Another child shoots sibling in the face

The other issue is that the CDC (which keeps records on such things for some reason) says that there are no statistics available regarding children who pull the trigger in accidental shooting deaths.

Because the NRA convinced Republicans to pass a law banning the CDC from tracking gun related deaths.

Actually, no. What they stopped was the CDC being an anti gun advocate........using tax dollars to push propaganda, not research...and actual research stayed the same and actually increased a little in recent years.....

And obama spent 10 million dollars on the CDC in 2013 to study all gun data.......and it didn't turn out the way they wanted..........too many defensive gun uses were found.....
This is the truth about the CDC....

Public Health Pot Shots -

In June the House Appropriations Committee adopted Dickey's amendment, which included a prohibition on the use of CDC funds "to advocate or promote gun control," and in July the full House rejected an attempt to restore the money.

What was the CDC doing with their money.....

Contrary to this picture of dispassionate scientists under assault by the Neanderthal NRA and its know-nothing allies in Congress, serious scholars have been criticizing the CDC's "public health" approach to gun research for years. In a presentation at the American Society of Criminology's 1994 meeting, for example, University of Illinois sociologist David Bordua and epidemiologist David Cowan called the public health literature on guns "advocacy based on political beliefs rather than scientific fact." Bordua and Cowan noted that The New England Journal of Medicine and theJournal of the American Medical Association, the main outlets for CDC-funded studies of firearms, are consistent supporters of strict gun control. They found that "reports with findings not supporting the position of the journal are rarely cited," "little is cited from the criminological or sociological field," and the articles that are cited "are almost always by medical or public health researchers."

Further, Bordua and Cowan said, "assumptions are presented as fact: that there is a causal association between gun ownership and the risk of violence, that this association is consistent across all demographic categories, and that additional legislation will reduce the prevalence of firearms and consequently reduce the incidence of violence." They concluded that "ncestuous and selective literature citations may be acceptable for political tracts, but they introduce an artificial bias into scientific publications. Stating as fact associations which may be demonstrably false is not just unscientific, it is unprincipled." In a 1994 presentation to the Western Economics Association,State University of New York at Buffalo criminologist Lawrence Southwick compared public health firearm studies to popular articles produced by the gun lobby: "Generally the level of analysis done on each side is of a low quality. The papers published in the medical literature (which are uniformly anti-gun) are particularly poor science."
This is the truth about the CDC....

Public Health Pot Shots -

In June the House Appropriations Committee adopted Dickey's amendment, which included a prohibition on the use of CDC funds "to advocate or promote gun control," and in July the full House rejected an attempt to restore the money.

What was the CDC doing with their money.....

Contrary to this picture of dispassionate scientists under assault by the Neanderthal NRA and its know-nothing allies in Congress, serious scholars have been criticizing the CDC's "public health" approach to gun research for years. In a presentation at the American Society of Criminology's 1994 meeting, for example, University of Illinois sociologist David Bordua and epidemiologist David Cowan called the public health literature on guns "advocacy based on political beliefs rather than scientific fact." Bordua and Cowan noted that The New England Journal of Medicine and theJournal of the American Medical Association, the main outlets for CDC-funded studies of firearms, are consistent supporters of strict gun control. They found that "reports with findings not supporting the position of the journal are rarely cited," "little is cited from the criminological or sociological field," and the articles that are cited "are almost always by medical or public health researchers."

Further, Bordua and Cowan said, "assumptions are presented as fact: that there is a causal association between gun ownership and the risk of violence, that this association is consistent across all demographic categories, and that additional legislation will reduce the prevalence of firearms and consequently reduce the incidence of violence." They concluded that "ncestuous and selective literature citations may be acceptable for political tracts, but they introduce an artificial bias into scientific publications. Stating as fact associations which may be demonstrably false is not just unscientific, it is unprincipled." In a 1994 presentation to the Western Economics Association,State University of New York at Buffalo criminologist Lawrence Southwick compared public health firearm studies to popular articles produced by the gun lobby: "Generally the level of analysis done on each side is of a low quality. The papers published in the medical literature (which are uniformly anti-gun) are particularly poor science."

Ironic that something that fallaciously calls itself "" is little more than a purveyor of red meat emotionalism to gun fetishists like yourself.

