Another lie debunked-Africans did nothing before the white man

You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.

Whitey hasn't been meddling in Africa for two generations. Anything that your black leaders are doing is on them. Get it through your thick skull that whitey is not the cause of the problems now.

It is you.
Bullshit. Who owns the diamond companies in Africa?

Who cares. The company's pay a fee to the ruling elite. Who is the ruling elite? Oh,'s black dudes.
Right here. Dont tell me youre getting blind in your old age?


Ummmm, those aren't epicanthal folds. Dude. Are you blind?
So you dont even know what epicanthal folds are?

Epicanthic fold - Wikipedia

"its occurrence in various African peoples precludes a cold-adaptive explanation for it appearing in the latter groups. The epicanthic fold found in some African people has been tentatively linked to protection for the eye from the high levels of ultra-violet light found in desert and semi-desert areas.["

Yes, they can occur in children of all types. Who then outgrow them. They are found in some African tribes and there is no known reason for them to have it other than possible breeding with ancient Chinese traders who traded in Africa at least 2000 years ago.
Show me one African that started out with slanted eyes and out grew them. Maybe not known to whites but we Blacks know you dont have to have a drop of Asian blood and you can have slanted eyes just like an Asian. There are plenty of reasons. One glaring one is that homo sapiens sapiens started in African not Asia. Sorry old tymer but youre simply wrong. Also if the San mated with Asians wouldnt that show up in the DNA?

Epicanthal folds is an Asian trait. ALL Asians have them. The fact that a few African tribes have them means they are acquired, the most logical method of acquisition is mating with Chinese traders who we know traveled all over the world.

That is simple science, and logic.

You have fantasy.
No dummy all Asians dont have epicanthic folds and its not just an Asian trait. Even if it were its still represented on the African continent where the San are as about genetically distant as you can get from east Asians.

You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.
so why were the Africans so far behind the whites BEFORE whitey got there and caused them to be behind.....???!!!

Don't waste your time. These guys are delusional.
Ummmm, those aren't epicanthal folds. Dude. Are you blind?
So you dont even know what epicanthal folds are?

Epicanthic fold - Wikipedia

"its occurrence in various African peoples precludes a cold-adaptive explanation for it appearing in the latter groups. The epicanthic fold found in some African people has been tentatively linked to protection for the eye from the high levels of ultra-violet light found in desert and semi-desert areas.["

Yes, they can occur in children of all types. Who then outgrow them. They are found in some African tribes and there is no known reason for them to have it other than possible breeding with ancient Chinese traders who traded in Africa at least 2000 years ago.
Show me one African that started out with slanted eyes and out grew them. Maybe not known to whites but we Blacks know you dont have to have a drop of Asian blood and you can have slanted eyes just like an Asian. There are plenty of reasons. One glaring one is that homo sapiens sapiens started in African not Asia. Sorry old tymer but youre simply wrong. Also if the San mated with Asians wouldnt that show up in the DNA?

Epicanthal folds is an Asian trait. ALL Asians have them. The fact that a few African tribes have them means they are acquired, the most logical method of acquisition is mating with Chinese traders who we know traveled all over the world.

That is simple science, and logic.

You have fantasy.
No dummy all Asians dont have epicanthic folds and its not just an Asian trait. Even if it were its still represented on the African continent where the San are as about genetically distant as you can get from east Asians.

Yeah, they do. The only ones who don't are those who have mated with whites or blacks.
So you dont even know what epicanthal folds are?

Epicanthic fold - Wikipedia

"its occurrence in various African peoples precludes a cold-adaptive explanation for it appearing in the latter groups. The epicanthic fold found in some African people has been tentatively linked to protection for the eye from the high levels of ultra-violet light found in desert and semi-desert areas.["

Yes, they can occur in children of all types. Who then outgrow them. They are found in some African tribes and there is no known reason for them to have it other than possible breeding with ancient Chinese traders who traded in Africa at least 2000 years ago.
Show me one African that started out with slanted eyes and out grew them. Maybe not known to whites but we Blacks know you dont have to have a drop of Asian blood and you can have slanted eyes just like an Asian. There are plenty of reasons. One glaring one is that homo sapiens sapiens started in African not Asia. Sorry old tymer but youre simply wrong. Also if the San mated with Asians wouldnt that show up in the DNA?

Epicanthal folds is an Asian trait. ALL Asians have them. The fact that a few African tribes have them means they are acquired, the most logical method of acquisition is mating with Chinese traders who we know traveled all over the world.

That is simple science, and logic.

You have fantasy.
No dummy all Asians dont have epicanthic folds and its not just an Asian trait. Even if it were its still represented on the African continent where the San are as about genetically distant as you can get from east Asians.

Yeah, they do.
Youre delusional old tymer. Not all Asians have epicanthic folds just like not all Africans have an epicanthic fold. I just presented you the proof.

