Another Earthquake in CA: "Ring of Fire" Waking Up?

Ahhhhhhh, so he DID exist!

Thanks! You fell for the trap!


You are so easy to manipulate!

There are varying and totally disassociative as to thnarrativess of the total fictional and never having ever lived birth of a man who at no time was or is real.

Just like Magical/Mystical/Mythical Non-Existent Sky Man. The more the myth book called the bible has be rewritten, the less believable it becomes.

Monotheistic Male God Head promises ever lasting after, never mind that there is no sure and/or proof of that after life, just trust the person making untaxed money hand over fist, he and/or she knows what is best....pure unadulterated 99.9999999% Bull Shit.

Rock of Ages Clep for me.....for a s;ightly higher fee.
I agree, a number 4 is not that strong......when the earthquakes start in number 6 or 6.5 or 7 up.....then we are talking. ;)

The 1989 Loma Preita was a 6.9 on movement magnitube scale and on the Richter Scale.

Having lived in San Francisco at the time, it was pretty damn scary.
The 1989 Loma Preita was a 6.9 on movement magnitube scale and on the Richter Scale.

Having lived in San Francisco at the time, it was pretty damn scary.

Most of the really bad damage was on reclaimed land. Subject to liquefaction.

My friends, who lived on Skyline Blvd in Oakland didn't even feel it.
The 1989 Loma Preita was a 6.9 on movement magnitube scale and on the Richter Scale.

Having lived in San Francisco at the time, it was pretty damn scary.

I lived in the Bay Area too when that one happened. I'll never forget it. I was really worried about my Mom, because it happened right at the time she usually got on BART (from San Francisco to East Bay, which goes underwater).... but thankfully she was still in the station at the time and was OK. I've been through a lot of earthquakes in California, but that was a crazy one.... you probably remember even part of the Bay Bridge collapsed.
Yes but it's my understanding that the activity rests...and then doesn't. Like in waves of activity.
Your understanding is wrong. There are earthquakes every day, every night. 24/7. What you might be thinking of is an earthquake swarm which would be many quakes in a relatively short period of time, all on the same faultline. A swarm will usually preceed a major earthquake. But not always on that fault! A few years ago Santa Monica has a 3 day swarm and the major event was Whitter Narrows.
I lived in the Bay Area too when that one happened. I'll never forget it. I was really worried about my Mom, because it happened right at the time she usually got on BART (from San Francisco to East Bay, which goes underwater).... but thankfully she was still in the station at the time and was OK. I've been through a lot of earthquakes in California, but that was a crazy one.... you probably remember even part of the Bay Bridge collapsed.
Yes. I remember that well. Cars were crushed between the levels.

The two bad ones I remember is Sylmar and Northridge.
God made an unstable planet.
Thankfully God with infinite wisdom also granted mankind
with comforters or Intercessors }.Fellow humans who can aid and
offer comfort to fellow earthling when needed.
One such Great earthling was the 265th Pope who just passed.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI a renown Theologian and I believe
The only German Pope. I felt discomforted when he announced his
retirement a few years back.A Pope does not Retire.
However while Retiring in a small monastery within the Vatican
walls he wrote down his reason for retiring.Due to his advancing age
he felt no longer capable of exercising a " Petrine ministery ".
Or the duty of a Pope to keep on the path of St.Peter.The
Pope being the successor to St.Peter.
Ratzinger { Last name } of Pope Benedict XVI credited
The Lord Jesus as his advocate or " Paraclete " to be not only
a just judge but a friend and brother.In Christ,of course.
Vile misogynist.
There is no way to attract away from the word " vile "
when using the name { Biden }.
It goes hand-in-hand.
It's like Cicero said " Pleasure has no fellowship with
Virtue ". as Proven by the Biden clan { Joe,James and of course
Hunter }. Their pleasure is to reap from Government and award
to themselves as if no one the wiser.
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I lived in the Bay Area too when that one happened. I'll never forget it. I was really worried about my Mom, because it happened right at the time she usually got on BART (from San Francisco to East Bay, which goes underwater).... but thankfully she was still in the station at the time and was OK. I've been through a lot of earthquakes in California, but that was a crazy one.... you probably remember even part of the Bay Bridge collapsed.
Same here, I was on the Peninsula. Ran out the front door (my kids were outside) wife ran out the rear door (looking for kids too). I could not stand up in my front yard, fell to my knees and rode it out. When it ended, you could hear a pin drop. Very scary. Moved North to Lassen volcano area. LOL!!!

The big one tonight . 9.0 should knock some sense into them .​

To split Ca from the mainland and sail out into the middle of the ocean .

California, United States has had: (M1.5 or greater)

  • 28 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
  • 156 earthquakes in the past 7 days
  • 729 earthquakes in the past 30 days
  • 7,333 earthquakes in the past 365 days

The largest earthquake in California, United States:​

The fault at San Andreas is a sublimation fault. The old "California falling into the ocean" is not anywhere close to correct. The western side of California is sliding under the eastern side.
Most of the really bad damage was on reclaimed land. Subject to liquefaction.

My friends, who lived on Skyline Blvd in Oakland didn't even feel it.

If Loma Preita lasted another 30 - 60 Seconds, the San Francisco Marina District would have been underwater
The fault at San Andreas is a sublimation fault. The old "California falling into the ocean" is not anywhere close to correct. The western side of California is sliding under the eastern side.

The San Andreas is a right lateral, strike slip fault. There is no such thing as a sublimation fault.
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mini earthquakes that happen every single minute don't

like I said above...we start talking when we talk about real quakes, that really shake you, and that is from 6 up, 7, 8, and God forbid....beyond.
The fault at San Andreas is a sublimation fault. The old "California falling into the ocean" is not anywhere close to correct. The western side of California is sliding under the eastern side.
Um sorry Charlie this ain't Starkist commercial.We have us a far more
pressing Earthquake taking place around this land.Not just old
Callly-forn-ey-yay.Definatley not the same California of great crooner
and American Al Jolson.Who has a huge Funeral site dedicated in
his memory.
We have us a Biden Fault erupting practically each day now.
So forget distractions.California has Earthquakes.It used to
have Great Governors like Reagan and folk like The Nixon clan.
Not nose mores.In fact,even orange groves are weary.
Not just Napa Valley and wine country.With Wildfires that
erupt because of failed efforts of whoever oversees stuff.
Like the Dickhead Governor more concerned about how
slicked-down his mop of hair.

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