Another case proves that the death penalty is wrong

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Last edited:

This poor woman lost 20 years of her life. With a death penalty she would not have cleared her name.
The death penalty is wromg.
How many cases of death row inmates have ended in wrong convictions vs. the total number of convictions? Let's say, the last 20 years? This doesn't prove anything outside of the advancement of science being used to confirm a guilty / innocent status.

This poor woman lost 20 years of her life. With a death penalty she would not have cleared her name.
The death penalty is wromg.
Any penalty is wrong when wrongfully convicted.

That said -- while I'm okay with the death penalty for crimes such as murder that deserve the death penalty, people are wrongly convicted often enough that I am for doing away with the death penalty for life in prison. And if there is a death penalty, it should be reserved for cases with overwhelming evidence in which there is absolutely no doubt.

This poor woman lost 20 years of her life. With a death penalty she would not have cleared her name.
The death penalty is wromg.
The death penalty is right for Americans Tommy, and now you're going to hear a lot about it!

Extremist Americans believe that a woman aborting a fetus should be put to death!

I think you're onto starting a good discussion!
So it's OK to kill innocent people as long as it's just a few?
Like babies who were getting slaughtered in the millions?

Yes .. no system is perfect .. Even those "innocent" people convicted to life sentences.

This poor woman lost 20 years of her life. With a death penalty she would not have cleared her name.
The death penalty is wromg.
And you are as stupid as Hillary. Always you are with the "perfect answer" and "I know the perfect answer" and "you have no excuse for not implementing my perfect answer"
Even if you were smart your lack of reality and prudence your childish utopianism would be a curse on everybody you affected

Yes,that is tragic. Shut down all traffic so there are no road accidents and babies that need help can't get to the hospital
This is a numbers game to you?
Numbers game .. like .. deaths by guns or some other talking point?

It's common sense .. no system will ever produce ZERO results of "injustice" Maybe we should just get rid of prisons or incarceration because some people get in that are innocent. Shoot .. screw the justice system that addresses a minority of people incorrectly.

Abolish it!
A high powered round costs less than $5 / each. Disagree.
Your's is a childish remark.
Considering all the steps required to execute someone, (years of appeals, and court rulings) it's cheaper to keep them locked up than it is to execute them.
Your's is a childish remark.
Considering all the steps required to execute someone, (years of appeals, and court rulings) it's cheaper to keep them locked up than it is to execute them.
childish .. like suddenly caring about spending?

We could just hang or shoot them in a matter of months, especially with the advancement of science in DNA, digital forensics and other advancements.

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