Another ”insurrection” at Capitol right now

I understand your confusion, you're apparently too damn stupid to comprehend what you read.

Another ”insurrection” at Capitol right now​

That is the topic, I asked if it was now an inconvenient word for you, and you come back with some bullshit about Trump, you truly are a confused individual. :dunno:
They gonna ride that Trump horse into the ground if at all possible.

What they can't figure out though, is just how strong he actually is, because they can't break him no matter what they've tried..
Abortion was never a constitutional right.

Stop the nonsense.
Sure it was. For over 50 years.

Want to know something else that a lot of people don't know? Roe v Wade was decided by a court that consists of 7 republican appointees and two Democrats ones...and one of the two Democrats voted against it.

Anyhow, yes abortion was a constitutional right.
Sure it was. For over 50 years.

Want to know something else that a lot of people don't know? Roe v Wade was decided by a court that consists of 7 republican appointees and two Democrats ones...and one of the two Democrats voted against it.

Anyhow, yes abortion was a constitutional right.
You might have read abortion was a constitutional right on the Joy Reid Clown Show but your claim is utter nonsense. Stop the nonsense.

You seem to be trying to float some conspiracy theory about the Supreme Court. Conspiracy theories aren’t arguments.
You might have read abortion was a constitutional right on the Joy Reid Clown Show but your claim is utter nonsense. Stop the nonsense.

Wow. You really are ignorant of civics.

I will give you a clue and see if you can figure it from there. If not I will be glad to explain it to you. Knowledge of the constitution is important for any patriotic citizen and hate to see you stumbling around making a fool of yourself in future threads.

Before the supreme court struck it down, you could find the constitutional right for abortion in the ninth amendment, between the right to travel and presumption of innocence.

You seem to be trying to float some conspiracy theory about the Supreme Court. Conspiracy theories aren’t arguments.
More education for you. You are welcome.

"Roe vs. Wadewas decided with a 7-2 vote, and not along partisan lines. Those who ruled in favor were as follows, with the president who nominated them and the party of that president indicated in parentheses:"

Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)
Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)
Warren Burger (Nixon, R)
William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)
Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)
Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)
William Douglas (FDR, D)
Those who dissented on Roe vs. Wade:

Byron White (Kennedy, D)
William Rehnquist (Nixon, R)

Wow. You really are ignorant of civics.

I will give you a clue and see if you can figure it from there. If not I will be glad to explain it to you. Knowledge of the constitution is important for any patriotic citizen and hate to see you stumbling around making a fool of yourself in future threads.

Before the supreme court struck it down, you could find the constitutional right for abortion in the ninth amendment, between the right to travel and presumption of innocence.
Wow. You really are ignorant of civics.

I will give you a clue and see if you can figure it from there. If not I will be glad to explain it to you. Knowledge of the constitution is important for any patriotic citizen and hate to see you stumbling around making a fool of yourself in future threads.

Before the supreme court struck it down, you could find the constitutional right for abortion in the ninth amendment, between the right to travel and presumption of innocence.

More education for you. You are welcome.

"Roe vs. Wadewas decided with a 7-2 vote, and not along partisan lines. Those who ruled in favor were as follows, with the president who nominated them and the party of that president indicated in parentheses:"

Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)
Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)
Warren Burger (Nixon, R)
William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)
Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)
Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)
William Douglas (FDR, D)
Those who dissented on Roe vs. Wade:

Byron White (Kennedy, D)
William Rehnquist (Nixon, R)

That’s hilarious. Cite the specific language you claim is in the Constitution making abortion a constitutional right.

Stop your nonsense. Your claim is beyond ridiculous.
Showing a video isn't the same as chanting white power. As I said all you have is you're delusional point of view
She is busted, but isn't it interesting how they can attempt to twist and spin their way out of their bull shite once they are cornered ? That's something to watch for sure, and they are damned good at it even though a blind man can instantly see what it is that they try to do. 😂
That’s hilarious. Cite the specific language you claim is in the Constitution making abortion a constitutional right.

Stop your nonsense. Your claim is beyond ridiculous.
Sigh. The right to abortion was decided by SCOTUS under the authority of the ninth amendment. Rights secured by the ninth amendment are what are referred to as unenumerated rights, essentially rights not specifically spelled out in the constitution.

Typically unenumerated rights are decided based on interpretation of other amendments and outside sources like the federalist papers.

Many constitutional rights we enjoy are a result of SCOTUS decisions based on the 9th amendment, including the already mentioned presumption of innocence, the right to marriage and the right to travel...none of which are specifically mentioned in the constitution, yet are still constitutional rights.

This amendment came about and was spearheaded by James Madison who in doing so, could very well have saved the bill of rights because the federalists and anti federalists couldn't come to an agreement on the submission of the bill of rights or even if it should be part of constitution.

Here is James Madison himself arguing for the inclusion of the 9th amendment...

