Another female teacher caught having sex with children

I find it amusing and a bit pathetic how some find the crime acceptable depending on who is doing who a female teacher having sex with underage boys acceptable a male teacher having sex with underage girls unacceptable. So what about a female teacher having sex with underage girls or a male one having sex with underage boys acceptable or unacceptable? Where is the line drawn on adults having sex with children?

IOU + rep for that, but I counted, and I am flat out until tomorrow.
Someone please notify Silhouette that the Church of the Female Teacher is exploiting its access to underage students.

On the serious side, adult sexual assault on a minor is criminal, and in the case of mentors such as teachers the assault becomes perverse.

Female and male teaches should be held to the exact same standards.

Matters are better overall, I hope.

I witnessed a court-martial more than thirty years ago in which a Staff Sergeant (E-6) got a grand total of seven years in the army pen for sex with his 11-year old daughter and her 10-year old friend. He has been out on the streets for the last 23 years at least.

Throw the book at the teacher.
Someone please notify Silhouette that the Church of the Female Teacher is exploiting its access to underage students.

On the serious side, adult sexual assault on a minor is criminal, and in the case of mentors such as teachers the assault becomes perverse.

Female and male teaches should be held to the exact same standards.

Matters are better overall, I hope.

I witnessed a court-martial more than thirty years ago in which a Staff Sergeant (E-6) got a grand total of seven years in the army pen for sex with his 11-year old daughter and her 10-year old friend. He has been out on the streets for the last 23 years at least.

Throw the book at the teacher.

Did you see the movie The General's Daughter? It answers the question: What's worse than rape?
I would like to hear how the two 'victims' have suffered, because I am quite confident that they were thrilled to be having sex with a pretty cute looking lady.

That is no "lady". She is a perv.
I would like to hear how the two 'victims' have suffered, because I am quite confident that they were thrilled to be having sex with a pretty cute looking lady.

So if it were a 24 or 34 year old cute male engaging in sex and sending pictures of his penis to 15 year old girls, they too should be "thrilled" given your comments above, yes? Seriously, who cares about age, as long as the authority figure is cute, eh? Gag
Where were all these teachers when I was in High School dammit!!!

In your day morals were a bit more important.

That was before the left got control and did away with morals.

You mean the good old days when blacks and women were second class citizens?

Those days of "Morals"?

Of course, as recently as a century or two ago, 15 year olds routinely got married. Sometimes to much older partners.

Okay, let's get serious here. We STILL have a double standard. We don't treat a 27 year old teacher doing a 15 year old as seriously if it's a female teacher and a male student. Because we would see the 15 year old boy as "getting lucky" or "scoring".

We expect males to go into relationships with "experience" and expect girls to still be virgins.

This teacher abused her position, and she should be fired. I don't see a point to sending her to prison.
They've got to start sending these pervs to prison for longer sentences then maybe they'll learn to keep their stupid and ugly hands to themselves.

There isn't any other way to make them stop, it seems.
I think some of our nutters need an refresher course in Human Anatomy.

its less about human anatomy and more about trust and abuse of authority.



Looks like you did not end the thread. But you did look magnificent upon that high horse of yours.

Keep justifying what is basically the same type of sexual abuse you see when bosses force themselves on their employees. Its power over powerlessness.
In your day morals were a bit more important.

That was before the left got control and did away with morals.

You mean the good old days when blacks and women were second class citizens?

Those days of "Morals"?

Of course, as recently as a century or two ago, 15 year olds routinely got married. Sometimes to much older partners.

Okay, let's get serious here. We STILL have a double standard. We don't treat a 27 year old teacher doing a 15 year old as seriously if it's a female teacher and a male student. Because we would see the 15 year old boy as "getting lucky" or "scoring".

We expect males to go into relationships with "experience" and expect girls to still be virgins.

This teacher abused her position, and she should be fired. I don't see a point to sending her to prison.

Doing a 15 year old is still statutory rape when you are a 27 year old.

And yes, in the past blacks and women were treated as 2nd class (or 3rd class) citizens, but wanting to back to the interactive morals of an earlier age does not mean you have to regain ALL the trappings of the past. It would be nice to grab a few of the better moral standards from long ago and try to re-intergrate them into society, but for the moral nihlists that seem to set the standards of today, that would be abhorrent. (it would affect sales of their crap).
I find it amusing and a bit pathetic how some find the crime acceptable depending on who is doing who a female teacher having sex with underage boys acceptable a male teacher having sex with underage girls unacceptable. So what about a female teacher having sex with underage girls or a male one having sex with underage boys acceptable or unacceptable? Where is the line drawn on adults having sex with children?

Or even better make the perp a Catholic Priest and all of a sudden anti-catholic/religous people want to burn the whole structure down.

I admit the Church did this to themselves with the cover-up, but the lack of consistency here is quite telling.
Doing a 15 year old is still statutory rape when you are a 27 year old.

And yes, in the past blacks and women were treated as 2nd class (or 3rd class) citizens, but wanting to back to the interactive morals of an earlier age does not mean you have to regain ALL the trappings of the past. It would be nice to grab a few of the better moral standards from long ago and try to re-intergrate them into society, but for the moral nihlists that seem to set the standards of today, that would be abhorrent. (it would affect sales of their crap).

Guy, the problem is, when someone says that in the past we had "morals", but wants to pretend that Jim Crow and other abuses didn't exist...

