Another female teacher caught having sex with children


I'd bang her ass like a screen door in a tornado :eusa_angel:

Van Halen - Hot For Teacher (HQ music video) - YouTube

How about knowing she prefers school kids to an old man such as yourself? Does that make you feel reall sexy too?

how would possibly know what she prefers??? im used but not used up :cool:

The marriages were with the permission of the parents. That is different than some teacher banging a student on the sly. Considering most people died before 50, and you needed to have like 10 kids to assure 5 or so made it to adulthood, you had to start procreating early. The age difference is explained with the simple fact that an older man had a more stable livelihood, and was a more attractive mate than someone just starting out.

And there were plenty of marriages that happened when the woman was in her late teens early 20's. Either they controlled their hormones, or they kept it discreet.

We seem to be OK with treating our teenagers like horny livestock.

So what you've done there is say, "Well, it was okay that we did it that way in the past because of (whatever excuses you just inserted.)

I would say a 16 year old in 2013 has more knowledge about his or her sexuality than a teen in 1875 who got married off to an older man because he was willing to pay off her father's debts, which is the kind of thing that happened "back in the day" of the "morals" you wingnuts pine for.

More often, though, marriage followed pregnancy, and marriages were hastily arranged.

Now all that said, this teacher abused her position and should be fired, forthwith.

But lets not pretend that there is some "morality" we've lost or that these teenage boys are going to be "scarred for life".

When my grandfather married my grandmother, he had no debts. In fact, what he did have 300 acres of prime farmland that was part of a land grant given generations before for service during the American Revolution. My great grandfather divided up his farm and parceled it out to his children as they married.

You are so damned stupid. It shows that you know nothing about class in the American society, because you are black and ghetto black is all you know. White girls were not 'married off' to pay off debts. In the moneyed class, just as it is today, each person entering into the marriage had to have something to bring to the marriage, not just the man. Clearly you don't know any people with money because it escapes you that even today a rich man will have fun wherever he wants, but he will only marry a rich woman.

Your posts reflect nothing but your hatred for whites. I wish staff would hold you and your ilk to the topic of the thread. Perhaps when others get as tired of your race bating as I am and demand they do that, they will.
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I don't know what fairy tale land people think existed in the past, but this sort of stuff isn't new:

"As a high school student — precocious, lonely, overweight — Newt secretly romanced his geometry teacher, a buxom, matronly woman named Jackie Battley. The furtive romance with his 24-year-old teacher included nighttime sessions in the back of a car in remote areas of Fort Benning, Ga."

Newt's glass house -

It wasn't pervasive in the public schools as it is today.
I get that a lot. :)

But criminalizing love (and lust,) making it worse legally than violent crimes is wrong. We're thus in effect condemning love and pleasure and encouraging violence. By condemning teens in puberty with their nutty hormones raging to a life of celibacy, or bad sex with their peers we're driving them insane.

I don't think school shootings and legal condemnation of sexuality are coincidental.

No. we are condemning adults victimizing children.
Hardly a week goes by that one of these teacher pedophiles doesn't get busted.

Tacoma high-school teacher charged with child rape

Tacoma high-school teacher charged with child rape | The Today File | Seattle Times

And the left wing union, the NEA, will defend her with all they've got!

What a lame ass lie.

Or, do you have PROOF they've defended pedophiles in the past?

Oh wait - that's the catholic church that defends and hides pedophiles. You got a problem with that?

[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]
Campbell Brown: Teachers unions are resisting efforts to keep sex offenders out of classrooms « The Greenroom

When a Michigan middle-school teacher was denied $10,000 in severance pay last month, the local teachers union filed a grievance against the school board on his behalf. Given the union’s mission to defend the rights of educators, this would appear to be routine. Not so fast: The teacher is a convicted sex offender. Neal Erickson was sentenced in July to a 15- to 30-year jail term after acknowledging that he had sexual relations with a male student beginning when the boy was 14 years old…The Erickson case isn’t unique. In August, a Maryland music teacher was arrested on child-pornography charges. Authorities subsequently discovered that his stash of 4,000 images included sexually suggestive photos and videos of 14 female students between kindergarten and second-grade ages. When the case became news, a woman who had been his student during the 1990s came forward and the teacher now faces additional charges of sex abuse and rape. One former colleague told reporters that she had twice reported his suspicious activity, including locking his classroom doors when he was alone with young girls. But nothing happened because “the administrators didn’t take it seriously enough,” she said…In 2010, the Government Accountability Office found “hundreds of potential cases of registered sex offenders working in schools” across the U.S. “Hundreds” is unacceptable. Even a small number of sex offenders can inflict damage far out of proportion to their numbers. The GAO cited studies in which 232 child molesters admitted to molesting 17,000 children.

