Another lie debunked-Africans did nothing before the white man

Youre delusional old tymer. Not all Asians have epicanthic folds just like not all Africans have an epicanthic fold. I just presented you the proof.

Very few Africans do. That's the point.
You said the trait didnt exist on the African continent. That was the point.
You also all Asians have an epicanthic fold and you were wrong about that as well. Thats another point.

You claim that Africa is the source of everything. Epicanthal folds did not originate in Africa. They originated in Asia and were INTRODUCED into Africa by Chinese traders 2000 years ago.

That is the point.
Wrong again old tymer. Thats the whiteness in you. I never made that claim and no it didnt originate in Asia if Africans have it. As i stated before the San are about as far away from Asians genetically as one can get. How do you explain the San having the epicanthic fold if they have no Asian DNA?
Adaptive mutation.
Basically, but West seems to think he is more knowledgeable than the people that study genetics.
That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.

Whitey hasn't been meddling in Africa for two generations. Anything that your black leaders are doing is on them. Get it through your thick skull that whitey is not the cause of the problems now.

It is you.

You're wrong. Just understand that. You been radicalized into whiteys worldwide denial program. Things just don't magically disappear son. When you create divisions, which is what whitey did in order to colonize, you create generations of anger and mistrust. The killing of Democratically elected Lumumba created instability that continues to this very moment. So instead of injecting your dumb ass opinion, try doing some reading about these countries.

No, I am not. I have had to deal with corruption in Africa for decades. I wasn't paying off white dudes, I was paying off black dudes. I have paid tens of thousands of dollars to greedy fuckers who demanded I pay them for the privilege of cleaning up the environmental messes that they made!

When Chernobyl happened I knew a scumbag commodities broker who bought radiated milk to sell the Ethiopia and Eritrea because he figured they wouldn't be able to tell.

They were though, and he crowed about how instead of being arrested and jailed he was able to bribe a few more people and the sale was allowed to continue.

Black people poisoning black people for money.

Just like any other scumbag the world over.
Here's what you are not getting--the system of corrupting..has been in place for a very long time now...and it came to be for the colonial powers benefit. We liked it that way..and it grew..roots--deep into the culture. Beginnings have consequences...and long after the robber's children's children's children came to feel guilt and practice checkbook philanthropy with the profits of their generational thefts--the system remains.

Here's what YOU are not getting. The days of whitey doing the exploitation are long gone. Blacks are doing it now, and have been for two generations, completely on their own.

If any one of the bastards was as enlightened as asslips and im2 claim, those leaders would invest in their population to get them educated and producing wealth of their own, instead of merely accepting the bribes they are given.

At some point they are going to have to take responsibility for themselves.

Until then they are little more than children getting their allowance from dad.
Whitey hasn't been meddling in Africa for two generations. Anything that your black leaders are doing is on them. Get it through your thick skull that whitey is not the cause of the problems now.

It is you.

You're wrong. Just understand that. You been radicalized into whiteys worldwide denial program. Things just don't magically disappear son. When you create divisions, which is what whitey did in order to colonize, you create generations of anger and mistrust. The killing of Democratically elected Lumumba created instability that continues to this very moment. So instead of injecting your dumb ass opinion, try doing some reading about these countries.

No, I am not. I have had to deal with corruption in Africa for decades. I wasn't paying off white dudes, I was paying off black dudes. I have paid tens of thousands of dollars to greedy fuckers who demanded I pay them for the privilege of cleaning up the environmental messes that they made!

When Chernobyl happened I knew a scumbag commodities broker who bought radiated milk to sell the Ethiopia and Eritrea because he figured they wouldn't be able to tell.

They were though, and he crowed about how instead of being arrested and jailed he was able to bribe a few more people and the sale was allowed to continue.

Black people poisoning black people for money.

Just like any other scumbag the world over.

Why was your white company in Africa paying off people?
Because negros are easy to manipulate...
Children and women have to manipulate out of necessity. That speaks to the inherent weakness of white males.

Naw..people is people..and hungry people...are easy to manipulate.
Youre delusional old tymer. Not all Asians have epicanthic folds just like not all Africans have an epicanthic fold. I just presented you the proof.

Very few Africans do. That's the point.
You said the trait didnt exist on the African continent. That was the point.
You also all Asians have an epicanthic fold and you were wrong about that as well. Thats another point.

You claim that Africa is the source of everything. Epicanthal folds did not originate in Africa. They originated in Asia and were INTRODUCED into Africa by Chinese traders 2000 years ago.

That is the point.
Wrong again old tymer. Thats the whiteness in you. I never made that claim and no it didnt originate in Asia if Africans have it. As i stated before the San are about as far away from Asians genetically as one can get. How do you explain the San having the epicanthic fold if they have no Asian DNA?
Adaptive mutation.

