Another conundrum.

are we being played?? We're getting stories of such bravery in the face of russian aggression and then see things that really don't make sense. the global elites would love for us all to just submit to globalist rule. I'm not quite ready for that. With all the world media on the same side........can you believe anything coming out of anywhere? Some woman allegedly surviving a bomb in kiev just a day or two ago was the same woman with near the same injuries in an attack in 2017/18. Now come on. This is right back to the terrorist fake dead in Syria. And even red cross was helping the enemy .

We're being led around by the nose by the party of Chaos. Well.. not us, but our lefty brothers are. Suddenly they support strong borders, freedom of speech, they're against oppression...except for here in their own country.

this is why the left is so crazy. They have to change course at the drop of a hat and try to sound like they're thinkers. it can't be done.
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56% of americans say Biden is a failure. that was yesterday. I'll bet it is higher today.

Mrs. Norris said:
Excuse me. There was no end of Americans supporting those Canadians and you know it. Why are you denying it?
I'll tell you why.
Because I've once again wedged you hypocrits on this free speech crap.
Not one of you have supported your own POTUS. Not one. None have dounced Russia's action on a Democratic sovereign country. None. because you people support Putin to embarrass Biden.
Yet you bellow about dems being un American and communists.
Home of the brave ay ?
I don't think so.

you sound hysterical.
are we being played?? We're getting stories of such bravery in the face of russian aggression and then see things that really don't make sense. the global elites would love for us all to just submit to globalist rule. I'm not quite ready for that. With all the world media on the same side........can you believe anything coming out of anywhere? Some woman allegedly surviving a bomb in kiev just a day or two ago was the same woman with near the same injuries in an attack in 2017/18. Now come on. This is right back to the terrorist fake dead in Syria. And even red cross was helping the enemy .
You can be assured our corrupt and controlled media will never tell the truth about Ukraine. It’s all propaganda designed to benefit the ruling elite.

Exactly like all their reporting on the pandemic and vaccines.
Approximately 1500 protesters were placed in jail yesterday by the Russian police for having a peaceful protest outside the duma. They were banging on saying they disagreed with Putin going into Ukraine. That's fine by me.

Here's my question. Are you prepared to stand up for their rights to free speech even though they are Russians?
Of course that would show support for their cause.

If you don't condemn the Russians for jailing them, it signals you agree with what Putin is doing in Ukraine. It can't be any plainer than that.

Once again, to not voice concern is without doubt supporting Putin.
Everyone got hairy chested about the Canadians protests.
Why not the Russians?
Aren't they allowed free speech and support?
Think about that and learn what hypocrisy means.
It was insurrection, bro.
what the hell?? This is looking more and more like a con job by the left and commies around the world.

Why are you leftist posters here so worked up over this. Joe is calm as a cucumber.....Joe IS a cucumber.

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Approximately 1500 protesters were placed in jail yesterday by the Russian police for having a peaceful protest outside the duma. They were banging on saying they disagreed with Putin going into Ukraine. That's fine by me.

Here's my question. Are you prepared to stand up for their rights to free speech even though they are Russians?
Of course that would show support for their cause.

If you don't condemn the Russians for jailing them, it signals you agree with what Putin is doing in Ukraine. It can't be any plainer than that.

Once again, to not voice concern is without doubt supporting Putin.
Everyone got hairy chested about the Canadians protests.
Why not the Russians?
Aren't they allowed free speech and support?
Think about that and learn what hypocrisy means.

Translation : "If you don't exactly as I say to do you support Pootie".
Approximately 1500 protesters were placed in jail yesterday by the Russian police for having a peaceful protest outside the duma. They were banging on saying they disagreed with Putin going into Ukraine. That's fine by me.

Here's my question. Are you prepared to stand up for their rights to free speech even though they are Russians?
Of course that would show support for their cause.

If you don't condemn the Russians for jailing them, it signals you agree with what Putin is doing in Ukraine. It can't be any plainer than that.

Once again, to not voice concern is without doubt supporting Putin.
Everyone got hairy chested about the Canadians protests.
Why not the Russians?
Aren't they allowed free speech and support?
Think about that and learn what hypocrisy means.
Peaceful protests are an exercise in freedom of speech. They are a right, I have no issue and encourage peaceful protest. My opinion on whether a group is supporting a good cause or not, the right to the freedom is a human right.