In October, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives unanimously passed a piece of legislation introduced by a California Democrat that aims to close cracks in the bureaucratic system that sometimes allow convicted sex offenders to be hired in schools. Several influential unions — who often cite The Children to justify their political ends — weren’t happy with some of the law’s provisions:

Now shut the fuck up you stupid cow.
I get that a lot. :)

But criminalizing love (and lust,) making it worse legally than violent crimes is wrong. We're thus in effect condemning love and pleasure and encouraging violence. By condemning teens in puberty with their nutty hormones raging to a life of celibacy, or bad sex with their peers we're driving them insane.

I don't think school shootings and legal condemnation of sexuality are coincidental.

But adults with power initiating sex with their underage subordinates is wrong.

There I agree completely. Should keep laws against students and teachers 'hooking up' where the student is a subordinate of the teacher (yet not every student and teacher if not actually in the teacher's class like, or if at different schools, or over Summer breaks, etc.)

But it's junk science saying teens can't consent to sex when they can consent to numerous other things to say nothing of being charged as adults in serious crimes. Our laws relating to age are all over the place and need to be all the same age where consent, or being able to make "good decisions" come into play. Like driving. So we're trusting 16 year-olds to not play destruction derby, but (often) not to be able to consent to sex?

I'd be happy with any unified AoC of 16 since that's what it is in most of the rest of the world. And by the by, what the federal age is. What upsets me most is how it's so variable.

Actually it was mostly with boys in the middle of puberty. Pederasty, not pedophillia. The probable cause is likely that the priests went into the priesthood to cover their own homosexuality. Since they stopped their sexual maturation at puberty, that is where their attraction level was set at.

And the sex abuse case isn't the reason why you want to burn the whole thing down and you know it. Its just a convenient excuse for you to revel in your church hate.

No,, I want to burn the whole thing down because everyone involved knew what was going on and went along with it because God.

We all knew that the priests were queer when I was growing up. (Today they just enjoy being gay and don't join the priesthood, which is why we have less than 42K Catholic priests for the whole country.) And our parents were probably aware of it, too. But they went along with it because they were all afraid of the magic sky fairy.

Seriously, fuck these assholes.

We had zero priests in my parish with that issue (we did have one in the high school though). You are implying all priests have this issue, where the fact is it is a small minority.

Your hatred of religion and of those of a religious bent is sad.

The reason we have less priests is partly that, and partly our society rewards being a sexual asshole as opposed to reigning in your libedo.

Pedophile priests are not relevant in cases like this. Going to church is voluntary, and the decision of parents. Going to school is mandated by the state and parents have no choice in the matter. This is just a smoke screen put up by the pedophile sympathizers.
I get that a lot. :)

But criminalizing love (and lust,) making it worse legally than violent crimes is wrong. We're thus in effect condemning love and pleasure and encouraging violence. By condemning teens in puberty with their nutty hormones raging to a life of celibacy, or bad sex with their peers we're driving them insane.

I don't think school shootings and legal condemnation of sexuality are coincidental.

But adults with power initiating sex with their underage subordinates is wrong.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

This is about power and the misuse of it. We likely will never know who made the anonymous tip to the school board, but it could certainly have been one of the victims who was afraid to come forward openly.
We had zero priests in my parish with that issue (we did have one in the high school though). You are implying all priests have this issue, where the fact is it is a small minority.

Your hatred of religion and of those of a religious bent is sad.

The reason we have less priests is partly that, and partly our society rewards being a sexual asshole as opposed to reigning in your libedo.

And you know that you "had zero priests in my parish with that issue" because they announce it in the little church news thing the nuns run off on the mimeo every week?