Perfectly understandable when there is a need. There is none in Africa. Geneticists have no clue why a few tribes have them.

Until you look at a map.
You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.

Whitey hasn't been meddling in Africa for two generations. Anything that your black leaders are doing is on them. Get it through your thick skull that whitey is not the cause of the problems now.

It is you.

You're wrong. Just understand that. You been radicalized into whiteys worldwide denial program. Things just don't magically disappear son. When you create divisions, which is what whitey did in order to colonize, you create generations of anger and mistrust. The killing of Democratically elected Lumumba created instability that continues to this very moment. So instead of injecting your dumb ass opinion, try doing some reading about these countries.

No, I am not. I have had to deal with corruption in Africa for decades. I wasn't paying off white dudes, I was paying off black dudes. I have paid tens of thousands of dollars to greedy fuckers who demanded I pay them for the privilege of cleaning up the environmental messes that they made!

When Chernobyl happened I knew a scumbag commodities broker who bought radiated milk to sell the Ethiopia and Eritrea because he figured they wouldn't be able to tell.

They were though, and he crowed about how instead of being arrested and jailed he was able to bribe a few more people and the sale was allowed to continue.

Black people poisoning black people for money.

Just like any other scumbag the world over.
Here's what you are not getting--the system of corrupting..has been in place for a very long time now...and it came to be for the colonial powers benefit. We liked it that way..and it grew..roots--deep into the culture. Beginnings have consequences...and long after the robber's children's children's children came to feel guilt and practice checkbook philanthropy with the profits of their generational thefts--the system remains.

Here's what YOU are not getting. The days of whitey doing the exploitation are long gone. Blacks are doing it now, and have been for two generations, completely on their own.

If any one of the bastards was as enlightened as asslips and im2 claim, those leaders would invest in their population to get them educated and producing wealth of their own, instead of merely accepting the bribes they are given.

At some point they are going to have to take responsibility for themselves.

Until then they are little more than children getting their allowance from dad.
At least 400 years of multi generational brainwashing needs to be undone. If our leaders were not consistently killed by whites we would be well on our way. As it is Blacks are beginning to wake up. This is what is frightening you.
Very few Africans do. That's the point.
You said the trait didnt exist on the African continent. That was the point.
You also all Asians have an epicanthic fold and you were wrong about that as well. Thats another point.

You claim that Africa is the source of everything. Epicanthal folds did not originate in Africa. They originated in Asia and were INTRODUCED into Africa by Chinese traders 2000 years ago.

That is the point.
Wrong again old tymer. Thats the whiteness in you. I never made that claim and no it didnt originate in Asia if Africans have it. As i stated before the San are about as far away from Asians genetically as one can get. How do you explain the San having the epicanthic fold if they have no Asian DNA?
Adaptive mutation.

Perfectly understandable when there is a need. There is none in Africa. Geneticists have no clue why a few tribes have them.

Until you look at a map.
There is need dummy. There are deserts in Africa. I even linked the medical journal that points this out.
You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.

Whitey hasn't been meddling in Africa for two generations. Anything that your black leaders are doing is on them. Get it through your thick skull that whitey is not the cause of the problems now.

It is you.

You're wrong. Just understand that. You been radicalized into whiteys worldwide denial program. Things just don't magically disappear son. When you create divisions, which is what whitey did in order to colonize, you create generations of anger and mistrust. The killing of Democratically elected Lumumba created instability that continues to this very moment. So instead of injecting your dumb ass opinion, try doing some reading about these countries.

No, I am not. I have had to deal with corruption in Africa for decades. I wasn't paying off white dudes, I was paying off black dudes. I have paid tens of thousands of dollars to greedy fuckers who demanded I pay them for the privilege of cleaning up the environmental messes that they made!

When Chernobyl happened I knew a scumbag commodities broker who bought radiated milk to sell the Ethiopia and Eritrea because he figured they wouldn't be able to tell.

They were though, and he crowed about how instead of being arrested and jailed he was able to bribe a few more people and the sale was allowed to continue.

Black people poisoning black people for money.

Just like any other scumbag the world over.
Here's what you are not getting--the system of corrupting..has been in place for a very long time now...and it came to be for the colonial powers benefit. We liked it that way..and it grew..roots--deep into the culture. Beginnings have consequences...and long after the robber's children's children's children came to feel guilt and practice checkbook philanthropy with the profits of their generational thefts--the system remains.

Here's what YOU are not getting. The days of whitey doing the exploitation are long gone. Blacks are doing it now, and have been for two generations, completely on their own.

If any one of the bastards was as enlightened as asslips and im2 claim, those leaders would invest in their population to get them educated and producing wealth of their own, instead of merely accepting the bribes they are given.

At some point they are going to have to take responsibility for themselves.

