ANOTHER Democrat Scandal. Never Ends.

Don't be so fucking stupid. There's no such thing as "zero fraud" and national ID cards are not going to get us there.

Let's take one more look at what I said -- shall we?

"It would be really nice to have zero fraud." ID cards will help.

Run along now.

Since you're so interested in having the federal government id every voter, for consistency's sake, you're ok if the federal government also institutes a national firearm registry to id every gun owner, right?

Owning firearms has nothing to do with America's leadership choices nor how would-be candidates attain their desired office. Apples & Oranges.
Let's take one more look at what I said -- shall we?

"It would be really nice to have zero fraud." ID cards will help.

Run along now.

Since you're so interested in having the federal government id every voter, for consistency's sake, you're ok if the federal government also institutes a national firearm registry to id every gun owner, right?

Owning firearms has nothing to do with America's leadership choices nor how would-be candidates attain their desired office. Apples & Oranges.
Both are Constitutionally protected rights. Who knows why you support the federal government id'ing everyone for one right but not the other?
Faun: Both are Constitutionally protected rights. Who knows why you support the federal government id'ing everyone for one right but not the other?

Both are Constitutional rights. There are already laws governing firearm ownership so I see no reason why there shouldn't be laws governing the voting process.
Faun: Both are Constitutionally protected rights. Who knows why you support the federal government id'ing everyone for one right but not the other?

Both are Constitutional rights. There are already laws governing firearm ownership so I see no reason why there shouldn't be laws governing the voting process.
And there are laws governing voting. It's your inconsistency which promotes federally id'ing one but not the other.
Is there an honest Democrat walking the earth? I wonder!

Faulty generalization

Since this is the umpteenth topic where a faux conservative has provided an example of fraud which could not be prevented or stopped by Voter ID as evidence we need Voter ID, one could ask if there is a non-retarded faux conservative walking the Earth...

Just because he is wrong on this issue doesn't mean he's a fake conservative. He's just wrong. Just because your logic is very very narrow in scope doesn't mean you're a fake human being.
Faun: Both are Constitutionally protected rights. Who knows why you support the federal government id'ing everyone for one right but not the other?
Both are Constitutional rights. There are already laws governing firearm ownership so I see no reason why there shouldn't be laws governing the voting process.
And there are laws governing voting. It's your inconsistency which promotes federally id'ing one but not the other.

Actually, I don't advocate the Feds getting involved. I believe that States should enact voter ID laws. The Federal Government is already top-heavy and too involved in State issues.
True The Vote

The IRS didn't like this non profit.

Hmmmm.....Lawsuits filed as well.

They are currently taking on litigation to force States and localities to update their voter registration across the country, and have won some cases already.

Purging deceased and those who have moved off the voter rolls.

Wonder why the IRS didn't like them much.................
Is there an honest Democrat walking the earth? I wonder!

Faulty generalization

Since this is the umpteenth topic where a faux conservative has provided an example of fraud which could not be prevented or stopped by Voter ID as evidence we need Voter ID, one could ask if there is a non-retarded faux conservative walking the Earth...

Just because he is wrong on this issue doesn't mean he's a fake conservative. He's just wrong. Just because your logic is very very narrow in scope doesn't mean you're a fake human being.

Actually, if they would read what I actually said they would see that I'm not wrong ... just inquisitive.

HOUSTON, TX. January 13, 2014 - True the Vote (TTV), the nation's leading voters’ rights and election integrity organization, today announced a favorable legal settlement along with co-plaintiff Judicial Watch that ensures proper maintenance of Ohio’s voter rolls lasting until 2018. (Judicial Watch and True the Vote v. Jon Husted in his official capacity as Secretary of State of the State of Ohio, Civil Action (No. 2:12-cv-00792)).

“This settlement demonstrates the positive impact citizens can have when they demand better accuracy in voting records,” True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht said. “Every person fundamentally understands the problems that come with bloated voter rolls and inefficient maintenance processes. This settlement – under Secretary Jon Husted’s leadership – will bring Ohio much closer to being on the cutting edge of smart voting policy that holds records and officials accountable."