But your gullibility is not the issue here.

The question was why the CDC didn't have those statistics and the answer is because gun fetishists obstructed the legitimate collation of statistical firearm injury and deaths data because that exposes the rampant harm that guns are causing to society.

Once these facts become public knowledge there will be a growing incentive towards ensuring that gun owners are held accountable for their firearms and the damage they are doing.

Your kneejerk reaction will be to claim that is already happening but the OP proves that it isn't.

That is your problem and trying to censor the CDC is no longer an option for you.
This is the truth about the CDC....

Public Health Pot Shots -

In June the House Appropriations Committee adopted Dickey's amendment, which included a prohibition on the use of CDC funds "to advocate or promote gun control," and in July the full House rejected an attempt to restore the money.

What was the CDC doing with their money.....

Contrary to this picture of dispassionate scientists under assault by the Neanderthal NRA and its know-nothing allies in Congress, serious scholars have been criticizing the CDC's "public health" approach to gun research for years. In a presentation at the American Society of Criminology's 1994 meeting, for example, University of Illinois sociologist David Bordua and epidemiologist David Cowan called the public health literature on guns "advocacy based on political beliefs rather than scientific fact." Bordua and Cowan noted that The New England Journal of Medicine and theJournal of the American Medical Association, the main outlets for CDC-funded studies of firearms, are consistent supporters of strict gun control. They found that "reports with findings not supporting the position of the journal are rarely cited," "little is cited from the criminological or sociological field," and the articles that are cited "are almost always by medical or public health researchers."

Further, Bordua and Cowan said, "assumptions are presented as fact: that there is a causal association between gun ownership and the risk of violence, that this association is consistent across all demographic categories, and that additional legislation will reduce the prevalence of firearms and consequently reduce the incidence of violence." They concluded that "ncestuous and selective literature citations may be acceptable for political tracts, but they introduce an artificial bias into scientific publications. Stating as fact associations which may be demonstrably false is not just unscientific, it is unprincipled." In a 1994 presentation to the Western Economics Association,State University of New York at Buffalo criminologist Lawrence Southwick compared public health firearm studies to popular articles produced by the gun lobby: "Generally the level of analysis done on each side is of a low quality. The papers published in the medical literature (which are uniformly anti-gun) are particularly poor science."

Ironic that something that fallaciously calls itself "" is little more than a purveyor of red meat emotionalism to gun fetishists like yourself.

But your gullibility is not the issue here.

The question was why the CDC didn't have those statistics and the answer is because gun fetishists obstructed the legitimate collation of statistical firearm injury and deaths data because that exposes the rampant harm that guns are causing to society.

Once these facts become public knowledge there will be a growing incentive towards ensuring that gun owners are held accountable for their firearms and the damage they are doing.

Your kneejerk reaction will be to claim that is already happening but the OP proves that it isn't.

That is your problem and trying to censor the CDC is no longer an option for you.

gun research still goes on....moron.....the CDC is a bunch of gun grabbers with an anti gun agenda.....obviously you didn't read the article..........they don't do research, they advocate for gun control...not their job.....and guns aren't a disease.....they are a crime problem....and the clinton Dept. of Justice back in the 90s actually did research and found that defensive gun uses happen, on average 1.4 million times a the CDC has no place in gun issues......
The CDC should study what they are supposed to study...diseases....not push anti gun propaganda....

Yet four years earlier, in a 1987 CDC report, Rosenberg thought the area adequately scrutinized, and his understanding sufficient, to urge confiscation of all firearms from "the general population," claiming "8,600 homicides and 5,370 suicides could be avoided" each year. In 1993 Rolling Stonereported that Rosenberg "envisions a long term campaign, similar to [those concerning] tobacco use and auto safety, to convince Americans that guns are, first and foremost, a public health menace." In 1994 he told The Washington Post, "We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes. Now it [sic] is dirty, deadly, and banned."