The Evolution of Looks and Expectations of Asian Eyelid and Eye Appearance

"The Asian eyelid often has excess fatty tissue, a narrow palpebral fissure, downward pointing eyelashes without a cutaneous insertion to the levator muscle, and the superior palpebral fold is absent (Figs. 2 and and3).3). Epicanthal folds are present in about half the Asian population"
I already knew why their farming sucks. Why do you think their soil is depleted. What is the proximal cause.
it's in the link
The root of the problem lies in poor farming practices and erosion by water and wind

Naturally low quality and human-induced low quality soils now characterize much of the African landscap
Soil Quality and Soil Productivity in Africa | NRCS Soils

You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.
Undoubtedly true...We used Africa like a disposable brute force first...and then by trickery..both economic and covert. This is plain fact and beyond any reasonable dispute. Not that we..America..were the only ones..or the first--all of Europe got a piece of Africa--but we're the only ones that prattled about the Rights of Man..while enslaving our fellow men and women. Both literally..and then economically. We seduced corruption..and when that didn't work..we suborned bloody support our corrupt proxies.
Now..the argument can be made that a country..benefited from this..and we did. But let's not get it twisted..we were not the good guys...and all the Foreign Aid...and fine talk--can not make up for the 100's of years of intentional misuse.

Our wealth as a nation rests upon the poverty of many others. That's a fact. I'd not change it, at this point..I like my lifestyle---but I'm not blind to how it all came to be..and I feel no need to make up a narrative of inferiority of the races just to justify the thefts of my ancestors.
Yes, they can occur in children of all types. Who then outgrow them. They are found in some African tribes and there is no known reason for them to have it other than possible breeding with ancient Chinese traders who traded in Africa at least 2000 years ago.
Show me one African that started out with slanted eyes and out grew them. Maybe not known to whites but we Blacks know you dont have to have a drop of Asian blood and you can have slanted eyes just like an Asian. There are plenty of reasons. One glaring one is that homo sapiens sapiens started in African not Asia. Sorry old tymer but youre simply wrong. Also if the San mated with Asians wouldnt that show up in the DNA?

Epicanthal folds is an Asian trait. ALL Asians have them. The fact that a few African tribes have them means they are acquired, the most logical method of acquisition is mating with Chinese traders who we know traveled all over the world.

That is simple science, and logic.

You have fantasy.
No dummy all Asians dont have epicanthic folds and its not just an Asian trait. Even if it were its still represented on the African continent where the San are as about genetically distant as you can get from east Asians.

Yeah, they do.
Youre delusional old tymer. Not all Asians have epicanthic folds just like not all Africans have an epicanthic fold. I just presented you the proof.

Very few Africans do. That's the point.
Show me one African that started out with slanted eyes and out grew them. Maybe not known to whites but we Blacks know you dont have to have a drop of Asian blood and you can have slanted eyes just like an Asian. There are plenty of reasons. One glaring one is that homo sapiens sapiens started in African not Asia. Sorry old tymer but youre simply wrong. Also if the San mated with Asians wouldnt that show up in the DNA?

Epicanthal folds is an Asian trait. ALL Asians have them. The fact that a few African tribes have them means they are acquired, the most logical method of acquisition is mating with Chinese traders who we know traveled all over the world.

That is simple science, and logic.

You have fantasy.
No dummy all Asians dont have epicanthic folds and its not just an Asian trait. Even if it were its still represented on the African continent where the San are as about genetically distant as you can get from east Asians.

Yeah, they do.
Youre delusional old tymer. Not all Asians have epicanthic folds just like not all Africans have an epicanthic fold. I just presented you the proof.

Very few Africans do. That's the point.
You said the trait didnt exist on the African continent. That was the point.
You also all Asians have an epicanthic fold and you were wrong about that as well. Thats another point.
Epicanthal folds is an Asian trait. ALL Asians have them. The fact that a few African tribes have them means they are acquired, the most logical method of acquisition is mating with Chinese traders who we know traveled all over the world.

That is simple science, and logic.

You have fantasy.
No dummy all Asians dont have epicanthic folds and its not just an Asian trait. Even if it were its still represented on the African continent where the San are as about genetically distant as you can get from east Asians.

Yeah, they do.
Youre delusional old tymer. Not all Asians have epicanthic folds just like not all Africans have an epicanthic fold. I just presented you the proof.

Very few Africans do. That's the point.
You said the trait didnt exist on the African continent. That was the point.
You also all Asians have an epicanthic fold and you were wrong about that as well. Thats another point.

You claim that Africa is the source of everything. Epicanthal folds did not originate in Africa. They originated in Asia and were INTRODUCED into Africa by Chinese traders 2000 years ago.

That is the point.