Until then they are little more than children getting their allowance from dad.
We are still diddling Africa to this day..was not your company there? Our govt.s see both resource and strategic interest....Africa is still in play..geopolitically. Believe that. As for the corruption..just two words for you...cultural inertia. Look it up..think about's a real thing. Those who try to reform in Africa get co-opted..or they get dead.
Whitey hasn't been meddling in Africa for two generations. Anything that your black leaders are doing is on them. Get it through your thick skull that whitey is not the cause of the problems now.

It is you.

You're wrong. Just understand that. You been radicalized into whiteys worldwide denial program. Things just don't magically disappear son. When you create divisions, which is what whitey did in order to colonize, you create generations of anger and mistrust. The killing of Democratically elected Lumumba created instability that continues to this very moment. So instead of injecting your dumb ass opinion, try doing some reading about these countries.

No, I am not. I have had to deal with corruption in Africa for decades. I wasn't paying off white dudes, I was paying off black dudes. I have paid tens of thousands of dollars to greedy fuckers who demanded I pay them for the privilege of cleaning up the environmental messes that they made!

When Chernobyl happened I knew a scumbag commodities broker who bought radiated milk to sell the Ethiopia and Eritrea because he figured they wouldn't be able to tell.

They were though, and he crowed about how instead of being arrested and jailed he was able to bribe a few more people and the sale was allowed to continue.

Black people poisoning black people for money.

Just like any other scumbag the world over.
Here's what you are not getting--the system of corrupting..has been in place for a very long time now...and it came to be for the colonial powers benefit. We liked it that way..and it grew..roots--deep into the culture. Beginnings have consequences...and long after the robber's children's children's children came to feel guilt and practice checkbook philanthropy with the profits of their generational thefts--the system remains.

Here's what YOU are not getting. The days of whitey doing the exploitation are long gone. Blacks are doing it now, and have been for two generations, completely on their own.

If any one of the bastards was as enlightened as asslips and im2 claim, those leaders would invest in their population to get them educated and producing wealth of their own, instead of merely accepting the bribes they are given.

At some point they are going to have to take responsibility for themselves.

Until then they are little more than children getting their allowance from dad.
At least 400 years of of generational brainwashing needs to be undone. If our leaders were not consistently killed by whites we would be well on our way. As it is Blacks are beginning to wake up. This is what is frightening you.

I'm not frightened, dumb shit. I want the blacks to succeed. It is essential to mankind's survival that ALL races do well.

Only a fool, like you, doesn't understand that.
You're wrong. Just understand that. You been radicalized into whiteys worldwide denial program. Things just don't magically disappear son. When you create divisions, which is what whitey did in order to colonize, you create generations of anger and mistrust. The killing of Democratically elected Lumumba created instability that continues to this very moment. So instead of injecting your dumb ass opinion, try doing some reading about these countries.

No, I am not. I have had to deal with corruption in Africa for decades. I wasn't paying off white dudes, I was paying off black dudes. I have paid tens of thousands of dollars to greedy fuckers who demanded I pay them for the privilege of cleaning up the environmental messes that they made!

When Chernobyl happened I knew a scumbag commodities broker who bought radiated milk to sell the Ethiopia and Eritrea because he figured they wouldn't be able to tell.

They were though, and he crowed about how instead of being arrested and jailed he was able to bribe a few more people and the sale was allowed to continue.

Black people poisoning black people for money.

Just like any other scumbag the world over.
Here's what you are not getting--the system of corrupting..has been in place for a very long time now...and it came to be for the colonial powers benefit. We liked it that way..and it grew..roots--deep into the culture. Beginnings have consequences...and long after the robber's children's children's children came to feel guilt and practice checkbook philanthropy with the profits of their generational thefts--the system remains.

Here's what YOU are not getting. The days of whitey doing the exploitation are long gone. Blacks are doing it now, and have been for two generations, completely on their own.

If any one of the bastards was as enlightened as asslips and im2 claim, those leaders would invest in their population to get them educated and producing wealth of their own, instead of merely accepting the bribes they are given.

At some point they are going to have to take responsibility for themselves.

Until then they are little more than children getting their allowance from dad.
At least 400 years of of generational brainwashing needs to be undone. If our leaders were not consistently killed by whites we would be well on our way. As it is Blacks are beginning to wake up. This is what is frightening you.

I'm not frightened, dumb shit. I want the blacks to succeed. It is essential to mankind's survival that ALL races do well.

Only a fool, like you, doesn't understand that.
"I want the blacks to succeed."

Thats a hoot. Here you are denying factual history that is waking up Blacks but you claim to want Blacks to succeed? I understand you are like a lot of whites that talk out their ass on one hand but show their true colors when something hits their limbic system.
Whitey hasn't been meddling in Africa for two generations. Anything that your black leaders are doing is on them. Get it through your thick skull that whitey is not the cause of the problems now.

It is you.

