Another ”insurrection” at Capitol right now

So you don't have a source where said white power? All you have is your delusional point of view
I gave you the link and even gave you a good starting post via post number so you can understand the context of my statement.

Stop being lazy. I'm not going to keep holding your hand.
I gave you the link and even gave you a good starting post via post number so you can understand the context of my statement.

Stop being lazy. I'm not going to keep holding your hand.
You gave me a link to a thread from this board. Still waiting for a source where Trump chanted white power
Trump has never chanted white power. Their that's my work
Yes but he posted a video of someone doing so and struth has informed me that if you post a video on your social media, you own the words as your own...which is why he stated AOC didn't believe in inflation even though AOC didn't say that...but a video she posted did.

Seriously, if you just read from post 52 and the subsequent 10 or so posts you would know this.

I have been more then patient so please refer to those posts for any further questions.

Good luck!
Yes but he posted a video of someone doing so and struth has informed me that if you post a video on your social media, you own the words as your own...which is why he stated AOC didn't believe in inflation even though AOC didn't say that...but a video she posted did.

Seriously, if you just read from post 52 and the subsequent 10 or so posts you would know this.

I have been more then patient so please refer to those posts for any further questions.

Good luck!
Showing a video isn't the same as chanting white power. As I said all you have is you're delusional point of view
No more or less then Repubs...but probably more. Trickle down or supply side economics is a farse.

It wasn't a wrong decision in my opinion and justifying revocation of 50 years of constitutional precedent under the guise of an opinion is pretty weak.

States already had a lot of leeway as to when the cutoff for abortion was anyway.

Yeah. Remember Helsinki?

Yes. In particular over 2nd amendment issues and their stance regulations.
That right there exposes you for the partisan you are. :dunno:
Very true, but they've completely lost their minds when it comes to Trump.
They lost whatever sphincter functioned as a "mind" back when Bush beat that climate con artist in 2000. Since then they have been openly anti-patriotic, deliberately destructive and totally incorrigible. It is a crime against civilization that these malignant vermin are loose among the population.

After Trump beat that sociopath hag hitlary ( I still love saying that... Trump beat that sociopath hag hitlary🥰😄😍😁) they have pretty much declared war against the COTUS and the Republic we love.
And if it is covered by the MSM at all it will be covered as the Speaker is protested by angry Americans or protesters demanding their rights or some such. It won't be covered as a disruptive mob attacking the Speaker or anything sinister in any way.
Because that would be the truth.
Trump is responsible and owns all the words in videos posted on his accounts.

Try to keep up.
Ironic you only hold Trump accountable for the actions of others but don't hold democrats accountable for their own words and actions

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