You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.
Undoubtedly true...We used Africa like a disposable brute force first...and then by trickery..both economic and covert. This is plain fact and beyond any reasonable dispute. Not that we..America..were the only ones..or the first--all of Europe got a piece of Africa--but we're the only ones that prattled about the Rights of Man..while enslaving our fellow men and women. Both literally..and then economically. We seduced corruption..and when that didn't work..we suborned bloody support our corrupt proxies.
Now..the argument can be made that a country..benefited from this..and we did. But let's not get it twisted..we were not the good guys...and all the Foreign Aid...and fine talk--can not make up for the 100's of years of intentional misuse.

Our wealth as a nation rests upon the poverty of many others. That's a fact. I'd not change it, at this point..I like my lifestyle---but I'm not blind to how it all came to be..and I feel no need to make up a narrative of inferiority of the races just to justify the thefts of my ancestors.
Sub-Saharan Africa is a huge region largely bereft of natural resources and intelligent or organized people. In other words, a shithole.

Historically, it's only significant resource was slaves from whose sale some Africans prospered. The world has changed and today there is little demand for them.

That's life.

You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.
Undoubtedly true...We used Africa like a disposable brute force first...and then by trickery..both economic and covert. This is plain fact and beyond any reasonable dispute. Not that we..America..were the only ones..or the first--all of Europe got a piece of Africa--but we're the only ones that prattled about the Rights of Man..while enslaving our fellow men and women. Both literally..and then economically. We seduced corruption..and when that didn't work..we suborned bloody support our corrupt proxies.
Now..the argument can be made that a country..benefited from this..and we did. But let's not get it twisted..we were not the good guys...and all the Foreign Aid...and fine talk--can not make up for the 100's of years of intentional misuse.

Our wealth as a nation rests upon the poverty of many others. That's a fact. I'd not change it, at this point..I like my lifestyle---but I'm not blind to how it all came to be..and I feel no need to make up a narrative of inferiority of the races just to justify the thefts of my ancestors.
stop PLEASE--stop posting all the links and evidence
You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.
Undoubtedly true...We used Africa like a disposable brute force first...and then by trickery..both economic and covert. This is plain fact and beyond any reasonable dispute. Not that we..America..were the only ones..or the first--all of Europe got a piece of Africa--but we're the only ones that prattled about the Rights of Man..while enslaving our fellow men and women. Both literally..and then economically. We seduced corruption..and when that didn't work..we suborned bloody support our corrupt proxies.
Now..the argument can be made that a country..benefited from this..and we did. But let's not get it twisted..we were not the good guys...and all the Foreign Aid...and fine talk--can not make up for the 100's of years of intentional misuse.

Our wealth as a nation rests upon the poverty of many others. That's a fact. I'd not change it, at this point..I like my lifestyle---but I'm not blind to how it all came to be..and I feel no need to make up a narrative of inferiority of the races just to justify the thefts of my ancestors.
Sub-Saharan Africa is a huge region largely bereft of natural resources and intelligent or organized people. In other words, a shithole.

Historically, it's only significant resource was slaves from whose sale some Africans prospered. The world has changed and today there is little demand for them.

That's life.

Actually, Africa has huge mineral wealth. Currently the Chinese are exploiting it.

You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.
Undoubtedly true...We used Africa like a disposable brute force first...and then by trickery..both economic and covert. This is plain fact and beyond any reasonable dispute. Not that we..America..were the only ones..or the first--all of Europe got a piece of Africa--but we're the only ones that prattled about the Rights of Man..while enslaving our fellow men and women. Both literally..and then economically. We seduced corruption..and when that didn't work..we suborned bloody support our corrupt proxies.
Now..the argument can be made that a country..benefited from this..and we did. But let's not get it twisted..we were not the good guys...and all the Foreign Aid...and fine talk--can not make up for the 100's of years of intentional misuse.

Our wealth as a nation rests upon the poverty of many others. That's a fact. I'd not change it, at this point..I like my lifestyle---but I'm not blind to how it all came to be..and I feel no need to make up a narrative of inferiority of the races just to justify the thefts of my ancestors.
....we---?? you must not be American--because it was the Belgians/Brits/etc that were there--not so much the US
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.
Undoubtedly true...We used Africa like a disposable brute force first...and then by trickery..both economic and covert. This is plain fact and beyond any reasonable dispute. Not that we..America..were the only ones..or the first--all of Europe got a piece of Africa--but we're the only ones that prattled about the Rights of Man..while enslaving our fellow men and women. Both literally..and then economically. We seduced corruption..and when that didn't work..we suborned bloody support our corrupt proxies.
Now..the argument can be made that a country..benefited from this..and we did. But let's not get it twisted..we were not the good guys...and all the Foreign Aid...and fine talk--can not make up for the 100's of years of intentional misuse.