They also like to pretend that back in the day, people didn't have abortions because abortions were performed in back allies rather than in a nice clean clinic that said "Women's Reproductive Center" on the sign.

Vices hidden are not morality, guy.

Now, going back to this argument, fact was, 16 year old girls were married off to older men as recently as the mid 19th century. in fact, the reason why you still had "Civil War Widows" late into the 20th century was because young girls were marrying old men to get their war pensions.

Then we decided that adulthood was 18 or 21 instead of 16 as it had traditionally been. Sadly, someone didn't share that memo with teenage hormones...

Most teens lose their virginity by 17.
I find it amusing and a bit pathetic how some find the crime acceptable depending on who is doing who a female teacher having sex with underage boys acceptable a male teacher having sex with underage girls unacceptable. So what about a female teacher having sex with underage girls or a male one having sex with underage boys acceptable or unacceptable? Where is the line drawn on adults having sex with children?

Or even better make the perp a Catholic Priest and all of a sudden anti-catholic/religous people want to burn the whole structure down.

I admit the Church did this to themselves with the cover-up, but the lack of consistency here is quite telling.

In the case of the Church, it was adult priests having sex with boys who hadn't reached puberty yet.

Which is why a lot of us want to burn the thing down.
Doing a 15 year old is still statutory rape when you are a 27 year old.

And yes, in the past blacks and women were treated as 2nd class (or 3rd class) citizens, but wanting to back to the interactive morals of an earlier age does not mean you have to regain ALL the trappings of the past. It would be nice to grab a few of the better moral standards from long ago and try to re-intergrate them into society, but for the moral nihlists that seem to set the standards of today, that would be abhorrent. (it would affect sales of their crap).

Guy, the problem is, when someone says that in the past we had "morals", but wants to pretend that Jim Crow and other abuses didn't exist...

They also like to pretend that back in the day, people didn't have abortions because abortions were performed in back allies rather than in a nice clean clinic that said "Women's Reproductive Center" on the sign.

Vices hidden are not morality, guy.

Now, going back to this argument, fact was, 16 year old girls were married off to older men as recently as the mid 19th century. in fact, the reason why you still had "Civil War Widows" late into the 20th century was because young girls were marrying old men to get their war pensions.

Then we decided that adulthood was 18 or 21 instead of 16 as it had traditionally been. Sadly, someone didn't share that memo with teenage hormones...

Most teens lose their virginity by 17.

The marriages were with the permission of the parents. That is different than some teacher banging a student on the sly. Considering most people died before 50, and you needed to have like 10 kids to assure 5 or so made it to adulthood, you had to start procreating early. The age difference is explained with the simple fact that an older man had a more stable livelihood, and was a more attractive mate than someone just starting out.

And there were plenty of marriages that happened when the woman was in her late teens early 20's. Either they controlled their hormones, or they kept it discreet.

We seem to be OK with treating our teenagers like horny livestock.
I find it amusing and a bit pathetic how some find the crime acceptable depending on who is doing who a female teacher having sex with underage boys acceptable a male teacher having sex with underage girls unacceptable. So what about a female teacher having sex with underage girls or a male one having sex with underage boys acceptable or unacceptable? Where is the line drawn on adults having sex with children?

Or even better make the perp a Catholic Priest and all of a sudden anti-catholic/religous people want to burn the whole structure down.

I admit the Church did this to themselves with the cover-up, but the lack of consistency here is quite telling.

In the case of the Church, it was adult priests having sex with boys who hadn't reached puberty yet.

Which is why a lot of us want to burn the thing down.

Actually it was mostly with boys in the middle of puberty. Pederasty, not pedophillia. The probable cause is likely that the priests went into the priesthood to cover their own homosexuality. Since they stopped their sexual maturation at puberty, that is where their attraction level was set at.

And the sex abuse case isn't the reason why you want to burn the whole thing down and you know it. Its just a convenient excuse for you to revel in your church hate.
I find it amusing and a bit pathetic how some find the crime acceptable depending on who is doing who a female teacher having sex with underage boys acceptable a male teacher having sex with underage girls unacceptable. So what about a female teacher having sex with underage girls or a male one having sex with underage boys acceptable or unacceptable? Where is the line drawn on adults having sex with children?

That is the line, regardless of the gender or orientation. Period !

The marriages were with the permission of the parents. That is different than some teacher banging a student on the sly. Considering most people died before 50, and you needed to have like 10 kids to assure 5 or so made it to adulthood, you had to start procreating early. The age difference is explained with the simple fact that an older man had a more stable livelihood, and was a more attractive mate than someone just starting out.

And there were plenty of marriages that happened when the woman was in her late teens early 20's. Either they controlled their hormones, or they kept it discreet.

We seem to be OK with treating our teenagers like horny livestock.

So what you've done there is say, "Well, it was okay that we did it that way in the past because of (whatever excuses you just inserted.)

I would say a 16 year old in 2013 has more knowledge about his or her sexuality than a teen in 1875 who got married off to an older man because he was willing to pay off her father's debts, which is the kind of thing that happened "back in the day" of the "morals" you wingnuts pine for.

More often, though, marriage followed pregnancy, and marriages were hastily arranged.

Now all that said, this teacher abused her position and should be fired, forthwith.

But lets not pretend that there is some "morality" we've lost or that these teenage boys are going to be "scarred for life".

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