Another Joe Biden whopper: Claims his uncle was eaten by cannibals.

The left will literally say anything.

Of course he could have just turned himself in prior to an indictment.
I guess that’s what postman means. As soon as Trump heard that Bragg was looking for something to charge him with, Trump should have volunteered to plead guilty to anything that Bragg came up with.

Then it would be over!
WTF? The guy has completely lost it. Told this proven lie twice.
Please xplain how anyone could vote for this guy to be President for four more years.

Was it his uncle or his big brother, first cousin? Who knows in that white trash family?
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This might be my favorite one. :laughing0301:

I got news for Joe, cannibals still live in Papua New Guinea.


Biden makes fun of cannibals for who they are. You dont choose who is delicious to eat!

Sure his uncle could have been eaten by cannibals, or died in the crash.

High School football stories from Joe, that is what I want.
The other white meat. It’s what’s for dinner.

Something else, however, is eating Potato’s brain.
WTF? The guy has completely lost it. Told this proven lie twice.
Please xplain how anyone could vote for this guy to be President for four more years.

Can you imagine people supporting this lunatic having the nuclear launch codes?

Thankfully, the Intel Agencies know that he’s a Body Double and therefore not authorized to have them
WTF? The guy has completely lost it. Told this proven lie twice.
Please xplain how anyone could vote for this guy to be President for four more years.

Speaking as a leftist he has my support. The depths of our dumbing down equals that of a black hole's bottom end, as we all have our heads up the democrack's collective ass pleasing global communists.

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