You're wrong. Just understand that. You been radicalized into whiteys worldwide denial program. Things just don't magically disappear son. When you create divisions, which is what whitey did in order to colonize, you create generations of anger and mistrust. The killing of Democratically elected Lumumba created instability that continues to this very moment. So instead of injecting your dumb ass opinion, try doing some reading about these countries.

No, I am not. I have had to deal with corruption in Africa for decades. I wasn't paying off white dudes, I was paying off black dudes. I have paid tens of thousands of dollars to greedy fuckers who demanded I pay them for the privilege of cleaning up the environmental messes that they made!

When Chernobyl happened I knew a scumbag commodities broker who bought radiated milk to sell the Ethiopia and Eritrea because he figured they wouldn't be able to tell.

They were though, and he crowed about how instead of being arrested and jailed he was able to bribe a few more people and the sale was allowed to continue.

Black people poisoning black people for money.

Just like any other scumbag the world over.
Here's what you are not getting--the system of corrupting..has been in place for a very long time now...and it came to be for the colonial powers benefit. We liked it that way..and it grew..roots--deep into the culture. Beginnings have consequences...and long after the robber's children's children's children came to feel guilt and practice checkbook philanthropy with the profits of their generational thefts--the system remains.

Here's what YOU are not getting. The days of whitey doing the exploitation are long gone. Blacks are doing it now, and have been for two generations, completely on their own.

If any one of the bastards was as enlightened as asslips and im2 claim, those leaders would invest in their population to get them educated and producing wealth of their own, instead of merely accepting the bribes they are given.

At some point they are going to have to take responsibility for themselves.

Until then they are little more than children getting their allowance from dad.
We are still diddling Africa to this day..was not your company there? Our govt.s see both resource and strategic interest....Africa is still in play..geopolitically. Believe that. As for the corruption..just two words for you...cultural inertia. Look it up..think about's a real thing. Those who try to reform in Africa get co-opted..or they get dead.

Yes, my company was there. Cleaning up environmental catastrophes that blacks, and whites, had caused.

China is the new big player and they are there to stay. Expect entire countries to be ethnically cleansed and in a century they will only be populated by Chinese.

I have seen their handiwork up close and personal. They make Soros (who used to be the worst offender in Africa) look like piker.
Undoubtedly true...We used Africa like a disposable brute force first...and then by trickery..both economic and covert. This is plain fact and beyond any reasonable dispute. Not that we..America..were the only ones..or the first--all of Europe got a piece of Africa--but we're the only ones that prattled about the Rights of Man..while enslaving our fellow men and women. Both literally..and then economically. We seduced corruption..and when that didn't work..we suborned bloody support our corrupt proxies.
Now..the argument can be made that a country..benefited from this..and we did. But let's not get it twisted..we were not the good guys...and all the Foreign Aid...and fine talk--can not make up for the 100's of years of intentional misuse.

Our wealth as a nation rests upon the poverty of many others. That's a fact. I'd not change it, at this point..I like my lifestyle---but I'm not blind to how it all came to be..and I feel no need to make up a narrative of inferiority of the races just to justify the thefts of my ancestors.
Sub-Saharan Africa is a huge region largely bereft of natural resources and intelligent or organized people. In other words, a shithole.

Historically, it's only significant resource was slaves from whose sale some Africans prospered. The world has changed and today there is little demand for them.

That's life.

Actually, Africa has huge mineral wealth. Currently the Chinese are exploiting it.
We get that, but it is a huge region and more importantly, the native population has no ability to exploit it.
Cut the racist b*******. Have an agronomist explain it to you....
An agronomist for mineral extraction. Are you black too?

Don't use words you don't understand.
I was on the farming argument.....
No, I am not. I have had to deal with corruption in Africa for decades. I wasn't paying off white dudes, I was paying off black dudes. I have paid tens of thousands of dollars to greedy fuckers who demanded I pay them for the privilege of cleaning up the environmental messes that they made!

When Chernobyl happened I knew a scumbag commodities broker who bought radiated milk to sell the Ethiopia and Eritrea because he figured they wouldn't be able to tell.

They were though, and he crowed about how instead of being arrested and jailed he was able to bribe a few more people and the sale was allowed to continue.

Black people poisoning black people for money.

Just like any other scumbag the world over.
Here's what you are not getting--the system of corrupting..has been in place for a very long time now...and it came to be for the colonial powers benefit. We liked it that way..and it grew..roots--deep into the culture. Beginnings have consequences...and long after the robber's children's children's children came to feel guilt and practice checkbook philanthropy with the profits of their generational thefts--the system remains.

Here's what YOU are not getting. The days of whitey doing the exploitation are long gone. Blacks are doing it now, and have been for two generations, completely on their own.

If any one of the bastards was as enlightened as asslips and im2 claim, those leaders would invest in their population to get them educated and producing wealth of their own, instead of merely accepting the bribes they are given.

At some point they are going to have to take responsibility for themselves.