"It has been objected also against a bill of rights, that, by enumerating particular exceptions to the grant of power, it would disparage those rights which were not placed in that enumeration; and it might follow by implication, that those rights which were not singled out, were intended to be assigned into the hands of the General Government, and were consequently insecure. This is one of the most plausible arguments I have ever heard urged against the admission of a bill of rights into this system; but, I conceive, that it may be guarded against. I have attempted it, as gentlemen may see by turning to the last clause of the fourth resolution [the Ninth Amendment]."

Granted, unenumerated rights don't enjoy the same legal protections then enumerated rights since unenumerated rights can be overruled by the SCOTUS.

Regardless, while active, they have the same power of the constitution behind them that enumerated rights do.

Why do you think red states pushing abortion laws that pay outside those positioned by the 1973 ruling were struck down time and time again...until SCOTUS reversed their decision?

If for some reason you disagree with what I posted, I hope you show your work instead of just accusations and ad hominem.

Sigh. The right to abortion was decided by SCOTUS under the authority of the ninth amendment. Rights secured by the ninth amendment are what are referred to as unenumerated rights, essentially rights not specifically spelled out in the constitution.

Typically unenumerated rights are decided based on interpretation of other amendments and outside sources like the federalist papers.

Many constitutional rights we enjoy are a result of SCOTUS decisions based on the 9th amendment, including the already mentioned presumption of innocence, the right to marriage and the right to travel...none of which are specifically mentioned in the constitution, yet are still constitutional rights.

This amendment came about and was spearheaded by James Madison who in doing so, could very well have saved the bill of rights because the federalists and anti federalists couldn't come to an agreement on the submission of the bill of rights or even if it should be part of constitution.

Here is James Madison himself arguing for the inclusion of the 9th amendment...

"It has been objected also against a bill of rights, that, by enumerating particular exceptions to the grant of power, it would disparage those rights which were not placed in that enumeration; and it might follow by implication, that those rights which were not singled out, were intended to be assigned into the hands of the General Government, and were consequently insecure. This is one of the most plausible arguments I have ever heard urged against the admission of a bill of rights into this system; but, I conceive, that it may be guarded against. I have attempted it, as gentlemen may see by turning to the last clause of the fourth resolution [the Ninth Amendment]."

Granted, unenumerated rights don't enjoy the same legal protections then enumerated rights since unenumerated rights can be overruled by the SCOTUS.

Regardless, while active, they have the same power of the constitution behind them that enumerated rights do.

Why do you think red states pushing abortion laws that pay outside those positioned by the 1973 ruling were struck down time and time again...until SCOTUS reversed their decision?

If for some reason you disagree with what I posted, I hope you show your work instead of just accusations and ad hominem.
Sigh. That long copy and paste was a waste of bandwidth.

Cite the specific language you claim is in the Constitution making abortion a constitutional right.
Sigh. That long copy and paste was a waste of bandwidth.

The only thing I copy pasted was the quote from Madison.

Wow. I am flattered. You must have really been impressed with my explanation to think I copy pasted it from some site.

Thank you form that.

Cite the specific language you claim is in the Constitution making abortion a constitutional right.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

People aren’t allowed to take over the offices of the speaker, you idiot.

Nobody's arguing that they are -- oh wait, MAGAs did. And still do.

Why do you traitors insist on trying to label the rest of us traitors?

I'm not into labeling people traitors unless they really intended to betray the country. I don't necessarily see the MAGA mob as traitors. I see them as one giant mass of adult toddlers who need a timeout - in prison.
The only thing I copy pasted was the quote from Madison.

Wow. I am flattered. You must have really been impressed with my explanation to think I copy pasted it from some site.

Thank you form that.


"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Copying and pasting as you do is an obvious deflection.

Cite the specific language you claim is in the Constitution making abortion a constitutional right.
Copying and pasting as you do is an obvious deflection.

I don't. Why do you lie?

Cite the specific language you claim is in the Constitution making abortion a constitutional right.
I already did.

Even after all that education you still can't understand it?

It's right there in the ninth amendment. I already told you about enumerated and unenumerated rights.

Is it really your contention that the right to travel, the right to marriage and presumption of innocence are not constitutional rights and that the government could revoke them whenever they wanted? Are you pro fascism or what?

What do you think the entire overturning roe v Wade was about anyhow? If abortion wasn't a constitutional right, then what the heck did SCOTUS overturn and why did they need to? States could have banned abortion whenever they want based on your logic.

I suspect you aren't approaching this discussion with any kind of objectivity. Can you?
I don't. Why do you lie?

I already did.

Even after all that education you still can't understand it?

It's right there in the ninth amendment. I already told you about enumerated and unenumerated rights.

Is it really your contention that the right to travel, the right to marriage and presumption of innocence are not constitutional rights and that the government could revoke them whenever they wanted? Are you pro fascism or what?

What do you think the entire overturning roe v Wade was about anyhow? If abortion wasn't a constitutional right, then what the heck did SCOTUS overturn and why did they need to? States could have banned abortion whenever they want based on your logic.

I suspect you aren't approaching this discussion with any kind of objectivity. Can you?
After all that copy and pasting, sidestepping and deflecting….

Cite the specific language you claim is in the Constitution making abortion a constitutional right.

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