Another child shoots sibling in the face

Thanks to our second amendment freedoms, a three year old can shoot a one year old in the face

Is this a great country or what

and 2 million other Americans can stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives...protecting their own families and the lives of others.....yes...this is a great country....

Maybe 2 million over the course of the next 20 years.
More citizens displaying their second amendment rights

9 dead in Waco Texas shooting - are wrong was 3 biker gangs using knives, chains, bats and guns....and more than likely not one of them was legally allowed to own or carry a gun no, they were not protected by the 2nd Amendment......

They sure as hell were protected by the second amendment

They can have as many guns as they need up until they start shooting
More citizens displaying their second amendment rights

9 dead in Waco Texas shooting - are wrong was 3 biker gangs using knives, chains, bats and guns....and more than likely not one of them was legally allowed to own or carry a gun no, they were not protected by the 2nd Amendment......

Legally allowed?

All they got to do is offer $100 to a "legal" gun owner and get all the weapons they need

Thank the NRA
when will parents learn to be safe around children

with shopping carts

three children per hour are seriously hurt by shopping carts

How many are killed by shopping carts?

this is not new information

it has been known for years and years that shopping carts

are very dangerous to children

some kids have died from falling out of them

while others have gotten strangulation deaths

it is a serious problem

why are you so callus to the problem

doesnt fit your agenda or something like that


there are thousands of links idiot

matter of fact i found About 1,650,000 results in a 1/2 second


You are so right....number of children killed each year by gun accident...under 100, in a country of over 320 million people with over 320 million guns in private hands with over 90 million homes with guns in them and over 11.1 million people actually carrying guns for self defense....

Shopping cart injuries to children each

Despite warnings about 24 000 kids are hurt annually in shopping cart accidents - The Washington Post

the left remains silent on that

almost as if they have an agenda
when will parents learn to be safe around children

with shopping carts

three children per hour are seriously hurt by shopping carts

How many are killed by shopping carts?

this is not new information

it has been known for years and years that shopping carts

are very dangerous to children

some kids have died from falling out of them

while others have gotten strangulation deaths

it is a serious problem

why are you so callus to the problem

doesnt fit your agenda or something like that


there are thousands of links idiot

matter of fact i found About 1,650,000 results in a 1/2 second


Still waiting for an actual link that proves this claim of yours;

"some kids have died from falling out of them"

i have already posted one
How many are killed by shopping carts?

this is not new information

it has been known for years and years that shopping carts

are very dangerous to children

some kids have died from falling out of them

while others have gotten strangulation deaths

it is a serious problem

why are you so callus to the problem

doesnt fit your agenda or something like that


there are thousands of links idiot

matter of fact i found About 1,650,000 results in a 1/2 second


You are so right....number of children killed each year by gun accident...under 100, in a country of over 320 million people with over 320 million guns in private hands with over 90 million homes with guns in them and over 11.1 million people actually carrying guns for self defense....

Shopping cart injuries to children each

Despite warnings about 24 000 kids are hurt annually in shopping cart accidents - The Washington Post

Obviously gun festishists can tell the difference between the death of a child and an injury.


can you tell the difference loser

the kid in the opening thread

did not die
This time, the mother left her three year old and her one year old alone in the car with an unlocked, loaded gun while she was inside the "Learning Center" at the Church of God.

This is so wrong on so many levels that I would not even know how to begin.

Deputies 3-year-old shoots 1-year-old sibling in face

These happen every 36 hours according to recent study. Far too much.

And yet, the newscaster called it a "freak accident".

Its just another day in the US.

What pisses me off is that people will say they teach their kids how to be safe with guns or that their guns are put away or even that they leave loaded guns around the house.

when will parents learn to be safe around children

with shopping carts

three children per hour are seriously hurt by shopping carts

You can't shoot up a movie theater or massacre first graders with a shopping cart......ya need a bad assed gun

is that what happened in the opening thread

my my how the goal posts has changed

Children get killed everyday in Car accidents, we need to ban cars.

1000s of children are killed BY ABORTIONS everyday, we need to BAN ABORTION

and the beat goes on
Thankfully, the mother had a loaded gun in the car to keep her children safe
Children get killed everyday in Car accidents, we need to ban cars.

1000s of children are killed BY ABORTIONS everyday, we need to BAN ABORTION

and the beat goes on

We need to ban Stephanie
More citizens displaying their second amendment rights

9 dead in Waco Texas shooting - are wrong was 3 biker gangs using knives, chains, bats and guns....and more than likely not one of them was legally allowed to own or carry a gun no, they were not protected by the 2nd Amendment......

They sure as hell were protected by the second amendment

They can have as many guns as they need up until they start shooting

Wrong....odds are if they were at that little meet up between the gangs they are all convicted felons, and therefore are not allowed to even own or carry a gun,, they are not protected by the second are wrong....
More citizens displaying their second amendment rights

9 dead in Waco Texas shooting - are wrong was 3 biker gangs using knives, chains, bats and guns....and more than likely not one of them was legally allowed to own or carry a gun no, they were not protected by the 2nd Amendment......

Legally allowed?

All they got to do is offer $100 to a "legal" gun owner and get all the weapons they need

Thank the NRA

And when they catch that "legal" gun owner breaking the law by supplying felons with guns he will go to jail........and guys have your background checks, and they get right past it.....they can get guns when they want or need them........
More citizens displaying their second amendment rights

9 dead in Waco Texas shooting - are wrong was 3 biker gangs using knives, chains, bats and guns....and more than likely not one of them was legally allowed to own or carry a gun no, they were not protected by the 2nd Amendment......

Legally allowed?

All they got to do is offer $100 to a "legal" gun owner and get all the weapons they need

Thank the NRA

And when they catch that "legal" gun owner breaking the law by supplying felons with guns he will go to jail........and guys have your background checks, and they get right past it.....they can get guns when they want or need them........

But...but...I didn't KNOW

He seemed like a nice guy

Not like we require a license to buy a gun
More citizens displaying their second amendment rights

9 dead in Waco Texas shooting - are wrong was 3 biker gangs using knives, chains, bats and guns....and more than likely not one of them was legally allowed to own or carry a gun no, they were not protected by the 2nd Amendment......

Legally allowed?

All they got to do is offer $100 to a "legal" gun owner and get all the weapons they need

Thank the NRA

And when they catch that "legal" gun owner breaking the law by supplying felons with guns he will go to jail........and guys have your background checks, and they get right past it.....they can get guns when they want or need them........

That would be a lot easier with registration.

Assault (homicide) (*U01-*U02,X85-Y09,Y87.1) Assault (homicide) by discharge of firearms



Not a big difference between the FBI Table 8 and the CDC.....

So now we have 11,713 (11,208+505) people killed as blood sacrifices on the alter of your gun fetish.

Your feeble argument about "responsible normal, law abiding gun owners" gets weaker and weaker the more data comes to light.

No...those are gun murders stupid....that is criminals using guns...........and ignoring your stupid gun laws to do it...while the responsible gun owners actually follow your gun laws....

Gun accidents were 548 in 2012.....and only 505 in 2013.....since you went to a democrat controlled public school...that means that accidents are going down...not Americans are even more responsible today......than in 2012....

Read and learn!

Debunking 18 Pro-Gun Myths Walker Bragman

Really....from the huffington post.....that is your source...why not just use a real rabid anti gun source like Everytown, or the old Handgun control Inc......

And this was taken apart a long time ago......

In other words you cannot refute anything in the link.

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