Another Lie About Trump by the Liberal Media. This One is Seriously Deplorable!

Do you mean like "lyin' Ted" or "little Marco."
6. Employ misdirection
do you mean like lying about being wiretapped?
6. Employ misdirection
3. Ignore any facts presented.
indeed. However, you have posted no facts. Links to media web pages are highly suspect. Or, are you one of these who believe whatever you see on the news is etched in stone?
What "facts" have you shown that prove that this article is a lie? Got anything at all? :dunno:
It is entertaining to watch the Trumpettes to flock to protect their orange buddy. Trump is obvious not very well educated. Daddy bought him a worthless degree & handed him billions. Trump knows nothing about anything except how to buy & sell real estate & fuck his contractors & partners out of money. Just like he is fucking over this country to line his own pockets. And the Trumpettes don't care.
Trump flipped 200 counties Obama won twice.

Accept reality, lefties.....America rejected Obama's failed policies.

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