Its this attitude that has made it so easy for them to get away with molesting little kids. The worst though is that stupid parents are so invested in their belief that there are "zero priests in [their] parish with that issue" they actually continue to take their kids to church and allow them to be alone with slimy priests.

I have a pretty good kid toucher radar, I knew the two assholes in scouts who were probably kid touchers, and kept our younger kids the hell away from them. Turns out both of them got pinched years later.

And keep brushing that wide brush of yours because you have a seperate axe to grind with the church. And keep defending school unions that defend the assholes in the schools who do this, because of course, it fits your political agenda.

Neddit and JoeB are disgusting. They strut out for the pedos every damned time.
I get that a lot. :)

But criminalizing love (and lust,) making it worse legally than violent crimes is wrong. We're thus in effect condemning love and pleasure and encouraging violence. By condemning teens in puberty with their nutty hormones raging to a life of celibacy, or bad sex with their peers we're driving them insane.

I don't think school shootings and legal condemnation of sexuality are coincidental.

But adults with power initiating sex with their underage subordinates is wrong.

There I agree completely. Should keep laws against students and teachers 'hooking up' where the student is a subordinate of the teacher (yet not every student and teacher if not actually in the teacher's class like, or if at different schools, or over Summer breaks, etc.)

But it's junk science saying teens can't consent to sex when they can consent to numerous other things to say nothing of being charged as adults in serious crimes. Our laws relating to age are all over the place and need to be all the same age where consent, or being able to make "good decisions" come into play. Like driving. So we're trusting 16 year-olds to not play destruction derby, but (often) not to be able to consent to sex?

I'd be happy with any unified AoC of 16 since that's what it is in most of the rest of the world. And by the by, what the federal age is. What upsets me most is how it's so variable.

Every student is a subordinate of every teacher in their school whether or not the student is in that person's class. Every teacher has power over every student. Now keep defending pedophile teachers.
But adults with power initiating sex with their underage subordinates is wrong.

There I agree completely. Should keep laws against students and teachers 'hooking up' where the student is a subordinate of the teacher (yet not every student and teacher if not actually in the teacher's class like, or if at different schools, or over Summer breaks, etc.)

But it's junk science saying teens can't consent to sex when they can consent to numerous other things to say nothing of being charged as adults in serious crimes. Our laws relating to age are all over the place and need to be all the same age where consent, or being able to make "good decisions" come into play. Like driving. So we're trusting 16 year-olds to not play destruction derby, but (often) not to be able to consent to sex?

I'd be happy with any unified AoC of 16 since that's what it is in most of the rest of the world. And by the by, what the federal age is. What upsets me most is how it's so variable.

Every student is a subordinate of every teacher in their school whether or not the student is in that person's class. Every teacher has power over every student. Now keep defending pedophile teachers.

This has nothing to do with pedophilia which clinically, and legally is for kids 12 and under. If you can't limit your points to the facts, at least check your emotionalisms at the door.
Someone please notify Silhouette that the Church of the Female Teacher is exploiting its access to underage students.

On the serious side, adult sexual assault on a minor is criminal, and in the case of mentors such as teachers the assault becomes perverse.

Female and male teaches should be held to the exact same standards.

Matters are better overall, I hope.

I witnessed a court-martial more than thirty years ago in which a Staff Sergeant (E-6) got a grand total of seven years in the army pen for sex with his 11-year old daughter and her 10-year old friend. He has been out on the streets for the last 23 years at least.

Throw the book at the teacher.

Did you see the movie The General's Daughter? It answers the question: What's worse than rape?

No, I have not.
Hardly a week goes by that one of these teacher pedophiles doesn't get busted.