Until then they are little more than children getting their allowance from dad.
At least 400 years of of generational brainwashing needs to be undone. If our leaders were not consistently killed by whites we would be well on our way. As it is Blacks are beginning to wake up. This is what is frightening you.

I'm not frightened, dumb shit. I want the blacks to succeed. It is essential to mankind's survival that ALL races do well.

Only a fool, like you, doesn't understand that.
"I want the blacks to succeed."

Thats a hoot. Here you are denying factual history that is waking up Blacks but you claim to want Blacks to succeed? I understand you are like a lot of whites that talk out their ass on one hand but show their true colors when something hits their limbic system.

You have no factual history. You trot out fantasy and claim it is real. You claim Greeks are black. You claim Egyptians and phoenicians were black. They weren't. They were semitic. Not white, not black.

You are so insecure that you hijack everything you see and claim it is yours.
So let's review.

The white man came to Africa as missionaries and explorers but were soon sitting on a table dividing Africa amongst themselves. Here's a peep into how Europeans looted Africa of it wealth and sovereignty...


Effects of colonialism on Africa's past and present
Motsoko Pheko
May 31, 2012


Africa was destroyed by imperialist Europe and is still being destroyed by Europe. Up to the 14th century A.D. Africa was ahead of Europe or on par with Europe militarily. The Romans used spears and we used spears in war. That famous Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar in adoration and admiration of the advanced Africa exclaimed, “ex Africa semper aliquid novi!” (Out of Africa always something new!)

Earlier educated Greeks received their education in Africa, to be precise in Mizraim (ancient Egypt). This is corroborated by “the father of European history,” Herodotus himself. He is supported by other ancient historians such as Diodorus.

Prof. Walter Rodney shows how Europe destroyed Africa. This is in his book ‘How Europe Underdeveloped Africa’. This is a mentally decolonising book every African must read because Africans tend to treat Europe and its satellites as demigods. Indeed, when an African fears a creature like him just because he has a different skin colour, he or she offends God. He or she indulges in idolatry which is the worship of a false god.

Africa has suffered the worst genocide and holocaust at the hands of the architects of slavery and colonialism. What is called “European Renaissance” was the worst darkness for Africa’s people. Armed with the technology of the gun and the compass it copied from China, Europe became a menace for Africa against her spears. So-called “civilised” Europe also claiming to be “Christian” came up with the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. There was massive loss of African population and skills. Some historians have estimated that the Gold Coast (today’s Ghana) alone, lost 5OOO to 6OOO of its people to slavery every year for four hundred years.

Prof. Walter Rodney asks a pertinent question: “What would have been Britain’s level of development had millions of her people been put to work as slaves out of their country over a period of four centuries?”

As if slavery had not already done enough damage to Africa’s people, European leaders met in Germany from December 1884 to February 1885 at the imperialist Berlin Conference. The Belgian King Leopold stated the purpose of the Berlin Conference as “How we should divide among ourselves this magnificent African cake.”

Africa was thus plunged into another human tragedy. Through the Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885, the European imperialists sliced Africa into “Portuguese Africa”, “British Africa”, “German Africa”, “Italian Africa,” “Spanish Africa”, “French Africa” and “Belgian Africa.” There was no Africa left for Africans except Ethiopia, encircled by paupers of land dispossessed people who were now the reservoir of cheap native labour for their dispossessors.

Somalia, a tiny African country, had the misfortune of becoming “British Somaliland”, “Italian Somaliland”, and “French Somaliland.” Colonial brutality on the colonised Africans knew no bounds. Here are a few examples of atrocities committed against Africans by colonialists. A British philosopher, Betrand Russell wrote about some of these colonial atrocities perpetrated by Belgium in the Congo in the name of “Western Christian Civilisation.” Russell wrote, “Each village was ordered by the authorities to collect and bring in a certain amount of rubber – as much as the men could bring in by neglecting all work for their own maintenance.

If they failed to bring the required amount, their women were taken away and kept as the harems of colonial government employees. If this method failed...troops were sent to the village to spread terror, if necessary by killing some of the men...they were ordered to bring one right hand amputated from an African victim for every cartridge used.” (Introduction To African Civilisations, John G. Jackson 31O-311)

The result of these atrocities according to Sir H.H. Johnston was the reduction of the African population in the Congo from twenty million to nine million people in fifteen years.

The worst genocide also occurred in Namibia in 19O4. Namibia was then a German colony. The Herero people resisted German colonialism. A well armed army under General Lothar von Trotha defeated the Hereros at the Battle of Waterberg. The German colonial aggressors drove these Africans from their land to the desert where there was no water. Seventy percent of the Herero population died of dehydration in that desert. In South Africa the Khoisan people were exterminated by colonialists after being hunted like animals and dispossessed of their land.

