Another child shoots sibling in the face

Gun safety classes in school makes about as much sense as teaching land mine disarmament as a high school elective.

Yes....and you are not very bright....since we have begun teaching fire safety in schools we have not had one child killed by a fire in a school.......just how fucking stupid are you anti-gun nuts anyway.......teaching kids how to move away from guns they may find and get an adult...yeah...real fucking dumb idea...right....?

There`s only one reason for these so called "gun safety" programs in schools and that`s to create more gun buyers. Anyone with a measurable IQ can see that. Eddie Eagle = Joe Camel.
and more....

Since you are clueless fucking moron...this is firearm safety education in a teach kids these 4 things.

if they come across an unsupervised gun....they are taught in gun safety to...

1) stop
2) don't touch it
3) leave the room or immediate area
4) find a responsible adult....

What is so controversial about that dumb fuck......?

I wouldn't see any harm in that.
I guess that you are right. My little girl was deprived because she never had a chance to fire an automatic rifle at age 9. I'm sure that her life experience was severely lessened by that.

No, having you as a parent has lessened her life experience...but besides that, your premise is that guns are dangerous...and they are...but no more dangerous than any other dangerous item in, pools, and poisons in the fact...they are less dangerous because of accidents than cars, pools, and poisons in the I have shown in these posts....and yet you would use gun accidents as a reason to keep law abiding, responsible people from owning them.......moron.....

I don't think that my daughter needs any experience with guns. You see, she is an ER nurse. She sees everything she needs to know about guns on virtually every shift. And BTW, she tells me that a 9MM does the most damage, among handguns.

Assault (homicide) (*U01-*U02,X85-Y09,Y87.1) Assault (homicide) by discharge of firearms



Not a big difference between the FBI Table 8 and the CDC.....

So now we have 11,713 (11,208+505) people killed as blood sacrifices on the alter of your gun fetish.

Your feeble argument about "responsible normal, law abiding gun owners" gets weaker and weaker the more data comes to light.

No...those are gun murders stupid....that is criminals using guns...........and ignoring your stupid gun laws to do it...while the responsible gun owners actually follow your gun laws....

Gun accidents were 548 in 2012.....and only 505 in 2013.....since you went to a democrat controlled public school...that means that accidents are going down...not Americans are even more responsible today......than in 2012....

Read and learn!

Debunking 18 Pro-Gun Myths Walker Bragman
Gun safety classes in school makes about as much sense as teaching land mine disarmament as a high school elective.

Yes....and you are not very bright....since we have begun teaching fire safety in schools we have not had one child killed by a fire in a school.......just how fucking stupid are you anti-gun nuts anyway.......teaching kids how to move away from guns they may find and get an adult...yeah...real fucking dumb idea...right....?

There`s only one reason for these so called "gun safety" programs in schools and that`s to create more gun buyers. Anyone with a measurable IQ can see that. Eddie Eagle = Joe Camel.

Boy...does the anti-gun nut puppet master have their hand up your ass to make you spew out their talking points word for word?

Assault (homicide) (*U01-*U02,X85-Y09,Y87.1) Assault (homicide) by discharge of firearms



Not a big difference between the FBI Table 8 and the CDC.....

So now we have 11,713 (11,208+505) people killed as blood sacrifices on the alter of your gun fetish.

Your feeble argument about "responsible normal, law abiding gun owners" gets weaker and weaker the more data comes to light.

No...those are gun murders stupid....that is criminals using guns...........and ignoring your stupid gun laws to do it...while the responsible gun owners actually follow your gun laws....

Gun accidents were 548 in 2012.....and only 505 in 2013.....since you went to a democrat controlled public school...that means that accidents are going down...not Americans are even more responsible today......than in 2012....

Read and learn!

Debunking 18 Pro-Gun Myths Walker Bragman

Really....from the huffington post.....that is your source...why not just use a real rabid anti gun source like Everytown, or the old Handgun control Inc......

And this was taken apart a long time ago......
I guess that you are right. My little girl was deprived because she never had a chance to fire an automatic rifle at age 9. I'm sure that her life experience was severely lessened by that.

No, having you as a parent has lessened her life experience...but besides that, your premise is that guns are dangerous...and they are...but no more dangerous than any other dangerous item in, pools, and poisons in the fact...they are less dangerous because of accidents than cars, pools, and poisons in the I have shown in these posts....and yet you would use gun accidents as a reason to keep law abiding, responsible people from owning them.......moron.....

I don't think that my daughter needs any experience with guns. You see, she is an ER nurse. She sees everything she needs to know about guns on virtually every shift. And BTW, she tells me that a 9MM does the most damage, among handguns.
No, the 9mm does NOT do the most damage among handguns. Not even close. It is the most common handgun though, so sh probably sees the damage done by them more often that say from a .357 or .44 or my personal favorite the .40.

And I don't understand how parents can be so stupid, I have hundreds of guns and it is virtually impossible that my kids could get ahold of one , let alone shoot someone.
From the anti gun huffington post article...

"But assault weapons aren't frequently used in crimes!"

