Another big win for Trump on the national debt

E-Mudd does not know this:

Debt Fact #2: Our Country began its history in debt. In 1783, at the end of the Revolutionary War, we owed $70 million to the French and the Dutch. We also began running our first deficits by the end of that decade.

So Mudd, we mortgaged our future, as you put it, since our inception!
So Kidd is saying the national debt is good because his man Trump is increasing the debt like no other President.

Trump's minion will make an excuse for every bad thing he does. That is cult like.

Kidd you mortgaged your brain, as small and unused as your brain is.

Fine, should we lower the SALT cap in blue states even further would that make you happy?
A true conservative would reduce spending to reduce the debt.
Trump and his idiot followers are not true conservatives.

This may be a shock to you Kidd but blue states have Trump supporters, too.Reducing SALT would increase their taxes also.

We don't care. So long as we defeat the Democrats nothing else matters.
If you do not care about the economy, is your main objective to get the white supremacist agenda through?
Is that the we you are talking about?
E-Mudd does not know this:

Debt Fact #2: Our Country began its history in debt. In 1783, at the end of the Revolutionary War, we owed $70 million to the French and the Dutch. We also began running our first deficits by the end of that decade.

So Mudd, we mortgaged our future, as you put it, since our inception!
So Kidd is saying the national debt is good because his man Trump is increasing the debt like no other President.

Trump's minion will make an excuse for every bad thing he does. That is cult like.

Kidd you mortgaged your brain, as small and unused as your brain is.

Fine, should we lower the SALT cap in blue states even further would that make you happy?
A true conservative would reduce spending to reduce the debt.
Trump and his idiot followers are not true conservatives.

This may be a shock to you Kidd but blue states have Trump supporters, too.Reducing SALT would increase their taxes also.

We don't care. So long as we defeat the Democrats nothing else matters.

And these people pretend they do not put party before country!

Finally one of them has the balls to admit it openly, the party trumps the country to these people
Slightly? LOL
Curious, do you have numbers on how many less?

Me or Franco?
How Barack Obama rescued the US economy
Jan 10, 2017 · But the story of Mr Obama's presidency is a little different from the usual, ... how close the US economy came to an outright depression during the crisis.

View attachment 275474Foreign Policy
Think Again: Obama's New Deal
Aug 13, 2012 · U.S. President Barack Obama's $787 billion stimulus bill was ... avert a second Depression, and end a brutal recession.

View attachment 275475Common Dreams
It Looks Like We're Heading For a Recession: Which Would Make ...
5 days ago · Obama's bailout and stimulus budgets, for example, probably averted a full-on depression, but that could ...

I could rescue a country too if I spent $10trn
You could not rescue a country with any amount of money. You are an idiot and you know it. That is why you follow Trump because you cannot think for yourself.

Why so bitter? Need a hug?
And what has Trump spent on that is fixing things?

Slade because I respect your intelligence and ability to carry on a serious discussion here's the way I see increases, spending cuts, that's like shooting spit wads at the problem. These clowns in Washington have dug a hole so deep our only hope of digging out is growth, mad aggressive growth. That's the only thing capable of generating enough revenue to dig out. Hence Trump's tax and regulatory cuts, fighting off cheaters like China and other countries ripping us off.

Trump is not able to articulate this strategy well, but I understand it. Tax increases and spending cuts, even if I believe those morons in Washington wouldn't just spend every last dime plus borrow more that approach is at best just a slower death spiral.
I understand and agree with the appeal of tax cuts and deregulation, also the importance of our world trade situation. But, I don’t think you are being objective because I never hear you give credit to the “other side” for anything. But the fact is Obama’s stimulus and management of the economy, while not extraordinary, it was stabilizing. They money spent was not thrown away, it circulated throughout our economy and has led to the record job growth numbers, low unemployment rates, a 20T GDP, and tremendous stock market growth. These are the same things trump Uses to credit himself with the best economy in history. I was looking forward to a conservative leader to give the necessary ying yang that is important to our political system. I just don’t have much trust in trump that he knows what he is doing. His plans all seem like immediate gratification talking points and not thoughtful long term plans. He points the finger at others all the time and doesn’t own anything negative that may happen. And he has exploded the deficit which is the exact opposite of what we needed. Everything hinges on “growth” which is supposed to come from the tax cuts. Instead we are looking at a very possible recession. I’m sure he will have his fall guy if that happens.... but what a disaster that would be.