“Election officials in the State of Ohio are to be commended for shouldering their responsibility to maintain clean voter registration lists. This is a historic settlement, the first of its kind in the history of the National Voter Registration Act. Dirty election rolls can lead to voter and election fraud. Under the terms of this groundbreaking settlement, the people of Ohio can now rest easier that their elections will be cleaner, beginning with the 2014 elections. The problem of dirty rolls is a nationwide problem, and Ohio’s good faith steps to address it can serve as a model for other states,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Two prime example of fraud would be these:

Mitt Romney claimed to be living in his son's basement in Massachusetts, when voting there, yet had a 12.5 million dollar home in California at the time. Wonder what his closets and cars looked like?

Dick Cheney was living inTexas, (even having a Texas drivers license), when he nominated himself for VP. The only problem is that the Constitution says that the Pres and VP can't be from the same state! Badda-bing, Cheney becomes a Wyoming resident!

Voter Fraud Among the Privileged Classes - Laura Wilkerson - Open Salon
Two prime example of fraud would be these:

Mitt Romney claimed to be living in his son's basement in Massachusetts, when voting there, yet had a 12.5 million dollar home in California at the time. Wonder what his closets and cars looked like?

Dick Cheney was living inTexas, (even having a Texas drivers license), when he nominated himself for VP. The only problem is that the Constitution says that the Pres and VP can't be from the same state! Badda-bing, Cheney becomes a Wyoming resident!

Voter Fraud Among the Privileged Classes - Laura Wilkerson - Open Salon

It's perfectly legal to own homes in more than one state while maintaining actual "residency" in a single state. But if Obama can be a Kenyan by birth but attain the Presidency then I would see no harm in Cheney (a natural born American) becoming a VP from Texas (if that was actually the case).
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Nope. That is what the voices in your head hear when someone tells you Voter ID does not stop the kind of fraud which most commonly occurs. Your brain does not want to accept this fact and so invents a lie that Democrats say there is no fraud. The lies being told are the ones you tell yourself. You know...Voter ID will stop fraud...Democrats say there is no fraud. Stuff like that.

You will not find any Democratic official saying there is no fraud.

Nice try.

You are LYING. You know as well as we do that NUMEROUS liberals on this board have in fact INSISTED there was no fraud and that if there was any the Republicans did it.

No one said there was NO fraud.

They said it was infinitesimal.

You DO KNOW that the Constitution plainly states that the right to vote shall not be abridged?

So what's with the abridging?

When you quote the Constitution, please complete the sentence you're quoting.

Amendment XV Section One:
The Right of Citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State on account of Race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

The Constitution does not prohibit denying or abridging the right to vote, except for Race, color, or previous condition of servitude. That leaves a lot of reasons that the right to vote may be denied Citizens of the United States.
Okay, kiddo. Here comes the fun part. Ready?

Please explain how Voter ID would have stopped this guy from committing the fraud he committed.


The point of voter id, ya retard, is that folks would be required to show PROOF OF IDENTIFICATION to vote. This is not hard, ya piece of shit libtard. Showing ID is done to reduce crimes, such as driving without a license, drinking underage, working illegally without a SS card or green card, and yes voting without proper identification.

Yes, all forms of identification can be circumvented.
Given the infinitesimal amount of fraud taking place, it hardly seems necessary.
This 'infinitesimal' amount of voter fraud cost Col. Allen West his seat in Congress:

BREAKING: Massive Voter Fraud in St. Lucie County, Florida - Heather Ginsberg
Two prime example of fraud would be these:

Mitt Romney claimed to be living in his son's basement in Massachusetts, when voting there, yet had a 12.5 million dollar home in California at the time. Wonder what his closets and cars looked like?

Dick Cheney was living inTexas, (even having a Texas drivers license), when he nominated himself for VP. The only problem is that the Constitution says that the Pres and VP can't be from the same state! Badda-bing, Cheney becomes a Wyoming resident!

Voter Fraud Among the Privileged Classes - Laura Wilkerson - Open Salon

It's perfectly legal to own homes in more than one state while maintaining actual "residency" in a single state. But if Obama can be a Kenyan by birth but attain the Presidency then I would see no harm in Cheney (a natural born American) becoming a VP from Texas (if that was actually the case).

Except that my example is demonstrably true, and yours is demonstrably false.

And your willingness to let our founders' and the Constitution's explicit rules slide for a fellow Republican? ...Well, I can only say - How typical!

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