Looks like your thread has failed.
Excuse me. There was no end of Americans supporting those Canadians and you know it
There was also a great many attacking those truckers and condemning them calling them radicals, extermist and the lefts very popular word recently insurrectionist. We even had some in our government encouraging Trudeau to crack down on them in the manner he did. Your selective memory and faux outrage is a fail.
Listen up idiot. I'm not a communist and never have. That's a classic republican label of ignorance.

No. I don't support truckers interfering with commerce which they did in Canada. The protesters in Russia did nothing of the sort. Don't try that silly trick on me.
Name calling is a sign of weakness, just sayin.

Examples of classic Democrat labels of ignorance, Nazi, racist, fascist.

Protesting Is disrupting, it is supposed to be, otherwise if no one noticed the protest would not be effective. BLM, Antifa all disrupted commerce. Campus sit ins, picketing, striking, rally’s, parades, all disrupt commerce.

So antifa and blm peaceful protests that disrupted traffic you were against? Civil Rights marches that tied up traffic in your opinion was wrong?
Of course I do and coming from a dual dislexic who is illiterate in two languages,
I should take notice?

It must be hurting you to have to cop it from me. You offer no defence, just silly childish shit. You'll do it again now.

You can fix ignorant with education, but not stupidity, you're just plain stupid, commie freak. Your puny thread is a total fail.

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Approximately 1500 protesters were placed in jail yesterday by the Russian police for having a peaceful protest outside the duma. They were banging on saying they disagreed with Putin going into Ukraine. That's fine by me.

Here's my question. Are you prepared to stand up for their rights to free speech even though they are Russians?
Of course that would show support for their cause.

If you don't condemn the Russians for jailing them, it signals you agree with what Putin is doing in Ukraine. It can't be any plainer than that.

Once again, to not voice concern is without doubt supporting Putin.
Everyone got hairy chested about the Canadians protests.
Why not the Russians?
Aren't they allowed free speech and support?
Think about that and learn what hypocrisy means.
Biden told Putin he could have Ukraine. Anything else after that is just bullshit and posturing and trying to cover for Biden's life long commitments to colluding with Russia, and China.
Free speech is a basic human right. I don't have to agree with the ideas presented to support the freedom.

It's not conservatives who oppose free speech. It's you leftists.

Unlike the always patently dishonest colon, the conservatives almost always are the ones who support free speech. Our collective condemnation of the censorship imposed by force against free speech in Putin’s Russia isn’t going to do a single damn thing to stop his thug police from stomping on the free speech of the Russian people.

I’m sure colon and his stupid ilk will feel all virtuous now that they finally come around to mouthing support for free speech in Russia. But they sure as shit don’t support it in our land.
What a moronic OP.

Ironic that it only goes to exemplify his own double standards when he clearly opposes speech rights on the basis of political affiliation. You will not actually find any significant backing here for Putin jailing protestors but that reality seems utterly lost on the OP.
Excuse me. There was no end of Americans supporting those Canadians and you know it. Why are you denying it?
I'll tell you why.
Because I've once again wedged you hypocrits on this free speech crap.
Not one of you have supported your own POTUS. Not one. None have dounced Russia's action on a Democratic sovereign country. None. because you people support Putin to embarrass Biden.
Yet you bellow about dems being un American and communists.
Home of the brave ay ?
I don't think so.

Bull, mainstream leftist media had no end of deragtory adjectives describing the truckers.
Bull, mainstream leftist media had no end of deragtory adjectives describing the truckers.
Thats correct and not one of them was incorrect.
Trudeau wouldn't let a militant rag tag bunch of fat arse truckies hold the other freedom loving Canadians to ransom.
I predicted he would bring in the heavies and he did. He soon moved the idiots. Cut of the money supply, lock the idiots up.

Where are they now? It achieved nothing. Don't mess with Trudeau.
Thats correct and not one of them was incorrect.
Trudeau wouldn't let a militant rag tag bunch of fat arse truckies hold the other freedom loving Canadians to ransom.
I predicted he would bring in the heavies and he did. He soon moved the idiots. Cut of the money supply, lock the idiots up.

Where are they now? It achieved nothing. Don't mess with Trudeau.
So you support jailing people for having the wrong opinions.

Just like Putin.
So you support jailing people for having the wrong opinions.

Just like Putin.
Its not their opinions which broke the law. It was they blocked bridges etc which was illegal.

They were bring stupid about not having vaccines, they protested and still didn't have vaccines and it ended without them having any. Where was their freedoms taken from them?
The whole thing was a protested against Trudeaus left government. That's why you supported it.
All the hate mongers csme unstuck and were beaten.

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