Another lie debunked-Africans did nothing before the white man

You have no factual history. You trot out fantasy and claim it is real. You claim Greeks are black. You claim Egyptians and phoenicians were black. They weren't. They were semitic. Not white, not black.

You are so insecure that you hijack everything you see and claim it is yours.
You have a pattern when you get caught in lies West. You make claims I never said. Its ok but just realize I know. Kind of sad you are too weak to to admit you have failed and are simply wrong.

One of you clowns claims cleopatra was black. She wasn't. She was greek.
You met her? Saw a photo?

I thought not....her family was of Greek descent...but how many generations was Cleo away from Greece? Dark-complected does not mean Black...i agree..but it sure doesn't mean White either.
West is just flinging shit hoping something will take the attention off his easily disproven claims. Heres is the rub. Greeks were all manner of races so her mother could have been Black. Either way she was at least half Black.
Or a quarter..or maybe just had a good tan! LOL! My that she was not white....since anyone with any knowledge of Egypt knows that with the Assyrian and Hittite admixture....African genes abounded. It is strange to me that this would matter to anyone......but I gotta admit..that the degree that some are resistant to the very telling!

Assyria and Hittite population centers were thousands of miles from any other black center of population.

Greeks were semite, asia minor mixtures. Not white. Not black.
No, they weren't. Greeks were Greek. One race, several tribes, a written language and high art. Art that you don't see in Africa until they bring it there from ....Greece.
If that were true why did all those Greeks no one knew about become famous Greeks after they went to Africa to study?

What the fuck are you babbling about now

The library at Alexandria was a center for learning for a very long time. Blacks had little to do with it.
Prove Blacks had very little to do with it.

Prove they had ANYTHING to do with it
I already did. You made the claim. Show us how you know Blacks had nothing to do with it.

If you make the claim, you have to provide the evidence. Black liberation theology is not credible.
If that were true why did all those Greeks no one knew about become famous Greeks after they went to Africa to study?

What the fuck are you babbling about now

The library at Alexandria was a center for learning for a very long time. Blacks had little to do with it.
Prove Blacks had very little to do with it.

Prove they had ANYTHING to do with it
I already did. You made the claim. Show us how you know Blacks had nothing to do with it.

If you make the claim, you have to provide the evidence. Black liberation theology is not credible.
I already provided the evidence. White eurocentric denial is not credible.
He's trotted out proven history. This shit whites like you call history has so many holes in it, Jordan Spieth uses it for practice.
Your article's writer does a trained historian..among other things...I recognize some of the slant..but POV is always present--and can be allowed for. Nothing he says is new..of course..but it is taking a long time for the whole story to be told. As for slaves..oddly enough..Britain and most of the Roman provinces were farmed for slaves..for about 200 years...but it was never profitable to scale up the practice to where it had a deleterious effect. In fact..the Roman occupation gave the Europeans a written language and a nodding acquaintance with learning that was to serve them well...later in their history.

Yes, Blacks like to trot out other 'people of color' to prove the point that history was not so Euro-centric as has been taught. I find little wrong with the practice. Most people don't care about the finer points..and the overwhelming point..that it was not all White the one the needs to be made.

Africa is lost though...I see little hope for it..sadly. Our scramble for resources is only going to get worse...and Africa cannot resist being raped..again. China...Russia...Iran....Egypt...will take what they want...who is to stop them/ Us? I think not...we will not go to war for least not the people of Africa..we might fight for the right to rape Mother Africa one more time..but that's about it.

Our demographic change is accelerating...but as the cultures merge...the desire to take up the African cause will wane. We will be a lot darker in the next hundred years..but the mainstream culture..will remain 'white'..for a very long time. matter the complexion of the populace.

I disagree with you on several counts. The Picts and Celts had a written language, as did the scandinavians.

Slaves have been used by virtually every culture in mans history. Slav, as a culture derives from them being harvested as slaves for over 1000 years. They are white.

The amalgamation of races is indeed accelerating but I see Asia being the dominant racial group. They already outnumber most racial groups and it will only increase.
Blacks outnumber everyone else. The dark gene is dominant to boot. Just because whites refuse to recognize other ethnicities as Black dont make it any less a reality. ya lost me...but is cool...ROTF! I needed the laugh. Race is not you well know. Genetic heritage..without the concomitant cultural meaningless....***smiles****
Well its pretty simple. Whites claim that to be Black you have to adhere to their standard of "sub-saharan" which Blacks reject out of hand. Sub sahran is a location not a race or ethnicity.

Here are some people from Malaysia

View attachment 289189

Here I agree with you.
You have a pattern when you get caught in lies West. You make claims I never said. Its ok but just realize I know. Kind of sad you are too weak to to admit you have failed and are simply wrong.

One of you clowns claims cleopatra was black. She wasn't. She was greek.
You met her? Saw a photo?

I thought not....her family was of Greek descent...but how many generations was Cleo away from Greece? Dark-complected does not mean Black...i agree..but it sure doesn't mean White either.
West is just flinging shit hoping something will take the attention off his easily disproven claims. Heres is the rub. Greeks were all manner of races so her mother could have been Black. Either way she was at least half Black.
Or a quarter..or maybe just had a good tan! LOL! My that she was not white....since anyone with any knowledge of Egypt knows that with the Assyrian and Hittite admixture....African genes abounded. It is strange to me that this would matter to anyone......but I gotta admit..that the degree that some are resistant to the very telling!