As Bordua and Cowan noted, one hallmark of the public health literature on guns is a tendency to ignore contrary scholarship. Among criminologists, Gary Kleck's encyclopedic Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America (1991) is universally recognized as the starting point for further research. Kleck, a professor of criminology at Florida State University, was initially a strong believer that gun ownership increased the incidence of homicide, but his research made him a skeptic. His book assembles strong evidence against the notion that reducing gun ownership is a good way to reduce violence. That may be why Point Blank is never cited in the CDC's own firearm publications or in articles reporting the results of CDC-funded gun studies.
This time, the mother left her three year old and her one year old alone in the car with an unlocked, loaded gun while she was inside the "Learning Center" at the Church of God.

This is so wrong on so many levels that I would not even know how to begin.

Deputies 3-year-old shoots 1-year-old sibling in face

These happen every 36 hours according to recent study. Far too much.

yeah even worse

serious accidents with shopping carts

happen at about the rate of 3 per hour here in the United States
This time, the mother left her three year old and her one year old alone in the car with an unlocked, loaded gun while she was inside the "Learning Center" at the Church of God.

This is so wrong on so many levels that I would not even know how to begin.

Deputies 3-year-old shoots 1-year-old sibling in face

These happen every 36 hours according to recent study. Far too much.

And yet, the newscaster called it a "freak accident".

Its just another day in the US.

What pisses me off is that people will say they teach their kids how to be safe with guns or that their guns are put away or even that they leave loaded guns around the house.

when will parents learn to be safe around children

with shopping carts

three children per hour are seriously hurt by shopping carts
This time, the mother left her three year old and her one year old alone in the car with an unlocked, loaded gun while she was inside the "Learning Center" at the Church of God.

This is so wrong on so many levels that I would not even know how to begin.

Deputies 3-year-old shoots 1-year-old sibling in face

These happen every 36 hours according to recent study. Far too much.

And yet, the newscaster called it a "freak accident".

Its just another day in the US.

What pisses me off is that people will say they teach their kids how to be safe with guns or that their guns are put away or even that they leave loaded guns around the house.

when will parents learn to be safe around children

with shopping carts

three children per hour are seriously hurt by shopping carts

How many are killed by shopping carts?
This time, the mother left her three year old and her one year old alone in the car with an unlocked, loaded gun while she was inside the "Learning Center" at the Church of God.

This is so wrong on so many levels that I would not even know how to begin.

Deputies 3-year-old shoots 1-year-old sibling in face

Assuming the worst in these situations, has anyone explored the possibility parents with too many kids leave loaded firearms within children's reach hoping this sort of thing happens?
This time, the mother left her three year old and her one year old alone in the car with an unlocked, loaded gun while she was inside the "Learning Center" at the Church of God.

This is so wrong on so many levels that I would not even know how to begin.

Deputies 3-year-old shoots 1-year-old sibling in face

These happen every 36 hours according to recent study. Far too much.

And yet, the newscaster called it a "freak accident".

Its just another day in the US.

What pisses me off is that people will say they teach their kids how to be safe with guns or that their guns are put away or even that they leave loaded guns around the house.

when will parents learn to be safe around children

with shopping carts

three children per hour are seriously hurt by shopping carts

How many are killed by shopping carts?

Why doesn't the CDC push banning kill far more people each year than all guns ........and yet the CDC remains silent....they must be bribed by "Big Auto" right......?
Your predictable kneejerk denials just prove my point.

The CDC is responsible for investigating all causes of death. It does so for poisonings, vehicles, accidents, etc. Firearms should be no exception.

FastStats - Accidents or Unintentional Injuries

Knee jerk, no. Fact based and informed understanding of what the CDC actually is and what they are trying to do......

Your red meat gun festishist vitriol versus the statistical data collated by the CDC?

Not hard to know which one actually has credibility.
This time, the mother left her three year old and her one year old alone in the car with an unlocked, loaded gun while she was inside the "Learning Center" at the Church of God.

This is so wrong on so many levels that I would not even know how to begin.

Deputies 3-year-old shoots 1-year-old sibling in face

Assuming the worst in these situations, has anyone explored the possibility parents with too many kids leave loaded firearms within children's reach hoping this sort of thing happens?

There is that possibility on some of these...that the parents are actually the ones who do the accidental shooting and then use the other kid to deflect the blame...since the kid isn't going to go to jail.....
This time, the mother left her three year old and her one year old alone in the car with an unlocked, loaded gun while she was inside the "Learning Center" at the Church of God.

