another black hate crime

If you continue to black man shoot, we will be well to write white man shoots, you would be surprised
BLACK man shoots non-black person = this is what the headline should be

Yes, well 2 white people in S. Dakota, the ag and the governor investigated.
Promoting children having abortions and babies without any said that is wrong and having taxpayers on the hook for it with the privates die in all ways involved keeps things as it is and not better.
BATON ROUGE, La. -- A white Louisiana man has received a life sentence for the apparently random killing of a Black man in a park. He also is accused of killing another Black man at a bus stop and firing into the home of a Black family as part of a string of attacks that police said may have been racially motivated.

Kenneth Gleason was found guilty of first-degree murder in April for the killing of Donald Smart, The Advocate reported. Smart, 49, was shot in a park near Louisiana State University as he was walking to his overnight shift as a restaurant dishwasher in September 2017.'s almost unbelievable that you people can't accept the fact the blacks commit murder/crimes at much higher rates is NATURAL for humans to shrug off their failures--they want to blame others for it ....everyone does it now and then's almost unbelievable that you people can't accept the fact the blacks commit murder/crimes at much higher rates is NATURAL for humans to shrug off their failures--they want to blame others for it ....everyone does it now and then
When will you accept the fact that other races besides blacks do commit crimes and that you only pick on black people doing it?
When will you accept the fact that other races besides blacks do commit crimes and that you only pick on black people doing it?
1. not picking on anyone
2. I am the one pointing out how only the WHITES are constantly shown as EVIL--24/7 in the MSM--undeniable
--I am pointing out the injustices/MYTHS/etc- which you seem to support !!!
BATON ROUGE, La. -- A white Louisiana man has received a life sentence for the apparently random killing of a Black man in a park. He also is accused of killing another Black man at a bus stop and firing into the home of a Black family as part of a string of attacks that police said may have been racially motivated.

Kenneth Gleason was found guilty of first-degree murder in April for the killing of Donald Smart, The Advocate reported. Smart, 49, was shot in a park near Louisiana State University as he was walking to his overnight shift as a restaurant dishwasher in September 2017.

Having to go back to 2016 to find a case where a white dude shot a black guy?

We rest our case.
Honestly, I wish the kkk were a thing again.

I don't want to be a part of it. Just like I don't want to be a garbage man, but I also appreciate that garbage men take away our trash and deal with it for us to have cleaner and nicer cities.
Critical Race Theory and the Liberal 1619 project stir up a lot of hatred of honkies among your young skulls full of mush out there. The libs like those at the New York Times or working in academia need to be held accountable for the damage their theories cause. I'd love to see the victims family sue Harvard and the major media so they can answer in court. Maybe their rhetoric might become more responsible.
The dems would never allow their propaganda machine to be held liable
If you continue to black man shoot, we will be well to write white man shoots, you would be surprised
BLACK man shoots non-black person = this is what the headline should be

Yes, well 2 white people in S. Dakota, the ag and the governor investigated.
You know blacks are the highest criminal group and have the most interracial crimes (rate, they might still lead total numbers but bumy far the highest percentage)......if you don't know this, you are ignorant and should not be in this debate.......
BLACK man shoots non-black person = this is what the headline should be
Another racist ^^^ and the author who will continue to keep racism as another wedge issue.

BTW, guns are the bigger issue, not the color of the person who has a gun and not have easy access to one.'s almost unbelievable that you people can't accept the fact the blacks commit murder/crimes at much higher rates is NATURAL for humans to shrug off their failures--they want to blame others for it ....everyone does it now and then
Is it the color of the skin that matters or the ease to put a gun into the hands of someone of any color who has no ethical or moral compass and should not own, possess or have in their custody and control?
Another racist ^^^ and the author who will continue to keep racism as another wedge issue.

BTW, guns are the bigger issue, not the color of the person who has a gun and not have easy access to one.

"Guns" aren't an issue at all.

Do you really think it makes a difference to the victims if they are shot or if they are garroted , immolated or run through with a sword instead?
Another racist ^^^ and the author who will continue to keep racism as another wedge issue.

BTW, guns are the bigger issue, not the color of the person who has a gun and not have easy access to one.
1. if guns were the issue, whites would lead in the crime rate!!!! you fkd up !!!!
2. we LAUGH when you use the R word --HAHAHAHAHAHHAAH
3. blacks are the racists, not the whites......
Is it the color of the skin that matters or the ease to put a gun into the hands of someone of any color who has no ethical or moral compass and should not own, possess or have in their custody and control?
so, you deny blacks commit murder at higher rates???!!!???
Another racist ^^^ and the author who will continue to keep racism as another wedge issue.

BTW, guns are the bigger issue, not the color of the person who has a gun and not have easy access to one.
BTW,it's the colored man who has all the guns and does all the shooting
BATON ROUGE, La. -- A white Louisiana man has received a life sentence for the apparently random killing of a Black man in a park. He also is accused of killing another Black man at a bus stop and firing into the home of a Black family as part of a string of attacks that police said may have been racially motivated.

Kenneth Gleason was found guilty of first-degree murder in April for the killing of Donald Smart, The Advocate reported. Smart, 49, was shot in a park near Louisiana State University as he was walking to his overnight shift as a restaurant dishwasher in September 2017.

Good. You won’t hear us making excuses for him, or rioting.

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