Assyria and Hittite population centers were thousands of miles from any other black center of population.

Greeks were semite, asia minor mixtures. Not white. Not black.
So why did they make statues of Black people and why did the Greek Herodotus say the Egyptians were Black?
What the fuck are you babbling about now

The library at Alexandria was a center for learning for a very long time. Blacks had little to do with it.
Prove Blacks had very little to do with it.

Prove they had ANYTHING to do with it
I already did. You made the claim. Show us how you know Blacks had nothing to do with it.

If you make the claim, you have to provide the evidence. Black liberation theology is not credible.
I already provided the evidence. White eurocentric denial is not credible.

I never claimed the greeks were white, dumbass
Prove Blacks had very little to do with it.

Prove they had ANYTHING to do with it
I already did. You made the claim. Show us how you know Blacks had nothing to do with it.

If you make the claim, you have to provide the evidence. Black liberation theology is not credible.
I already provided the evidence. White eurocentric denial is not credible.

I never claimed the greeks were white, dumbass
Who said you did? Your claim is that some of the Greeks were not Black. Your other claim is that Blacks didnt build Egypt when the evidence is plain that they did.
One of you clowns claims cleopatra was black. She wasn't. She was greek.
You met her? Saw a photo?

I thought not....her family was of Greek descent...but how many generations was Cleo away from Greece? Dark-complected does not mean Black...i agree..but it sure doesn't mean White either.
West is just flinging shit hoping something will take the attention off his easily disproven claims. Heres is the rub. Greeks were all manner of races so her mother could have been Black. Either way she was at least half Black.
Or a quarter..or maybe just had a good tan! LOL! My that she was not white....since anyone with any knowledge of Egypt knows that with the Assyrian and Hittite admixture....African genes abounded. It is strange to me that this would matter to anyone......but I gotta admit..that the degree that some are resistant to the very telling!

Assyria and Hittite population centers were thousands of miles from any other black center of population.

Greeks were semite, asia minor mixtures. Not white. Not black.
So why did they make statues of Black people and why did the Greek Herodotus say the Egyptians were Black?

Because he doesn't. He says the Egyptians are darker, not black. Genetic studies on mummies show less bantu genetics than modern egyptians. The genetic makeup of the mummies was mainly levantine and middle eastern.
You met her? Saw a photo?

I thought not....her family was of Greek descent...but how many generations was Cleo away from Greece? Dark-complected does not mean Black...i agree..but it sure doesn't mean White either.
West is just flinging shit hoping something will take the attention off his easily disproven claims. Heres is the rub. Greeks were all manner of races so her mother could have been Black. Either way she was at least half Black.
Or a quarter..or maybe just had a good tan! LOL! My that she was not white....since anyone with any knowledge of Egypt knows that with the Assyrian and Hittite admixture....African genes abounded. It is strange to me that this would matter to anyone......but I gotta admit..that the degree that some are resistant to the very telling!

Assyria and Hittite population centers were thousands of miles from any other black center of population.

Greeks were semite, asia minor mixtures. Not white. Not black.
So why did they make statues of Black people and why did the Greek Herodotus say the Egyptians were Black?

Because he doesn't. He says the Egyptians are darker, not black. Genetic studies on mummies show less bantu genetics than modern egyptians. The genetic makeup of the mummies was mainly levantine and middle eastern.
Incorrect. He specifically uses the word black or melanchroes. FYI Bantus are not the only Black Africans in Africa.

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)

Had they been simply brown or tan, like so many African Americans, he would have used phrenychroes
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You met her? Saw a photo?

I thought not....her family was of Greek descent...but how many generations was Cleo away from Greece? Dark-complected does not mean Black...i agree..but it sure doesn't mean White either.
West is just flinging shit hoping something will take the attention off his easily disproven claims. Heres is the rub. Greeks were all manner of races so her mother could have been Black. Either way she was at least half Black.
Or a quarter..or maybe just had a good tan! LOL! My that she was not white....since anyone with any knowledge of Egypt knows that with the Assyrian and Hittite admixture....African genes abounded. It is strange to me that this would matter to anyone......but I gotta admit..that the degree that some are resistant to the very telling!

Assyria and Hittite population centers were thousands of miles from any other black center of population.

Greeks were semite, asia minor mixtures. Not white. Not black.
So why did they make statues of Black people and why did the Greek Herodotus say the Egyptians were Black?

Because he doesn't. He says the Egyptians are darker, not black. Genetic studies on mummies show less bantu genetics than modern egyptians. The genetic makeup of the mummies was mainly levantine and middle eastern.
and wonders of wonders. He isnt the only Greek to call the Egyptians Black.

Lycinus (describing a young Egyptian): "This boy is not merely black; he has thick lips and his legs are too thin . . . his hair worn in a plait behind shows that he is not a freeman."

Timolaus: "But that is a sign of really distinguished birth in Egypt, Lycinus, All freeborn children plait their hair until they reach manhood. It is the exact opposite of the custom of our ancestors who thought it seemly for old men to secure their hair with a gold brooch to keep it in place."
(Lucian, Navigations, paras 2-3)

You met her? Saw a photo?

I thought not....her family was of Greek descent...but how many generations was Cleo away from Greece? Dark-complected does not mean Black...i agree..but it sure doesn't mean White either.
West is just flinging shit hoping something will take the attention off his easily disproven claims. Heres is the rub. Greeks were all manner of races so her mother could have been Black. Either way she was at least half Black.
Or a quarter..or maybe just had a good tan! LOL! My that she was not white....since anyone with any knowledge of Egypt knows that with the Assyrian and Hittite admixture....African genes abounded. It is strange to me that this would matter to anyone......but I gotta admit..that the degree that some are resistant to the very telling!

