Another conundrum.

The point us no one's freedom was infringed.
The left aren't fascist nor prescribe to it. Even the name means democracy not fascism.
Youre fucked in the head.
You're so paranoid with hate at dems you've lost the objective of it.
You really are a stupid, stupid child.

No one's freedom was infringed? Only the freedom to make their own healthcare decisions. But Trudeau folded.

Canada drops vaccine mandate for its truckers after pressure from industry​

Jan 12 (Reuters) - Canada will allow unvaccinated Canadian truckers to cross in from the United States, reversing a decision requiring all truckers to be inoculated against the coronavirus, Canada's border agency said on Wednesday.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had faced pressure from the main opposition party and trucking lobby to drop the vaccine mandate for truckers, due to come into force on Saturday, saying it could result in driver shortages, disrupt trade and drive up inflation.
Meanwhile, Canada's healthcare industry fired thousands of people for not complying.

Provinces sacked almost 10,000 health care workers over vaccine mandates

True North estimates that nearly 10,000 unvaccinated health care workers across Canada have been placed on unpaid leave or had their jobs terminated by health authorities as of Dec. 16.

This number comes from official provincial government data as well as media reports over the past few months.

Among provinces and territories, the B.C. government forced the most frontline and long term care workers out of their jobs. The province reported in November that 3,325 personnel were put on unpaid leave after its COVID-19 vaccine mandate deadline expired.
You have no problem with people being fired for refusing government mandates. You've already said you want truckers jailed for it.




  1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
  2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
  3. Oppressive, dictatorial control.
You're a fascist. You support fascists. Throw another tantrum. It'll have as much effect on reality as all your other tantrums have:

You really are a stupid, stupid child.

No one's freedom was infringed? Only the freedom to make their own healthcare decisions. But Trudeau folded.

Canada drops vaccine mandate for its truckers after pressure from industry​

Meanwhile, Canada's healthcare industry fired thousands of people for not complying.

Provinces sacked almost 10,000 health care workers over vaccine mandates

You have no problem with people being fired for refusing government mandates. You've already said you want truckers jailed for it.




  1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
  2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
  3. Oppressive, dictatorial control.
You're a fascist. You support fascists. Throw another tantrum. It'll have as much effect on reality as all your other tantrums have:

If all that is true, why did the truckies go there after the date shown, which they did? That would prove nothing happened hence Trudeau still won after he removed them.
What was the reason for blocking the roads? They didn't have to be vaccinated.
You really are a stupid, stupid child.

No one's freedom was infringed? Only the freedom to make their own healthcare decisions. But Trudeau folded.

Canada drops vaccine mandate for its truckers after pressure from industry​

Meanwhile, Canada's healthcare industry fired thousands of people for not complying.

Provinces sacked almost 10,000 health care workers over vaccine mandates

You have no problem with people being fired for refusing government mandates. You've already said you want truckers jailed for it.




  1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
  2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
  3. Oppressive, dictatorial control.
You're a fascist. You support fascists. Throw another tantrum. It'll have as much effect on reality as all your other tantrums have:

There's a bit here about Obamas healthcare.

You will notice the mandate was dropped.
The only opposition was from big health who ripped off people. He forced them to take everyone regardless of condition which in turn reduced the cost of care. But you didn't know that.

If all that is true, why did the truckies go there after the date shown, which they did? That would prove nothing happened hence Trudeau still won after he removed them.
What was the reason for blocking the roads? They didn't have to be vaccinated.
Castreax rescinded the mandates, as the truckers wanted.

The truckers won.
No, that's you, too.

Meanwhile, you're on record as supporting fascism. I suggest you move somewhere else. We're not interested here in America.
Show me exactly where i said I support racism?
See who is lying now big mouth.
Ukraine was democratic until O, Joe, and Nuland overthrew that government in 2014. Only to install a government with Nazi sympathizers and anti-Russian provocateurs. Problem is few Americans know this history, since their CIA and WEF controlled media refuses to inform them.

Putin talking points.So are you another useful idiot or are you actually a Russian sock?
More of this if you don't defend Biden's decisions on this then you are a traitor to this country but let me give you kudos for stating it in a different manner so that perhaps you can fool a few more people.

BIden invited this. He has been pushing for this for weeks. Russia is not our concern. Ukraine is not our concern. Ukraine is the Biden Crime family's concern considering their properties, not just land and their money laundering operation. This is Europe's problem. NOT ours.

Will i defend Russian peoples' right to free speech. They don't have it. How can we defend something they don't have.

I'm seeing this evening criticism of President Trump as if he is to blame for this debacle. BLaming this on President Trump to protect Mr. Biden's very poor judgement and policies is typical of the left but not as effective as it was say...20 years ago. Not that this is Biden's doings. It's whoever is pulling those strings.

The Left's buddy China is backing Russia in this......maybe they'll help out those russians protesting the ukrainian invasion and their free speech. whaddaya think?
And here is the real reason for this troll thread.

You are a traitor if you don't support Putin's bitch Biden.............

Tell Biden to resign and get someone in there with a set of Nuts.

To the op.............of course we support the protesters in Russia.

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