It is true that most gun violence occurs with handguns, but attacks with assault style weapons have been found to have 54 percent more deaths.

You do realize that more people die from being killed by hands and feet than all long guns combined...rigth? and "Assault weapons" are an even smaller subset of long guns...right...? so banning hands and feet, and blunt objects, and knives and other cutting tools would be more effective at lowering murder rates than banning assault rifles...right?

That is why this article is such is opinion...and opinion based on anti gun fantasy, not real research.....
From the anti gun huffington post article...

"But assault weapons aren't frequently used in crimes!"

It is true that most gun violence occurs with handguns, but attacks with assault style weapons have been found to have 54 percent more deaths.

You do realize that more people die from being killed by hands and feet than all long guns combined...rigth? and "Assault weapons" are an even smaller subset of long guns...right...? so banning hands and feet, and blunt objects, and knives and other cutting tools would be more effective at lowering murder rates than banning assault rifles...right?

That is why this article is such is opinion...and opinion based on anti gun fantasy, not real research.....

Fact, banning blacks would have a larger affect on crime than banning guns would have.

Banning either would be stupid.

Assault (homicide) (*U01-*U02,X85-Y09,Y87.1) Assault (homicide) by discharge of firearms



Not a big difference between the FBI Table 8 and the CDC.....

So now we have 11,713 (11,208+505) people killed as blood sacrifices on the alter of your gun fetish.

Your feeble argument about "responsible normal, law abiding gun owners" gets weaker and weaker the more data comes to light.

No...those are gun murders stupid....that is criminals using guns...........and ignoring your stupid gun laws to do it...while the responsible gun owners actually follow your gun laws....

Gun accidents were 548 in 2012.....and only 505 in 2013.....since you went to a democrat controlled public school...that means that accidents are going down...not Americans are even more responsible today......than in 2012....

Read and learn!

Debunking 18 Pro-Gun Myths Walker Bragman

Here is a multi part rebuttal to the Huffington post anti gun junk.......

Debunking the Pro-Gun Myth Debunker - Part Deux - The Truth About Guns

“But Chicago is more violent than Houston!”

In the US gun laws are not uniform between or even within states. Chicago has tight gun laws, but the rest of Illinois does not and neither does Indiana. It was found that many of Chicago’s guns come from surrounding areas in the state or Indiana. Firearms travel from areas with loose gun laws to those with tight laws.

OK, let’s say this is true; the $64,000 question then becomes why aren’t the places with the loose gun laws violent? In other words why do criminals go to the trouble, risk and expense of transporting guns from, say, Houston, to Chicago? Why don’t they stay in Houston and commit their crimes there (the weather is certainly nicer 8 months out of the year)? Could it have something to do with the much higher risk of being shot by an armed homeowner in Houston?

In addition, despite Walker’s implication, it’s very rare for guns to be bought in a “loose” state with the intent of immediately moving them to a restrictive law state. Looking at the ATF’s trace data from Illinois, 79.2% of traced guns had a “time-to-crime” of more than 3 years. That’s the amount of time between a weapon’s purchase and its recovery at a crime scene. The ATF considers a TtC of 2 years or less to be strongly indicative that a firearm was trafficked.

In fact, Illinois’ 2010 average TtC was 21.3% higher than the national average which indicates thatfewer guns were trafficked to Illinois than other states. So what’s to blame for Chicago’s violence again, Walker?

Weak national regulations undermine attempts at gun control everywhere. The number of illegal firearms in circulation is a testament to the inadequacy of national gun laws. Most gun violence occurs with such weapons. There are also other factors that determine gun violence, but the guns themselves cannot be excused.

Hmm, who would have thought that criminals would use illegal guns to commit their crimes? And didn’t the so-called Lott-debunking Harvard studies Walker cited in Myth #1 present “gun availability” as thesole causative factor in “gun violence”? Most antis are content with trying to have it two (or more) different ways on a weekly basis, but Walker can’t even finish a single article without shooting himself in the foot. So to speak.
From the first part of debunking the huffpo crap....

“More guns equal less crime!”

John Lott Jr. wrote a controversial book titled More Guns, Less Crime that has been debunked by peer review. The Harvard Injury Control Research Center discovered a positive correlation between gun ownership and violence. Since the 1970’s crime has been declining with gun ownership in the United States.

