Another child shoots sibling in the face

Assault (homicide) (*U01-*U02,X85-Y09,Y87.1) Assault (homicide) by discharge of firearms



Not a big difference between the FBI Table 8 and the CDC.....

So now we have 11,713 (11,208+505) people killed as blood sacrifices on the alter of your gun fetish.

Your feeble argument about "responsible normal, law abiding gun owners" gets weaker and weaker the more data comes to light.

No...those are gun murders stupid....that is criminals using guns...........and ignoring your stupid gun laws to do it...while the responsible gun owners actually follow your gun laws....

Gun accidents were 548 in 2012.....and only 505 in 2013.....since you went to a democrat controlled public school...that means that accidents are going down...not Americans are even more responsible today......than in 2012....

Read and learn!

Debunking 18 Pro-Gun Myths Walker Bragman

Really....from the huffington post.....that is your source...why not just use a real rabid anti gun source like Everytown, or the old Handgun control Inc......

And this was taken apart a long time ago......

In other words you cannot refute anything in the link.

Moron....I posted a 3 part refutation of all 18 points....look them up......moron....
Registration does nothing to stop or prevent crime and it won't stop or prevent mass shootings just like background checks, and magazine limits do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns....Canada tried registration...and it failed miserably, so they stopped doing it.......
Registration does nothing to stop or prevent crime and it won't stop or prevent mass shootings just like background checks, and magazine limits do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns....Canada tried registration...and it failed miserably, so they stopped doing it.......

How exactly would licenses stop someone who would illegally supply a criminal with a gun ....

So genius....the guy with the license goes in, gets a background check, and sells the gun to the convicted felon...just the act of selling the gun to the felon is a felony...without the license or the background check......

So what is the fucking point to the didn't stop the illegal transfer because the guy selling the gun accepted the risk that came with breaking the law...

How do you stop this....catch the felon with the gun and lock him up.....
Registration does nothing to stop or prevent crime and it won't stop or prevent mass shootings just like background checks, and magazine limits do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns....Canada tried registration...and it failed miserably, so they stopped doing it.......

Without registration, how do we know that 2aguy has been selling guns to known criminals?
More citizens displaying their second amendment rights

9 dead in Waco Texas shooting - are wrong was 3 biker gangs using knives, chains, bats and guns....and more than likely not one of them was legally allowed to own or carry a gun no, they were not protected by the 2nd Amendment......

Legally allowed?

All they got to do is offer $100 to a "legal" gun owner and get all the weapons they need

Thank the NRA

And when they catch that "legal" gun owner breaking the law by supplying felons with guns he will go to jail........and guys have your background checks, and they get right past it.....they can get guns when they want or need them........

That would be a lot easier with registration.

Brain...please explain how the mechanics of registration would stop one crime...or one mass guys use that word like a magic charm that is supposed to actually do something when there is nothing that registering guns or owners will do to stop criminals from getting guns.......

What it does do....husband dies...wife wants to sell guns to get them out of her way....sells them to neighbor and nephew...not realizing she needed to do your universal background checks because she doesn't understand anti-gun nuttery and anti gun laws.....

So now you have a housewife who just committed 2 sure made the street safer....

Then you have joe citizen idiot...he is registered and can pass a background check, he decides to sell gun to criminals for the money...he buys the guns, he registers the guns, he passes the background checks and sells the guns to felons, then claims they were stolen.......all of your laws were just violated...he doesn't go to prison, the housewife does...

Good job gun grabbers......
Registration does nothing to stop or prevent crime and it won't stop or prevent mass shootings just like background checks, and magazine limits do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns....Canada tried registration...and it failed miserably, so they stopped doing it.......

Without registration, how do we know that 2aguy has been selling guns to known criminals?

because when you arrest the felon with the guns he can't offer him a deal to give up his muss, no fuss and no need to register guns........see how easy that is........

Then, you set up a get word this guy is selling guns to bad you send in under cover cops to buy guns...and tell the guy they can't pass background checks...then when he sells the guns knowing arrest him.....see how easy that is....

Works both ways...send in under cover police to gun shows...have them offer to sell guns....when a guy says he can't buy a gun because he can't pass a background say..."hey, no problem..." and if he still buys the arrest him.... registration licensing required.....and no hassling honest citizens...

But those are who you want to punish...honest, law abiding guys could care less about actual criminals, since all you focus on is getting guns out of the hands of law abiding, honest people who won't commit gun crimes......
Registration does nothing to stop or prevent crime and it won't stop or prevent mass shootings just like background checks, and magazine limits do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns....Canada tried registration...and it failed miserably, so they stopped doing it.......

Without registration, how do we know that 2aguy has been selling guns to known criminals?

because when you arrest the felon with the guns he can't offer him a deal to give up his muss, no fuss and no need to register guns........see how easy that is........

Oh....I get it

Registration won't cut down on gun crime but squealing will
Registration does nothing to stop or prevent crime and it won't stop or prevent mass shootings just like background checks, and magazine limits do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns....Canada tried registration...and it failed miserably, so they stopped doing it.......

Without registration, how do we know that 2aguy has been selling guns to known criminals?

because when you arrest the felon with the guns he can't offer him a deal to give up his muss, no fuss and no need to register guns........see how easy that is........

Oh....I get it

Registration won't cut down on gun crime but squealing will

What part of arresting the felon with the gun, then arresting the guy who sold him the gun with a sting don't you fucking get....that is how you actually control criminals, you arrest them and lock them up for a long time.........making an honest, law abiding citizen register guns he isn't going to use to commit a crime lowers the crime rate how?