And my position is that Obama and Dem's used the stimulus money that was supposed to be spend on shovel ready jobs, instead to avoid cutbacks in a very BLOATED public sector. The public sector, drunk on spending like there's no tomorrow during the good times refused to cut back when the economy tanked. When the economy tanks like that government should not be immune to cutting back. But they avoided doing so for 2 years by spending the stimulus money. Eventually it ran out and we had nothing to show for it. No shovel ready new bridges, roads, infrastructure like Obama promised.
Who exactly do you think the public sector is? Road workers, utility workers, educators, social workers etc. and where does their money go? Paying rent, buy groceries, spending money at local small businesses, the occasional massage. Like I said... the money doesn’t disappear it is spread throughout our communities and economy.

Government doesn't need to tighten its belt when the economy collapses??? Just keep on raping taxpayers at the same rates as when times were good???
That depends on what factors caused the crash and what is needed to get us back on track
The debit increased by 76% during the Obama years and we got nothing for it.
Obama years brought us out of the largest recession we have had since the depression. Trump is leading us into a recession.

I am sure the Trump minions will say recessions are good when we are in the middle of a recession brought on by their leader.

^^^ the left have to lie they got nothing left in their bag of tricks. If the Obama years were so awesome why are all the Dem candidates attacking Biden over Obama's policies?
Such as, super duper?

Go ahead franco, explain why the Dem candidates are attacking Biden over Obama's policies...this should be funny. :21:

You don’t get campaigns do you.
Trump certainly failed his spending promises. Congress should be hung from a tree by their toenails.
Course if Trump refused to sign their outrageous spending bills y'all would whine that he shut the government down. That's just a fact of dealing with lying two faced Democrats.
Trump certainly failed his spending promises. Congress should be hung from a tree by their toenails.
Course if Trump refused to sign their outrageous spending bills y'all would whine that he shut the government down. That's just a fact of dealing with lying two faced Democrats.

The grifter promised to eliminate the annual budget deficit and the complete federal deficit....

Care to explain why he’s failing at that.
Anyone remember when Trump said he could eliminate the debt in 8 years?

Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Donald Trump insists he would be able to wipe out the United States’s debt in eight years.

The Republican presidential front-runner said in a wide-ranging interview with The Washington Post that he’d be able to get rid of the more than $19 trillion debt “over a period of eight years.”

Eliminating that amount of debt in eight years is highly improbable, according to most economists, The Washington Post reported. It could require using $2 trillion a year from the annual $4 trillion budget to pay off holders of the debt.

Trump insisted in the interview that “renegotiating all of our deals” would help pay down the debt by sparking economic growth.

So far, his deal making hasn't done squat to bring down the debt, it is actually increasing FASTER.
Another big win for Trump on the national debt. Trump promised to substantially decrease the national debt and balance the budget.
Donald Trump: As projected in Table S-10 in the FY 2020 budget, Trump plans to add $5.088 trillion to the debt in his first term. That's a 30% increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. If he remains in office for a second term, he plans to add $9.1 trillion. Trump had promised to eliminate the debt during his campaign.

Another blatant lie from Trump that his minions will excuse away. He mortgaging the future for benefit today. He is doing this more than any previous President.

Mexico will pay for the Wall.

I'll lock Hillary up.

I'll release my tax returns.

I'll counter-sue the dozen women suing me ...

ON and ON and ON

Non-stop Bullshit ...

GOP stooges lap it up !!
Don't forget, he campaigned on the promise that he could eliminate the debt in 8 years. So far, he's not done anything to bring it down, all he's done is increase it.
The debit increased by 76% during the Obama years and we got nothing for it.
Obama years brought us out of the largest recession we have had since the depression. Trump is leading us into a recession.