Tacoma high-school teacher charged with child rape

A Tacoma high-school math teacher faces rape charges after allegedly engaging in sexual acts in her Lincoln High School classroom and sending explicit text messages to students.Meredith Claire Powell, 24, was charged Friday with two counts of third-degree rape of a child and one count of communication with a minor for immoral purposes, according to Pierce County Superior Court documents.In late January, Powell allegedly exchanged explicit text messages with two 15-year-old male students and engaged in sexual acts with both students in a classroom, according to charging documents.She also allegedly sent sexual text messages, including one containing her address, to a 17-year-old boy.Police say Powell wrote to the 17-year-old’s girlfriend apologizing for “promiscuous” and “unprofessional” comments and texts she had sent.Her trial is scheduled for April 24.
Tacoma high-school teacher charged with child rape | The Today File | Seattle Times

Text messages to young boys you are having sex with? The scarier part is mental midgets like this are allowed to teach our kids!
Someone please notify Silhouette that the Church of the Female Teacher is exploiting its access to underage students.

On the serious side, adult sexual assault on a minor is criminal, and in the case of mentors such as teachers the assault becomes perverse.

Female and male teaches should be held to the exact same standards.

Matters are better overall, I hope.

I witnessed a court-martial more than thirty years ago in which a Staff Sergeant (E-6) got a grand total of seven years in the army pen for sex with his 11-year old daughter and her 10-year old friend. He has been out on the streets for the last 23 years at least.

Throw the book at the teacher.

Did you see the movie The General's Daughter? It answers the question: What's worse than rape?

No, I have not.

Highly recommended. I won't post a spoiler.
There I agree completely. Should keep laws against students and teachers 'hooking up' where the student is a subordinate of the teacher (yet not every student and teacher if not actually in the teacher's class like, or if at different schools, or over Summer breaks, etc.)

But it's junk science saying teens can't consent to sex when they can consent to numerous other things to say nothing of being charged as adults in serious crimes. Our laws relating to age are all over the place and need to be all the same age where consent, or being able to make "good decisions" come into play. Like driving. So we're trusting 16 year-olds to not play destruction derby, but (often) not to be able to consent to sex?

I'd be happy with any unified AoC of 16 since that's what it is in most of the rest of the world. And by the by, what the federal age is. What upsets me most is how it's so variable.

Every student is a subordinate of every teacher in their school whether or not the student is in that person's class. Every teacher has power over every student. Now keep defending pedophile teachers.

This has nothing to do with pedophilia which clinically, and legally is for kids 12 and under. If you can't limit your points to the facts, at least check your emotionalisms at the door.

You might want to reread the law on that one.
Doing a 15 year old is still statutory rape when you are a 27 year old.

And yes, in the past blacks and women were treated as 2nd class (or 3rd class) citizens, but wanting to back to the interactive morals of an earlier age does not mean you have to regain ALL the trappings of the past. It would be nice to grab a few of the better moral standards from long ago and try to re-intergrate them into society, but for the moral nihlists that seem to set the standards of today, that would be abhorrent. (it would affect sales of their crap).

Guy, the problem is, when someone says that in the past we had "morals", but wants to pretend that Jim Crow and other abuses didn't exist...

They also like to pretend that back in the day, people didn't have abortions because abortions were performed in back allies rather than in a nice clean clinic that said "Women's Reproductive Center" on the sign.

Vices hidden are not morality, guy.

Now, going back to this argument, fact was, 16 year old girls were married off to older men as recently as the mid 19th century. in fact, the reason why you still had "Civil War Widows" late into the 20th century was because young girls were marrying old men to get their war pensions.

Then we decided that adulthood was 18 or 21 instead of 16 as it had traditionally been. Sadly, someone didn't share that memo with teenage hormones...

Most teens lose their virginity by 17.

Get your head our of your ass. This thread is NOT about race. It is about a teacher who fucked a student. You are so race addled, I don't see how you stumble through the day.

I am 66 years old. There were 3 girls in my class who got married in high school. They were all three pregnant and none of the fathers were teachers, they were other high school boys, who did the decent thing. But then decency is something you cannot fathom, so you have to veer 180 off topic and make the thread about race.

Sunshine is a 100% right. Five of the girls in my graduating year group (I went to school with the same group from 5th to graduation) became pregnant, none by teachers or other adults. I am year younger than Sunshine.

The issue is not race, Joe, it is adults preying on those who cannot give consent.

Delta4Embassy skirts too close to the line with his lame analysis.
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There are laws protecting people even adults anywhere where there is an equity in power. A child of 12-17 years is protected from people like Delta who would call rape, love or lust.


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