Assyria and Hittite population centers were thousands of miles from any other black center of population.

Greeks were semite, asia minor mixtures. Not white. Not black.
So why did they make statues of Black people and why did the Greek Herodotus say the Egyptians were Black?

Because he doesn't. He says the Egyptians are darker, not black. Genetic studies on mummies show less bantu genetics than modern egyptians. The genetic makeup of the mummies was mainly levantine and middle eastern.
Even Aristotle got in on it.

"Why are the Ethiopians and Egyptians bandy-legged? Is it because the bodies of living creatures become distorted by heat, like logs of wood when they become dry? The condition of their hair supports this theory; for it is curlier than that of other nations, and curliness as it were crookedness of hair."

- Aristotle (or Aristolian), circa Third BCE
You met her? Saw a photo?

I thought not....her family was of Greek descent...but how many generations was Cleo away from Greece? Dark-complected does not mean Black...i agree..but it sure doesn't mean White either.
West is just flinging shit hoping something will take the attention off his easily disproven claims. Heres is the rub. Greeks were all manner of races so her mother could have been Black. Either way she was at least half Black.
Or a quarter..or maybe just had a good tan! LOL! My that she was not white....since anyone with any knowledge of Egypt knows that with the Assyrian and Hittite admixture....African genes abounded. It is strange to me that this would matter to anyone......but I gotta admit..that the degree that some are resistant to the very telling!

Assyria and Hittite population centers were thousands of miles from any other black center of population.

Greeks were semite, asia minor mixtures. Not white. Not black.
So why did they make statues of Black people and why did the Greek Herodotus say the Egyptians were Black?

Because he doesn't. He says the Egyptians are darker, not black. Genetic studies on mummies show less bantu genetics than modern egyptians. The genetic makeup of the mummies was mainly levantine and middle eastern.
Not looking too good for your argument there West. These are ancient Greeks saying this. Not Afrocentric Blacks.

"The Aethiopians (Ethiopians) are highly favored with the gods, they were the first of all men created by the gods and were the founders of the Egyptian Civilization."
- Diodorus Siculus, circa 60 BCE, Bibliotheca Historica.
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West is just flinging shit hoping something will take the attention off his easily disproven claims. Heres is the rub. Greeks were all manner of races so her mother could have been Black. Either way she was at least half Black.
Or a quarter..or maybe just had a good tan! LOL! My that she was not white....since anyone with any knowledge of Egypt knows that with the Assyrian and Hittite admixture....African genes abounded. It is strange to me that this would matter to anyone......but I gotta admit..that the degree that some are resistant to the very telling!

Assyria and Hittite population centers were thousands of miles from any other black center of population.

Greeks were semite, asia minor mixtures. Not white. Not black.
So why did they make statues of Black people and why did the Greek Herodotus say the Egyptians were Black?

Because he doesn't. He says the Egyptians are darker, not black. Genetic studies on mummies show less bantu genetics than modern egyptians. The genetic makeup of the mummies was mainly levantine and middle eastern.
Incorrect. He specifically uses the word black or melanchroes. FYI Bantus are not the only Black Africans in Africa.

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)

Had they been simply brown or tan, like so many African Americans, he would have used phrenychroes
Allow me to amuse myself...people are shamefully ignorant of Egypt and its history..given that Egypt was the and possibly is..the longest ( arguably) continuous nation in existence.

This for your lil discussion--you all will note the frequent mention of Nubia..both as a conqueror of Egypt and as a trading partner..and sometimes enemy..eventually Egypt conquered Nubia and integrated them into the Kingdom. Nubians..were Black..without question...they intermarried..along with the Assyrians and the many other
African polities. Which is to say..many Egyptians were dark..some were not...if a visitor met only those who were dark..that is the impression he would have taken away.
Egypt was a great nation..with diverse peoples. Which is to say..just like the US of today...there were all sorts of colors and cultures...thus I find some of the discussion here just a bit...simplistic.

Egypt and the Assyrians

In 676 B.C., the Assyrians invaded Egypt. This was the time when they introduced iron to this area. A few years after the invasion, they sacked Thebes, the city of Egypt. Declining Egypt was invaded by Nubians, and Egypt had a Nubian king, but the Assyrian defeated Nubians, and sent them back to their home. In 671 B.C., Esarhaddon, Sennachenb�s son and the king of Assyria (680 B.C.-669 B.C.) defeated Taharqa�s army, and captured Memphis. According to the record left by Esarhaddon, there was the siege and destruction of Memphis. Memphis was the capital of Egypt, and the royal residence of Taharqa. Esarhaddon set out for a further campaign, but he got sick at Harran and died.

After Esarhaddon�s death, Taharqa got a chance to regain Memphis from Assyrians and occupied it. However, in 667 (668) Taharqa was kicked out of Memphis by Ashurbanipal, Esarhaddon�s son and the king of Assyria reigned from 668 to 627 B.C.. At the time of Ashurbaipal�s Egyptian campaign, the power of Assyria was at its zenith. Although, one year after the death of Ashurbanipal in 627 B.C., Assyrians were severely beaten by the Babylonians, and their attempts to regain the lost land never succeeded. In 612 B.C., Assyria collapsed, and this resulted in the return of the Egyptian�s independence of the 26th dynasty. This independence did not last so long because of another invasion by Persian.