It’s amazing that people like Walker can keep a straight face when making statements like that. One of the most “controversial” things about Dr. Lott’s work when it came out was the idea of correlation and causation. Here are some of the variables Dr. Lott’s book took into account:

  1. Population
  2. Arrest rate by type of crime
  3. Unemployment rate
  4. Percentage of families headed by females
  5. Family poverty rate
  6. Median family income
  7. Per capita income
  8. Percentage of the population living below the poverty line
  9. Percentage of the population that is white
  10. Percentage of the population that is black
  11. Percentage of the population that is Hispanic
  12. Percentage that is female
  13. Percentage that is less than 5 years of age
  14. Percentage that is between 5 and 17
  15. Percentage that is between 18 and 25
  16. Percentage that is between 26 and 64
  17. Percentage that is 65 and older
  18. Median population age
  19. Percentage that is over 25 with a high school diploma
  20. Percentage that is over 25 with a college degree
  21. Other gun laws (waiting periods, background checks and additional penalties for using a gun in the commission of a crime
  22. Arrest rates for different crimes
  23. Conviction rates for different crimes
  24. Median sentences imposed for different crimes
  25. Median sentences served for different crimes
  26. Police hiring practices
  27. Policing practices (community policing, ‘broken-window’ policies, etc.)
  28. Number of police per capita
  29. Number of police on the streets
  30. Average time each officer spends on the street
  31. Price of marijuana in the community
  32. Price of cocaine in the community
  33. Etc. . . .
Again, these are some of the factors Dr. Lott took into account when making his calculations. And yet a common complaint made by the antis was that he “obviously” couldn’t have taken all the necessary variables into account.

Yet the Harvard studies Walker links to look at homicide rates and gun availability. Period.

As for the peer-reviewed “debunking” of Lott’s work, since its publication there have been 29 peer-reviewed national studies by criminologists and economists on the topic. Eighteen of those supported his conclusions, ten found that shall-issue laws had no effect on violent crime and only one claimed an increase; a temporary increase of one single type of crime.

In addition Dr. Lott has made his entire dataset available to anyone who has asked; more than 45 different universities have taken advantage of this and not one unbiased & non-agendized academic group refuted Dr. Lott’s conclusions.
This time, the mother left her three year old and her one year old alone in the car with an unlocked, loaded gun while she was inside the "Learning Center" at the Church of God.

This is so wrong on so many levels that I would not even know how to begin.

Deputies 3-year-old shoots 1-year-old sibling in face
A small price to pay for our second amendment freedoms

With 300 million guns, we have to put them somewhere. If a kid finds one.....that is how they learn
This time, the mother left her three year old and her one year old alone in the car with an unlocked, loaded gun while she was inside the "Learning Center" at the Church of God.

This is so wrong on so many levels that I would not even know how to begin.

Deputies 3-year-old shoots 1-year-old sibling in face
A small price to pay for our second amendment freedoms

With 300 million guns, we have to put them somewhere. If a kid finds one.....that is how they learn

True, in a very cold way lol
This time, the mother left her three year old and her one year old alone in the car with an unlocked, loaded gun while she was inside the "Learning Center" at the Church of God.

This is so wrong on so many levels that I would not even know how to begin.

Deputies 3-year-old shoots 1-year-old sibling in face

These happen every 36 hours according to recent study. Far too much.

And yet, the newscaster called it a "freak accident".

Its just another day in the US.

What pisses me off is that people will say they teach their kids how to be safe with guns or that their guns are put away or even that they leave loaded guns around the house.

when will parents learn to be safe around children

with shopping carts

three children per hour are seriously hurt by shopping carts

You can't shoot up a movie theater or massacre first graders with a shopping cart......ya need a bad assed gun
This time, the mother left her three year old and her one year old alone in the car with an unlocked, loaded gun while she was inside the "Learning Center" at the Church of God.

This is so wrong on so many levels that I would not even know how to begin.

Deputies 3-year-old shoots 1-year-old sibling in face

These happen every 36 hours according to recent study. Far too much.

And yet, the newscaster called it a "freak accident".

Its just another day in the US.

What pisses me off is that people will say they teach their kids how to be safe with guns or that their guns are put away or even that they leave loaded guns around the house.

when will parents learn to be safe around children

with shopping carts

three children per hour are seriously hurt by shopping carts

You can't shoot up a movie theater or massacre first graders with a shopping cart......ya need a bad assed gun

And both of those shooters got around all of your gun control laws......your background checks (and the same 2 guys would get past even new and improved "universal background checks" the same way) gun registration, gun licensing, and magazine limits.......
Thanks to our second amendment freedoms, a three year old can shoot a one year old in the face

Is this a great country or what
This time, the mother left her three year old and her one year old alone in the car with an unlocked, loaded gun while she was inside the "Learning Center" at the Church of God.

This is so wrong on so many levels that I would not even know how to begin.

Deputies 3-year-old shoots 1-year-old sibling in face

These happen every 36 hours according to recent study. Far too much.

And yet, the newscaster called it a "freak accident".

Its just another day in the US.

What pisses me off is that people will say they teach their kids how to be safe with guns or that their guns are put away or even that they leave loaded guns around the house.

when will parents learn to be safe around children

with shopping carts

three children per hour are seriously hurt by shopping carts

You can't shoot up a movie theater or massacre first graders with a shopping cart......ya need a bad assed gun

And both of those shooters got around all of your gun control laws......your background checks (and the same 2 guys would get past even new and improved "universal background checks" the same way) gun registration, gun licensing, and magazine limits.......
Imagine if they had to use a shopping cart
Thanks to our second amendment freedoms, a three year old can shoot a one year old in the face

Is this a great country or what

and 2 million other Americans can stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives...protecting their own families and the lives of others.....yes...this is a great country....

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