Our wealth as a nation rests upon the poverty of many others. That's a fact. I'd not change it, at this point..I like my lifestyle---but I'm not blind to how it all came to be..and I feel no need to make up a narrative of inferiority of the races just to justify the thefts of my ancestors.
Sub-Saharan Africa is a huge region largely bereft of natural resources and intelligent or organized people. In other words, a shithole.

Historically, it's only significant resource was slaves from whose sale some Africans prospered. The world has changed and today there is little demand for them.

That's life.

Actually, Africa has huge mineral wealth. Currently the Chinese are exploiting it.
Allowing our morals to control our markets hurt the bottom line. Chinese getting rich off of Blood Diamonds could be money made in America.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.
Undoubtedly true...We used Africa like a disposable brute force first...and then by trickery..both economic and covert. This is plain fact and beyond any reasonable dispute. Not that we..America..were the only ones..or the first--all of Europe got a piece of Africa--but we're the only ones that prattled about the Rights of Man..while enslaving our fellow men and women. Both literally..and then economically. We seduced corruption..and when that didn't work..we suborned bloody support our corrupt proxies.
Now..the argument can be made that a country..benefited from this..and we did. But let's not get it twisted..we were not the good guys...and all the Foreign Aid...and fine talk--can not make up for the 100's of years of intentional misuse.

Our wealth as a nation rests upon the poverty of many others. That's a fact. I'd not change it, at this point..I like my lifestyle---but I'm not blind to how it all came to be..and I feel no need to make up a narrative of inferiority of the races just to justify the thefts of my ancestors.
Sub-Saharan Africa is a huge region largely bereft of natural resources and intelligent or organized people. In other words, a shithole.

Historically, it's only significant resource was slaves from whose sale some Africans prospered. The world has changed and today there is little demand for them.

That's life.

Actually, Africa has huge mineral wealth. Currently the Chinese are exploiting it.
We get that, but it is a huge region and more importantly, the native population has no ability to exploit it.

You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.
..if the blacks were so smart/smarter, how come they let the whites fk up their countries>>>??????!!
The blacks had not reached the scumbag heights that the whites had...
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You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.
..if the blacks were so smart/smarter, how come they let the whites fk up their countries>>>??????!!
The blacks had not reached the scumbag heights that the whites had...
they were in the stone age
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.
..if the blacks were so smart/smarter, how come they let the whites fk up their countries>>>??????!!
The blacks had not reached the scumbag heights that the whites had...
they were in the stone age
except they had iron 2500 years before. Is there a chance you could learn something someday?
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oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.
Undoubtedly true...We used Africa like a disposable brute force first...and then by trickery..both economic and covert. This is plain fact and beyond any reasonable dispute. Not that we..America..were the only ones..or the first--all of Europe got a piece of Africa--but we're the only ones that prattled about the Rights of Man..while enslaving our fellow men and women. Both literally..and then economically. We seduced corruption..and when that didn't work..we suborned bloody support our corrupt proxies.
Now..the argument can be made that a country..benefited from this..and we did. But let's not get it twisted..we were not the good guys...and all the Foreign Aid...and fine talk--can not make up for the 100's of years of intentional misuse.

Our wealth as a nation rests upon the poverty of many others. That's a fact. I'd not change it, at this point..I like my lifestyle---but I'm not blind to how it all came to be..and I feel no need to make up a narrative of inferiority of the races just to justify the thefts of my ancestors.
Sub-Saharan Africa is a huge region largely bereft of natural resources and intelligent or organized people. In other words, a shithole.

Historically, it's only significant resource was slaves from whose sale some Africans prospered. The world has changed and today there is little demand for them.

That's life.

Actually, Africa has huge mineral wealth. Currently the Chinese are exploiting it.
That's not exactly how it's happening right now.

You are avoiding the question. Why does their soil suck, and why have they been unable to fix it.
oo--sorry--it's whitey's fault

That's not what I said. Most of Africa's problems are because of Africa's BLACK leaders. It's not race related, it is simple greed on the part of the leadership.

You're wrong. Again, I'll use the example of the Congo.

In 1961 the US CIA had president Patrice Lumumba assassinated. We supported a man named Mobutu Sese Soko and armed him to get the job done. We came to know him as Mobutu. We hired him to kill a man, then whites like you want to get self righteous about the corruption our government empowered. There are examples of this all over Africa.

Whitey hasn't been meddling in Africa for two generations. Anything that your black leaders are doing is on them. Get it through your thick skull that whitey is not the cause of the problems now.

It is you.

You're wrong. Just understand that. You been radicalized into whiteys worldwide denial program. Things just don't magically disappear son. When you create divisions, which is what whitey did in order to colonize, you create generations of anger and mistrust. The killing of Democratically elected Lumumba created instability that continues to this very moment. So instead of injecting your dumb ass opinion, try doing some reading about these countries.

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