Ancient Egypt was known as one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Food produced by Egyptian was more than enough to feed their own people, and this surplus grains played an important role in Egypt's economy as well as fish, fine linen, papyrus and an extended trade in perfume and fine oils. They developed trading routes to far away places. There is not much doubt about Egypt had reached Assyria where Syria and Lebanon are located present days. The first recorded mention of Greater Syria is in Egyptian annals detailing expeditions to the Syrian coastland to log the cedar, pine, and cypress of the Ammanus and Lebanon mountain ranges in the fourth millennium. During 12th Dynasty, During Egyptian conquered Nubia and this led to the promotion of trading with Palestine and Syria. Egyptians imported timber applicable for carpentry on a large scale and for boat construction from Syria and Lebanon.
You have a pattern when you get caught in lies West. You make claims I never said. Its ok but just realize I know. Kind of sad you are too weak to to admit you have failed and are simply wrong.

One of you clowns claims cleopatra was black. She wasn't. She was greek.
You met her? Saw a photo?

I thought not....her family was of Greek descent...but how many generations was Cleo away from Greece? Dark-complected does not mean Black...i agree..but it sure doesn't mean White either.
West is just flinging shit hoping something will take the attention off his easily disproven claims. Heres is the rub. Greeks were all manner of races so her mother could have been Black. Either way she was at least half Black.
Or a quarter..or maybe just had a good tan! LOL! My that she was not white....since anyone with any knowledge of Egypt knows that with the Assyrian and Hittite admixture....African genes abounded. It is strange to me that this would matter to anyone......but I gotta admit..that the degree that some are resistant to the very telling!

Assyria and Hittite population centers were thousands of miles from any other black center of population.

Greeks were semite, asia minor mixtures. Not white. Not black.
Assyria and the Hittites were conquerors..they invaded many lands....including Egypt. Egypt held them off..after a generation of warfare..the Assyrians conquered them.

Greece..sure Asian mostly..with the usual Med admixtures.
You're wrong. Just understand that. You been radicalized into whiteys worldwide denial program. Things just don't magically disappear son. When you create divisions, which is what whitey did in order to colonize, you create generations of anger and mistrust. The killing of Democratically elected Lumumba created instability that continues to this very moment. So instead of injecting your dumb ass opinion, try doing some reading about these countries.

No, I am not. I have had to deal with corruption in Africa for decades. I wasn't paying off white dudes, I was paying off black dudes. I have paid tens of thousands of dollars to greedy fuckers who demanded I pay them for the privilege of cleaning up the environmental messes that they made!

When Chernobyl happened I knew a scumbag commodities broker who bought radiated milk to sell the Ethiopia and Eritrea because he figured they wouldn't be able to tell.

They were though, and he crowed about how instead of being arrested and jailed he was able to bribe a few more people and the sale was allowed to continue.

Black people poisoning black people for money.

Just like any other scumbag the world over.
Here's what you are not getting--the system of corrupting..has been in place for a very long time now...and it came to be for the colonial powers benefit. We liked it that way..and it grew..roots--deep into the culture. Beginnings have consequences...and long after the robber's children's children's children came to feel guilt and practice checkbook philanthropy with the profits of their generational thefts--the system remains.

Here's what YOU are not getting. The days of whitey doing the exploitation are long gone. Blacks are doing it now, and have been for two generations, completely on their own.

If any one of the bastards was as enlightened as asslips and im2 claim, those leaders would invest in their population to get them educated and producing wealth of their own, instead of merely accepting the bribes they are given.

At some point they are going to have to take responsibility for themselves.

Until then they are little more than children getting their allowance from dad.
Actually these days it is corporations and the whites behind them of course. Life is tough in Africa which is still in the 2008 GOP World depression.

China is THE dominant player in Africa now.
Just because our idiot Republican budgets don't allow us to spend any money on it. Just like global warming technology those Chinese are also beating us at.
Or a quarter..or maybe just had a good tan! LOL! My that she was not white....since anyone with any knowledge of Egypt knows that with the Assyrian and Hittite admixture....African genes abounded. It is strange to me that this would matter to anyone......but I gotta admit..that the degree that some are resistant to the very telling!

Assyria and Hittite population centers were thousands of miles from any other black center of population.

Greeks were semite, asia minor mixtures. Not white. Not black.
So why did they make statues of Black people and why did the Greek Herodotus say the Egyptians were Black?

Because he doesn't. He says the Egyptians are darker, not black. Genetic studies on mummies show less bantu genetics than modern egyptians. The genetic makeup of the mummies was mainly levantine and middle eastern.
Incorrect. He specifically uses the word black or melanchroes. FYI Bantus are not the only Black Africans in Africa.

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)

Had they been simply brown or tan, like so many African Americans, he would have used phrenychroes
Allow me to amuse myself...people are shamefully ignorant of Egypt and its history..given that Egypt was the and possibly is..the longest ( arguably) continuous nation in existence.

This for your lil discussion--you all will note the frequent mention of Nubia..both as a conqueror of Egypt and as a trading partner..and sometimes enemy..eventually Egypt conquered Nubia and integrated them into the Kingdom. Nubians..were Black..without question...they intermarried..along with the Assyrians and the many other
African polities. Which is to say..many Egyptians were dark..some were not...if a visitor met only those who were dark..that is the impression he would have taken away.
Egypt was a great nation..with diverse peoples. Which is to say..just like the US of today...there were all sorts of colors and cultures...thus I find some of the discussion here just a bit...simplistic.

