Another child shoots sibling in the face

Without registration, how do we know that 2aguy has been selling guns to known criminals?

because when you arrest the felon with the guns he can't offer him a deal to give up his muss, no fuss and no need to register guns........see how easy that is........

Oh....I get it

Registration won't cut down on gun crime but squealing will

What part of arresting the felon with the gun, then arresting the guy who sold him the gun with a sting don't you fucking get....that is how you actually control criminals, you arrest them and lock them up for a long time.........making an honest, law abiding citizen register guns he isn't going to use to commit a crime lowers the crime rate how?

But arresting criminals with guns...that actually lowers the crime rate....yes, I went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat it will take you a little while to work through the points I just made.....but please will be worth it to will actually understand how you control gun controlling criminals who use guns to commit crimes....not by hassling the people who don't commit gun crimes.......

Try it through can do it...we know you can.......

The part where felons have unfettered access to guns and NRA assholes resist any effort to keep guns out of their hands

License the gun owner: That way, when you sell a gun, you know if the buyer is allowed to have a gun or not
Register all guns: That way you can track sales and find out which asshole sold him the gun

When you stop a felon...and you know he is a felon because you run his name....and he has a need to license gun owners for that....when someone robs a convenience store..and you catch them with the arrest need to license law abiding gun owners who didn't break the law......

And when the gun is stolen...and then sold to a criminal.....tracking the non sale is pointless...

If someone knowingly sells to criminals on a regular basis set up a sting...again, no reason to license the law abiding gun owner...

If the lady down the street sells her dead husbands gun...she shouldn't get popped for a felony because you guys hate guns.....

If someone knowingly sells one gun to a felon...and the police show up...oh yeah officer, my gun was stolen out of my car.....and there you go, licensing defeated easily by a criminal...

Licensing, background checks, gun registration and magazine limits are stupid and ineffective......and easily by passed by criminals...they only catch the law abiding citizen who is inexperienced in the massive number of gun laws......

They are far from ineffective

Licencing and registration has proven to be effective around the world and results in homicide rates one fifth of ours

Just because the NRA has put so many loopholes in our laws is no reason to celebrate them being ineffective

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