Effects of colonialism on Africa's past and present | Pambazuka News

To this minute, Africa’s riches are fuelling the economies of imperialist countries. Africans remain the poorest people in the world amidst their own riches in their own African Continent. As the late President Kwame Nkrumah put it, “If Africa’s resources were used in her own development they would place Africa among the most modernised continents of the world. But Africa’s wealth is used for the development of overseas interests.”

Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe the Pan-Africanist giant that was banned “this side of eternity” as John B. Vorster put it, declared, “The potential wealth of Africa in minerals, oil, hydro-electric power, and so on, is immense.” Sobukwe envisioned that by the end of the 2Oth century, “the standard of living of the African masses will undoubtedly have arisen dramatically.” Lo! This has not happened.

Perhaps, our venerated Martyr Steve Biko was being prophetic of the African condition, when he said, “At the end of it all, the Blacks have nothing to lean on, nothing to cheer them up at the present moment, and very much to be afraid of the future.”


Whenever an African country is about to be liberated, imperialists have always divided liberation movements into radicals, extremists and militants and so-called moderates. Colonialists have often called these so-called moderates to the “negotiating table” and offered them the flag and parliament – things we never made the fundamental objective of our liberation struggle.

“Today, Europeans own almost all the land in the Americas, almost all the good land in Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania and most of the best land in African countries like South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Kenya. To acquire this land outside Europe, Europeans did not use law, justice or money. They took the land and its riches with the gun....Europeans continue to own millions and millions of hectares of the best land in Africa....Whatever Robert Mugabe’s past mistakes, we must agree that on this one question of finally redistributing land to African people, he is 1OO% right...”


Regime change” is the new name coined by imperialists to continue with colonialism in a new form. The political situation in “post independent” Africa demonstrates that any true leaders, who the imperialists perceive as a threat to their economic interests, are targeted through aggressive campaigns such as “regime change.” Some of these leaders were Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, Chief Moshodi Abiola and recently Maummar Gaddafi.

So far, imperialists have found President Robert Mugabe a hard nut to crack. Two British Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and President George Bush of America have become despicable casualties in the battle field of “regime change” in Zimbabwe against President Robert Mugabe. The imperialist European leaders have gone down the political drain, on the shores of Africa. President Nicolas Sarkozy of France who enthusiastically created a “New Libya” in the imperialist war for “regime change” seems headed for the political dustbin of history.

Mugabe is still standing. He is still in command. Africa needs more African leaders like President Mugabe. Otherwise, Africa’s authentic liberation will never arrive.

Under America’s Bill Clinton’s government Chief Moshodi Abiola, a democratically elected Presidential candidate was prevented from taking power in Nigeria. Abiola was a staunch defender of Africa’s economic liberation. In 1993, he convened the First Pan African Conference on Reparations. In his speech inter alia, he said:

“Our demand for reparations is based on the tripod of moral, historical and legal argument....Who knows what path Africa’s social development would have taken if great centres of African civilisation had not been destroyed in search of human cargo by Europeans? Who knows how our economics would have developed?”

Chief Abiola added, “It is international law which compels Nigeria to pay its debts to Western banks. It is international law that must now demand Western nations to pay us what they have owed us for nearly six centuries.”

Effects of colonialism on Africa's past and present | Pambazuka News

Corruption is a problem in Africa. Corruption by white governments. This white boy bullshit of everything is our fault is crap. Just face the truth. It's time for some of you white people to grow the fuck up.

Here's what you are not getting--the system of corrupting..has been in place for a very long time now...and it came to be for the colonial powers benefit. We liked it that way..and it grew..roots--deep into the culture. Beginnings have consequences...and long after the robber's children's children's children came to feel guilt and practice checkbook philanthropy with the profits of their generational thefts--the system remains.

Here's what YOU are not getting. The days of whitey doing the exploitation are long gone. Blacks are doing it now, and have been for two generations, completely on their own.

If any one of the bastards was as enlightened as asslips and im2 claim, those leaders would invest in their population to get them educated and producing wealth of their own, instead of merely accepting the bribes they are given.

At some point they are going to have to take responsibility for themselves.

Until then they are little more than children getting their allowance from dad.
At least 400 years of of generational brainwashing needs to be undone. If our leaders were not consistently killed by whites we would be well on our way. As it is Blacks are beginning to wake up. This is what is frightening you.

I'm not frightened, dumb shit. I want the blacks to succeed. It is essential to mankind's survival that ALL races do well.

Only a fool, like you, doesn't understand that.
"I want the blacks to succeed."

Thats a hoot. Here you are denying factual history that is waking up Blacks but you claim to want Blacks to succeed? I understand you are like a lot of whites that talk out their ass on one hand but show their true colors when something hits their limbic system.

You have no factual history. You trot out fantasy and claim it is real. You claim Greeks are black. You claim Egyptians and phoenicians were black. They weren't. They were semitic. Not white, not black.

