Another black president

What makes you think your opinion is the only one the country holds?

Did I say anything to imply that I think my opinion is the prevailing opinion, let alone the only opinion?

You seem to be awfully sure that the country will never again elect a black president based upon your opinion of the current one.

Nobody is satisfied with that schmuck. Besides, another black president is possible as long as he's not a sneaky little shit like Obama. Anyone who evokes memories of the "community organizer" is doomed.

How do you know?

Here you are denying that you think your opinion is the prevailing one, and then talking about the President like it is. He wasn't as unpopular back in 2012 as guys like you wanted to make him out as and the same holds true now.

Hey, go get a pair of long-nose pliars and pull that bug out of your ass, fuckhead! Anti-Obama sentiment is well known and apparent, unless you live in a fucking cave. Do you live in a fucking cave, moron? Polling and anecdotal evidence suggest that dissatisfaction with Senior Presidente Negro is widespread. Still, I made no suchassertion. You are just anticipating it eagerly so you can make your silly ass "argument" which will fail miserably to impress anyone but you, dumbass.

Certainly everyone I know and associate with, from work to friends to neighbors to my kids' school to the gun club, all uniformly think that Obama is a putz. Even my doctors hate him. We all talk about what a destructive cocksucker he is. Again, there is plenty polling and anecdotal evidence as well. Do I need to explain to you what "anecdotal evidence" is, you fucking idiot? Or are you such a retarded fuck that explaining it to you would just be pissing in the wind?

Go stick a broom handle up your ass and bounce around on it like a fucking pogo stick. Maybe then you will understand what it is like to be a tax paying member of America under Obamafuckenstein who also has a vested interest in the success prosperity of this country.

Rant all you want, but it looks like it's only in wingnutlad that the President is as unpopular as you want to make him out to be.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama

46% doesn't look like the guy you're describing.
Did I say anything to imply that I think my opinion is the prevailing opinion, let alone the only opinion?

You seem to be awfully sure that the country will never again elect a black president based upon your opinion of the current one.

Nobody is satisfied with that schmuck. Besides, another black president is possible as long as he's not a sneaky little shit like Obama. Anyone who evokes memories of the "community organizer" is doomed.

How do you know?

Here you are denying that you think your opinion is the prevailing one, and then talking about the President like it is. He wasn't as unpopular back in 2012 as guys like you wanted to make him out as and the same holds true now.

Hey, go get a pair of long-nose pliars and pull that bug out of your ass, fuckhead! Anti-Obama sentiment is well known and apparent, unless you live in a fucking cave. Do you live in a fucking cave, moron? Polling and anecdotal evidence suggest that dissatisfaction with Senior Presidente Negro is widespread. Still, I made no suchassertion. You are just anticipating it eagerly so you can make your silly ass "argument" which will fail miserably to impress anyone but you, dumbass.

Certainly everyone I know and associate with, from work to friends to neighbors to my kids' school to the gun club, all uniformly think that Obama is a putz. Even my doctors hate him. We all talk about what a destructive cocksucker he is. Again, there is plenty polling and anecdotal evidence as well. Do I need to explain to you what "anecdotal evidence" is, you fucking idiot? Or are you such a retarded fuck that explaining it to you would just be pissing in the wind?

Go stick a broom handle up your ass and bounce around on it like a fucking pogo stick. Maybe then you will understand what it is like to be a tax paying member of America under Obamafuckenstein who also has a vested interest in the success prosperity of this country.

Rant all you want, but it looks like it's only in wingnutlad that the President is as unpopular as you want to make him out to be.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama

46% doesn't look like the guy you're describing.

I have told you like 2 or 3 times now that I have made no assertion about what percentage of people that like or dislike Emperor Negroid Barry. You are assuming. You know what they say about assuming, don't you? That say that if you assume you end up looking like a stupid fucking prick.

I don't care if the only 25% of people think - like me - that Obama is a scumfuck bastard. 25% is still significant and constitutes a hell of a lot of people, which comports with everything I have said.

What the fuck is your malfunction?
What are the chances that we will ever get another black president? I think that they are not that big. Obama actually is not black but biracial but he will be remembered as the first black American president. The black card has been already played and there is no chance we will have another black leader for the next fifteen years.
Also it is fun that the only black candidate we have now is Republican.

So you are saying Republicans would never elect Ben Carson because he is black?
You seem to be awfully sure that the country will never again elect a black president based upon your opinion of the current one.

Nobody is satisfied with that schmuck. Besides, another black president is possible as long as he's not a sneaky little shit like Obama. Anyone who evokes memories of the "community organizer" is doomed.

How do you know?

Here you are denying that you think your opinion is the prevailing one, and then talking about the President like it is. He wasn't as unpopular back in 2012 as guys like you wanted to make him out as and the same holds true now.

Hey, go get a pair of long-nose pliars and pull that bug out of your ass, fuckhead! Anti-Obama sentiment is well known and apparent, unless you live in a fucking cave. Do you live in a fucking cave, moron? Polling and anecdotal evidence suggest that dissatisfaction with Senior Presidente Negro is widespread. Still, I made no suchassertion. You are just anticipating it eagerly so you can make your silly ass "argument" which will fail miserably to impress anyone but you, dumbass.

Certainly everyone I know and associate with, from work to friends to neighbors to my kids' school to the gun club, all uniformly think that Obama is a putz. Even my doctors hate him. We all talk about what a destructive cocksucker he is. Again, there is plenty polling and anecdotal evidence as well. Do I need to explain to you what "anecdotal evidence" is, you fucking idiot? Or are you such a retarded fuck that explaining it to you would just be pissing in the wind?

Go stick a broom handle up your ass and bounce around on it like a fucking pogo stick. Maybe then you will understand what it is like to be a tax paying member of America under Obamafuckenstein who also has a vested interest in the success prosperity of this country.

Rant all you want, but it looks like it's only in wingnutlad that the President is as unpopular as you want to make him out to be.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama

46% doesn't look like the guy you're describing.

I have told you like 2 or 3 times now that I have made no assertion about what percentage of people that like or dislike Emperor Negroid Barry. You are assuming. You know what they say about assuming, don't you? That say that if you assume you end up looking like a stupid fucking prick.

I don't care if the only 25% of people think - like me - that Obama is a scumfuck bastard. 25% is still significant and constitutes a hell of a lot of people, which comports with everything I have said.

What the fuck is your malfunction?

You just seem to be all over the place with this, that's all. For example, you say something like, "nobody is satisfied with that schmuck", then when it's pointed out that plenty of people are, it's all of a sudden irrelevant.

We will never have another black president after Obama fucked up his reign so royally.

You still stand by that?
Black has nothing to do with this, this clown in the White House had no experience and a resume that read 'loser' all over it.
And yet....


Go figger, eh?

You wanna see the same graph for the last POTUS for whom you voted?

You know whom to call.....

Did you review the video of Obama, Democratic party leaders, and the MSM talking the economy into a ditch from 2007 to 2010? Are you aware that Bill Clinton had to take Obama aside early in 2009 and tell him, "look idiot you won, stop with the economic doom and gloom narrative"? I doubt it. If only the lying lowlife scum left would have the balls to own up to their own actions but they don't, and won't, they are gutless cowards.

That's the great thing about the inner want a video proving Jesus rode a dinosaur? It's got that....

As predicted, you are just another mindless liberal drone. Its funny Rush was lamenting this morning that no amount of facts or intelligent analysis will move liberals off their freakish views of the world.

So I cite BLS and BEA......

You cite the former Oxycontin addict Rush Limbaugh...

And I'M a " drone'?

Just how damn thick are you, son?

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