Egypt and the Assyrians

In 676 B.C., the Assyrians invaded Egypt. This was the time when they introduced iron to this area. A few years after the invasion, they sacked Thebes, the city of Egypt. Declining Egypt was invaded by Nubians, and Egypt had a Nubian king, but the Assyrian defeated Nubians, and sent them back to their home. In 671 B.C., Esarhaddon, Sennachenb�s son and the king of Assyria (680 B.C.-669 B.C.) defeated Taharqa�s army, and captured Memphis. According to the record left by Esarhaddon, there was the siege and destruction of Memphis. Memphis was the capital of Egypt, and the royal residence of Taharqa. Esarhaddon set out for a further campaign, but he got sick at Harran and died.

After Esarhaddon�s death, Taharqa got a chance to regain Memphis from Assyrians and occupied it. However, in 667 (668) Taharqa was kicked out of Memphis by Ashurbanipal, Esarhaddon�s son and the king of Assyria reigned from 668 to 627 B.C.. At the time of Ashurbaipal�s Egyptian campaign, the power of Assyria was at its zenith. Although, one year after the death of Ashurbanipal in 627 B.C., Assyrians were severely beaten by the Babylonians, and their attempts to regain the lost land never succeeded. In 612 B.C., Assyria collapsed, and this resulted in the return of the Egyptian�s independence of the 26th dynasty. This independence did not last so long because of another invasion by Persian.

Ancient Egypt was known as one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Food produced by Egyptian was more than enough to feed their own people, and this surplus grains played an important role in Egypt's economy as well as fish, fine linen, papyrus and an extended trade in perfume and fine oils. They developed trading routes to far away places. There is not much doubt about Egypt had reached Assyria where Syria and Lebanon are located present days. The first recorded mention of Greater Syria is in Egyptian annals detailing expeditions to the Syrian coastland to log the cedar, pine, and cypress of the Ammanus and Lebanon mountain ranges in the fourth millennium. During 12th Dynasty, During Egyptian conquered Nubia and this led to the promotion of trading with Palestine and Syria. Egyptians imported timber applicable for carpentry on a large scale and for boat construction from Syria and Lebanon.
By the same token Nubia conquered Egypt and held sway for about a century. My claim is not that Egypt during all its existence was a Black only nation. Nubia freed Kemet from outsiders. My claim (which is backed by the Egyptians themselves) is that they were founded by Black people and ruled for the vast majority of its history by Blacks. Of course I'm pretty sure other people came and went but the Kemetic philosophies that were exhibited by the people were Black African philosophies reflected all over Africa. The denial of europeans to put together the evidence is astounding to me. The Egyptians said they were Black. They painted pictures of themselves as Blacks. They even said their gods were Black and came from the interior of Africa. The Greeks said they were Black The Nubians said the Egyptians were Black. Thats 3 groups that were actually there to witness this. What more does one need to admit they were Black? Note that while all these groups say the Egyptians were Black no one during that time claims they arent Black.
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Assyria and Hittite population centers were thousands of miles from any other black center of population.

Greeks were semite, asia minor mixtures. Not white. Not black.
So why did they make statues of Black people and why did the Greek Herodotus say the Egyptians were Black?

Because he doesn't. He says the Egyptians are darker, not black. Genetic studies on mummies show less bantu genetics than modern egyptians. The genetic makeup of the mummies was mainly levantine and middle eastern.
Incorrect. He specifically uses the word black or melanchroes. FYI Bantus are not the only Black Africans in Africa.

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)

Had they been simply brown or tan, like so many African Americans, he would have used phrenychroes
Allow me to amuse myself...people are shamefully ignorant of Egypt and its history..given that Egypt was the and possibly is..the longest ( arguably) continuous nation in existence.

This for your lil discussion--you all will note the frequent mention of Nubia..both as a conqueror of Egypt and as a trading partner..and sometimes enemy..eventually Egypt conquered Nubia and integrated them into the Kingdom. Nubians..were Black..without question...they intermarried..along with the Assyrians and the many other
African polities. Which is to say..many Egyptians were dark..some were not...if a visitor met only those who were dark..that is the impression he would have taken away.
Egypt was a great nation..with diverse peoples. Which is to say..just like the US of today...there were all sorts of colors and cultures...thus I find some of the discussion here just a bit...simplistic.

Egypt and the Assyrians

In 676 B.C., the Assyrians invaded Egypt. This was the time when they introduced iron to this area. A few years after the invasion, they sacked Thebes, the city of Egypt. Declining Egypt was invaded by Nubians, and Egypt had a Nubian king, but the Assyrian defeated Nubians, and sent them back to their home. In 671 B.C., Esarhaddon, Sennachenb�s son and the king of Assyria (680 B.C.-669 B.C.) defeated Taharqa�s army, and captured Memphis. According to the record left by Esarhaddon, there was the siege and destruction of Memphis. Memphis was the capital of Egypt, and the royal residence of Taharqa. Esarhaddon set out for a further campaign, but he got sick at Harran and died.