You are so insecure that you hijack everything you see and claim it is yours.
You have a pattern when you get caught in lies West. You make claims I never said. Its ok but just realize I know. Kind of sad you are too weak to to admit you have failed and are simply wrong.
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Here's what you are not getting--the system of corrupting..has been in place for a very long time now...and it came to be for the colonial powers benefit. We liked it that way..and it grew..roots--deep into the culture. Beginnings have consequences...and long after the robber's children's children's children came to feel guilt and practice checkbook philanthropy with the profits of their generational thefts--the system remains.

Here's what YOU are not getting. The days of whitey doing the exploitation are long gone. Blacks are doing it now, and have been for two generations, completely on their own.

If any one of the bastards was as enlightened as asslips and im2 claim, those leaders would invest in their population to get them educated and producing wealth of their own, instead of merely accepting the bribes they are given.

At some point they are going to have to take responsibility for themselves.

Until then they are little more than children getting their allowance from dad.
At least 400 years of of generational brainwashing needs to be undone. If our leaders were not consistently killed by whites we would be well on our way. As it is Blacks are beginning to wake up. This is what is frightening you.

I'm not frightened, dumb shit. I want the blacks to succeed. It is essential to mankind's survival that ALL races do well.

Only a fool, like you, doesn't understand that.
"I want the blacks to succeed."

Thats a hoot. Here you are denying factual history that is waking up Blacks but you claim to want Blacks to succeed? I understand you are like a lot of whites that talk out their ass on one hand but show their true colors when something hits their limbic system.

You have no factual history. You trot out fantasy and claim it is real. You claim Greeks are black. You claim Egyptians and phoenicians were black. They weren't. They were semitic. Not white, not black.

You are so insecure that you hijack everything you see and claim it is yours.

He's trotted out proven history. This shit whites like you call history has so many holes in it, Jordan Spieth uses it for practice.
Here's what YOU are not getting. The days of whitey doing the exploitation are long gone. Blacks are doing it now, and have been for two generations, completely on their own.

If any one of the bastards was as enlightened as asslips and im2 claim, those leaders would invest in their population to get them educated and producing wealth of their own, instead of merely accepting the bribes they are given.

At some point they are going to have to take responsibility for themselves.

Until then they are little more than children getting their allowance from dad.
At least 400 years of of generational brainwashing needs to be undone. If our leaders were not consistently killed by whites we would be well on our way. As it is Blacks are beginning to wake up. This is what is frightening you.

I'm not frightened, dumb shit. I want the blacks to succeed. It is essential to mankind's survival that ALL races do well.

Only a fool, like you, doesn't understand that.
"I want the blacks to succeed."

Thats a hoot. Here you are denying factual history that is waking up Blacks but you claim to want Blacks to succeed? I understand you are like a lot of whites that talk out their ass on one hand but show their true colors when something hits their limbic system.

You have no factual history. You trot out fantasy and claim it is real. You claim Greeks are black. You claim Egyptians and phoenicians were black. They weren't. They were semitic. Not white, not black.

You are so insecure that you hijack everything you see and claim it is yours.

He's trotted out proven history. This shit whites like you call history has so many holes in it, Jordan Spieth uses it for practice.

No it's not you moron. It is black liberation theology. It has no basis in fact at all. Claiming cleopatra was black is idiotic and flies in the face of well known historical fact.
Here's what YOU are not getting. The days of whitey doing the exploitation are long gone. Blacks are doing it now, and have been for two generations, completely on their own.

If any one of the bastards was as enlightened as asslips and im2 claim, those leaders would invest in their population to get them educated and producing wealth of their own, instead of merely accepting the bribes they are given.

At some point they are going to have to take responsibility for themselves.

Until then they are little more than children getting their allowance from dad.
At least 400 years of of generational brainwashing needs to be undone. If our leaders were not consistently killed by whites we would be well on our way. As it is Blacks are beginning to wake up. This is what is frightening you.

I'm not frightened, dumb shit. I want the blacks to succeed. It is essential to mankind's survival that ALL races do well.

Only a fool, like you, doesn't understand that.
"I want the blacks to succeed."

Thats a hoot. Here you are denying factual history that is waking up Blacks but you claim to want Blacks to succeed? I understand you are like a lot of whites that talk out their ass on one hand but show their true colors when something hits their limbic system.

You have no factual history. You trot out fantasy and claim it is real. You claim Greeks are black. You claim Egyptians and phoenicians were black. They weren't. They were semitic. Not white, not black.

You are so insecure that you hijack everything you see and claim it is yours.
You have a pattern when you get caught in lies West. You make claims I never said. Its ok but just realize I know. Kind of sad you are too weak to to admit you have failed and are simply wrong.

One of you clowns claims cleopatra was black. She wasn't. She was greek.
Here's what YOU are not getting. The days of whitey doing the exploitation are long gone. Blacks are doing it now, and have been for two generations, completely on their own.

