have dug a hole so deep our only hope of digging out is growth, mad aggressive growth. That's the only thing capable of generating enough revenue to dig out. Hence Trump's tax and regulatory cuts, fighting off cheaters like China and other countries ripping us off.

Trump is not able to articulate this strategy well, but I understand it. Tax increases and spending cuts, even if I believe those morons in Washington wouldn't just spend every last dime plus borrow more that approach is at best just a slower death spiral.
Deficits were smaller when trump took office...

Fewer welfare recipients since Trump took over
. Slightly. The Obama recovery continues

Slightly? LOL
And what has Trump spent on that is fixing things?

Slade because I respect your intelligence and ability to carry on a serious discussion here's the way I see increases, spending cuts, that's like shooting spit wads at the problem. These clowns in Washington have dug a hole so deep our only hope of digging out is growth, mad aggressive growth. That's the only thing capable of generating enough revenue to dig out. Hence Trump's tax and regulatory cuts, fighting off cheaters like China and other countries ripping us off.

Trump is not able to articulate this strategy well, but I understand it. Tax increases and spending cuts, even if I believe those morons in Washington wouldn't just spend every last dime plus borrow more that approach is at best just a slower death spiral.
Deficits were smaller when trump took office...

Fewer welfare recipients since Trump took over
. Slightly. The Obama recovery continues

Slightly? LOL
Curious, do you have numbers on how many less?
And what has Trump spent on that is fixing things?

Slade because I respect your intelligence and ability to carry on a serious discussion here's the way I see increases, spending cuts, that's like shooting spit wads at the problem. These clowns in Washington have dug a hole so deep our only hope of digging out is growth, mad aggressive growth. That's the only thing capable of generating enough revenue to dig out. Hence Trump's tax and regulatory cuts, fighting off cheaters like China and other countries ripping us off.

Trump is not able to articulate this strategy well, but I understand it. Tax increases and spending cuts, even if I believe those morons in Washington wouldn't just spend every last dime plus borrow more that approach is at best just a slower death spiral.
Deficits were smaller when trump took office...

Fewer welfare recipients since Trump took over
. Slightly. The Obama recovery continues

Slightly? LOL
The fewest welfare recipients in years! the lowest unemployment rate in years! It's just Obama's recovery continuing until Trump screws it up. The two trillion tax cut wasn't worth s***, nor has anything else worked.
Last edited:
Slade because I respect your intelligence and ability to carry on a serious discussion here's the way I see increases, spending cuts, that's like shooting spit wads at the problem. These clowns in Washington have dug a hole so deep our only hope of digging out is growth, mad aggressive growth. That's the only thing capable of generating enough revenue to dig out. Hence Trump's tax and regulatory cuts, fighting off cheaters like China and other countries ripping us off.

Trump is not able to articulate this strategy well, but I understand it. Tax increases and spending cuts, even if I believe those morons in Washington wouldn't just spend every last dime plus borrow more that approach is at best just a slower death spiral.
Deficits were smaller when trump took office...

Fewer welfare recipients since Trump took over
. Slightly. The Obama recovery continues

Slightly? LOL
The fewest welfare recipients in years! the lowest unemployment rate in years! It's just Obama's recovery continuing until Trump screws it up. The two trillion tax cut wasn't worth s***, nor has anyone else worked.
Yes getting rid of regulations has shown no real signs of helping the economy. Stagnant market sure isn't helping my 401K.
Slade because I respect your intelligence and ability to carry on a serious discussion here's the way I see increases, spending cuts, that's like shooting spit wads at the problem. These clowns in Washington have dug a hole so deep our only hope of digging out is growth, mad aggressive growth. That's the only thing capable of generating enough revenue to dig out. Hence Trump's tax and regulatory cuts, fighting off cheaters like China and other countries ripping us off.

Trump is not able to articulate this strategy well, but I understand it. Tax increases and spending cuts, even if I believe those morons in Washington wouldn't just spend every last dime plus borrow more that approach is at best just a slower death spiral.
Deficits were smaller when trump took office...

Fewer welfare recipients since Trump took over
. Slightly. The Obama recovery continues

Slightly? LOL
Curious, do you have numbers on how many less?

Me or Franco?
Deficits were smaller when trump took office...

Fewer welfare recipients since Trump took over
. Slightly. The Obama recovery continues

Slightly? LOL
Curious, do you have numbers on how many less?

Me or Franco?
You. The Obama recovery shows just how great our economy is. Doesn't need any juicing or deregulation or funny stuff to make it work well. Now the Republicans are so smart and they're going to screw it up again.
Deficits were smaller when trump took office...

Fewer welfare recipients since Trump took over
. Slightly. The Obama recovery continues

Slightly? LOL
Curious, do you have numbers on how many less?

Me or Franco?
How Barack Obama rescued the US economy
Jan 10, 2017 · But the story of Mr Obama's presidency is a little different from the usual, ... how close the US economy came to an outright depression during the crisis.

upload_2019-8-21_23-12-14.pngForeign Policy
Think Again: Obama's New Deal

Aug 13, 2012 · U.S. President Barack Obama's $787 billion stimulus bill was ... avert a second Depression, and end a brutal recession.

upload_2019-8-21_23-12-14.pngCommon Dreams
It Looks Like We're Heading For a Recession: Which Would Make ...

5 days ago · Obama's bailout and stimulus budgets, for example, probably averted a full-on depression, but that could ...

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