But arresting criminals with guns...that actually lowers the crime rate....yes, I went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat it will take you a little while to work through the points I just made.....but please will be worth it to will actually understand how you control gun controlling criminals who use guns to commit crimes....not by hassling the people who don't commit gun crimes.......

Try it through can do it...we know you can.......
Registration does nothing to stop or prevent crime and it won't stop or prevent mass shootings just like background checks, and magazine limits do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns....Canada tried registration...and it failed miserably, so they stopped doing it.......

Without registration, how do we know that 2aguy has been selling guns to known criminals?

Okay....let's try it....explain how registration..of what, guns or people, will cut down on gun crime.....when we already know that criminals either steal their guns, or get them from people who can pass background checks and register their guns who sell it to the felons...breaking the law as they do it already....

Explain how registration stops that or helps solve that.....I dare you....since none of you have explained the mechanics in the past.......
Registration does nothing to stop or prevent crime and it won't stop or prevent mass shootings just like background checks, and magazine limits do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns....Canada tried registration...and it failed miserably, so they stopped doing it.......

Without registration, how do we know that 2aguy has been selling guns to known criminals?

because when you arrest the felon with the guns he can't offer him a deal to give up his muss, no fuss and no need to register guns........see how easy that is........

Oh....I get it

Registration won't cut down on gun crime but squealing will

What part of arresting the felon with the gun, then arresting the guy who sold him the gun with a sting don't you fucking get....that is how you actually control criminals, you arrest them and lock them up for a long time.........making an honest, law abiding citizen register guns he isn't going to use to commit a crime lowers the crime rate how?

But arresting criminals with guns...that actually lowers the crime rate....yes, I went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat it will take you a little while to work through the points I just made.....but please will be worth it to will actually understand how you control gun controlling criminals who use guns to commit crimes....not by hassling the people who don't commit gun crimes.......

Try it through can do it...we know you can.......

The part where felons have unfettered access to guns and NRA assholes resist any effort to keep guns out of their hands

License the gun owner: That way, when you sell a gun, you know if the buyer is allowed to have a gun or not
Register all guns: That way you can track sales and find out which asshole sold him the gun
Ever notice that it is always the gun fetishists who know all the ways to break the laws.

And most of them would happily break the law if they were required to obtain a background check in order to buy and sell a gun.

The gun fetishists are the problem, not the solution.
Add to you're well reasoned points the undisputable fact that literally cargo containers of very cheap handguns are entering the country from India and China and Eastern European countries with HUGE gun manufacturing facilities, on a regular basis. These dirt cheap handguns cost peanuts to manufacture and sell on the inner city shitholes in the US for under a hundred bucks. The calibers in some cases are so esoteric the gun comes fully loaded and when the rounds are used the gun is useless............except to ten year old negro boys can buy them for ten bucks and wave them around at people until a cop shows up and puts an end to the budding street thug's short miserable life.

The mother is lucky she didn't keep a shopping cart in her car....her kids would have been in real danger

i know i know

you could not possibly care about how kids get hurt

other then by a firearm

you drones are all the same

there is no way you could/can see that in both situations carelessness was at play
More citizens displaying their second amendment rights

9 dead in Waco Texas shooting - are wrong was 3 biker gangs using knives, chains, bats and guns....and more than likely not one of them was legally allowed to own or carry a gun no, they were not protected by the 2nd Amendment......

Legally allowed?

All they got to do is offer $100 to a "legal" gun owner and get all the weapons they need

Thank the NRA

And when they catch that "legal" gun owner breaking the law by supplying felons with guns he will go to jail........and guys have your background checks, and they get right past it.....they can get guns when they want or need them........

That would be a lot easier with registration.

the only people that can not be forced into registration

in fact it is unconstitutional to do so

is felons

they are exempt from registration
Registration does nothing to stop or prevent crime and it won't stop or prevent mass shootings just like background checks, and magazine limits do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns....Canada tried registration...and it failed miserably, so they stopped doing it.......

How exactly would licenses stop someone who would illegally supply a criminal with a gun ....

So genius....the guy with the license goes in, gets a background check, and sells the gun to the convicted felon...just the act of selling the gun to the felon is a felony...without the license or the background check......

So what is the fucking point to the didn't stop the illegal transfer because the guy selling the gun accepted the risk that came with breaking the law...

How do you stop this....catch the felon with the gun and lock him up.....

That's why we need background checks for ALL sales.
Registration does nothing to stop or prevent crime and it won't stop or prevent mass shootings just like background checks, and magazine limits do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns....Canada tried registration...and it failed miserably, so they stopped doing it.......

Without registration, how do we know that 2aguy has been selling guns to known criminals?

because when you arrest the felon with the guns he can't offer him a deal to give up his muss, no fuss and no need to register guns........see how easy that is........

Oh....I get it

Registration won't cut down on gun crime but squealing will

What part of arresting the felon with the gun, then arresting the guy who sold him the gun with a sting don't you fucking get....that is how you actually control criminals, you arrest them and lock them up for a long time.........making an honest, law abiding citizen register guns he isn't going to use to commit a crime lowers the crime rate how?

But arresting criminals with guns...that actually lowers the crime rate....yes, I went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat it will take you a little while to work through the points I just made.....but please will be worth it to will actually understand how you control gun controlling criminals who use guns to commit crimes....not by hassling the people who don't commit gun crimes.......

Try it through can do it...we know you can.......

The seller just has to say he didn't know the buyer was a felon. There was no background check. How can they prove he knew?

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