After Esarhaddon�s death, Taharqa got a chance to regain Memphis from Assyrians and occupied it. However, in 667 (668) Taharqa was kicked out of Memphis by Ashurbanipal, Esarhaddon�s son and the king of Assyria reigned from 668 to 627 B.C.. At the time of Ashurbaipal�s Egyptian campaign, the power of Assyria was at its zenith. Although, one year after the death of Ashurbanipal in 627 B.C., Assyrians were severely beaten by the Babylonians, and their attempts to regain the lost land never succeeded. In 612 B.C., Assyria collapsed, and this resulted in the return of the Egyptian�s independence of the 26th dynasty. This independence did not last so long because of another invasion by Persian.

Ancient Egypt was known as one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Food produced by Egyptian was more than enough to feed their own people, and this surplus grains played an important role in Egypt's economy as well as fish, fine linen, papyrus and an extended trade in perfume and fine oils. They developed trading routes to far away places. There is not much doubt about Egypt had reached Assyria where Syria and Lebanon are located present days. The first recorded mention of Greater Syria is in Egyptian annals detailing expeditions to the Syrian coastland to log the cedar, pine, and cypress of the Ammanus and Lebanon mountain ranges in the fourth millennium. During 12th Dynasty, During Egyptian conquered Nubia and this led to the promotion of trading with Palestine and Syria. Egyptians imported timber applicable for carpentry on a large scale and for boat construction from Syria and Lebanon.
By the same token Nubia conquered Egypt and held sway for about a century. My claim is not that Egypt during all its existence was a Black only nation. My claim (which is backed by the Egyptians themselves) is that they were founded by Black people and ruled for the vast majority of its history by Blacks. Of course I'm pretty sure other people came and went but the Kemetic philosophies that were exhibited by the people were Black African philosophies reflected all over Africa. The denial of europeans to put together the evidence is astounding to me. The Egyptians said they were Black. They painted pictures of themselves as Blacks. The Greeks said they were Black The Nubians said the Egyptians were Black. Thats 3 groups that were there to witness this.
Sure...although the Nubians were kicked out when the Assyrians invaded..and Egypt later conquered them. But no matter ...the history of Egypt is long..thousands of years..and many complexions had their a totally stagnated society..that resisted change...there are different periods where different people's held sway..the multiple invasions by the Persians and peoples from Eastern Asia changed the Demographic the time of the New Kingdom.

thanx for the chance to dust off the old skills--although I still don't think it really both sides don't really care about the history..but rather they care about how they can shape their narratives with a patina of historical imprimatur.
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So why did they make statues of Black people and why did the Greek Herodotus say the Egyptians were Black?

Because he doesn't. He says the Egyptians are darker, not black. Genetic studies on mummies show less bantu genetics than modern egyptians. The genetic makeup of the mummies was mainly levantine and middle eastern.
Incorrect. He specifically uses the word black or melanchroes. FYI Bantus are not the only Black Africans in Africa.

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)

Had they been simply brown or tan, like so many African Americans, he would have used phrenychroes
Allow me to amuse myself...people are shamefully ignorant of Egypt and its history..given that Egypt was the and possibly is..the longest ( arguably) continuous nation in existence.

This for your lil discussion--you all will note the frequent mention of Nubia..both as a conqueror of Egypt and as a trading partner..and sometimes enemy..eventually Egypt conquered Nubia and integrated them into the Kingdom. Nubians..were Black..without question...they intermarried..along with the Assyrians and the many other
African polities. Which is to say..many Egyptians were dark..some were not...if a visitor met only those who were dark..that is the impression he would have taken away.
Egypt was a great nation..with diverse peoples. Which is to say..just like the US of today...there were all sorts of colors and cultures...thus I find some of the discussion here just a bit...simplistic.

Egypt and the Assyrians

In 676 B.C., the Assyrians invaded Egypt. This was the time when they introduced iron to this area. A few years after the invasion, they sacked Thebes, the city of Egypt. Declining Egypt was invaded by Nubians, and Egypt had a Nubian king, but the Assyrian defeated Nubians, and sent them back to their home. In 671 B.C., Esarhaddon, Sennachenb�s son and the king of Assyria (680 B.C.-669 B.C.) defeated Taharqa�s army, and captured Memphis. According to the record left by Esarhaddon, there was the siege and destruction of Memphis. Memphis was the capital of Egypt, and the royal residence of Taharqa. Esarhaddon set out for a further campaign, but he got sick at Harran and died.

After Esarhaddon�s death, Taharqa got a chance to regain Memphis from Assyrians and occupied it. However, in 667 (668) Taharqa was kicked out of Memphis by Ashurbanipal, Esarhaddon�s son and the king of Assyria reigned from 668 to 627 B.C.. At the time of Ashurbaipal�s Egyptian campaign, the power of Assyria was at its zenith. Although, one year after the death of Ashurbanipal in 627 B.C., Assyrians were severely beaten by the Babylonians, and their attempts to regain the lost land never succeeded. In 612 B.C., Assyria collapsed, and this resulted in the return of the Egyptian�s independence of the 26th dynasty. This independence did not last so long because of another invasion by Persian.