I am sure the Trump minions will say recessions are good when we are in the middle of a recession brought on by their leader.

^^^ the left have to lie they got nothing left in their bag of tricks. If the Obama years were so awesome why are all the Dem candidates attacking Biden over Obama's policies?
Such as, super duper?

Go ahead franco, explain why the Dem candidates are attacking Biden over Obama's policies...this should be funny. :21:
such as? I know on immigration Obama was tougher than many want now, deported many criminals. I believe that is b******* anyway a stupid GOP talking point. Anything else LOL?pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with ID card for work and end this garbage GOP scam forever.
Trump certainly failed his spending promises. Congress should be hung from a tree by their toenails.
Course if Trump refused to sign their outrageous spending bills y'all would whine that he shut the government down. That's just a fact of dealing with lying two faced Democrats.

The grifter promised to eliminate the annual budget deficit and the complete federal deficit....

Care to explain why he’s failing at that.
Simple, he isn't a king and can not command congress to give him a balanced budget.

Get it?
Trump certainly failed his spending promises. Congress should be hung from a tree by their toenails.
Course if Trump refused to sign their outrageous spending bills y'all would whine that he shut the government down. That's just a fact of dealing with lying two faced Democrats.

The grifter promised to eliminate the annual budget deficit and the complete federal deficit....

Care to explain why he’s failing at that.
Simple, he isn't a king and can not command congress to give him a balanced budget.

Get it?

The grifter had both the house and senate his first two years, right.

Also, isn't he the chosen one?

So why the pathetic excuses.
Trump certainly failed his spending promises. Congress should be hung from a tree by their toenails.
Course if Trump refused to sign their outrageous spending bills y'all would whine that he shut the government down. That's just a fact of dealing with lying two faced Democrats.

The grifter promised to eliminate the annual budget deficit and the complete federal deficit....

Care to explain why he’s failing at that.
Simple, he isn't a king and can not command congress to give him a balanced budget.

Get it?

Wrong, he is the self-proclaimed king of israel.
E-Mudd does not know this:

Debt Fact #2: Our Country began its history in debt. In 1783, at the end of the Revolutionary War, we owed $70 million to the French and the Dutch. We also began running our first deficits by the end of that decade.

So Mudd, we mortgaged our future, as you put it, since our inception!
So Kidd is saying the national debt is good because his man Trump is increasing the debt like no other President.

Trump's minion will make an excuse for every bad thing he does. That is cult like.

Kidd you mortgaged your brain, as small and unused as your brain is.

Fine, should we lower the SALT cap in blue states even further would that make you happy?
A true conservative would reduce spending to reduce the debt.
Trump and his idiot followers are not true conservatives.

This may be a shock to you Kidd but blue states have Trump supporters, too.Reducing SALT would increase their taxes also.

We don't care. So long as we defeat the Democrats nothing else matters.
Party before country.
Trump certainly failed his spending promises. Congress should be hung from a tree by their toenails.
Course if Trump refused to sign their outrageous spending bills y'all would whine that he shut the government down. That's just a fact of dealing with lying two faced Democrats.

The grifter promised to eliminate the annual budget deficit and the complete federal deficit....

Care to explain why he’s failing at that.
Simple, he isn't a king and can not command congress to give him a balanced budget.

Get it?
He could try asking. Every time he opens his mouth it’s for spending . We need a wall. Let’s buy Greenland.
Trump certainly failed his spending promises. Congress should be hung from a tree by their toenails.
Course if Trump refused to sign their outrageous spending bills y'all would whine that he shut the government down. That's just a fact of dealing with lying two faced Democrats.

The grifter promised to eliminate the annual budget deficit and the complete federal deficit....

Care to explain why he’s failing at that.
Simple, he isn't a king and can not command congress to give him a balanced budget.

Get it?

The grifter had both the house and senate his first two years, right.

Also, isn't he the chosen one?

So why the pathetic excuses.
I didn't give you an excuse, I answered your question.

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