If any one of the bastards was as enlightened as asslips and im2 claim, those leaders would invest in their population to get them educated and producing wealth of their own, instead of merely accepting the bribes they are given.

At some point they are going to have to take responsibility for themselves.

Until then they are little more than children getting their allowance from dad.
At least 400 years of of generational brainwashing needs to be undone. If our leaders were not consistently killed by whites we would be well on our way. As it is Blacks are beginning to wake up. This is what is frightening you.

I'm not frightened, dumb shit. I want the blacks to succeed. It is essential to mankind's survival that ALL races do well.

Only a fool, like you, doesn't understand that.
"I want the blacks to succeed."

Thats a hoot. Here you are denying factual history that is waking up Blacks but you claim to want Blacks to succeed? I understand you are like a lot of whites that talk out their ass on one hand but show their true colors when something hits their limbic system.

You have no factual history. You trot out fantasy and claim it is real. You claim Greeks are black. You claim Egyptians and phoenicians were black. They weren't. They were semitic. Not white, not black.

You are so insecure that you hijack everything you see and claim it is yours.

He's trotted out proven history. This shit whites like you call history has so many holes in it, Jordan Spieth uses it for practice.
Your article's writer does a trained historian..among other things...I recognize some of the slant..but POV is always present--and can be allowed for. Nothing he says is new..of course..but it is taking a long time for the whole story to be told. As for slaves..oddly enough..Britain and most of the Roman provinces were farmed for slaves..for about 200 years...but it was never profitable to scale up the practice to where it had a deleterious effect. In fact..the Roman occupation gave the Europeans a written language and a nodding acquaintance with learning that was to serve them well...later in their history.

Yes, Blacks like to trot out other 'people of color' to prove the point that history was not so Euro-centric as has been taught. I find little wrong with the practice. Most people don't care about the finer points..and the overwhelming point..that it was not all White the one the needs to be made.

Africa is lost though...I see little hope for it..sadly. Our scramble for resources is only going to get worse...and Africa cannot resist being raped..again. China...Russia...Iran....Egypt...will take what they want...who is to stop them/ Us? I think not...we will not go to war for least not the people of Africa..we might fight for the right to rape Mother Africa one more time..but that's about it.

Our demographic change is accelerating...but as the cultures merge...the desire to take up the African cause will wane. We will be a lot darker in the next hundred years..but the mainstream culture..will remain 'white'..for a very long time. matter the complexion of the populace.
At least 400 years of of generational brainwashing needs to be undone. If our leaders were not consistently killed by whites we would be well on our way. As it is Blacks are beginning to wake up. This is what is frightening you.

I'm not frightened, dumb shit. I want the blacks to succeed. It is essential to mankind's survival that ALL races do well.

Only a fool, like you, doesn't understand that.
"I want the blacks to succeed."

Thats a hoot. Here you are denying factual history that is waking up Blacks but you claim to want Blacks to succeed? I understand you are like a lot of whites that talk out their ass on one hand but show their true colors when something hits their limbic system.

You have no factual history. You trot out fantasy and claim it is real. You claim Greeks are black. You claim Egyptians and phoenicians were black. They weren't. They were semitic. Not white, not black.

You are so insecure that you hijack everything you see and claim it is yours.
You have a pattern when you get caught in lies West. You make claims I never said. Its ok but just realize I know. Kind of sad you are too weak to to admit you have failed and are simply wrong.

One of you clowns claims cleopatra was black. She wasn't. She was greek.
I would be disappointed in you if youre tactics werent so amusing. :laugh:
At least 400 years of of generational brainwashing needs to be undone. If our leaders were not consistently killed by whites we would be well on our way. As it is Blacks are beginning to wake up. This is what is frightening you.

I'm not frightened, dumb shit. I want the blacks to succeed. It is essential to mankind's survival that ALL races do well.

Only a fool, like you, doesn't understand that.
"I want the blacks to succeed."

Thats a hoot. Here you are denying factual history that is waking up Blacks but you claim to want Blacks to succeed? I understand you are like a lot of whites that talk out their ass on one hand but show their true colors when something hits their limbic system.

You have no factual history. You trot out fantasy and claim it is real. You claim Greeks are black. You claim Egyptians and phoenicians were black. They weren't. They were semitic. Not white, not black.

You are so insecure that you hijack everything you see and claim it is yours.
You have a pattern when you get caught in lies West. You make claims I never said. Its ok but just realize I know. Kind of sad you are too weak to to admit you have failed and are simply wrong.

One of you clowns claims cleopatra was black. She wasn't. She was greek.
You met her? Saw a photo?

I thought not....her family was of Greek descent...but how many generations was Cleo away from Greece? Dark-complected does not mean Black...i agree..but it sure doesn't mean White either.

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