This is so wrong on so many levels that I would not even know how to begin.

Deputies 3-year-old shoots 1-year-old sibling in face

These happen every 36 hours according to recent study. Far too much.

And yet, the newscaster called it a "freak accident".

Its just another day in the US.

What pisses me off is that people will say they teach their kids how to be safe with guns or that their guns are put away or even that they leave loaded guns around the house.

when will parents learn to be safe around children

with shopping carts

three children per hour are seriously hurt by shopping carts

How many are killed by shopping carts?

Why doesn't the CDC push banning kill far more people each year than all guns ........and yet the CDC remains silent....they must be bribed by "Big Auto" right......?

Red herring!

The CDC is not in the business of "banning" anything. That isn't their job. That you falsely accuse them of doing so exposes your ignorance.
Your predictable kneejerk denials just prove my point.

The CDC is responsible for investigating all causes of death. It does so for poisonings, vehicles, accidents, etc. Firearms should be no exception.

FastStats - Accidents or Unintentional Injuries

Knee jerk, no. Fact based and informed understanding of what the CDC actually is and what they are trying to do......

Your red meat gun festishist vitriol versus the statistical data collated by the CDC?

Not hard to know which one actually has credibility.

Yes...because the government is so uncorruptible......see the IRS targeting enemies of obama, the Tuskeegee experiments, and all the other evil things government does....and then you libs want to give them more power over you and your lives....
These happen every 36 hours according to recent study. Far too much.

And yet, the newscaster called it a "freak accident".

Its just another day in the US.

What pisses me off is that people will say they teach their kids how to be safe with guns or that their guns are put away or even that they leave loaded guns around the house.

when will parents learn to be safe around children

with shopping carts

three children per hour are seriously hurt by shopping carts

How many are killed by shopping carts?

Why doesn't the CDC push banning kill far more people each year than all guns ........and yet the CDC remains silent....they must be bribed by "Big Auto" right......?

Red herring!

The CDC is not in the business of "banning" anything. That isn't their job. That you falsely accuse them of doing so exposes your ignorance.

No moron, they don't ban....they create the lie so the politicians can ban the guns, and the ammo and the pieces of the article moron.....

Yet four years earlier, in a 1987 CDC report, Rosenberg thought the area adequately scrutinized, and his understanding sufficient, to urge confiscation of all firearms from "the general population," claiming "8,600 homicides and 5,370 suicides could be avoided" each year. In 1993 Rolling Stonereported that Rosenberg "envisions a long term campaign, similar to [those concerning] tobacco use and auto safety, to convince Americans that guns are, first and foremost, a public health menace." In 1994 he told The Washington Post, "We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes. Now it [sic] is dirty, deadly, and banned."
This time, the mother left her three year old and her one year old alone in the car with an unlocked, loaded gun while she was inside the "Learning Center" at the Church of God.

This is so wrong on so many levels that I would not even know how to begin.

Deputies 3-year-old shoots 1-year-old sibling in face

These happen every 36 hours according to recent study. Far too much.

And yet, the newscaster called it a "freak accident".

Its just another day in the US.

What pisses me off is that people will say they teach their kids how to be safe with guns or that their guns are put away or even that they leave loaded guns around the house.

when will parents learn to be safe around children

with shopping carts

three children per hour are seriously hurt by shopping carts

How many are killed by shopping carts?

this is not new information

it has been known for years and years that shopping carts

are very dangerous to children

some kids have died from falling out of them

while others have gotten strangulation deaths

it is a serious problem

why are you so callus to the problem

doesnt fit your agenda or something like that
Your predictable kneejerk denials just prove my point.

The CDC is responsible for investigating all causes of death. It does so for poisonings, vehicles, accidents, etc. Firearms should be no exception.

FastStats - Accidents or Unintentional Injuries

Knee jerk, no. Fact based and informed understanding of what the CDC actually is and what they are trying to do......

Your red meat gun festishist vitriol versus the statistical data collated by the CDC?

Not hard to know which one actually has credibility.

Yes...because the government is so uncorruptible......see the IRS targeting enemies of obama, the Tuskeegee experiments, and all the other evil things government does....and then you libs want to give them more power over you and your lives....

Your gun fetish paranoia is your problem.

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