Ancient Egypt was known as one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Food produced by Egyptian was more than enough to feed their own people, and this surplus grains played an important role in Egypt's economy as well as fish, fine linen, papyrus and an extended trade in perfume and fine oils. They developed trading routes to far away places. There is not much doubt about Egypt had reached Assyria where Syria and Lebanon are located present days. The first recorded mention of Greater Syria is in Egyptian annals detailing expeditions to the Syrian coastland to log the cedar, pine, and cypress of the Ammanus and Lebanon mountain ranges in the fourth millennium. During 12th Dynasty, During Egyptian conquered Nubia and this led to the promotion of trading with Palestine and Syria. Egyptians imported timber applicable for carpentry on a large scale and for boat construction from Syria and Lebanon.
By the same token Nubia conquered Egypt and held sway for about a century. My claim is not that Egypt during all its existence was a Black only nation. My claim (which is backed by the Egyptians themselves) is that they were founded by Black people and ruled for the vast majority of its history by Blacks. Of course I'm pretty sure other people came and went but the Kemetic philosophies that were exhibited by the people were Black African philosophies reflected all over Africa. The denial of europeans to put together the evidence is astounding to me. The Egyptians said they were Black. They painted pictures of themselves as Blacks. The Greeks said they were Black The Nubians said the Egyptians were Black. Thats 3 groups that were there to witness this.
Sure...although the Nubians were kicked out when the Assyrians invaded..and Egypt later conquered them. But no matter ...the history of Egypt is long..thousands of years..and many complexions had their a totally stagnated society..that resisted change...there are different periods were different people's held sway..the multiple invasions by the Persians and peoples from Eastern Asia changed the Demographic the time of the New Kingdom.

thanx for the chance to dust off the old skills--although I still don't think it really both sides don't really care about the history..but rather they care about how they can shape their narratives with a patina of historical imprimatur.
I agree. The new kingdom saw many complexions. However, the old kingdom and middle kingdoms are the ones that built the Great Pyramids and established Kemetic civilization and philosophies. These were the kingdoms led by indigenous Black Africans.
So why did they make statues of Black people and why did the Greek Herodotus say the Egyptians were Black?

Because he doesn't. He says the Egyptians are darker, not black. Genetic studies on mummies show less bantu genetics than modern egyptians. The genetic makeup of the mummies was mainly levantine and middle eastern.
Incorrect. He specifically uses the word black or melanchroes. FYI Bantus are not the only Black Africans in Africa.

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)

Had they been simply brown or tan, like so many African Americans, he would have used phrenychroes
Allow me to amuse myself...people are shamefully ignorant of Egypt and its history..given that Egypt was the and possibly is..the longest ( arguably) continuous nation in existence.

This for your lil discussion--you all will note the frequent mention of Nubia..both as a conqueror of Egypt and as a trading partner..and sometimes enemy..eventually Egypt conquered Nubia and integrated them into the Kingdom. Nubians..were Black..without question...they intermarried..along with the Assyrians and the many other
African polities. Which is to say..many Egyptians were dark..some were not...if a visitor met only those who were dark..that is the impression he would have taken away.
Egypt was a great nation..with diverse peoples. Which is to say..just like the US of today...there were all sorts of colors and cultures...thus I find some of the discussion here just a bit...simplistic.

Egypt and the Assyrians

In 676 B.C., the Assyrians invaded Egypt. This was the time when they introduced iron to this area. A few years after the invasion, they sacked Thebes, the city of Egypt. Declining Egypt was invaded by Nubians, and Egypt had a Nubian king, but the Assyrian defeated Nubians, and sent them back to their home. In 671 B.C., Esarhaddon, Sennachenb�s son and the king of Assyria (680 B.C.-669 B.C.) defeated Taharqa�s army, and captured Memphis. According to the record left by Esarhaddon, there was the siege and destruction of Memphis. Memphis was the capital of Egypt, and the royal residence of Taharqa. Esarhaddon set out for a further campaign, but he got sick at Harran and died.

After Esarhaddon�s death, Taharqa got a chance to regain Memphis from Assyrians and occupied it. However, in 667 (668) Taharqa was kicked out of Memphis by Ashurbanipal, Esarhaddon�s son and the king of Assyria reigned from 668 to 627 B.C.. At the time of Ashurbaipal�s Egyptian campaign, the power of Assyria was at its zenith. Although, one year after the death of Ashurbanipal in 627 B.C., Assyrians were severely beaten by the Babylonians, and their attempts to regain the lost land never succeeded. In 612 B.C., Assyria collapsed, and this resulted in the return of the Egyptian�s independence of the 26th dynasty. This independence did not last so long because of another invasion by Persian.

Ancient Egypt was known as one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Food produced by Egyptian was more than enough to feed their own people, and this surplus grains played an important role in Egypt's economy as well as fish, fine linen, papyrus and an extended trade in perfume and fine oils. They developed trading routes to far away places. There is not much doubt about Egypt had reached Assyria where Syria and Lebanon are located present days. The first recorded mention of Greater Syria is in Egyptian annals detailing expeditions to the Syrian coastland to log the cedar, pine, and cypress of the Ammanus and Lebanon mountain ranges in the fourth millennium. During 12th Dynasty, During Egyptian conquered Nubia and this led to the promotion of trading with Palestine and Syria. Egyptians imported timber applicable for carpentry on a large scale and for boat construction from Syria and Lebanon.
By the same token Nubia conquered Egypt and held sway for about a century. My claim is not that Egypt during all its existence was a Black only nation. My claim (which is backed by the Egyptians themselves) is that they were founded by Black people and ruled for the vast majority of its history by Blacks. Of course I'm pretty sure other people came and went but the Kemetic philosophies that were exhibited by the people were Black African philosophies reflected all over Africa. The denial of europeans to put together the evidence is astounding to me. The Egyptians said they were Black. They painted pictures of themselves as Blacks. The Greeks said they were Black The Nubians said the Egyptians were Black. Thats 3 groups that were there to witness this.
Sure...although the Nubians were kicked out when the Assyrians invaded..and Egypt later conquered them. But no matter ...the history of Egypt is long..thousands of years..and many complexions had their a totally stagnated society..that resisted change...there are different periods where different people's held sway..the multiple invasions by the Persians and peoples from Eastern Asia changed the Demographic the time of the New Kingdom.

