Another black president

Black has nothing to do with this, this clown in the White House had no experience and a resume that read 'loser' all over it.
And yet....


Go figger, eh?

You wanna see the same graph for the last POTUS for whom you voted?

You know whom to call.....

Did you review the video of Obama, Democratic party leaders, and the MSM talking the economy into a ditch from 2007 to 2010? Are you aware that Bill Clinton had to take Obama aside early in 2009 and tell him, "look idiot you won, stop with the economic doom and gloom narrative"? I doubt it. If only the lying lowlife scum left would have the balls to own up to their own actions but they don't, and won't, they are gutless cowards.
It seems to me that Obama should not be seen as a black mark for the concept of a black President, but rather for the concept of picking a President based on some politically-correct minority status rather than for actual qualifications.

Obama is a terrible President, perhaps one of the worst we've ever had, but his race has nothing to do with it. He just was not qualified for the job. He doesn't have the skills nor the knowledge nor the experience for the job,and he doesn't have the necessary grasp of the principles by which this nation is supposed to be governed.

And in a sense, Obama isn't really “black” in a way that ought to be meaningful. He has no part in the history and heritage of the vast majority of black Americans, that distinguishes them from white Americans. While blacks here in America were being brought in as slaves, suffering all the various abuses as such, eventually being set free when slavery was abolished, slowly fighting for and gaining rights previously reserved for whites, and working toward achieving the degree of equality that they now have; all of Obama's black ancestors were still in Africa, having nothing to do with any of it; and all of his ancestors that ever were American were all white.
I also tried to have an open mind about Obama in 2008 but by 2012 I was appalled at how incredibly bad he is at just about everything, including golf. Ben Carson should have been the first Black President, not this incompetent Racist.

He may yet be.

As I just said, Obama really isn't “black”, in the sense of having any part in the heritage of black Americans. Assuming that Carson is part of that heritage and history; if he gets elected, I would say that he would still be able to claim to be the first true black American President.

It really a shame that the first black president would be such a dismal failure and then to add to that create an atmosphere in the nation of such distrust and animosity between black and white. Why he chose to do that is beyond me. His legacy will suffer greatly. At least Carter is going to live long enough not to be recognized as the US's worst president.

On the whole, Carter really always was a dubious contender for that title. He was not a great President, but I would take him over either of the Democratic Presidents that we've had since then. He was the last Democratic President not to be overtly corrupt.
In fact, the far reactionary right are the most divisive political generation since the Civil War. They makes us look like were are internally at war.

I totally agree. We should never have any disagreements whatsoever because that is bad. When someone has an independent thought it should be burned out of them because free thinking is just a bad thing.
What are the chances that we will ever get another black president? I think that they are not that big. Obama actually is not black but biracial but he will be remembered as the first black American president. The black card has been already played and there is no chance we will have another black leader for the next fifteen years.
Also it is fun that the only black candidate we have now is Republican.

look at the stats.

12.6% of people in the US are black. 25% of those are in poverty, so take off 3% to leave 9.6%, compared to 72% of people being white with 7% in poverty, which gives you about 67%.

So the chances that the next president is going to be white are probably quite high. If I were to take in other factors, like politicians based on race, politicians who meet the general requirements to be president, former or present congressman, governor and see what percentage are black then we'd probably be looking at an even lower chance of a black person being president.

HOWEVER, it only takes one guy, a charismatic guy to get to be president, which, no matter how you do the stats, is always going to mess them up.
We keep talking about race, which means the Buzz Jenkins can't work on their nefarious plans, because they require darkness.
Did you see the wreckage bequeathed by the last white POTUS, Cleetus?

I shouldn't be surprised that some of Obama's supporters are still trying to blame Bush for all of Obama's failures. That doesn't seem to be a side that is very big on taking any responsibility for its own actions and the consequences thereof.

I don't know how that relates......the proposition of the thread is that somehow Obama's performance in office constitutes an impediment to any future African Americans' ambitions....

Assuming that is true, then certainly the dismal performance of his predecessor would disqualify all future Caucasian aspirants..

Black has nothing to do with this, this clown in the White House had no experience and a resume that read 'loser' all over it.
And yet....


Go figger, eh?

You wanna see the same graph for the last POTUS for whom you voted?

You know whom to call.....

Did you review the video of Obama, Democratic party leaders, and the MSM talking the economy into a ditch from 2007 to 2010? Are you aware that Bill Clinton had to take Obama aside early in 2009 and tell him, "look idiot you won, stop with the economic doom and gloom narrative"? I doubt it. If only the lying lowlife scum left would have the balls to own up to their own actions but they don't, and won't, they are gutless cowards.

That's the great thing about the inner want a video proving Jesus rode a dinosaur? It's got that....
Black has nothing to do with this, this clown in the White House had no experience and a resume that read 'loser' all over it.
And yet....


Go figger, eh?

You wanna see the same graph for the last POTUS for whom you voted?

You know whom to call.....

Did you review the video of Obama, Democratic party leaders, and the MSM talking the economy into a ditch from 2007 to 2010? Are you aware that Bill Clinton had to take Obama aside early in 2009 and tell him, "look idiot you won, stop with the economic doom and gloom narrative"? I doubt it. If only the lying lowlife scum left would have the balls to own up to their own actions but they don't, and won't, they are gutless cowards.

That's the great thing about the inner want a video proving Jesus rode a dinosaur? It's got that....

As predicted, you are just another mindless liberal drone. Its funny Rush was lamenting this morning that no amount of facts or intelligent analysis will move liberals off their freakish views of the world.
What are the chances that we will ever get another black president? I think that they are not that big. Obama actually is not black but biracial but he will be remembered as the first black American president. The black card has been already played and there is no chance we will have another black leader for the next fifteen years.
Also it is fun that the only black candidate we have now is Republican. are going to cross off all black people because you don't like the current President and he happens to be black?

No racism there.
What are the chances that we will ever get another black president? I think that they are not that big. Obama actually is not black but biracial but he will be remembered as the first black American president. The black card has been already played and there is no chance we will have another black leader for the next fifteen years.
Also it is fun that the only black candidate we have now is Republican. are going to cross off all black people because you don't like the current President and he happens to be black?

No racism there.
I think it's like drugs. I used cocaine once ... many many years ago. And I said "oh no, not gonna do that again." (-:
I love listening to Rush and watch him accuse others of doing what he himself and his podjos are up to. He is the perfect hypocrite.
Black has nothing to do with this, this clown in the White House had no experience and a resume that read 'loser' all over it.
And yet....


Go figger, eh?

You wanna see the same graph for the last POTUS for whom you voted?

You know whom to call.....

Did you review the video of Obama, Democratic party leaders, and the MSM talking the economy into a ditch from 2007 to 2010? Are you aware that Bill Clinton had to take Obama aside early in 2009 and tell him, "look idiot you won, stop with the economic doom and gloom narrative"? I doubt it. If only the lying lowlife scum left would have the balls to own up to their own actions but they don't, and won't, they are gutless cowards.

That's the great thing about the inner want a video proving Jesus rode a dinosaur? It's got that....

As predicted, you are just another mindless liberal drone. Its funny Rush was lamenting this morning that no amount of facts or intelligent analysis will move liberals off their freakish views of the world.

Anyone else find this as Ironically funny as I do? :lol: :lol:

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