thanx for the chance to dust off the old skills--although I still don't think it really both sides don't really care about the history..but rather they care about how they can shape their narratives with a patina of historical imprimatur.
Actually the last 20 to 30 years have seen the beginnings of archaeology in sub-Saharan Africa which mainly discredits racist opinions.
Because he doesn't. He says the Egyptians are darker, not black. Genetic studies on mummies show less bantu genetics than modern egyptians. The genetic makeup of the mummies was mainly levantine and middle eastern.
Incorrect. He specifically uses the word black or melanchroes. FYI Bantus are not the only Black Africans in Africa.

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.)

Had they been simply brown or tan, like so many African Americans, he would have used phrenychroes
Allow me to amuse myself...people are shamefully ignorant of Egypt and its history..given that Egypt was the and possibly is..the longest ( arguably) continuous nation in existence.

This for your lil discussion--you all will note the frequent mention of Nubia..both as a conqueror of Egypt and as a trading partner..and sometimes enemy..eventually Egypt conquered Nubia and integrated them into the Kingdom. Nubians..were Black..without question...they intermarried..along with the Assyrians and the many other
African polities. Which is to say..many Egyptians were dark..some were not...if a visitor met only those who were dark..that is the impression he would have taken away.
Egypt was a great nation..with diverse peoples. Which is to say..just like the US of today...there were all sorts of colors and cultures...thus I find some of the discussion here just a bit...simplistic.

Egypt and the Assyrians

In 676 B.C., the Assyrians invaded Egypt. This was the time when they introduced iron to this area. A few years after the invasion, they sacked Thebes, the city of Egypt. Declining Egypt was invaded by Nubians, and Egypt had a Nubian king, but the Assyrian defeated Nubians, and sent them back to their home. In 671 B.C., Esarhaddon, Sennachenb�s son and the king of Assyria (680 B.C.-669 B.C.) defeated Taharqa�s army, and captured Memphis. According to the record left by Esarhaddon, there was the siege and destruction of Memphis. Memphis was the capital of Egypt, and the royal residence of Taharqa. Esarhaddon set out for a further campaign, but he got sick at Harran and died.

After Esarhaddon�s death, Taharqa got a chance to regain Memphis from Assyrians and occupied it. However, in 667 (668) Taharqa was kicked out of Memphis by Ashurbanipal, Esarhaddon�s son and the king of Assyria reigned from 668 to 627 B.C.. At the time of Ashurbaipal�s Egyptian campaign, the power of Assyria was at its zenith. Although, one year after the death of Ashurbanipal in 627 B.C., Assyrians were severely beaten by the Babylonians, and their attempts to regain the lost land never succeeded. In 612 B.C., Assyria collapsed, and this resulted in the return of the Egyptian�s independence of the 26th dynasty. This independence did not last so long because of another invasion by Persian.

Ancient Egypt was known as one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Food produced by Egyptian was more than enough to feed their own people, and this surplus grains played an important role in Egypt's economy as well as fish, fine linen, papyrus and an extended trade in perfume and fine oils. They developed trading routes to far away places. There is not much doubt about Egypt had reached Assyria where Syria and Lebanon are located present days. The first recorded mention of Greater Syria is in Egyptian annals detailing expeditions to the Syrian coastland to log the cedar, pine, and cypress of the Ammanus and Lebanon mountain ranges in the fourth millennium. During 12th Dynasty, During Egyptian conquered Nubia and this led to the promotion of trading with Palestine and Syria. Egyptians imported timber applicable for carpentry on a large scale and for boat construction from Syria and Lebanon.
By the same token Nubia conquered Egypt and held sway for about a century. My claim is not that Egypt during all its existence was a Black only nation. My claim (which is backed by the Egyptians themselves) is that they were founded by Black people and ruled for the vast majority of its history by Blacks. Of course I'm pretty sure other people came and went but the Kemetic philosophies that were exhibited by the people were Black African philosophies reflected all over Africa. The denial of europeans to put together the evidence is astounding to me. The Egyptians said they were Black. They painted pictures of themselves as Blacks. The Greeks said they were Black The Nubians said the Egyptians were Black. Thats 3 groups that were there to witness this.
Sure...although the Nubians were kicked out when the Assyrians invaded..and Egypt later conquered them. But no matter ...the history of Egypt is long..thousands of years..and many complexions had their a totally stagnated society..that resisted change...there are different periods where different people's held sway..the multiple invasions by the Persians and peoples from Eastern Asia changed the Demographic the time of the New Kingdom.

thanx for the chance to dust off the old skills--although I still don't think it really both sides don't really care about the history..but rather they care about how they can shape their narratives with a patina of historical imprimatur.
Actually the last 20 to 30 years have seen the beginnings of archaeology in sub-Saharan Africa which mainly discredits racist opinions.
True dat. They are finding that in the Congo there was an ancient civiilization that existed. Not much is known about it yet but some information is coming out. They had rasied beds of agriculture in the middle of what was supposed to be virgin jungle.


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